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Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin D Review 2024

See our tests and comparisons of vitamin D supplements and find out which we consider the best to use -- including those with calcium. Also learn how to choose the right dose and form of vitamin D, how to take vitamin D to get the most from it, what vitamin D does and doesn't do, and how much is "too much" vitamin D.

Vitamin D Supplements Review

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Product Review

Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplements Review

Best Multivitamins -- Caution with Gummies

Product Review

Calcium and Bone Health Supplements Review (Including Vitamins D & K, Magnesium and Boron)

See Which Bone Health Supplements Are Top Picks and Which Fail

Calcium Review 2024

Product Review

Vitamin K Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium & Boron)

Find Out If It's Worth Taking Vitamin K and Which Products Are Best

Vitamin K Review 2024

Product Review

Protein Powders, Shakes, and Meal Replacements Review

Find Out Which Protein Products Passed or Failed Our Tests

Product Review

Plant-Based Milks Review (Almond, Cashew, Coconut, Flax, Hemp, Macadamia, Oat, Pea, and Soy)

Find the Best Non-Dairy Milk Alternative. ConsumerLab Tests Reveal What's Really In Plant-Based Milks.

Plant Based Milks reviewed by

CL Answer

Is it possible to get too much vitamin D?

Too much vitamin D can lead to adverse effects, including hypercalcemia (excess calcium in the blood).

Too Much Vitamin D? -- bottle of vitamin D and vitamin D tablets in the shape of the letter D

CL Answer

A blood test showed my vitamin D level is low. How do I know how much vitamin D to take?

Find out how to increase vitamin D blood levels, including a good target range.

Vitamin D

Product Review

Tuna, Salmon, Sardines & Herring Review (Canned and Packaged)

Find Products With the Least Mercury and Most Omega-3s

Product Review

Dark Chocolates, Cocoa & Cacao Powders, Nibs, and Supplements Review -- Sources of Flavanols

Is Your Chocolate or Cocoa Healthful or Toxic? Find the Best Dark Chocolate, Cocoa Powder and Cocoa Supplements Based On Our Tests.

CL Answer

As vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, why is it necessary to take it every day?

Find out how best to take vitamin D supplements, including cautions on overdoses.

Do I need to take vitamin D daily

CL Answer

Do any supplements help with COVID-19? Do supplements like vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, or herbals work?

Find out if natural remedies & supplements for coronavirus such as zinc, vitamin C, garlic, or elderberry help to prevent or treat COVID-19.

Supplements for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? -- mask and pills

Product Review

Magnesium Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Vitamins D & K, and Boron)

Find Out What Magnesium Does, Who Needs It, and Our Top Picks Among Supplements

Magnesium Review 2024

CL Answer

I spend a lot of time in the sun, especially in the summer. Does this mean my vitamin D levels could get too high?

Find out if spending too much time outside, especially in the summer, can cause excess vitamin D levels in the body.

Elderly Couple Sitting on Beach Under Umbrella

CL Answer

ConsumerLab’s Review of The 'Pause Nutrition Supplements by Dr. Mary Claire Haver – Are They Worth It?

Looking into The 'Pause Nutrition supplements by Dr. Mary Claire Haver? ConsumerLab examines the value of products like Omega-3 + Vitamin D3 & K2, Fiber GDX, Skin Boost Plus, and more. Find out if these supplements are worth the price and discover affordable alternatives.

The Pause

Product Review

Shelled Walnuts (Halves & Pieces)

See Our Top Picks for Walnuts

Walnuts Review 2023

Product Review

Sunflower Seeds and Butters Review

High Levels of Toxin Found in Most Sunflower Seeds and Butters

Sunflower Seeds & Butters 2024

Product Review

Boron Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamins D & K)

Is Boron Needed for Bone Health? Find Out and See Our Top Pick Among Supplements

Boron Review 2024

CL Answer

What is the best source of vitamin D3 -- from lanolin in sheep's wool or from fish oil?

Learn more about vitamin D3 sources, such as lanolin (from wool) and fish oil, as well as their prices and their effects.

What is the best source of vitamin D3 -- from lanolin in sheep's wool or from fish oil?

CL Answer

Is there a difference between taking vitamin D in the dry form versus the oil capsules? Is one better than the other?

Learn more about how to take vitamin D, the best form to take and the best time of time day to take vitamin D.

Is there a difference between vitamin D forms?

Product Review

Rolled Oats and Steel-Cut Oats Review

Find the Best Rolled and Steel-Cut Oats -- Beware of Unexpected Gluten.

Rolled and Steel Cut Oats 2024

CL Answer

Does Z-Stack multivitamin work to boost the immune system, and is it safe?

Find out about Z-Stack, including if it can help boost the immune system and if it is safe to use at the suggested dose.

A bottle of Z-Stack capsules

Product Review

Gluten-Free Grains Review (Buckwheat, Quinoa, Sorghum, Millet, and Teff)

31% of Gluten-Free Grains Fail Our Tests Due to Contaminants. Quinoa, Buckwheat, Sorghum, Millet and Teff Tested.

Grains Review

CL Answer

Are There Supplements That Help Treat POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)?

Find out which supplements and lifestyle changes may be helpful for people with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).


CL Answer

Risks of Too Many Vitamins & Supplements

Taking too many vitamin supplements -- or taking too much of a particular supplement -- can have short and long-term adverse effects.

Too Many Vitamins

CL Answer

Which vitamins and minerals should be taken together or separately?

Find out the best way to take vitamins and minerals and which vitamins and minerals should be taken together or separately for proper absorption. ConsumerLab answer explains the best way to take vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins & Minerals That Should Be Taken Together or Separately -- various vitamins in spoons

CL Answer

Top 8 vitamins and nutrients for vegetarians and vegans

Find out which 8 supplements may be needed by vegetarians or vegans to meet all their daily nutrient requirements and learn ways to find supplements that do not contain ingredients objectionable to people following vegetarian or vegan diets.

Woman pouring supplements into her hand while sitting in front of a table on which vegetables are placed

Product Review

Nutritional Yeast Review

Inaccurate Labeling Discovered on Most Nutritional Yeasts. Best Fortified and Non-Fortified Products Identified.

Nutritional Yeast Review

Product Review

Whole, Ground, Milled, and Cracker Flaxseed Review

High Levels of Cadmium Found in Flaxseed Products — Testing Expanded

CL Answer

Does OsteoMD improve calcium absorption and increase bone density?

ConsumerLab reviews the evidence for OsteoMD by 1MD, a bone health supplement promoted to slow bone loss and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

OsteoMD by 1MD

Product Review

Nutrition Bars & Cookies Review (For Energy, Fiber, Protein, Meal Replacement, and Whole Foods)

Find the Best Nutrition Bar or Cookie. ConsumerLab Tests Reveals Not All Nutrition Bars and Cookies Contain What They Claim.

Nutrition Bars Reviewed by (Energy, Fiber, Meal Replacement, Protein, and Whole Food Bars)

Clinical Update


Vitamin D May Protect Bones From Aging

Researchers recently analyzed bone samples from people who were deficient in vitamin D and found changes indicating that the bone had "aged" and was more brittle than bone from people not deficient in vitamin D. For details about this study -- including the levels of vitamin D associated with Vitamin D May Protect Bones from Aging -- Researchers recently analyzed bone samples from people who were deficient in vitamin D and found changes indicating that the bone had "aged" and was more brittle than bone from people not deficient in vitamin D. For details about this study -- including the levels of vitamin D associated with these changes, studies of other effects of vitamin D, as well as test results and comparisons for 55 vitamin D supplements, see the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review >>   

CL Answer

What is the difference between fish oil and cod liver oil? Is one better than the other?

Find out how regular fish oil and cod liver oil differ including amounts of omega-3s EPA and DHA, vitamin A and vitamin D, which is best to suit your needs.'s answer explains.

Fish Oil vs. Cod Liver Oil -- bottle of cod liver oil pouring into spoon

Product Review

Fruits, Veggies, and Other Greens Supplements Review (Including Spirulina and Chlorella)

Avoid Lead in Greens, Problems with Pills, and Don't Give Up Eating Whole Foods.

Greens Review Oct 2023

CL Answer

Is it okay to take vitamin D3 and fish oil together?

Find out if taking vitamin D and fish oil is okay, how it effects absorption, and the best way to take vitamin D to improve absorption.'s answer explains.

hand holding vitamin D and fish oil capsules

News Release

February 26, 2025

ConsumerLab Survey Shows 21 Most Popular Vitamins and Supplements

White Plains, New York, February 26, 2025 — A recent survey of more than 8,400 people who regularly use dietary supplements shows that among the 212 most popular supplements, those that experienced the greatest absolute growth in popularity during 2024 were biotin (+9.

CL Answer

Do any supplements help for flu?

Which supplements may help prevent or reduce symptoms of colds or the flu, including vitamin D, ginseng, NAC, and elderberry.

Supplements for Flu -- women with the flu sitting on couch with tissues, thermometer, warm drink

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Weight?

A study of overweight women who were dieting and exercising found that taking vitamin D did not increase the amount of weight they lost. Those attaining the highest blood levels of vitamin D did lose more weight than other women, but this may not have been due to vitamin D. For details about the study, information about other uses of vitamin D, and our tests of vitamin D supplements, see the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review >> 

News Release

February 25, 2025

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2025 Based on Consumer Satisfaction

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2025 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on over 8,400 responses collected in November/December 2024.

Product Review

Farro and Bulgur Review

See How Bob's Red Mill Compares to Trader Joe's

Farro and Bulgur Review 2024

CL Answer

Which "whole food" multivitamins don't include synthetic vitamins? How about Complete Foods, Sunwarrior, Garden of Life, Nature's Brands, and Doctors' Research?

Find out which "whole food" multivitamins are only from foods and which include synthetic vitamins, including Complete Foods Nutrition-OctoMega MultiVitamin; Sunwarrior; Garden of Life-MyKind Organics; Nature's Brands-PhytoVitamins; Doctors' Research MultiVitamin.

Fresh Broccoli and Lemon Beside Multivitamins

Product Review

Pumpkin Seeds (Pepitas) Review

We Identified the Best Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds Review 2024 (2)

CL Answer

Which supplements and lifestyle changes improve sleep, and which cause insomnia?

Find out which vitamins may help you sleep and learn if any vitamins or supplements can cause insomnia.

Clinical Update


Reduced Risk of Death with Vitamin D

A recent review of clinical studies involving vitamin D concluded that supplementation with vitamin D-3 significantly reduced overall mortality among older individuals by 11%, while vitamin D-2 had no overall effect. The review did not define exactly when or how much vitamin D is most effective, but you can find sensible guidelines in the Summary section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >> 

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Colorectal Cancer

Higher blood levels of vitamin D are associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer, and a new study shows this association to be strongest with a particular subtype of colon cancer. The risk of this cancer in those with higher vitamin D levels is only 10% of that in those with low levels. For details about this and the uses of vitamin D, as well as our ratings of vitamin D supplements, see the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>   

Clinical Update


Vitamin D May Help Lower Blood Pressure

A recent study in people with mild to moderate high blood pressure showed that taking a vitamin D supplement helped lower blood pressure. Subjects in the study were already taking a calcium channel blocker (nifedipine), but taking vitamin D reduced blood pressure by several additional points. For details, including the dose of vitamin D used, as well as our tests of vitamin D supplements which can provide this dose, see the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Vitamin K, and Magnesium) >>    

Clinical Update


More Vitamin D for Obese Adolescents

Vitamin D is fat soluble, so obese people who are deficient in it need more than other people to increase their vitamin D levels. A recent study in obese adolescents showed just how much more they need. It also determined that a relatively high dose of vitamin D was safe in these adolescents. For details, including the dosage used, see the update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes's quality ratings and comparisons of vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Depression

Women with depression and type 2 diabetes were given high-dose vitamin D for several weeks in a small, pilot study. By the end of the study, vitamin D levels in the blood had risen considerably and mood was significantly improved, as was blood pressure. Although just a pilot study, this is not the first study to suggest that vitamin D may help with depression. For more details, as well as test results and comparisons for 55 vitamin D supplements, see the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Prevents Hip Fracture

We recently reported that a U.S. Task Force found it unclear if vitamin D prevented hip fracture, but a more recent report found otherwise. The new report suggests a specific minimum blood level of vitamin D to help prevent fractures, the dosage found most effective, and the frequency at which vitamin D should be taken. Get the details in the recent update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our tests of vitamin D supplements.  More >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Tests Unreliable

A preliminary report suggests that many vitamin D blood tests are incorrect, often yielding low results. This can lead to the diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency when it does not exist. Certain people may be more prone to a false low reading due to their source of vitamin D. Learn more in the update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review entitled Vitamin D Tests -- Not Always Reliable >>

Clinical Update


Don't Take Vitamin D?

Recommendations were published this week by an expert panel against the use of certain combinations of vitamin D and calcium in postmenopausal women to prevent fractures -- as the risks outweighed the benefits. However, this does not mean you shouldn't take vitamin D. In fact the experts recommended that people at increased risk for falls should take vitamin D.  

Find out exactly what was recommended! Read the update to the Vitamin D Review. You'll get a more complete picture of what vitamin D supplements can and can't do, the latest information on what levels of vitamin D in your body seem optimal for overall health, and our test findings for vitamin D supplements. More >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Knee Arthritis?

Can taking vitamin D reduce the pain and progression of osteoarthritis of the knee? A new study found no benefit for people who already had sufficient levels of vitamin D. In fact, these people needed more anti-inflammatory medication during the study than those given placebo. However, as seen in many other studies of vitamin D, people who entered the study deficient in vitamin D appeared to benefit from being given vitamin D, experiencing reduced pain. For more details, see the update in the Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our tests of vitamin D supplements. If you suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee or other joints, also read about glucosamine and chondroitin, as supplements with these ingredients may help. We have tested many of these products.

