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CL Answer

Do any supplements reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, or tighten the skin?

Learn about collagen, biotin, CoQ10, cocoa, soy isoflavones, phytoceramides, and other supplements for reducing wrinkles and improving aging skin.

Elderly Woman Smiling Looking in Mirror

Product Review

Collagen Supplements Review

See our Top Picks for Wrinkles and Joints

CL Answer

Estrogen Creams for Wrinkles?

Find out if estrogen creams can help reduce wrinkles, whether they are safe, and how "prescription" estriol and estradiol creams and gels differ from those sold over-the-counter.

Older woman applying estriol cream for wrinkles

CL Answer

Can eating almonds reduce wrinkles or have other health benefits?

Find out if eating almonds can reduce wrinkles or improve aging skin.

Eating Almonds to Reduce Wrinkles? -- woman with handful of almonds

Clinical Update


Estriol Cream for Wrinkles

Estriol creams are sold over-the-counter as well as by prescription. Find out if they help with wrinkles, how products differ, and if they are safe to use in our new article about estriol cream for wrinkles.

Also see our article about supplements for wrinkles.

Product Review

Dark Chocolates, Cocoa & Cacao Powders, Nibs, and Supplements Review -- Sources of Flavanols

Is Your Chocolate or Cocoa Healthful or Toxic? Find the Best Dark Chocolate, Cocoa Powder and Cocoa Supplements Based On Our Tests.

Product Review

Bone Broth Review

Find the Best Bone Broth. Find Out How Much Collagen and Sodium Is Really In Popular Bone Broths.

Bone Broth Supplements Reviewed by

CL Answer

What are phytoceramides? Do phytoceramide supplements really work to improve aging skin?

Phytoceramide supplement information, including what they are, what they claim to do, and if they have anti-aging effects.

Phytoceramides for Aging Skin? -- woman looking at skin up close in mirror

Clinical Update


Collagen for Wrinkles?

A new study put a popular branded collagen ingredient to the test, measuring its effects on collagen content in the skin and on facial wrinkles, including wrinkles around the eyes. See the results in our updated answer to the question: Do collagen or hyaluronic acid supplements really help aging or wrinkled skin?

Clinical Update


Hyaluronic Acid for Wrinkles?

Does supplementing with hyaluronic acid reduce wrinkles or improve skin elasticity in middle-aged men and women? See what a new study found in the Aging Skin and Wrinkles section of our Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for collagen supplements for skin and for joints.

Clinical Update


Collagen for Wrinkles

Can taking hydrolyzed collagen in low daily doses reduce wrinkles and improve skin hydration in older women? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Collagen Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks among collagen supplements for skin wrinkles.

Clinical Update


Ritual Supplement for Wrinkles?

Does HyaCera by Ritual, a supplement promoted for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, work? Find out what research suggests in our article about phytoceramides.

Also see: Does CoQ10 reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, or tighten the skin? Are there any other supplements that can help?

Clinical Update


Collagen for Wrinkles?

How much did collagen supplementation reduce the severity of "crow’s feet" wrinkles around the eyes in a recent study? Find out in the Aging skin and wrinkles section of our Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among collagen supplements for skin and for joints.

Clinical Update


Vitamin E for Wrinkles?

Does vitamin E, taken as a supplement or applied topically, reduce skin damage and/or wrinkles? See what the evidence suggests in our Vitamin E Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among vitamin E supplements and oils and creams.

Also see: Do any supplements reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, or tighten the skin?

CL Answer

Do collagen or hyaluronic acid supplements really help aging or wrinkled skin?

Find out if collagen & hyaluronic acid supplements really help for aging or wrinkled skin and for skin care.

Collagen Supplements for Wrinkles? -- woman looking closely at her face in a mirror

Product Review

Astaxanthin Supplements Review

See Which Astaxanthin Products Passed or Failed CL's Tests

Astaxanthin supplements reviewed by

CL Answer

Do face creams, anti-aging serums, and acne gel treatments containing vitamin A or retinol reduce bone density or increase the risk of fractures?