Clinical Update


Too Much Vitamin D Can Increase Colds

A recent study in people with asthma found that giving high-dose vitamin D increased the risk of developing a cold among those who achieved higher levels of vitamin D or were African-American. Nearly half of those in the study were not vitamin D deficient to start. In contrast, studies have found that giving moderate doses of vitamin D to people who are vitamin D deficient decreases the risk of colds. The point, in our opinion: Maintain an adequate, but not excessive, level of vitamin D. For details (including dosage, levels, and our tests of products) see the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Statin Drugs and Vitamin D

If you take a statin drug to lower cholesterol, take note that recent studies show it is particularly important that you keep up your level of vitamin D. Also be aware that vitamin D supplements may not raise your vitamin D level quite as much as if you were not taking a statin. For details, see the "Statin Drugs and Vitamin D" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review (which includes our tests of products) >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for COPD

A study of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) found that taking vitamin D significantly reduced the risk of moderate to severe exacerbation, but only among people who began the study deficient in vitamin D. Get the details and information about other uses of vitamin D, along with our quality ratings of vitamin D supplements, in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >> 

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Leg Muscle Strength

Giving a moderate amount of vitamin D to women deficient in vitamin D was shown to improve leg muscle strength. A much higher dose did not. Get the details, including dosage, and learn about vitamin D for strength and balance in the Muscle, Balance, and Falls section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.)

Clinical Update


What Happens With Too Much Vitamin D

A 50-year-old woman learned the hard way about the risks of taking far too much vitamin D. If you take a very high dose of vitamin D, be aware of the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity, as explained in the Concerns and Cautions section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Hives

If you suffer from chronic hives (or chronic urticaria) and are deficient in vitamin D, taking vitamin D may be helpful, according to a new study. (Vitamin D may also be helpful for other skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.) Get the details in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Risk of Death

Increasing vitamin D blood levels was associated with a lower risk of death over time in a recently published long-term study, but only up to a certain level. Find out at what vitamin D blood level the benefit ended in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D and be aware of how much is too much vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Signs of Too Much Vitamin D

Doctors were surprised to discover that symptoms exhibited by a 64-year old woman were due to very high levels of vitamin D from supplements. Learn about the symptoms of too much vitamin D in the Concerns and Cautions section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements and learn How Much Is Too Much vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Does Vitamin D Reduce Risk of Falls?

Vitamin D can reduce the risk of falls when given to people deficient in vitamin D. But what happens when you give high-dose vitamin D to people who are not deficient? Find out in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


High-Dose Vitamin D?

Giving a single large dose of vitamin D doesn't help people already getting sufficient vitamin D, according to a recent study. And too much vitamin D can have negative effects. Get the details in the How Much Do You Need and How Much Is Too Much section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D From Mushrooms?

Specially-grown mushrooms can be a good source of vitamin D, but a recent study showed that cooking may significantly decrease levels, as discussed in the Getting Vitamin D From Foods section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also learn about getting vitamin D from other foods, and see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.

Product Review

Electrolytes & Sports Drinks Review

See Which Sports Drinks, Powders, and Pills Deliver the Right Electrolytes

Product Review

Olive Leaf Extract Supplements Review

Learn What Olive Leaf Does and the Best Brands

CL Answer

Which supplements may help with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)?

Many supplements are promoted to help treat symptoms of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), but do they really work? See the clinical evidence for inositol (myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol), alpha lipoic acid, vitamin B-12, folic acid, vitamin D and more.

Supplements for PCOS

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and the Risk of Death

In a six-year study of over 10,000 people in Kansas, the risk of death was found to be 164% higher among those with lower levels of vitamin D in their blood. These people were also more likely to suffer from hypertension, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, and diabetes than those with higher levels. Only 29% of the people in the study had the higher level of vitamin D. For details, including the level of vitamin D associated with lower risk of death, ways to boost vitamin D, tests of vitamin D supplements, and more, see the Vitamin D Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Inflammation

A new study found that raising low levels of vitamin D appears to reduce inflammation in the body (based on measurements of C-reactive protein, or CRP, a marker of inflammation). However, once vitamin D levels reached what some people consider to be barely sufficient, CRP slowly but progressively increased, suggesting an inflammatory action of vitamin D at higher levels. The study raises the question of what is the ideal level of vitamin D in the body. 

Be sure you have the latest information! See the update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes details on this and other vitamin D studies, as well as our latest product tests.

Clinical Update


Up To a Point, Alzheimer's Risk Falls with Vitamin D

A new study shows that, up to a point, the risks of developing Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia fall with higher blood levels of vitamin D. However, the research also clarifies that exceeding a certain blood level of vitamin D provides no further benefit. In fact, additional research suggests that too much vitamin D can have negative effects. The message: Make sure you have a sufficient, but not excessive level of vitamin D. For details about these levels, as well as results of our tests of vitamin D supplements, see the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review >> 

CL Answer

When is the best time of day to take a multivitamin?

Find out the best time of day to take your multivitamin for best absorption of vitamins and minerals, whether you should take your multi with food, which vitamins and minerals may inhibit the absorption of other vitamins and minerals, or medications.'s answer explains.

CL Answer

Could taking vitamin C (500 mg), CoQ10, grape seed extract, fish oil, vitamin D3/calcium/magnesium/zinc interfere with taking beta-sitosterol with dinner?

Learn about drug interactions & proper dosages for supplements such as CoQ10, vitamin D & C, fish oil, magnesium, zinc and grape seed extract.

Doctor Holding Handful of Fish Oil

CL Answer

Which supplements help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer?

Find out which supplements may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, including folate, fiber, selenium, and vitamin D.

Supplements and Colorectal Cancer Risk -- colon cancer diagnosis form and supplements

CL Answer

Supplements That May Be Needed When Following a Gluten-Free Diet

Find out if supplements such as folate, vitamin B-12, niacin, thiamin, iron, vitamin D, and/or fiber are needed when following a gluten-free diet. Also learn how to find gluten-free supplements on

Woman holding her hand in front of a slice of bread to signify a gluten free diet

Clinical Update


Keeping Up Vitamin D

With less daylight now in the Northern Hemisphere, it's a good time to consider ways to keep vitamin D levels up. In addition to supplements, foods like salmon can help – but how and when you consume these can make a big difference, as shown in a recent study. For details, see the Getting Vitamin D From Foods section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Also see our Top Picks among canned and packaged fish products, including salmon.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Cream?

Can you absorb vitamin D if applied to the skin as a cream? Find out what research suggests in the Topical Vitamin D section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Strength?

Does supplementing with vitamin D improve strength and muscle function among older men and women with slightly low or adequate blood levels of vitamin D? Find out what research suggests in the Strength and muscle function section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Cancer?

Does supplementing with vitamin D improve survival for people with solid tumors and low levels of vitamin D? See what a recent study showed in the Cancer section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


How Much Sun for Vitamin D?

How much time in the sun is required to maintain adequate vitamin D levels in the winter versus the summer? Find out in the Getting vitamin D from sunlight section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Strength?

Does supplementing with vitamin D during winter improve strength among people with low levels of vitamin D? Find out what a recent study showed in the Strength and muscle function section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Multiple Sclerosis?

Having low blood levels of vitamin D may be a risk factor for multiple sclerosis (MS), but does taking vitamin D help? See what a new study found in the Multiple Sclerosis section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Also see our article about supplements for multiple sclerosis.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Age

Do older people produce less vitamin D from sunlight than younger people? Find out in the ConsumerTips section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which explains who is most likely to have low levels of vitamin D. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D May Prevent Cancer Deaths

A major 5-year study in which a cross-section of Americans were given high-dose vitamin D daily found no overall reductions in cardiovascular disease or cancer or death from these causes. However, when excluding the first two years of the study, the rate of death from cancer was 25% lower with vitamin D than with placebo — a finding consistent with other studies. See the details in the Cancer section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.)

Clinical Update


How Much Vitamin D from Sunshine?

Does exposure to midday sun increase already sufficient vitamin D blood levels? Get the surprising answer from a new study in the Getting vitamin D from sunlight section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Bone Density

Does taking vitamin D improve bone mineral density in older men and women who are not deficient in vitamin D? See what a major study found in the Bones and fractures section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Vertigo

A common form of vertigo has been linked to vitamin D deficiency, but can taking a vitamin D supplement help prevent episodes of vertigo? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Breast Cancer?

Some evidence suggests that having higher blood levels of vitamin D lowers the risk of breast cancer. Can very high-dose vitamin D slow tumor growth in women with breast cancer? See what a new study found in the Cancer section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Blood Sugar Control

Maintaining moderate levels of vitamin D may aid blood sugar control, but, according to a recently published study, high-dose vitamin D supplementation may not help. For details, see the Diabetes, insulin resistance and glucose control section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Overactive Bladder?

Vitamin D supplementation may help vitamin D-deficient people who suffer from urinary urgency or frequency. Get the details in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Does Vitamin D Harden Arteries?

Vitamin D regulates calcium levels in the body but does taking high-dose vitamin D lead to arterial calcifications (hardening of the arteries)? Find out what a 3-year study showed in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


High-Dose Vitamin D for the Critically Ill?

Critically ill patients with vitamin D deficiency were given an extremely high dose of vitamin D to see if it would reduce deaths. Find out if it helped in the How Much Do You Need and How Much is Too Much? section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Osteoarthritis

Vitamin D may, in certain situations, reduce knee pain and improve function in people with knee osteoarthritis (due to worn cartilage). Vitamin D may also reduce foot pain associated with knee osteoarthritis, according to a recently published study. For details, see the Osteoarthritis section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


How Much Sun for Vitamin D?

Is sun exposure to the hands, arms, and legs enough to boost or maintain adequate vitamin D levels? See what a recent study showed in the Getting Vitamin D from Sunlight section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Optimal Vitamin D Level

Magnesium intake significantly affects levels of active vitamin D in the blood, according to a new study. This helps keep vitamin D in an optimal range and is another reason to get sufficient magnesium — which many people don't. For details, see the new information in the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D and magnesium supplements).

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Muscle

Vitamin D increased muscle mass in older men and women with low levels of vitamin D in a recent study. Get the details in the Muscle, balance and falls section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.)

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Kidney Failure

Although rare, excess intake of vitamin D can lead to kidney failure. This recently happened to a man taking a higher dose of vitamin D than he thought. Learn more in the Concerns and Cautions section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Sunscreen

Is it possible to protect your skin from sunburn but still produce vitamin D? See what a recent study found in the Getting vitamin D from sunlight section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Depression?

Low blood levels of vitamin D are associated with a higher risk of depression. But does taking vitamin D reduce this risk or improve mood in depressed people? Find out what recent studies have shown in the What It Does: Depression section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D among products.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Sprays

Are oral vitamin D sprays better than vitamin D capsules? Find out what studies are showing in the Oral Sprays section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Blood Sugar Control

A recent study adds to the growing evidence that obtaining and maintaining adequate vitamin D levels can help with blood sugar control. For details about this and studies regarding vitamin D and diabetes, see the Diabetes, insulin resistance and glucose control section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D supplements.)

Clinical Update


Can Vitamin D Boost Cognition?

Middle-aged people with low levels of vitamin D were given high-dose vitamin D for four months. Find out if this boosted their cognitive performance in the Alzheimer's disease, dementia, memory and cognitive decline section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.)

Clinical Update


Type 2 Diabetes and Vitamin D

Maintaining an adequate level of vitamin D is associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. But does giving vitamin D to people with existing type 2 diabetes help them with glucose control? Find out what research is showing in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.)

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Strength?

Muscles contain vitamin D receptors, but does giving high-dose vitamin D to women deficient in vitamin D improve their muscle strength? Get the answer in the recent update to the Muscle, balance and falls section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Reducing Injuries From Falls

Although vitamin D may be able to reduce the risk of falls in women deficient in vitamin D, a new study shows that, among women with sufficient vitamin D, it does not help and may have a negative effect. At the same time, the study showed that an exercise regime cut the rate of injuries from falls by half. Get more details in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Asthma

A pilot study in older people with asthma found that daily supplementation with vitamin D improved symptoms among those with uncontrolled asthma. These people were also most likely to have had low blood levels of vitamin D to start. Get the details, including the dose used, and more information about the role of vitamin D in asthma, in the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review >> 

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Toxicity

Getting too much vitamin D is associated with negative effects. With continued use of enormous doses of vitamin D, toxic effects can occur, as has been reported with the use of a protein supplement containing vitamin D. See the details in the "Concerns and Cautions" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Autism Risk With Low Vitamin D

Babies born with very low blood levels of vitamin D are more likely to be autistic, according to a new study. This is consistent with a study published last year showing a higher rate of autistic children in mothers with very low vitamin D blood levels during pregnancy. Get the details in the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >> (Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.)

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Muscle and Balance?

Why did a recent study show that both high and low-dose vitamin D didn't improve muscle strength or balance in women despite the fact that other studies have shown vitamin D to help? The likely answer has to do with the vitamin D status (i.e., blood levels) of the people chosen to participate in these studies. To find out what you should do to improve your balance and reduce your chance of falling, see the "Muscle, Balance and Falls" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D, Blood Sugar & Insulin Resistance

Vitamin D, Blood Sugar & Insulin Resistance --A moderate, daily dose of vitamin D had positive effects on blood glucose and insulin sensitivity in healthy men and women who largely were deficient in vitamin D, according to a new study. Get the details in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Can High-Dose Vitamin D Backfire?

A recent study found that taking very high doses of vitamin D increases the production of an enzyme which inactivates vitamin D in the body -- which may help to explain why taking very high-dose vitamin D has been linked with adverse effects such as muscle weakness and increased risk of fractures and falls in previous studies. For details, see the "How Much Do You Need?" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review (which includes our tests of products) >>

Clinical Update


High-Dose Vitamin D Increases Upper Respiratory Infections

A study among older people found that taking a high dose of vitamin D every 2 months increased the risk of upper respiratory infection by 48% compared to taking low-dose vitamin D daily. Infections lasted two days longer for those taking the high dose versus the low dose. For details, including dosage, as well as our test reports on vitamin D supplements, see the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Inflammation

A new study of elderly people given vitamin D showed little effect on markers of inflammation in the body. Correcting very low levels of vitamin D may be helpful, but further raising vitamin levels does not seem necessary for proper immune function. In fact, there may be some downside. For details about this and other uses for vitamin D (and our product test results), see the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Keeping You Up?