Find out if using face creams, anti-aging serums, or acne gel treatments containing vitamin A or retinol can reduce bone mineral density or increase the risk of fractures,

Retinol Cream Effects on Bone Density

CL Answer

Does silica have health benefits? What is BioSil, and can it really increase collagen production and strengthen hair, skin, nails and bones?

Information about the health effects of silica (silicon dioxide) and orthosilicic acid (an ingredient in BioSil), including whether these forms of silicon can really increase collagen production, thicken hair, strengthen nails & bones.

Does BioSil Strengthen Hair, Skin and Nails? -- Bottle of BioSil

Product Review

Lycopene Supplements Review

Find the Best Lycopene Supplements. CL Tests Reveal That Not All Lycopene Supplements Contain What They Claim.

Lycopene Supplements Reviewed by

Clinical Update


Almonds for Wrinkles?

Can eating almonds reduce facial wrinkles in postmenopausal women? See what a new study found.

Clinical Update


Kidney Caution With Almonds

The large amount of almonds shown to slightly reduce wrinkles in recent studies could be problematic for people with a history of kidney stones. Get the details in our updated answer to the question: Can eating almonds reduce wrinkles?

Clinical Update


Cocoa for Wrinkles?

A study in older women found that drinking a high-flavanol cocoa drink each day increased skin elasticity. And while wrinkles deepened among those drinking a placebo, they stayed stable in the cocoa-drinking group. For details about the amount of cocoa consumed (and its flavanol content), as well as our tests of flavanols (and contaminants) in popular cocoa powders and chocolates, see the Cocoa Powders, Dark Chocolate, Extracts, Nibs, & Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


CoQ10 for Wrinkles

Taking a daily dose of CoQ10 may help to reduce facial wrinkles in older women, according to a preliminary study. Get the details and learn more about CoQ10 supplements in the "What It Does" section of the CoQ10 Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Lycopene for Wrinkles?

A recent study tested the effects of lycopene supplementation on wrinkles around the eyes ("crow's feet") in older women. Find out if it helped in the What It Does section of the Lycopene Supplements Review. Also see our Top Pick among lycopene supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin C Serums for Wrinkles?

Can applying vitamin C to the skin reduce wrinkles or help prevent sun damage? Find out in the Skin Health section of our Vitamin C supplements review.

Also learn what features you should look for if selecting a vitamin C serum.

Clinical Update


Biotin for Skin Health?

Biotin has been promoted for reducing wrinkles, but does clinical research support this? Find out in the Biotin (B-7) section of our B Vitamin Supplements Review, which also discusses the evidence for biotin for treating brittle nails and hair loss.

Also, see our CL Answer about supplements for reducing wrinkles and tightening the skin.

Clinical Update


D-Ribose: For Wrinkles? Effect on Cognition?

Find out if D-ribose can reduce skin wrinkles, and learn if it might worsen cognitive function in our updated article about D-ribose.

Clinical Update


Soy for Wrinkles?

Did taking soy protein with isoflavones reduce wrinkles, pigmentation, or dry skin in postmenopausal women? Find out what a recent study showed in the Soy section of our Menopause Supplements Review.

Also see our article about supplements for tightening skin as well as our Top Pick collagen supplement for skin.

Clinical Update


Collagen Plus MSM for Skin?

Does taking MSM along with collagen reduce skin roughness or wrinkles as much as collagen without MSM? See what a new study found in the Aging skin and wrinkles section of our Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among collagen supplements for skin.

Clinical Update


Estrogen Cream for Wrinkles?

After we wrote about OTC estriol cream for aging skin earlier this week, readers asked about using prescription estradiol cream. We’ve added information about that to our article about estrogen creams for wrinkles.

Clinical Update


Omega-7s for Wrinkles?

Did taking an omega-7 supplement decrease wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”) in a recent study? Find out in our Fish, Krill, and Algal Oil Supplements Review, which includes our Top Pick for getting omega-7s.

Also see: Do any supplements increase skin elasticity or tighten the skin?

Clinical Update


Collagen vs. Moisturizer?

Can taking collagen noticeably improve aged skin for people already using a daily moisturizer? Find out what a recent study showed in the Aging skin and wrinkles section of our Collagen Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for collagen supplements.

Also see: Does CoQ10 reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, or tighten the skin? Are there any other supplements that can help?

Clinical Update


Cocoa Flavanols for Wrinkles?

Does taking a cocoa supplement reduce wrinkles or increase skin moisture in middle-aged men and women? See what a recent study found in our Cocoa & Dark Chocolate Review, which includes our Top Picks among cocoa powders, supplements, and dark chocolate bars.

CL Answer

What are the health benefits of dark chocolate?

Information on the health benefits of dark chocolate, including how dark chocolate may improve heart health, decrease blood sugar levels and more.'s answer explains.

The Benefits of Dark Chocolate -- Dark chocolate, cocoa powder and stethoscope

Product Review

Mangosteen Juice and Supplements Review Article

What Are the Benefits of Mangosteen Juice and Supplements? Find Out What Mangosteen Can and Cannot Do For Your Health.

CL Answer

What are the health benefits of D-ribose and is it safe?

Find out if D-ribose supplementation is beneficial for heart failure, exercise performance, and fibromyalgia and learn if it is safe.

Two measuring scoops and capsules of D-ribose on black countertop

Clinical Update


Collagen for the Skin

Supplementing with collagen to improve aging skin is popular, but does it work? The latest study with collagen used a higher dose than other studies, but is a higher dose better? Find out in the What It Does section of the Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for collagen for wrinkles and for osteoarthritis.

Clinical Update


Collagen for Knees?

Collagen supplements have been tested in many studies to reduce pain and/or improve function in osteoarthritic knees. A recent study focused on collagen peptides. Find out if they worked (and see the results for other collagen products) in the Joint Pain section of the Collagen Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for collagen supplements for joint pain and for wrinkles.

Clinical Update


Phytoceramides for Aging Skin?

Can phytoceramide supplements reduce wrinkles and improve the appearance of aging skin? See what a recent study found in our updated answer to the question: What are phytoceramides? Do phytoceramide supplements really work to improve aging skin?

Clinical Update


Reducing Oxalates in Almonds

Can roasting, soaking or blanching almonds reduce oxalates without affecting nutrient content? Find out in our updated answer to the question: Can eating almonds reduce wrinkles?

Clinical Update


Almonds vs. Pretzels

Did eating almonds yield greater strength or antioxidant benefits than pretzels in a recent study? Find out in our article: Can eating almonds reduce wrinkles or have other health benefits?

Clinical Update


Ceramides for Skin Benefits?

Does having ceramides in topical skin products (such as those from QV Intensive and CeraVe) make them better for skin hydration? Find out what research suggests in our article about phytoceramides.

Also see our article about supplements for wrinkles.

Clinical Update


Vegan Collagen?

Find out if VeCollal, a vegan collagen alternative, actually contains collagen and if there is evidence that it reduces wrinkles. Also see our Top Pick collagen supplement for skin.

Also, learn whether adding collagen to coffee is likely to reduce the heart benefits of coffee.

Clinical Update


Konjac Ceramides for Skin?

Does taking konjac ceramides (found in the ingredient SkinCera) improve skin appearance? Find out what a study showed in the skin hydration and wrinkles section of our article about phytoceramides.

Clinical Update


Better Skin With Bovine Colostrum?

Bovine colostrum supplements have been promoted for improving aging skin and reducing wrinkles, but is there any evidence of this? Find out in our article about bovine colostrum, which includes our top choice among products.

Clinical Update


Vitamin A for Aging Skin?

Does taking high-dose vitamin A and vitamin E improve aging skin when combined with topical application of retinoic and glycolic acids? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Vitamin A Supplements Review.

Also see: if any other supplements reduce wrinkles.