A study of women given daily doses of vitamin D found that those who achieved the highest blood levels of vitamin D experienced a deterioration in the quality of their sleep. This is consistent with an earlier study showing decreased production of melatonin with high-dose vitamin D. For details, see the "Concerns and Cautions" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Ideal Vitamin D Levels to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk?

A study of a large group of Americans found that the risk of developing cardiovascular disease was 35% higher in people with low levels of vitamin D. Get the details, plus more about maintaining healthful blood levels of vitamin D, and our tests of products, in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Be aware that there is also a risk of getting too much vitamin D >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Blood Pressure?

Low levels of vitamin D in the blood are associated with high blood pressure. However, a recent review of many studies concludes that giving vitamin D doesn't help lower blood pressure. For more details about this and other potential uses of vitamin D, as well as our test-based reviews of products, see the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Diabetic Neuropathy

Supplementing with vitamin D can reduce pain and symptoms of diabetes-related peripheral neuropathy in people with type 2 diabetes who are vitamin D deficient, a recent study reports. More about the use of vitamin D in diabetes and many other conditions, as well as our product test results, are found in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Statin-Related Muscle Pain

Taking high doses of vitamin D may reduce statin-related muscle pain in people with low blood levels of vitamin D, according to a new study. Get more information and our test reports on vitamin D supplements in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Increases Strength

A recently published review of clinical studies found that supplementing with vitamin D can improve muscle strength in young, healthy men and women. This has also been found in older individuals and may relate to the fact that vitamin D receptors occur in skeletal muscle. However, this benefit may be limited to vitamin D deficient individuals. Get the details in the "Muscle, balance and falls" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Risk of Bone Fracture Higher With Too Much and Too Little Vitamin D

A large study in elderly men identified a range of vitamin D blood levels associated with the lowest risk of experiencing a bone fracture. Risk nearly tripled among men with higher levels of vitamin D as well as among those with very low levels. For details, including the range of vitamin D associated with lowest risk of fracture, see the update in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>  

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Deficiency May Predict Advanced Prostate Cancer

According to a new study, prostate biopsies in men who are deficient in vitamin D are more likely to show a higher grade and stage of cancer than biopsies in men with higher levels of vitamin D. For more details, as well as our tests of vitamin D supplements, see the Vitamin D Supplements Review >> 

Clinical Update


Study Suggests Vitamin D Level for Blood Sugar Control

A certain minimum level of vitamin D in the blood is associated with normal control of blood sugar, according to a recently published study. The study focused on women who were overweight or obese but not diabetic. The vitamin D level is consistent with the range suggested by many other studies. For more details, as well as our tests of vitamin D supplements, see the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review >> 

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Helps Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is an inflammation of the muscle and soft tissue which causes pain and fatigue. A recent study found that giving vitamin D reduced the pain associated with fibromyalgia. For details about the dose and target vitamin D blood level in the study, as well as our tests of vitamin D supplements, see the updated  Vitamin D Supplements Review >>   

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Pancreatic Cancer

A lower risk of developing pancreatic cancer was recently associated with higher levels of vitamin D in the body. See the update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review for the vitamin D levels associated with decreased pancreatic cancer risk, as well as our ratings of vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Lower Risk of Fibroids With Vitamin D

A study of women in Washington, D.C. showed that those with higher blood levels of vitamin D had a 32% lower risk of uterine fibroids -- the most common reason for hysterectomy. Unfortunately, most of the women had less than sufficient levels of vitamin D. Find out the levels associated with lowest risk of fibroids, learn how to improve vitamin D levels (without overdoing it), and get the results of our latest product tests in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Hypertension?

Some studies have suggested a modest reduction in high blood pressure with vitamin D supplementation. However, a recent study did not find such a benefit - although a closer look reveals why these results may not tell the full story. Get the details, plus more information about vitamin D and cardiovascular health, and test results for 55 vitamin D supplements, in the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Pregnancy

A recent study shows that low levels of vitamin D in pregnant women are associated with a higher risk of babies born small for their gestational age. For details, see the update in the Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our tests of vitamin D supplements and extensive information about the use of vitamin D. More >>

Clinical Update


Does Vitamin D Prevent Colds?

A recent study found vitamin D supplementation did not reduce the number or severity of colds, but a closer look suggests that it can, depending on your vitamin D level. Get the details and our ratings of 51 vitamin D supplements in the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Optimum Level of Vitamin D

New research shows that blood levels which are too low or too high for vitamin D are associated with increased risk of heart attack and earlier death. Find the "sweet spot" for vitamin D levels as well as test results for 55 vitamin D supplements in the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Cholesterol-lowering Statins May Affect Vitamin D Levels

Statin medications may increase or decrease blood levels of vitamin D depending on the version. Get the details in the Statins and Vitamin D section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and COVID-19

Many preliminary studies have linked adequate vitamin D levels with reduced risk of COVID-19 or less severe disease. However, a recent study did not find a benefit among people who had been supplementing with amounts generally above the recommended daily intake requirement for vitamin D. See the details in the COVID-19 section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


How Much Sun to Boost Vitamin D?

Find out how much sun exposure was needed in a recent study to significantly increase vitamin D levels in older people in the Getting Vitamin D from Sunlight section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Supplements: Same Dose, Different Results?

Taking the same dose of vitamin D may lead to greater increases in vitamin D status in some people than in others, according to recent research. Find out why in the How Much Do You Need section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Urinary Symptoms?

Does taking vitamin D reduce frequent urination and other lower urinary symptoms in men with low levels of vitamin D? See what a recent study found in the What It Does section our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Also see: 9 Supplements That May Help Reduce Nighttime Urination (And 4 That May Not)

Product Review

Cranberry Juices and Supplements Review

CL's Tests Show Which Cranberry Juices and Supplements Are Best and Cost the Least

Product Review

Lion's Mane and Chaga Supplements Review

Read Labels Carefully -- Many Can Mislead

Lion's Mane and Chaga Supplements tested by

Product Review

Lavender and Tea Tree Essential Oils Review

Oils Tested for Authenticity and Purity

CL Answer

Do any supplements improve balance or reduce the risk of falls?

Find out which vitamins & supplements may improve your balance to help reduce the risk of falling, including vitamin D and protein.

Supplements to Improve Balance & Reduce the Risk of Falls -- older woman walking up stairs

CL Answer

Do any supplements help treat or reduce the pain of plantar fasciitis (heel pain)?

Plantar fasciitis causing heel pain has, in rare cases, been reported as a symptom of vitamin D deficiency. Other supplements that have been proposed to help include vitamin C, zinc, curcumin (from turmeric), bromelain, collagen and glucosamine. Find out what the evidence shows, and what other treatments may help.

Supplements for Plantar Fasciitis -- Woman With Heel Pain

CL Answer

Can any supplements improve or worsen symptoms of fibromyalgia?

Find out if any supplements may help improve fibromyalgia symptoms, learn which supplements do not seem beneficial, and find out if any supplements worsen symptoms.

Woman holding sore back

CL Answer

How much calcium do you need each day, what forms are best, and how much is too much?

Learn about the recommended daily intake of calcium from food & supplements and why taking too much can be harmful. Also, learn about the forms of calcium that are available and which are best.


News Release

August 12, 2024

Too Much Vitamin D? Some Supplements Contain Much More Than Claimed, According to ConsumerLab

White Plains, NY, August 12, 2024 — Getting adequate vitamin D is important to maintaining bone and cardiovascular health, and may have other benefits. However, getting too much vitamin D can have adverse effects, including increasing the risk of fractures and falls.

Product Review

Vitamin A Supplements Review, Including Beta-Carotene and Cod Liver Oil

Find the Best Vitamin A Supplement. Best Quality Vitamin A Supplements Identified, Including Cod Liver Oil.

Vitamin A Supplements (Including Cod Liver Oil) Reviewed by

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Diabetes Risk

A new study shows a strong association between lower levels of vitamin D in the blood and a higher risk of developing type 1 diabetes (i.e., requiring insulin). The risk of diabetes was more than 3.5 times as great among people with low levels of vitamin D compared to those with higher levels -- although no additional benefit was found for people with the highest levels of vitamin D. Find out more -- including the specific level associated with the lowest risk of type 1 diabetes -- in the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our test results for 51 vitamin D supplements. More >>

Clinical Update


Does Taking Vitamin D Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease?

Earlier research has suggested an association between higher vitamin D levels in the blood and reduced risk of heart attack. But blood levels are affected by both sun exposure as well as intake of vitamin D. A new study shows that men with higher vitamin D intakes from foods and supplements have a 14% reduction in their risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. However, the study found no reduction among women. The amount of vitamin D intake shown to be beneficial and possible reasons why a benefit was not found in women are provided in the updated "What It Does" section of our Product Review of Vitamin D SupplementsMore >>

Product Review

Probiotic Supplements Review (Including Pet Probiotics)

Probiotics: See What They Really Contain and Our Top Picks

CL Answer

Do any supplements or diets help prevent or treat osteoporosis?

If you have osteoporosis, you may be interested in supplements or diets for bone health. Find out which can increase bone strength and density.

Doctor discussing osteoporosis with older female patient

Product Review

Chia Seed Review — Whole, Ground, and Sprouted Seed, Seed Flour, & Supplements

Find the Best Chia Seeds, Sprouted Chia Powder, Flour, and Chia Supplements. Tests and Reviews of Chia Seeds & CL's Top Picks.

Chia supplements reviewed by

Product Review

Lactose Intolerance Products Review (Lactase Enzyme Supplements and Lactose-Free Milks)

Choose the Best Lactase Enzyme Supplement and Lactose-Free Milk. Find a CL Approved Lactose Intolerance Product.

Lactase Supplements Reviewed by

CL Answer

Best Supplements to Prevent Age-Related Muscle Loss

Discover the top supplements to prevent age-related muscle loss after 60. Learn how protein, fish oil, vitamin D, and more can help maintain muscle strength and combat sarcopenia.

CL Answer

Do any supplements or foods benefit people with Crohn's disease? Are there any supplements that should be avoided?

Find out the most common vitamin and mineral deficiencies in people with Crohn's disease, including iron, B6, B12, vitamin D, zinc and others, plus evidence for N-acetyl-glucosamine (NAG), fish oil, and curcumin.

Supplements for Crohn's Disease -- Crohn's Disease Written on Notepad, Pills

Product Review

Fish Oil, Krill Oil, and Algal Oil Omega-3 (DHA & EPA) Supplements Review

See Our Omega-3 Top Picks and Avoid Rancid Fish Oils.

Fish Oil and Other Marine Oil Supplements Reviewed by

Clinical Update


Vitamin D in Fish

Which fish contain the highest levels of vitamin D, and how does cooking effect these levels? Find out what a recent study showed in the What to Consider When Buying section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also see our Review of Canned Fish for information about levels of vitamin D in canned fish.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & COVID

What vitamin D levels are associated with the lowest risk of getting severe COVID?

Does raising vitamin D levels shorten the duration of COVID symptoms? See what a recent study found.

Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Cognition

Does taking vitamin D improve cognition or slow cognitive decline among older people with already sufficient blood levels of vitamin D? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also see our CL Answer about supplements, foods and lifestyle modifications for brain function.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Risk of Death

Taking a large, monthly dose of vitamin D was associated with a 29% increase in the risk of death in older men and women, according to a recent study. Get the details in the How Much Is Too Much section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which explains additional risks of getting too much vitamin D, as well as how much is needed.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Mild Cognitive Impairment

Did high-dose vitamin D supplementation improve cognition in older men and women with mild cognitive impairment? See what a recent study found in the Cognitive Decline section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Also see our article about supplements and lifestyle modifications for improving memory and cognition.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Frailty

Did giving vitamin D to older women and men reduce their risk of becoming frail? See what happened in a major clinical study in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Sunscreen & Vitamin D Deficiency?

Is the use of sunscreen associated with vitamin D deficiency? Find out what a recent analysis showed in the Getting vitamin D from sunlight section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also see our comparisons of sunscreens in our answer to the question: What is the best sunscreen based on safety and efficacy?

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Insomnia

Does vitamin D supplementation improve sleep or reduce insomnia in people with low blood levels of vitamin D? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Pregnancy Outcomes

Can taking vitamin D during pregnancy reduce the risk of preterm labor, low birth weight or pregnancy loss? Find out what a recent study showed in the Pregnancy section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplement.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for IBS?

Can vitamin D supplementation reduce the severity of symptoms in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Palliative Cancer Care

Can high-dose vitamin D supplementation in palliative care cancer patients reduce pain and fatigue? Find out what a recent study showed in the Cancer section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Diabetic Nerve Pain?

Can vitamin D supplementation reduce nerve pain or other symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, such as numbness and tingling, in people with type 2 diabetes? See what a new study found in the Diabetes section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

For information about other supplements that may help, see our answer to the question: Do any supplements, like Nervive, help with nerve pain, like sciatica or diabetic neuropathy?

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Colds and Flu?

Does monthly high-dose vitamin D help prevent colds and flu or lessen symptoms in older people? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplement Review. Also, see our Top Pick for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Prediabetes

Can vitamin D supplementation improve insulin resistance in people with prediabetes? See what a recent study found in the Prediabetes section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Fibromyalgia?

Does vitamin D supplementation help women with fibromyalgia? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Risk of COVID Death

A recent study in the U.S. found that people hospitalized with COVID had much lower rates of death with certain blood levels of vitamin D. Get the details in the COVID-19 section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


How Important Is Prenatal Vitamin D?

Does high-dose vitamin D during pregnancy improve motor skills and cognition in offspring? Learn what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Too Much Vitamin D

A 2-year study suggests risks with vitamin D at daily doses of 1,000 IU and higher. Get the details in the Muscle, balance and falls section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D For Eczema?

Can taking vitamin D help improve eczema? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Cognitive Impairment?

Can taking vitamin D improvement memory and thinking in people with mild cognitive impairment? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Review. Also, see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for COPD and Asthma?

Does high-dose vitamin D help treat COPD or asthma? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D May Increase the Risk of Fractures from Falls

Taking doses of vitamin D above the RDA when not necessary may increase the risk of first-time falls with fractures, according to a recent analysis. Get the details in the Muscle, Balance and Falls section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for low, moderate and high-dose vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Triglycerides?