Clinical Update


How to Get UV-A Protection from Sunscreen

UV-A radiation from the sun causes wrinkles and age-spots. Many people don't realize that SPF values on sunscreens refer only to UV-B protection. Find out what to look for on labels to determine UV-A protection.

We've also updated our list of sunscreens made with safer ingredients.

Clinical Update


Mad Cow Disease from Collagen or Gelatin?

Can collagen or gelatin (including gelatin capsules) be contaminated with the infectious agent that causes "mad cow disease"? Find out. Also see our tests of collagen supplements and our Top Picks for skin & wrinkles and Top Picks for joints & tendons.

Clinical Update


Caution with Wrinkle Creams

Be aware of skin reactions to creams containing alpha-lipoic acid. See the Concerns and Cautions section of our Alpha-Lipoic Acid Review for details.

Clinical Update


Collagen "Boosters"?

A CL Member asked if taking Essential Skin Food -- or other non-collagen products marketed for collagen production -- reduces wrinkles. Find out in the ConsumerTips section of our Collagen Supplements Review.

Also see our Top Pick collagen supplements for skin health and for joint pain.

Clinical Update


Collagen Versus Whey Protein?

Find out if taking collagen (which is a protein) improves wrinkles if you already use a protein powder, such as whey. Also, learn if collagen is as good as whey for muscle maintenance.

Clinical Update


Estrogen Cream Side Effects

Be aware that a formulation change to a popular OTC estrogen cream may be causing unexpected side effects. See our article about estrogen creams for wrinkles.

Clinical Update


Do Estrogen Creams Cause Migraine?

Several CL members have reported migraine after using estrogen creams. Is this a known side effect? Find out in our article about estrogen creams for wrinkles.

CL Answer

What is the best sunscreen based on safety and efficacy?

We’ve boiled down the latest research about mineral and chemical sunscreens, including product tests, to help you choose the best sunscreen (which will depend on whether you expect to be in or out of the water). We also list popular sunscreens that have, or have not, been found to contain cancer-causing compounds (benzene and benzophenone).

Carcinogens in Sunscreens - Bottle of sunscreen with a question mark

Product Review

Vitamin E Supplements Review

Find the Best Vitamin E Supplement. Tests and Reviews of Popular Vitamin E Supplements & CL's Top Picks.

Vitamin E Supplements, Cream, and Oil Tested by

CL Answer

Does red and near infrared light therapy reduce pain, improve skin or cognition, or have other benefits? Is it safe?

Red light and near infrared light therapy devices are promoted for numerous conditions, including acne, fibromyalgia, pain, cognitive function and other uses. Find out if these devices work and if they are safe.

Woman using a red light device on her lower leg

Product Review

Protein Powders, Shakes, and Meal Replacements Review

Find Out Which Protein Products Passed or Failed Our Tests

Product Review

CoQ10 and Ubiquinol Supplements Review

Find the Best CoQ10 and Ubiquinol Supplements and Learn How They Differ

CoQ10 2024

News Release

December 28, 2023

10 Most Popular ConsumerLab Product Reviews of 2023

White Plains, New York, December 28, 2023 —  In 2023, ConsumerLab tested more than two hundred products, adding to its extensive Product Reviews covering 150 categories of supplements, foods, and other health products. Among these, the following 10 were the most popular in 2023:

CL Answer

What are the health benefits of bovine colostrum and is it safe?

Bovine colostrum is promoted for boosting immunity, preventing and treating diarrhea, and improving gut health, but does it really work? See the clinical evidence for bovine colostrum, including doses that have been used, as well as safety concerns, cost considerations, and the difference between regular bovine colostrum and hyperimmune bovine colostrum.

Bovine colostrum powder and capsule supplements

CL Answer

ConsumerLab’s Review of The 'Pause Nutrition Supplements by Dr. Mary Claire Haver – Are They Worth It?

Looking into The 'Pause Nutrition supplements by Dr. Mary Claire Haver? ConsumerLab examines the value of products like Omega-3 + Vitamin D3 & K2, Fiber GDX, Skin Boost Plus, and more. Find out if these supplements are worth the price and discover affordable alternatives.

The Pause

Product Review

Vitamin A Supplements Review, Including Beta-Carotene and Cod Liver Oil

Find the Best Vitamin A Supplement. Best Quality Vitamin A Supplements Identified, Including Cod Liver Oil.

Vitamin A Supplements (Including Cod Liver Oil) Reviewed by

News Release

July 26, 2023

Best Collagen Supplements for Skin and Joints, According to ConsumerLab Tests

White Plains, New York, July 26, 2023 —  Collagen supplementation may modestly reduce wrinkles and the appearance of cellulite, and moderately decrease joint and tendon pain and improve flexibility in people with osteoarthritis.

News Release

July 23, 2021

Best Astaxanthin Supplements Identified In Testing by ConsumerLab

White Plains, New York, July 23, 2021 —Astaxanthin supplements are promoted for a wide range of uses, such as increasing physical endurance, reducing inflammation and wrinkles, protecting from sunburn, and lowering triglyceride levels.

CL Answer

Are antioxidant supplements good or bad for you?

Learn more about whether antioxidants like astaxanthin, beta-carotene, coenzyme Q10, curcumin, resveratrol, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E are safe and if they help prevent chronic diseases.

Can Antioxidants Cause You to Die Sooner? -- antioxidant supplements and carrots

CL Answer

Can biotin supplements really strengthen nails or improve hair? Can other supplements help?

Learn more about strengthening brittle nails with vitamin B-7 (biotin), based on clinical evidence.

Supplements for Brittle Nails -- healthy nails

CL Answer

Does collagen taken as a supplement help with arthritis? I'm seeing it in products for joint health.

Learn more about collagen supplements, including evidence from clinical studies on arthritis and muscle strength and safety.

Collagen Supplements for Joint Pain

News Release

October 04, 2019

ConsumerLab Tests Reveal Best Collagen Supplements for Wrinkles and Joints

White Plains, New York, October 4, 2019 — Collagen supplements are promoted to reduce wrinkles and decrease joint pain and stiffness, but do they really work, and if so, which products on the market provide the best quality collagen and the best value? To find out, ConsumerLab carefully ...

News Release

March 27, 2018

You Can't Always Rely on Bone Broth Labels -- ConsumerLab Tests Reveal How Much Protein, Collagen and Sodium Is Really In Bone Broths

White Plains, New York, March 27, 2018 — Bone broth is promoted as a natural source of collagen, an immune-booster, and a remedy for everything from joint pain to wrinkles.

News Release

December 08, 2003 dispels myths about HGH human growth hormone supplements sold widely on Internet

WHITE PLAINS, NY — December 8, 2003 — has released a review of the scientific evidence behind human growth hormone (hGH or HGH) supplements.

Recalls & Warnings

January 25, 2018

Bulletproof Collagen Protein Recalled

On January 25, 2018, Bulletproof 360, Inc issued a recall of its Bulletproof Collagen Protein supplement because it contains undeclared milk.

Recalls & Warnings

May 30, 2017

Maker of Collagen Supplement Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On July 17, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Morhaim Pharmalab, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

September 16, 2015

Weight And Enhancement Supplement Recall Expanded

On September 11, 2015, One Minute Miracle Inc. issued a recall of all lots the following supplements which were found to contain undeclared drugs:

Recalls & Warnings

August 30, 2015

Weight and Enhancement Supplements Recalled

On August 27, 2015, One Minute Miracle Inc. issued a recall of one lot each the following supplements which were found to contain undeclared drugs:

Recalls & Warnings

July 30, 2004

FTC Sues Florida Man for Illegal Spam and False "Human Growth Hormone" Product Claims

On July 29, 2004, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported that a federal court in Chicago has issued a court order halting illegal spamming and deceptive product claims, and has also frozen the assets of Creaghan A. Harry, a resident of Boca Raton, Florida.