Can taking high-dose vitamin D increase triglyceride levels? See what a new analysis found in the Concerns and Cautions section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


How Well Do Vitamin D Supplements Raise Levels?

A recent study shows the law of diminishing returns when taking high doses of vitamin D. For details, see the How Much Do You Need section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D Supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Orthostatic Hypotension?

Can supplementing with vitamin D reduce the risk of orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure when standing)? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Healing Bones

Broke a bone? A recent case shows how important sufficient vitamin D can be to properly heal a fracture. See the Bones and Fractures section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for ED?

Taking vitamin D may increase the benefits of a common medication for men, according to a recent study. Get the details in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Muscle

Can taking high-dose vitamin D improve strength gains from exercise? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Healing Fractures?

Does vitamin D supplementation improve healing of bone fractures in postmenopausal women? See what a new study found in the Bone and Fractures section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Pregnancy

Maintaining sufficient blood levels of vitamin D during pregnancy is associated with better health for both mother and baby, including a decreased risk of gestational diabetes, according to a new study. Get the details in the Pregnancy section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and COVID-19

Can taking vitamin D after getting sick with COVID-19 reduce the risk of death? Find out in the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Cancer Prevention

Taking vitamin D may modestly reduce the risk of advanced cancer in some people, according to a recent study. Learn the details in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for COVID-19

Can high doses of vitamin D help COVID-19 patients recover? Find out what two new studies showed in the COVID-19 section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Arthritis

Studies are showing an association between vitamin D levels and rheumatoid arthritis. Learn more in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also, see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Hearing Loss

A recent analysis showed low levels of vitamin D to be associated with hearing loss. Learn more in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Too Much Vitamin D Bad for Bone?

High doses of vitamin D may lead to loss of bone mineral density in women, according to a recent study. Get the details in the How Much Is Too Much section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Failing Hearts?

Does high-dose vitamin D help or hurt people with chronic heart failure? Find out what a new study showed in the Cardiovascular Disease section of Vitamin D Supplements Review, which also discusses cholesterol, blood pressure and heart attack risk. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Low Vitamin D and Low Blood Pressure?

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked with a form of low blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension) in older men. Get the details in the What It Does section of Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Dizziness When Rising?

Can vitamin D reduce symptoms of orthostatic intolerance (low blood pressure when standing up)? Find out what a new study in adolescents showed in the What It Does section of Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and PCOS

Can vitamin D improve symptoms of (polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Depression

Do low levels of vitamin D increase the risk of depression? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Low Vitamin D & COVID-19 Risk

Studies indicate that vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of COVID-19 infection. The most recent study suggests this risk may be greater among certain ethnic groups. Learn more in the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Alzheimer's

A seven-year study of women over age 75 found those with higher intakes of vitamin D from their diets were 77% less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. The amount of vitamin D intake associated with this large benefit was actually fairly modest. Get the details in the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our product tests and quality ratings. More >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Speeds Recovery from Tuberculosis

A study in London found that adding vitamin D to standard antibiotic treatment for tuberculosis significantly reduced inflammation and speeded recovery. The majority of these patients, however, had been extremely deficient in vitamin D. Get the details in the updated Vitamin D Supplements ReviewMore >>

Clinical Update


Low Vitamin D Levels and Obesity -- A Dangerous Combination

A new study links low blood levels of vitamin D in obese individuals to a greatly increased risk of insulin resistance (a condition linked to type 2 diabetes). The results add to the growing list of reasons to make sure you maintain a sufficient level of vitamin D. Get the details in the latest update to's Vitamin D Supplements ReviewMore >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Allergy?

Recent analyses of data from thousands of individuals across the U.S. show an association between serum vitamin D levels and certain allergies. The association was found in children and adolescents for 11 different allergens, but no association was found in older individuals. See the Vitamin D Product Review for the types of allergies and level of vitamin D at which risk was reduced. More >>

Clinical Update


Calcium and Vitamin D for Girls

In a recently published study, girls ages 9 to 13 were given, twice a day, a supplement with calcium and vitamin D. After 6 months, significant increases were found in bone density and strength compared to girls who received placebo. Get the amounts and types of calcium and vitamin D taken, as well as more information, in the Review of Calcium Supplements or the Review of Vitamin D Supplements.

Clinical Update


When Vitamin D Doesn't Help

A recent study in postmenopausal women in New York showed that taking a vitamin D supplement did not reduce bone loss (based on measurements of markers of bone turnover). However, calcium supplementation did appear to help. Why? It all has to do with how much vitamin D and calcium the women were already getting without the supplements. You can find out the amounts and get more details in the update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Adolescents

A study found that vitamin D supplementation increased bone density in the hips of adolescent girls, but not of boys. Interestingly, a high dose appeared to have less effect than a low dose. For details, including dosage and our tests of vitamin D supplements, see the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review>>

Clinical Update


Lower Vitamin D in Blacks May Be Sufficient

The traditional method of assessing vitamin D levels may not be appropriate for most black people, according to a new study. Due to a genetic variant, this approach classifies many black individuals as "deficient" in vitamin D although their levels may be adequate. For details see the update to the  Vitamin D Supplements Review >> 

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Breast Cancer Survival

A new analyses of clinical studies found that women with the highest blood levels of vitamin D had a much higher rate of survival from breast cancer than women with the lowest levels. Details on what may be the most beneficial levels, as well as our test results for vitamin D supplements, are found in the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review >>  

Clinical Update


Vitamin D to Prevent Menstrual Pain

A new study found that taking a very high dose of Vitamin D reduced pain by 41% for two months among women who suffer from painful menstrual cramps. However, there are potential concerns with such a high dose of vitamin D. For more information, including the dose used and potential concerns, see the update to the Vitamin D Supplements ReviewMore >>

Clinical Update


How to Boost Your Vitamin D!

A study of people whose vitamin D levels did not rise enough despite taking a supplement found that just changing when the supplement was taken boosted vitamin D levels by 50%. To find out how and to get more details, see the recent update to the Vitamin D ReviewMore >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D - Depression Link

A study of postmenopausal women found the risk of depression to be 21% lower among those consuming higher amounts of vitamin D. For details, including the vitamin D source and amounts associated with decreased risk, see the update to the Vitamin D ReviewMore >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Diabetes Risk

A recent report showed that the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases when vitamin D intake is low. The increased risk of diabetes is even more dramatic when vitamin D in the blood is below adequate levels. Get the details in the update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Rheumatoid Arthritis

A recent study shows that people with rheumatoid arthritis tend to have significantly lower levels of vitamin D in their blood than healthy individuals of the same age, gender and body weight. More details, including the vitamin D levels in these groups, is found in the update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>   

Clinical Update


Lower Risk of Surgical Complications with Sufficient Vitamin D

A recent study found that higher blood levels of vitamin D were associated with lower risk of developing serious post-operative complications, including death. As in other studies, the apparent benefit of higher levels of vitamin D increased only up to a point. Get the details in the update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review >> 

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Helps in Pregnancy

A new study showed that giving vitamin D to women with low levels of vitamin D resulted in a dramatic reduction in pre-term labor, pre-eclampsia, and gestational diabetes compared to untreated women. For details, see the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Incontinence

Does giving high-dose vitamin D help women who have urinary incontinence? See what a recent study found in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Bladder Cancer

A new study looked at vitamin D levels and the risk of developing bladder cancer. Find out which levels were best, as well as which vitamin D supplements pass our tests, in the updated Vitamin D Supplements ReviewMore >>

Clinical Update


Does Vitamin D Help Manage Weight?

If you've been reading our recent newsletters, many reports are being published about the effects of vitamin D. Here's one more: People with higher levels of vitamin D tend to put on less weight than people with lower levels. See the details in the update to the Vitamin D Supplements ReviewMore >>

Clinical Update


Too much vitamin D may increase the risk of dying

A recent study of nearly a quarter million people found those with vitamin D levels above that considered sufficient, but not much higher, had the lowest risk of dying over the study period. People with high levels of vitamin D were more likely to have died. Some earlier research suggests the same. What does this mean for you? See our update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review for more information. More >>

Clinical Update


Does Vitamin D Prevent Ear Infection?

Maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D in children appears to reduce mild ear infections, but too much vitamin D may have a downside. Find out the details in our updated Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Adequate Vitamin D May Lower Risk of Alzheimer's

A study showed that men and women with adequate levels of vitamin D in their blood were less likely to experience declines in cognitive functioning associated with Alzheimer's dementia than those with lower levels. More about the study, including the vitamin D level considered adequate, as well as our reviews of supplements, is found in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Reduces Risk of Falls

A study found that giving a modest daily dose of vitamin D significantly reduced the rate of falls in women who were prone to falls and were deficient in vitamin D. Get details about this and other studies, as well as results of our product tests, in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Reduces PMS Symptoms

A recent study found that taking vitamin D significantly improved symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in young women who were deficient in vitamin D. Get the details in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Football & Vitamin D

The outcome of today's Super Bowl 50 may be influenced by players' levels of vitamin D. Several studies show that having the right amount of vitamin D in the body reduces the risk of falls in the elderly, but research also shows benefits for younger adults — including fewer injuries among NFL football players. Get the details in the Vitamin D Supplements Review and enjoy the game!

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Prostate Cancer

A recent study looked at the association between vitamin D blood levels and the risk of advanced prostate cancer. Based on the findings from this and related studies, there seems to be a reasonable approach with vitamin D to potentially lower prostate cancer risk. Get the details (as well as our tests of products) in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Knee Arthritis & Vitamin D

People with knee osteoarthritis (worn joints) and generally low vitamin D levels given vitamin D for 2 years showed greater improvement in some, but not all, symptoms compared to those given a placebo. Get the details (as well as our product test results) in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Osteoarthritis and Vitamin D

A large, long-term study among older people with knee osteoarthritis found no benefit from taking vitamin D. More details about this -- and about vitamin D for many other conditions -- are found in the "What It Does" section in our Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Fatty Liver

Vitamin D supplementation may decrease fat accumulation in the liver in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease who are vitamin D deficient. Get the details in the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Autism

A recent study among young children with autism found that high-dose vitamin D reduced autism symptoms from moderate to mild. This is a preliminary study and more research is required. For details about this study and other uses of vitamin D, as well as our tests and comparisons of products, see the "What It Does" section Vitamin D Supplements Review »

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Autism Risk

Children whose mothers are vitamin D deficient during pregnancy are much more likely to have autistic traits by age six than those whose mothers have sufficient levels during pregnancy, according to a new study. Get the details, as well as our reviews of vitamin D supplements, in the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review »

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Reduces Risk of Falls

A recent study found that in older adults, many of whom had insufficient levels of vitamin D and a history of falls, vitamin D supplementation reduced the number of reported falls by almost half. Get the details, including dosage, and our tests of popular products, in the Vitamin D Supplements Review »

Clinical Update


Does Vitamin D Improve Cancer Survival?

Does giving high-dose vitamin D to people with cancer of the colon or other parts of the digestive tract improve survival rates? Find out what recent studies are showing in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Calcium for Diabetes Due to Pregnancy

A new study found supplementation with a combination of vitamin D and calcium improved fasting blood sugar levels, serum insulin levels, and insulin sensitivity in women with gestational (pregnancy-related) diabetes. For more details, including dosage, as well as our tests and comparisons of vitamin D and calcium supplements, see the update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Vitamin K, Magnesium) >>   

Clinical Update


Adding Vitamin D to Statin Treatment

A recent study among people taking statin medication for high cholesterol showed significant improvements in cholesterol levels when daily vitamin D was added as treatment. Improvements were greatest among those who began with lower blood levels of vitamin D. More details, along with our reviews of products similar to the one used in this study, are found in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Reduces Risk of Colds & Flu

A study released today shows that taking vitamin D in a certain way reduces the risk of cold and flu infections by up to 70%. The benefits are greatest for people very deficient in vitamin D. For details, see the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review (which includes our tests of products) >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Spray

A study found that vitamin D oral spray was no better than capsules in raising vitamin D levels in healthy men and women. However, a similar study in people with intestinal conditions that can affect absorption suggests a spray may be better. For details (as well as our ratings of products), see the ConsumerTips section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Allergy

Vitamin D is known to modulate the immune system. Having sufficient levels is associated with reduced risk of allergy and asthma. A recent study showed that giving vitamin D to pregnant women and their infants resulted in fewer infants being allergic to house dust mites and needing to see a doctor for asthma. For details, see "Allergy," as well as "Asthma," in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Strengthens Muscle

In a recent study, a modest daily dose of vitamin D led to impressive gains in leg strength in women who were deficient in the vitamin. Details about this study (including dosage) and other studies of vitamin D, along with our reviews of products, are found in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease

Can high doses of vitamin D improve cardiovascular function? A large, one-year study in England recently sought to answer this question. Learn what the researchers discovered in the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review (which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D supplements).

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Cancer

Although studies have shown that sufficient vitamin D in the blood is associated with lower risk of developing and dying from cancer, a new study among women found no cancer benefit from taking vitamin D supplements. However, the study had a major weakness. For details, see the "What It Does -- Cancer" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Asthma

Taking vitamin D can reduce the number of asthma exacerbations that require corticosteroid treatment, according to a recent study. Get the details in the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >> [Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements in the Review.]

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Headache

Recent studies suggest a connection between vitamin D blood levels and the frequency of headaches, including migraine. Get the details in the Headache section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.)

Clinical Update


Cancer & High-Dose Vitamin D

Does taking high-dose vitamin D reduce the risk of cancer? Find out what a major new study found in the Cancer section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.)

Clinical Update


Link Between Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis?

Although some studies suggest vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for developing multiple sclerosis, a recent review found vitamin D intake was not associated with a reduced risk. Learn more in the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Depression?

Can supplementing with vitamin D help people who suffer from depression? Recent studies suggest it may benefit some. See the details in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


More Evidence Against Too Much Vitamin D

A well-controlled study has shown that post-menopausal women do not benefit from taking vitamin D when they are not truly deficient. Get the details on appropriate dosage and use of vitamin D, as well as product test results, in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Too Much Vitamin D Weakens Legs

In recent months we have reported that giving too much vitamin D to people who don't need it increases the risk of falls. A major study now shows that it also weakens leg muscles — apparently to the surprise of the researchers. Keep in mind that giving vitamin D to people who are deficient in it can decrease the risk of falls. Get the details in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Don't Bother with High-Dose Vitamin D

Taking a moderate dose of vitamin D (particularly if you are deficient) can be very helpful, but a growing number of studies show a lack of benefit (and some adverse effects) with high-dose vitamin D. The latest study, released this morning, focused on cardiovascular disease. For details, see the "Cardiovascular disease" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Alzheimer's Disease

Older people with insufficient levels of vitamin D had nearly triple the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease that those with sufficient levels, according to a recent study. Those with the lowest levels also experienced a faster rate of cognitive decline. Get the details and information about optimal vitamin D levels in the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among supplements.

Clinical Update


How Important Is Vitamin D for Bones?

Many women take vitamin D supplements to maintain bone mineral density, but does it really help? A new study provides an answer. See What It Does in the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D).

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Eczema?

Can vitamin D help with eczema? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among Vitamin D supplements).

Clinical Update


No Bone Benefit with Vitamin D -- Really?

You may have read that a recent analysis of 81 controlled studies concluded that "vitamin D supplementation does not prevent fractures or falls, or have meaningful benefits on bone mineral density." In general, this is true, but there are important caveats. Learn more in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.)

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Mood?

Can supplementing with vitamin D improve mood during the winter? Find out what a recent study showed in the Depression & Mood section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.)

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Back Pain?

Can taking vitamin D reduce back pain? Read what a recent study found in the Back Pain section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.)

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Muscle

If you are looking to increase muscle mass, make sure you're getting adequate vitamin D. Raising deficient levels has been shown to increase muscle in seniors, and more recently, in men and women in their 40s. For details see the Muscle, balance and falls section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Allergies?

If you already take an antihistamine for allergies, will adding vitamin D provide further benefit? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does: Allergies section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D among products.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Psoriasis?

A recent study evaluated the effects of giving high-dose vitamin D to people with plaque psoriasis. See the results in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Diabetes Prevention

Does high-dose vitamin D help prevent people with pre-diabetes from progressing to type 2 diabetes? See the results of a major new study in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Sweet Spot

Having the right blood levels of vitamin D has many proven benefits, but too little and too much vitamin D can be problematic. A new study shows this also to be true in people with diabetes with regard to a type of nerve damage that can affect blood pressure and heart rate. For details see the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Vertigo?

Vitamin D may be beneficial in preventing recurrence of a common form of vertigo known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (or BPPV) according to a preliminary study. For details, see the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Gummies vs. Tablets for Vitamin D

Are gummy supplements better than tablets for getting vitamin D? See the results in the What to Consider When Buying section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Depression?

Can supplementation with vitamin D help people diagnosed with depression? Learn what the latest studies are showing in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Lower Cancer Risk With High Vitamin D?

A recent analysis suggests that breast cancer risk is lowest with vitamin D blood levels at or above 60 ng/mL -- an unusually high level. Before you try this at home, be sure to read our commentary in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.)

Clinical Update


High-Dose Vitamin D Risk

A new study suggests that very high-dose vitamin D may increase the risk of kidney stones. For details, see the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.)

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Cognition

Does taking vitamin D help older individuals with mild cognitive impairment? Learn what a new study found in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.)

Clinical Update


Vitamin D During Pregnancy

Does giving expectant mothers a high dose of vitamin D reduce the risk of tooth defects in their children? Find out in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Risk of Cancer Death

Are you more likely to survive colorectal cancer if you have higher blood levels of vitamin D? Find out in the Cancer section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Mom Affects Baby's Bones

Taking high-dose versus very-low-dose vitamin D during pregnancy led to greater bone density in offspring, according to a recent study. But, there are important caveats. Get the details in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and COVID Severity

Another study suggests a link between having an adequate level of vitamin D and the severity of COVID-19 in patients. For details, see the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Does Too Much Vitamin D Hurt Muscle?

A study among women given moderately high doses of vitamin D found that they lost strength. Further analysis of the data suggests why. Get the details in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Fatty Liver and Vitamin D

A recent study showed that it is difficult to raise vitamin D levels in some people who have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease -- a condition affecting 30% of Americans. This is concerning, as there may be benefits to raising low levels of vitamin D in such people. Learn more in the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Diabetes

Vitamin D supplementation can improve insulin sensitivity in some people at risk for type 2 diabetes according to a recent clinical study. For details about this, as well as related research, see the Diabetes, insulin resistance and glucose control section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D on Bones

A 3-year study among people with osteoporosis compared the effects of moderate vs. high doses of vitamin D on bone density and bone strength. The results may surprise you. Get the details in the How Much Do You Need and How Much is Too Much? section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and COVID-19 Risk

Vitamin D deficiency was associated with an increased risk of testing positive for coronavirus according to a recent study. For details see the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Deficiency & COVID Death Risk

A new study suggests a link between vitamin D deficiency and higher risk of death in COVID-19 patients. For details, see the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Risk of Death

Middle-aged men with very low blood levels of vitamin D were found to be much more likely to die over the next dozen years than men with the highest levels, according to a recent study. Learn more in the What It Does section of Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Can vitamin D improve symptoms of autism spectrum disorder? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Colorectal Cancer Risk

What level of vitamin D is associated with the lowest risk of colorectal cancer according to a recent study? Find out in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.)

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Coronavirus

Studies are linking low blood levels of vitamin D to higher risk of testing positive for the coronavirus and/or developing more severe disease. Find out what blood levels appear to be protective, as well as the results of the most recent study, in the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Depression

Can taking 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily lower the chance of developing depression? Find out what a major study showed in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Seasonal Use of Vitamin D

The airway's ability to fight infections is reduced during the winter/spring and vitamin D might help, according to a recent study. For details, see the What It Does section of vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for COVID-19 Patients

A study evaluated the effects of giving vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin B12 to COVID-19 patients. See the results in the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Magnesium Helps Vitamin D

Magnesium can boost blood levels of an important form of vitamin D, according to a recent study. For details on how much magnesium to take and when, see the Magnesium affects vitamin D levels section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. To find a good magnesium supplement, see our Top Picks for magnesium.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Asthma?

Does giving high-dose vitamin D to children with asthma reduce their need for inhaled steroids or allow them to go longer between attacks? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Restless Legs?

Does high-dose vitamin D help women and men with restless legs syndrome? Find out what a recent study reported in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.)

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Vertigo?

Taking vitamin D may prevent the recurrence of episodes of a common form of vertigo known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (or BPPV), according to a recent study. Get the details in the Vertigo section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Exercise and Vitamin D

Be aware that exercise may temporarily raise blood levels of vitamin D, according to a recent study. Learn more and how this might affect timing of blood tests for vitamin D in the ConsumerTips section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Restless Legs?

Did taking vitamin D reduce the severity of restless legs syndrome in women? See what a recent study found in the Restless legs syndrome (RLS) section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Child Bone Density

Does supplementing with vitamin D during pregnancy increase bone mineral density in the child? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Migraine

Low blood levels of vitamin D have been linked with higher migraine frequency. A new study suggests why. Get the details in our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Also see our article about supplements and migraine.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Vertigo?

Did taking vitamin D help people with a common form of vertigo? See what a recent study found in our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Also see: Do any supplements improve balance or reduce the risk of falls?

Clinical Update


Effects of Too Much Vitamin D on Muscle

High daily doses of vitamin D may have detrimental effects on physical activity and strength in older people, according to recent research. Get the details in the Strength and muscle function section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for liquid and moderate dose vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Cancer

Find out if taking vitamin D reduced the risk of cancer among older people in a recent study and if it improved breast cancer prognosis in another study in our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Diabetes Risk

In people with prediabetes, does taking vitamin D improve blood sugar regulation and decrease diabetes risk? Find out what a recent study showed in the Diabetes, insulin resistance and glucose control section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Grave’s Disease

Did high-dose vitamin D improve outcomes in people with Grave’s disease? See what a recent study found in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & COVID-19

Did supplementing with vitamin D reduce symptoms or improve outcomes among people hospitalized with COVID-19? Find out what a recent study showed in our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Also see if zinc helped in the same study.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for GI Cancers

Taking high-dose vitamin D greatly improved the outcomes of a large subgroup of people with gastrointestinal cancers (colorectal, gastric, esophageal). Get the details in the Cancer section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Gingivitis?

A recent study showed that taking vitamin D reduced gum inflammation. Get the details in the Periodontal disease section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


High-Dose Vitamin D & DNA Damage

High-dose vitamin D supplementation may damage DNA, according to a recent study. Get the details in the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for ED?

Does taking vitamin D improve the effects in men of prescription medication for ED? Find out in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Psoriasis?

Did vitamin D supplementation decrease symptoms in people with plaque psoriasis? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


MS and Vitamin D

Does vitamin D supplementation reduce relapse rates in people with multiple sclerosis? See what a recent study found in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Also see: Supplements for multiple sclerosis (MS): Do any supplements reduce symptoms or relapse?

Clinical Update


Prenatal Vitamin D

Does taking vitamin D during pregnancy help prevent asthma in offspring? Find out in the Asthma section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Thyroid Disease?

Does taking vitamin D improve thyroid function in women with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis? See what a recent study found in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Also see: I take levothyroxine (Synthroid), a thyroid hormone to treat hypothyroidism. Are there supplements or foods I should avoid, or be taking?

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Statin Side Effects

Does taking vitamin D prevent or reverse statin-related muscle symptoms? Find out what a recent study showed in the Statins section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Knee Pain?

Does taking vitamin D reduce knee pain or improve function in people with knee osteoarthritis? See what a recent study suggests in the Osteoarthritis section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Pick for vitamin D.

Also see: Which supplements help with arthritis?

Clinical Update


Vitamin D For Cough & Colds?

Does taking vitamin D prevent upper respiratory infections, including colds and coughs, in older people? Find out what a recent study showed in our Vitamin D Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Also see: Do any supplements help prevent or treat a cold?

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Menopause

Does vitamin D supplementation affect the time of menopause onset? See what a recent study showed in the Early Menopause section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Prostate Cancer-Related Bone Loss

Taking high-dose vitamin D during androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer may help some men prevent bone loss, according to a recent study. Get the details in the Prostate Cancer section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Vertigo

Taking vitamin D may reduce episodes of vertigo in certain people. Get the details in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Back Pain & Vitamin D

Are low levels of vitamin D linked with increased risk of lower back pain? See what a recent study found in the Bones and fractures section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for ED?

Did taking vitamin D improve sexual function among older men? Find out what a recent study showed in our Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

CL Answer

What are the best supplements for depression and anxiety?

Best natural supplements for depression and anxiety, including the evidence for fish oil, vitamin D, probiotics, and herbal supplements for depression such as curcumin (from turmeric) and saffron.

Best Supplements for Depression and Anxiety -- sad young woman sitting on couch, looking toward the window

CL Answer

What is Perque Bone Guard Forté? It is safe and effective for bone health?

Find out about the ingredients in Perque Bone Guard Forté, including which ingredients may be beneficial for osteoporosis and bone health and which may be a safety concern.

Bottle of Perque Bone Guard Forte

CL Answer

What is Marine-D3 with Seanol-P, and does it live up to anti-aging claims?

Learn about the evidence for Marine-D3, a supplement from Marine Essentials that contains Seanol, including evidence from clinical studies on aging.

CL Answer

Which supplements help with erectile dysfunction?

Supplements for erectile dysfunction. Find out which supplements can help with ED, including ginseng, L-arginine, and maca.

Man in Grey Tee Holding Water and White Supplement

Clinical Update


Large Study Suggests Best Vitamin D Level

What's the best level of vitamin D in your body for overall health? One way to answer this question is to compare mortality rates (deaths per year) associated different levels of vitamin D. A new study did just this, reviewing information about thousands of Americans. It concluded the best levels are between 20 and 40 ng/mL, as the risk of dying is fairly similar across this range. However, a closer look at the findings suggests an even smaller range actually associated with the lowest mortality. For the details, as well as our suggestions on how to use vitamin D, and quality ratings of products, see the Vitamin D Review.  More >>

Recalls & Warnings

February 20, 2024

Nordic Naturals Infant Liquid Vitamin D Recalled Due to Excessive Vitamin D

On February 17, 2024, Nordic Naturals issued a recall of one lot (approximately 3,800 units) of Nordic Naturals Baby’s Vitamin D3 Liquid because it contains elevated levels of vitamin D. The product is labeled as containing 400 IU (10 mcg) per the suggested serving of 0.25 mL.

CL Answer

How to Reduce Lightheadedness and Dizziness When Standing Up (Orthostatic Hypotension)

Learn about movements that can reduce lightheadedness and dizziness that can occur from a drop in blood pressure upon standing (initial orthostatic hypotension). Plus find out if supplements such as vitamin D and CoQ10 may help.

Orthostatic Hypotension

CL Answer

Does silica have health benefits? What is BioSil, and can it really increase collagen production and strengthen hair, skin, nails and bones?

Information about the health effects of silica (silicon dioxide) and orthosilicic acid (an ingredient in BioSil), including whether these forms of silicon can really increase collagen production, thicken hair, strengthen nails & bones.

Does BioSil Strengthen Hair, Skin and Nails? -- Bottle of BioSil

Product Review

Quercetin & Rutin Supplements Review

Quality's a Concern With Quercetin and Rutin Supplements -- Only 17% of Claimed Amount In One

CL Answer

How are you staying healthy during the coronavirus pandemic?

Tips for staying healthy during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Tips from ConsumerLab members for maintaining physical health, mental health and social well-being during COVID-19.

Staying Healthy During the Coronavirus Pandemic -- Couple at Home, Looking Out the Window

CL Answer

I do moderate exercise for about an hour a few times a week. Which supplements might help me, and which should I consider avoiding?

Info on what supplements are best for work out & exercise regimens, including electrolytes, protein, creatine, and BCAAs.

Supplements for Moderate Exercise

CL Answer

Is it safe to take arginine, or other supplements for sexual enhancement, while taking Viagra or Cialis?

When taking Cialis or Viagra, is it safe to take arginine or other sexual enhancement supplements?

Man Holding Blister Packs of Supplements

Product Review

Vitamin C Supplements Review

Find the Best Vitamin C Supplements

Vitamin C Review 2023

News Release

July 31, 2024

Best Calcium & Bone Health Supplements According to ConsumerLab Tests

White Plains, NY, July 31, 2024 —  Calcium is essential to maintaining bone health and plays critical roles in nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and the cardiovascular system.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Doxycycline

Should I take vitamin D when on doxycycline (used to treat Lyme disease)? Read why you may want to supplement with vitamin D if you’re on a long course of treatment with a medication that causes photosensitivity, such as doxycycline.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Asthma?

Does high-dose vitamin D improve asthma? Find out what a recent study showed in the Asthma section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks.

Clinical Update


Best Way to Take Vitamin D?

Vitamin D and other fat-soluble vitamins are best absorbed with some fat or oil, but how much fat or oil is needed to improve absorption of these vitamins? Find out in our article about the best way to take vitamins and minerals. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Caution With Vitamin D Drops

Liquid vitamin D drops are often given to infants, but it’s critical to use a low-dose product to avoid toxicity, as occurred in a recently reported case. For details, see the Concerns and Cautions section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D to Prevent Winter Colds & Flu?

Does taking vitamin D help prevent respiratory infections during winter? Find out what a recent study showed in the Respiratory infections, colds and influenza section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks.

Also see: Do any supplements help prevent or treat a cold?

Clinical Update


Calcium and Vitamin D to Prevent Fractures

A large study among post-menopausal women receiving hormone therapy showed a much lower rate of hip fracture among those who received a specific calcium/vitamin D supplement compared to those who did not get the supplement. For details about the supplement, as well as test results and comparisons for 13 calcium/vitamin D supplements, see the updated Calcium Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Lupus

A recent small study found that vitamin D supplements helped people with lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus -- SLE), a long-term autoimmune disease. See the update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review which has details on who may benefit, dosage, and results of our product tests. More >>

Clinical Update


Is Vitamin D2 or D3 Better?

Over the years, studies have shown vitamin D3 to be either equal to or better than vitamin D2 for raising vitamin D blood levels. A new study further tips the scales. Get the details, as well as our tests of vitamin D supplements, in the updated Vitamin D Supplements ReviewMore >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Infants

How much is needed and how much is too much? A new study sheds light on what's appropriate for infants. Get the facts and our tests of 55 vitamin D supplements (including baby drops) in the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Pneumonia

A new study in men and women ages 53 to 73 found that a low vitamin D level in the blood was almost as strong a risk factor for pneumonia as smoking! Get the details, including the level with lowest risk of pneumonia, in the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Effect on Body Fat and Cholesterol

As we have reported earlier, adequate intake of vitamin D may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. A new study may help explain why. A 12-week course of vitamin D given to overweight women lead to a boost in HDL ("good" cholesterol) as well as a decrease in body fat. However, total body weight did not change and there was an increase in LDL ("bad") cholesterol, although it appeared to be less plaque-forming in nature. For details, including the dose given, see the updated information in the Vitamin D Supplement ReviewMore >>

Clinical Update


Strength Improves with Vitamin D

A review of 13 studies found that vitamin D supplements may improve balance and muscle strength, but not gait, among older individuals. See the update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review for details, including dosage. More >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Post-Menopausal Women

A study compared the effects of low-dose and high-dose vitamin D on bone mineral density in post-menopausal women who were also supplemented with calcium. Both dosages helped prevent loss of bone mineral density, but the higher dose was less efficient in reducing bone turnover, i.e., bone loss, contrary to what the researchers expected.  For details, including dosage, see the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review>>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Helpful for Asthma?

A recent study reported that giving high-dose vitamin D to asthma patients did not significantly reduce the rate of failure with conventional medications. However, a closer look at the study suggests that this conclusion is misleading and that a benefit may exist. Get the details in the update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review >> 

Clinical Update


Kidney Stones Linked to Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation

A recent report showed that women taking a calcium and vitamin D supplement over a period of several years were 17% more likely to develop kidney stones than women who did not take the supplement. reviewed this study. While the findings are correct, there seems to be no reason to give up vitamin D supplements and a small concern with calcium supplementation. Get the details in the update to the Calcium Supplements Review >>. The new information is also found in an update in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D-Autism Study Retracted

A study that showed a benefit in giving high-dose vitamin D to children with autism spectrum disorder has been retracted due to a lack of confidence in the findings by the editors of the journal in which it appeared. For details, see the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


High-Dose Vitamin D & Cholesterol

Giving high-dose vitamin D to people who are not deficient in it may backfire and increase cholesterol levels, as seen in a recent study. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among products).

Clinical Update


Right Amount of D for Cognition

Three different doses of vitamin D were given to older women in a one-year study of cognition. Find out which dose resulted in the best performance on cognitive tests in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Improves Heart Output

A recent study in people with chronic heart failure (poor heart output) found that vitamin D improved heart output. However, the study did not achieve its main objective — to increase walking distance. The dose may have been to blame. For details see the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Understanding How Much Vitamin D You Need

Misunderstanding the daily requirement for vitamin D is common and can have adverse implications. To address this issue, leading experts recently published an article re-explaining the requirements. We've summarized this in the "How Much Do You Need and How Much Is Too Much?" section in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Breast Cancer Survival

A new study making headlines this week found that women with "the highest" levels of vitamin D had better survival rates from breast cancer than women with the "lowest rates." What was left out of news stories — and may surprise you — is what these levels are. Find out in the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D's Cardiovascular Effect

Taking vitamin D can improve aspects of cardiovascular function in certain situations, as shown in a recently published study. Get the details in the "Cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, and cholesterol" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D supplements.)

Clinical Update


Adequate Vitamin D Reduces Frequent Respiratory Infections

A study in people with frequent respiratory infections found that taking vitamin D for one year resulted in fewer infections than taking placebo. In contrast, a similar study did not find a benefit. Why the difference? Find out in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Early Menopause & Vitamin D

Women who get more vitamin D from their diets have a lower risk of early menopause, according to a recent study. However, supplements don't seem to help. Get the details in the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Asthma

Short term supplementation with vitamin D improved symptoms of asthma in children, according to a new study. Get the details in the "What It Does" section in our Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D2 or D3?

Although both the D2 and D3 forms of vitamin D can raise blood levels of vitamin D, a new study showed one to be significantly better than the other — and there are some interesting explanations for this. Learn more in the "What to Consider When Using" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks.

Clinical Update


Headlines Saying "Vitamin D and Calcium Don't Prevent Colon Cancer" Are Not Quite Right

A study released this week found that vitamin D and calcium supplements did not reduce the risk of developing colorectal polyps in people prone to them. A closer look at the study, however, suggests that this may not be true for everyone. Get the details in the update in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >> and the Calcium Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Needed For Nursed Infants

A recent study found that the longer a child is nursed, the higher the risk of being deficient in vitamin D. See the details and recommendations in the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and MS

A study found that children born to women significantly deficient in vitamin D during pregnancy were much more likely to develop multiple sclerosis as adults. For details, see the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Right Dose of Vitamin D to Reduce Falls

As we've reported in the past, vitamin D can reduce falls in older people, but too much can increase falls. A new study helps nail down the ideal dose and blood level to reduce falls. For details, see the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Better Executive Functioning with Vitamin D

Getting adequate vitamin D appears to help with executive functioning and attention in adolescents, according to a new study — similar to what has been preliminarily shown in men. For details, see the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review (which includes our tests of products) >>

Clinical Update


Headache and Vitamin D

A large study of middle-aged men found that those with low levels of vitamin D in their blood were twice as likely to have frequent headaches as men with higher levels. For details, see the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


High-Dose Vitamin D Reduces Respiratory Infections, But With a Risk

A study among older men and women found those who took high-dose vitamin D had fewer acute respiratory infections, but a greater number of falls. Get the details in the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Asthma

A daily, moderate dose of vitamin D reduces hospitalizations and use of steroid medication in people with mild to moderate asthma, according to a new study. Get the details in the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Raising Vitamin D Levels May Reduce Risk Factor For Breast Cancer

A study among postmenopausal women showed that raising vitamin D blood levels helps reduces blood estrogens, which are a known risk factor for breast cancer. And there's something that reduces estrogen levels even more! For more details, see the "What It Does - Cancer" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Cancer

Several studies, including one published this month, show that sufficient levels of vitamin D in the body are associated with decreased risk of various forms of cancer. What's the best level? See "Cancer" in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Too Much Vitamin D

A U.S. study showed a recent 26-fold increase in the percentage of people with excessive blood levels of vitamin D, driven by increased supplement use. Although acute toxic effects were rare, potential long-term risks exist with these high levels. See the details in Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


High-Dose Vitamin D for COVID?

Elderly nursing home residents given high-dose vitamin D had much better survival rates from COVID-19 than other residents, according to a new study. However, the dose given has potential risks. Get the details in the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D Affected by Medication

A specific medication for cystic fibrosis seems to increase the absorption of vitamin D, requiring the adjustment to supplementation, according to a recent study. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Risk of Falls

A recent study showed that high-dose vitamin D may increase the risk of falls for certain people. Get the details in the Muscle, Balance, and Falls section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Hip Fracture Risk With Vegan Diet

Does following a vegan diet increase the risk of hip fracture in middle-aged and older women, and does supplementing with calcium and vitamin D help? See what a recent study found in the "What It Does" sections of our Calcium Supplements Review and Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among calcium supplements and vitamin D supplements.

Clinical Update


Taking Vitamin K With Vitamin D?

Is it necessary to take vitamin K when taking vitamin D? Find out in our updated answer to the question: Do you need to take vitamin K when taking vitamin D?

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Asthma?

Can vitamin D supplementation reduce immune reactions to common asthma triggers, such as dust mites? Find out what a recent analysis showed in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Birth Control and Vitamin D

Can taking birth control pills affect vitamin D levels? Find out what a recent study found in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Death From COVID

Some research suggests that low blood levels of vitamin D increase the risk of death from COVID, but a new study suggests that high levels also increase risk. Get the details in the COVID section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also see our answer to the question: Do any supplements help with the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Infant Bone Density

Does vitamin D supplementation improve bone density in breast-fed infants? Find out what a recent study suggests in the Bones and Fractures section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Do Vitamin D & Whey Protein Help After a Stroke?

Can taking vitamin D and whey protein after a stroke help improve muscle strength and physical function? Find out what a recent study suggests in the Muscle, balance and falls section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also see our article about supplements and stroke risk.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for COVID?

Does high-dose vitamin D help people hospitalized with COVID? See what a recent study showed in the COVID section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also see our answer to the question: Do any supplements help with the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & COVID

Does vitamin D boost immune response to COVID-19 vaccines? Find out.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Boosting Vitamin D

Did you know that supplementing with magnesium can help boost low vitamin D levels in some people? See what a recent study showed in the ConsumerTips section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for Gum Disease?

Does supplementing with vitamin D help treat gum disease? Find out what research suggests in the Periodontal Disease section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also, see our article about supplements for gum disease or periodontitis.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Alzheimer's Caution

Although several studies suggest that maintaining an adequate level of vitamin D may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's, a recent study provided a cautionary note. See the details in the Alzheimer's and Dementia section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Cancer

Does vitamin D decrease the risk of cancer or cancer mortality? See the latest evidence in the Cancer section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and Heart Failure

Does high-dose vitamin D improve heart function in people with chronic heart failure? Find out what a recent study showed in the Cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, and cholesterol section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Does Vitamin D Reduce Fracture Risk?

A new study indicates that high-dose vitamin D does not reduce the risk of bone fractures in older adults. Get the details in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for COVID-19?

A recent study suggested that supplementing with high-dose vitamin D could improve clinical outcomes for people hospitalized with COVID-19. Learn more in the COVID section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


More Vitamin D in Cereals

Be aware that more vitamin D can now be added to breakfast cereals and nutrition bars based on a recent FDA ruling. Get the details in the What to Consider When Buying section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Statins & Vitamin D

Can taking vitamin D reduce statin-related muscle pain? See what a recent study found in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also, see our article about supplements to take or avoid when taking statins.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Depression

Find out if and when taking vitamin D may possibly help or worsen depression in some people, including findings from a recent study. Get the details in the Depression & Mood section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Statin-Related Muscle Pain

Does taking vitamin D reduce the risk of statin-related muscle pain? Find out what a recent study found in the Statins section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Also, see our article about supplements to take or avoid when taking statins.

CL Answer

Supplements for Eczema: Some May Help, While Others Don’t

Certain supplements may reduce symptoms of atopic dermatitis (the most common form of eczema), while others don't seem to work. Find out if gamma-linolenic acid, L-histidine, phytoceramides, probiotics, and other supplements may be beneficial.

Young woman with eczema scratching her skin on the inner side of her elbow

CL Answer

Which vitamins and supplements are good for acne, and are there any that make it worse?

Information about supplements for acne and clearer skin. Plus, find out which vitamins and supplements can make acne worse.

Supplements for Acne and Clear Skin -- Woman taking fish oil supplement

Product Review

Seaweed Snacks and Foods Review

Tests Reveal Seaweed Snack Risks

CL Answer

Which supplements reduce the risk of stroke? Which increase the risk of stroke?

Find out which supplements (may help reduce the risk of stroke/might increase the risk of stroke.)

Stroke Spelled on Wooden Blocks Against Blue Background

CL Answer

Do any supplements help for ulcerative colitis?

Find out what supplements & vitamins can help with ulcerative colitis, such as VSL#3, curcumin, aloe or boswellia.

Woman Grabbing Stomach Due To Abdominal Discomfort

CL Answer

Which vitamins and minerals should someone over 70 take?

Find out which vitamin and mineral supplements men and women age 70 and older should take, recommended intakes for vitamin D, B6, B12, iron, plus multis, vision supplements, protein and more.

Vitamins and Minerals for People Age 70 or Older

CL Answer

Supplements for multiple sclerosis (MS): Do any supplements reduce symptoms or relapse?

Find out if vitamins or supplements such as ginkgo, fish oil, biotin, vitamins A, C, E, D, and B12, or selenium reduce symptoms or relapse in people with multiple sclerosis (MS).

MS 3

CL Answer

Does Qualia Mind boost memory and mental function and is it worth cost?

Learn about the ingredients in Qualia Mind, whether or not we think the formula works and is safe, and if we think it's worth the cost.


CL Answer

8 Red Flags to Watch Out For When Buying Vitamins & Supplements

When it comes to buying vitamins and supplements, it's buyer beware. ConsumerLab explains eight red flags to look out for on labels when choosing and buying vitamins or supplements, including claims of "FDA Approved" laboratories, what to look for in the ingredient list, and more.

What to Watch Out for When Choosing a Supplement -- Supplement Bottle Label Close-up

CL Answer

Do any supplements help with fatty liver disease? Are some diets more beneficial than others?

Find out if supplements such as vitamin E, fish oil, milk thistle, curcumin, choline, probiotics, vitamin D, reishi mushroom, or extra virgin olive oil are beneficial for fatty liver disease and learn which diet (Mediterranean, ketogenic, DASH, or fasting diets) seems to have greatest benefit.

Overweight man holding his right side near his liver

CL Answer

I take levothyroxine (Synthroid), a thyroid hormone to treat hypothyroidism. Are there supplements or foods I should avoid, or be taking, due to this drug?

Is taking certain supplements and hypothyroidism medications bad? Learn which supplements can interact with thyroid hormone medications like levothyroxine (Synthroid), thyroid hormone levels, and laboratory tests.

Levothyroxine (Synthroid) Supplement Interactions

Product Review

Muscle & Workout Supplements Review (Creatine and Branched-chain Amino Acids)

Do Creatine and BCAAs Really Improve Strength and Recovery?

Recalls & Warnings

June 19, 2023

A&Z Pharmaceutical Warned for Promoting Calcium & Vitamin D for Hair Loss, Osteoporosis & Cancer

On June 1, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to A&Z Pharmaceutical, Inc. following inspection of the company’s website and social media, which found statements about the company’s Chewable Calcium 600MG with Vitamin D for Kids in Orange Flavor products to be drug claims.

Product Review

Astaxanthin Supplements Review

See Which Astaxanthin Products Passed or Failed CL's Tests

Astaxanthin supplements reviewed by

CL Answer

10 Supplements That May Help Reduce Nighttime Urination (And 5 That May Not)

Waking up more than once during the night to use the bathroom? Learn more about the 9 supplements that may help and 5 others that don't.

A toilet in an empty bathroom at night

CL Answer

Can taking too much fish oil be dangerous?

Find out if too much fish oil can be dangerous, and if taking too much fish oil can cause effects such as suppressing the immune system, thinning the blood (increasing the risk of bleeding), increasing levels of LDL cholesterol and liver enzymes or increasing the frequency in episodes atrial fibrillation.'s answer explains.

Taking Too Much Fish Oil -- bottle of fish oil and fish oil capsules

CL Answer

Do hair loss supplements, such as Viviscal, Hair La Vie, and Nutrafol, or topical essential oils work?

Vitamins and supplements that may help with hair loss and thinning, including saw palmetto, beta-sitosterol, protein, iron, and vitamin D.

Supplements for Hair Loss -- woman looking at hairbrush

Recalls & Warnings

February 22, 2021

Canadian Creatine Recalled for Dangerous Levels of Vitamin D

On February 21, 2021, the Canadian company Genex Nutraceuticals recalled one lot of Perfect Sports Core Series Pure Creatine (also known as Creatine Powder) because it "contains vitamin D that is not listed on the label, at dangerous levels.

Product Review

Prostate Supplements Review (Saw Palmetto and Beta-Sitosterol)

Find the Best Prostate Supplement for Symptoms of BPH. See Which Prostate Supplement Passed or Failed CL's Tests of Quality.

Product Review

Aloe Juices, Gels, and Supplements Review

How Much Aloe is Really in Aloe Products? Find Out and See Our Top Picks.

News Release

July 30, 2024

ConsumerLab Tests Reveal Best Vitamin K Supplements

White Plains, NY, July 30, 2024 — Vitamin K helps with proper blood clotting as well as with calcium utilization in bones and the cardiovascular system.

CL Answer

Which supplements help with arthritis?

Learn more about supplements for joint health, including products such as Wobenzym and Zyflamend and ingredients such as collagen, curcumin, glucosamine and chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), SAMe, and others.

Supplements for Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis -- Women With Arthritic Hands

Product Review

Cinnamon Supplements and Spices Review

CAUTION: Some Cinnamon Products High in Toxin. See Which Passed or Failed and our Top Picks!

Cinnamon Supplements and Spices Tested by

Product Review

Vision Supplements Review (with Lutein, Zeaxanthin & AREDS2 Formulas)

Find the Best Vision Supplement Based Our Tests

CL Answer

Which supplements are important after bariatric surgery (i.e., weight loss or stomach-reducing surgery)? Are there any I should avoid?

Find out which supplements may help after weight loss or stomach reducing surgery, including iron and calcium, and which should be avoided.

Bypass Surgery Sign

CL Answer

Is it true that some vitamins or supplements can cause cancer?

Learn more about the effects of certain vitamins and supplements on cancer, including beta-carotene, vitamins E and B9, and multivitamins.

Woman holding vitamins in hand

CL Answer

How good are sardines? Are they healthy and safe? What did CL's tests find?

Find out amounts of omega-3s (DHA and EPA), protein, and vitamin D in sardines, as well as contaminants mercury and arsenic based on ConsumerLab's tests.

Are Sardines Safe and Healthy To Eat? -- Can of Sardines

CL Answer

Can vitamins or other supplements cause a change in the ability to taste, or even a loss of taste?

Find out if supplements or vitamin deficiencies can cause changes in taste, loss of taste or smell. Information about vitamin D, zinc, vitamins A, B6, B12 and others. Plus medications and medical conditions that can alter taste and smell.'s answer explains.

Vitamin Deficiency, Supplements and Loss of Taste? -- man with salad looking disinterested, unhappy

CL Answer

When taking a water-soluble version of CoQ10, do I still need to take it with food?

Find out how best to take CoQ10 supplements, with water or food.

water-soluble version of CoQ10

Clinical Update


Supplements Reduce Invasive Cancer Risk

Supplementing with vitamin D and omega-3 reduced the risk of invasive cancer in older men and women, according to a recent analysis. Adding resistance exercise further decreased this risk. Get the details in our Vitamin D Supplements and Fish and Marine Oil Supplements Reviews. 

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Autoimmune Disease

A major study suggests that supplementing with vitamin D may reduce the risk of some autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Fish oil may also have some benefit. But there are important caveats to the findings, and thyroid disease and psoriasis appear to be impacted. Use the above links for details.

Clinical Update


Calcium, Vitamin D & Heart Risk

Does taking vitamin D reduce the cardiovascular risks associated with calcium supplementation? See what a new study found in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Calcium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among calcium supplements.

Clinical Update


Sun Protection and Bone Health

Does staying out of the sun or using sunscreen increase the risk of osteoporosis or bone fracture? Find out what a recent study suggests in the Getting vitamin D from sunlight section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Fish Oil & Vitamin D for Macular Degeneration?

Can taking fish oil and vitamin D reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD)? See what a large study found in the Eye Disease section of the Fish Oil Supplements Review. Also see the Vision Supplements Review for our tests of vision supplements, including those that most closely resemble the AREDS2 formula and our Top Picks among products.

Clinical Update


Calcium During Breast Cancer Treatment

A recent analysis of clinical studies concluded that supplementation with calcium and vitamin D during breast cancer treatment does not help maintain bone mineral density, although often given for this purpose. Calcium and vitamin D may certainly play other important roles. For more details, as well as test results and comparisons for 33 calcium supplements, see the updated Calcium Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Take Vitamin D with a Meal Containing Fats

We've been suggesting this for years and a new study re-emphasizes the point. Get the details in the ConsumerTips section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >> 

Clinical Update


Biotin Interference With Vitamin D Test

Last week we reported that high doses of biotin (found in B complexes and hair and nail supplements) can interfere with certain blood tests. A study recently showed that biotin can also artificially inflate a test for vitamin D. Get the details in the "Biotin" section of the B Vitamin Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin D During Menopause

Do vitamin D requirements increase with menopause? They don’t, but calcium requirements do, as we note in our article about a new line of supplements for older women.

Clinical Update


Crohn’s Disease, Colitis & Key Nutrients

Experts are advising that people with inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, be monitored for deficiencies in vitamin D and iron.

Also see our Top Picks among vitamin D and iron supplements.

CL Answer

Is it better to get vitamins from foods or supplements, and are natural vitamins better than synthetic vitamins?

Learn more about the benefits of getting vitamins from food versus supplements, natural versus synthetic vitamins, and more.

Getting Vitamins and Minerals from Food vs. Supplements -- fruits, vegetables, and a spoon containing supplements on a table

CL Answer

Which supplements are best for seasonal allergies?

Find out which supplements are best for allergies and can help reduce seasonal allergy symptoms, including bromelain, curcumin, vitamin D, and CLA.

Supplements for Seasonal Allergies -- Woman Outside Sneezing

CL Answer

Do any supplements or foods help with migraine? Do any trigger migraine?

Find out if supplements such as magnesium, CoQ10, riboflavin, butterbur, feverfew and others help with migraine. Also learn about foods that may trigger migraine, including chocolate and watermelon.


News Release

May 07, 2024

ConsumerLab Tests Magnesium Supplements, Spots Problems and Selects a Top Pick

White Plains, NY, May 7, 2024 — Nearly half the U.S. population does not get adequate amounts of magnesium and may benefit from increasing magnesium intake from foods or supplementation.

Product Review

B Vitamin Supplements Review (B Complexes, B6, B12, Biotin, Folate, Niacin, Riboflavin & More)

See Our Top Picks and Which 5 Failed Testing

B Vitamins Review 2024

CL Answer

Which supplements have been shown to be helpful for autism?

Find out which supplements may help reduce symptoms of autism, including multivitamins, probiotics, and melatonin.

Bottle and Pills Spread Out on Blue Background

CL Answer

Are gummy vitamins better or worse than pills?

Learn more about gummy supplements, including those for multivitamins, vitamins C and D, calcium, and B vitamins.

Problems With Gummy Vitamins -- bottle of gummy vitamins

CL Answer

Which supplements or foods can help lower cholesterol and keep my heart healthy? Are there any to avoid?

Information about heart health supplements & vitamins that help with cholesterol, including sterol esters, CoQ10, and vitamin D, and which may be bad for the heart, like calcium.

CL Answer

Do any supplements, foods, or oils help reduce muscle pain, muscle cramps, or nighttime leg cramps?

Find out which supplements, and topical products such as magnesium creams, can help reduce muscle pain, leg cramps, and nighttime leg cramps, and which may worsen muscle cramps. Also, learn about vitamin and mineral deficiencies and common medications that can cause muscle cramps and nocturnal leg cramps.

Magnesium & Other Supplements for Muscle Pain & Cramps -- woman with leg cramp

CL Answer

Are Hormone Harmony and other Happy Mammoth Supplements Worth Taking?

Are the supplements Hormone Harmony, Hormone Harmony Plus+, Prebiotic Collagen Protein, or Bloat Banisher by Happy Mammoth likely to be beneficial for menopause symptoms or digestive health? Find out.

Supplements by Happy Mammoth

CL Answer

Which supplements can cause diarrhea?

Can supplements like magnesium cause diarrhea? Find out which supplements may cause diarrhea, such as vitamin B12, curcumin, magnesium, vitamin C and fish oil.

Which supplements can cause diarrhea? -- Woman with gastrointestinal pain

News Release

February 26, 2024

Latest ConsumerLab Survey Shows Growth in Popularity of Magnesium and Several Smaller Supplements

White Plains, New York, February 26, 2024 — A recent survey of more than 10,000 people who regularly use dietary supplements shows that supplements that experienced the greatest absolute growth in popularity during 2023 were pregnenolone (+7.5 percentage points), magnesium (+4.8 pts), berberine (+4.

CL Answer

Is it better to eat farmed salmon or wild salmon? Which one has more omega-3s and less contamination with PCBs, mercury, etc.?

Learn more about wild caught vs. farm raised salmon, including omega-3 content and contamination with PCBs, mercury, and other toxins.

Wild Caught vs. Farm Raised Salmon -- salmon on a dinner plate with fork and knife

CL Answer

What is the best sunscreen based on safety and efficacy?

We’ve boiled down the latest research about mineral and chemical sunscreens, including product tests, to help you choose the best sunscreen (which will depend on whether you expect to be in or out of the water). We also list popular sunscreens that have, or have not, been found to contain cancer-causing compounds (benzene and benzophenone).

Carcinogens in Sunscreens - Bottle of sunscreen with a question mark

Recalls & Warnings

April 20, 2021

Chiropractor Who Claimed Vitamin D and Zinc Work Better Than COVID Vaccines Charged by FTC

On April 15, 2021, the FTC charged St.

CL Answer

What is fermented cod liver oil, such as Blue Ice? Is it better than regular cod liver oil?

Fermented cod liver oil information including if Rosita & Blue Ice (Green Pastures) is as good a source of vitamins and DHA as regular.

Fermented Oil On Spoon and in Syringe

CL Answer

I've read that the best form of vitamin E is d-alpha tocopheryl succinate (it's recommended in the paleo diet, for example), but I don't see that listed on product labels. How can I find it?

Learn more about the different names and types of vitamin E, including d-alpha tocopheryl succinate, natural and synthetic.

Vitamin E Pills and Close Up on Bottle Label

CL Answer

I am 70 a year male in relatively good health. I plan on walking the Camino in France (500 miles). I am looking for a multivitamin that would best supply me with my needs during this walk/hike. What would be the best product or combination of products to use?

Find out if older adults who walk or hike should take a multivitamin, vitamin C, vitamin D, or other supplements, like electrolytes, when hiking. Plus, see our advice for choosing a good sunscreen.

Hiking 8

CL Answer

Do any supplements, foods or lifestyle modifications help with brain function, like memory and cognition?

Find out which supplements help improve memory, brain function and cognition, including fish oil, some B vitamins, cocoa, and curcumin. ConsumerLab's answer explains the evidence for supplements promoted to help with brain function and cognition.

Supplements for Memory -- doctor holding a model of a brain and fish oil capsule

CL Answer

Do any supplements, like Nervive, help with nerve pain, like sciatica, diabetic neuropathy or postherpetic neuralgia?

Find out which supplements for nerve pain, including fish oil and alpha-lipoic acid, are effective for sciatica, diabetic neuropathy, or postherpetic neuralgia.

Recalls & Warnings

April 17, 2020

Seller of Vitamin D, MSM, Selenium & More Warned for Drug Claims

On March 31, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to KetoKerri LLC following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about some of the company's products, including Dr.

CL Answer

Do any supplements help prevent or treat a cold?

Are there supplements that can help prevent or treat cold symptoms? Learn more about zinc, probiotics, vitamin C and more.

Supplements for Colds: Zinc, Echinacea & More -- Couple with cold, sitting on couch blowing their noses

Product Review

Melatonin Supplements Review

Trouble Sleeping? See CL's Tests of Melatonin Supplements and Top Picks.

Melatonin Review 2024

CL Answer

Which supplements are helpful for age-related macular degeneration (AMD)?

Find out which vitamins & supplements are helpful for macular degeneration (AMD), such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and others used in the AREDS studies.

Supplements for Macular Degeneration -- woman getting eye examination

CL Answer

Which supplements and foods can help lower or control blood sugar?

Find out which supplements can help lower or control blood sugar. Supplements including turmeric/curcumin, fiber, cinnamon, and ginseng are believed to help lower blood sugar.

Blood Sugar Control -- blood test and blood sugar chart

CL Answer

I have been having dizziness for the past few months and am wondering if it could be a side effect of supplements I take. Which supplements cause dizziness?

Find out which supplements that may cause dizziness, vertigo, or imbalance, including garlic, melatonin, saw palmetto, and red yeast rice.

Young Woman Helping Elderly Woman Remain Upright

CL Answer

3 Tips to Prevent Powdered Supplements from Clumping

Learn more about how powdered supplements compare to capsules and if clumping is worrisome.

Powdered Supplements

CL Answer

How likely are Americans to be deficient in vitamins or minerals?

Read info based on the CDC about vitamin deficiencies such as vitamin A, B-6, B-12, C, D, and E, folate, and iron in the United States.

Vitamin Deficiency in Men and Women -- doctor's clipboard with information about vitamin deficiency

Product Review

DHEA Supplements Review

Choose the Best DHEA Supplement. Beware of Big Differences in Dose and Price.

DHEA Supplements Tested by

CL Answer

Do supplements help with Parkinson’s disease treatment or prevention?

Learn what has been shown with vitamins D and E, niacin, CoQ10, melatonin, creatine, SAMe, NAC, valerian, CoQ10, and CBD, as well as with coffee and the Mediterranean and MIND diets for treating and/or preventing Parkinson's disease.

Elderly man with parkinsons holding trembling hand while eating

CL Answer

Do any supplements help for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

IBS supplements may help reduce irritable bowel symptoms such as pain, diarrhea and constipation. Supplements include probiotics, melatonin, and flaxseed.

Supplements for IBS? -- Women With Stomach Pain

News Release

February 25, 2024

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2024 Based on Consumer Satisfaction

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2024 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on over 10,000 responses collected in November/December 2023.

CL Answer

Do any supplements help with gum disease or periodontitis?

Supplements for healthy gums may help with gum disease or periodontitis. Learn more about omega fatty acids, lycopene, and probiotics.

Smiling Woman Taking White Supplement with Glass of Water

CL Answer

I read that sterol supplements to lower cholesterol like CholestOff can block the absorption of vitamins. Is that true?

Find out if CholestOff and other sterol supplements can block vitamin absorption in the body and other safety concerns.

Elderly Man Reading Supplement Bottle

Product Review

Ginger Supplements, Chews & Spices Review

Tests Reveal Best and Worst Ginger Supplements & Spices. Poor Quality and Lead Contamination Discovered in Some Products.

Ginger Supplements Reviewed By

Product Review

Resveratrol Supplements Review (From Red Wine, Knotweed, and Other Sources)

See Which Resveratrol Supplements Were Best In Our Tests and Comparisons. Learn What Resveratrol Can and Can't Do.

Review of resveratrol supplements tested by, including ratings and comparisons of product quality, price, and ingredients.

CL Answer

I'm trying to pick a good multivitamin for my children and husband, and for myself. Any suggestions based on your research?

Find out how to pick the best multivitamin for you and your family, based on diet, price, and effectiveness.

Product Review

Vitamin E Supplements Review

Find the Best Vitamin E Supplement. Tests and Reviews of Popular Vitamin E Supplements & CL's Top Picks.

Vitamin E Supplements, Cream, and Oil Tested by

CL Answer

Are supplements such as Thyroid Care Plus helpful for hypothyroidism? Can supplements worsen thyroid function? And what is nascent iodine?

Learn about supplement ingredients such as iodine, selenium, zinc, acetyl-l-carnitine, ashwagandha and guggul used for thyroid conditions and find out if they are beneficial. Also learn why ingredients such as alpha-lipoic acid, soy, resveratrol, quercetin may impair thyroid function.

Woman holding various vitamins and supplements in one hand and glass of water in the other

CL Answer

I take omeprazole (Prilosec), a proton pump inhibitor, to reduce stomach acid. Are there supplements I should avoid, or be taking, due to this drug?

Supplement interactions with proton pump inhibitor (PPI) drugs like omeprazole (Prilosec) and Nexium.

CL Answer

Which supplements can help to lower blood pressure?

Supplements to lower blood pressure, including CoQ10, vitamin C, fish oil, and olive oil, are all explored to find out what works.

Supplements that can lower, or raise blood pressure -- blood pressure cuff and bottle of pills

Product Review

Zinc Supplements, Lozenges, and Melts Review

Find the Best Zinc Supplements, Including Lozenges for Colds.

Zinc Review 2024

CL Answer

Which supplements reduce hearing loss?

Can supplements such as alpha-lipoic acid, magnesium, N-acetyl-cysteine, folate or vitamins B-12, C and/or E help prevent or improve symptoms among people with hearing loss due to excessive noise or aging? Find out what the clinical evidence shows, and learn whether Advanced Hearing Formula, a supplement marketed for ear health, is likely to help.

Older man holding his hand up to his ear due to hearing loss

CL Answer

Are there supplements I should take, or take differently, when intermittent fasting?

Supplements that may help when intermittent fasting. Information about whey protein, CoQ10, magnesium and others, plus coffee, fiber and more.

CL Answer

Are liquid or gummy vitamins better than tablets, capsules or softgels?

Find out if liquid or gummy vitamins and supplements are better than tablets, capsules or softgels, are better absorbed, or better for people who have had gastric bypass or who have other conditions.

Are Liquid Vitamins Better? -- liquid vitamin bottle and dropper

CL Answer

I enjoy oat milk in my coffee, but how healthy is it for me?

Is oat milk healthy? Information about oat milk contents, how much sugar and calcium is in oat milk, and if it is a healthy alternative to cow milk.

Is oatmeal milk healthy? -- glass of oatmeal milk and oats in a spoon

Recalls & Warnings

June 20, 2020

FTC Warns 30 More Companies for Coronavirus Claims

On June 18, 2020, the FTC announced that it sent warning letters to 30 companies for selling products such as immune system boosters, colloidal silver, vitamin C, and CBD with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

December 31, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of Liposomal Vitamin C, Vitamin D & More

On December 21, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Sparrow Health & Performance LLC for selling the products Organic Liposomal Vitamin C, Nanoemulsified D3K2 (also called Liquid Liposomal Vitamin D3 with K2 or Liposomal Vitamin D3) and Immune Support ...

Recalls & Warnings

October 06, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of Red Yeast Rice, Vitamin D, Blood Pressure Supplements, and More

On August 28, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Dr. Sam Robbins, Inc.

CL Answer

When taking a statin drug like Lipitor or Crestor, are there supplements I should avoid or take?

Learn about the interactions between certain supplements and atorvastatin (Lipitor), rosuvastatin (Crestor), and other cholesterol-lowering statins.

Statin Interactions With Supplements -- close-up of statin medication box and tablets

Product Review

Collagen Supplements Review

See our Top Picks for Wrinkles and Joints

Clinical Update


Vitamin K2 + D to Slow Calcification of Arteries?

Does taking vitamin K2 plus vitamin D slow the progression of coronary artery calcification? Find out what a recent study showed in the Heart disease section of our Vitamin K Supplements Review, which includes our Top Pick for vitamin K.

Clinical Update


Newly Approved Bone Health Supplement

We recently tested NuBest Tall 10+, a bone health supplement that contains calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K. It was Approved for Quality and is now in our Calcium and Bone Health Supplements Review.

The product was tested and Approved through ConsumerLab's Quality Certification Program.

Clinical Update


Probiotic for COVID?

Did a probiotic promoted to support immune defenses against COVID-19 help prevent or treat COVID-19? Find out in our Probiotics Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among probiotics.

Also see: Do any supplements help with COVID-19? Do supplements like vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, or herbals work?

Clinical Update


When Taking Calcium Hurts

Results of a major study suggest that supplementing with calcium can decrease or increase the risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women depending on age. See the details in the Bone health and fractures section of our Calcium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for calcium and for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Risk With Too Much Vitamin A

Hypercalcemia (too much calcium in the blood) is a known risk when taking too much vitamin D, but it can also occur with high doses of vitamin A, as highlighted by a recent report. Get the details in our Vitamin A Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin A and beta-carotene.

Clinical Update


Does Vitamin K2 Reduce Artery Calcification?

In response to communications from several readers about the role of vitamin K2 supplementation in reducing artery calcification, we added information this week to our answer to the question: Do you need to take vitamin K when taking vitamin D?

Clinical Update


Vitamin K for Weak Bones?

Does supplementing with vitamin K2 as MK-7 along with vitamin D and calcium improve bone density in postmenopausal women with weak bones (osteopenia)? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of Vitamin K Supplements Review. Also, learn about other forms of vitamin K used for increasing bone density and see our Top Picks for vitamin K.

Clinical Update


Too Much Calcium for Some?

A new study found that supplementing with even moderate amounts of calcium may cause abnormally high calcium levels in the urine (a risk factor for kidney stones) of some postmenopausal women, even when total calcium intake doesn't exceed the recommended daily allowance. Get the details in the update to the Calcium Supplements Review (Including Vitamin D, Vitamin K, and Magnesium) >>   

Clinical Update


Calcium and Colon Polyp Risk

A large study evaluated the effects of taking calcium and/or vitamin D on the risk of developing precancerous colorectal polyps in people with previous polyps. While there was no effect during the study, a follow up study is now showing much higher rates of polyps among those who had taken certain supplements. Get the details in the What It Does section of the Calcium Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Fish Oil Increases Muscle/Strength

Last week we reported that vitamin D could help increase strength -- this week it's fish oil. A recent study found that taking a high dose of fish oil led to increases in muscle and strength in older individuals -- without additional exercise. As reported earlier, a lower of dose of fish oil may improve results of exercise. For the details, including specifics about the fish oil used, see the Fish Oil Supplements Review >> 

Clinical Update


Calcium Supplements Increase Kidney Stone Growth

Calcium supplementation is known to increase the risk of kidney stones in postmenopausal women. A new study shows that taking calcium nearly doubles the monthly growth of such stones in women prone to getting them. The study also assessed the effects of vitamin D supplementation. Details are found in the Calcium Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Vitamin K for Bone Density?

Vitamin K (as MK-7) was given daily for one year to older men and women to see if it would improve bone mineral density. Some also received vitamin D and calcium. Find out if it helped, as well as the results of related studies, in the What It Does section of the Vitamin K Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among vitamin K supplements.

News Release

December 14, 2023

Best D-Mannose Supplements for UTIs? ConsumerLab Selects Its Top Picks

White Plains, New York, December 14, 2023 —  D-mannose, a naturally occurring sugar, is often taken as a supplement to help prevent or treat urinary tract infections, although more research is needed to prove it’s effective.

News Release

May 25, 2023

Best and Worst Multivitamins According to ConsumerLab – Nearly 30% Fail Testing

White Plains, New York, May 25, 2023 — Recent ConsumerLab tests revealed problems with nearly 30% of the popular multivitamin and multimineral supplements selected for testing. Gummy vitamins were particularly likely to have issues.

Product Review

D-Mannose Supplements

Find out if D-mannose helps prevent urinary tract infections and how products compare.

D-Mannose Review 2023

Recalls & Warnings

November 27, 2018

More Dog Food Recalled Due to Risk of Vitamin D Toxicity

On November 27, 2018, Sunshine Mills, Inc. issued a recall of select Evolve Puppy, Sportsman's Pride Large Breed Puppy and Triumph Chicken and Rice Dog Food because they may contain elevated levels of vitamin D.

CL Answer

Are there vitamins or supplements that can reduce my risk of breast cancer? Do any increase cancer risk?

Find out if certain vitamins, supplements and foods such as fish oil, olive oil, vitamin C and others, can help reduce the risk of breast cancer.'s answer explains.

Supplements & Breast Cancer Risk -- doctor holding pink breast cancer awareness ribbon

CL Answer

Which supplements are helpful to have when traveling? Any tips on how to best store supplements on trips?

Find out which vitamins & supplements can be helpful when traveling, including melatonin, ginger, and more, and find out how you can carry them with you.

CL Answer

Which supplements help to improve energy and decrease fatigue?

Energy supplements and vitamins - Some can help increase energy and reduce fatigue, including CoQ10, curcumin/turmeric, cocoa, and B vitamins.

Supplements to Improve Energy and Decrease Fatigue -- tired woman yawning at desk

CL Answer

Does red and near infrared light therapy reduce pain, improve skin or cognition, or have other benefits? Is it safe?

Red light and near infrared light therapy devices are promoted for numerous conditions, including acne, fibromyalgia, pain, cognitive function and other uses. Find out if these devices work and if they are safe.

Woman using a red light device on her lower leg

News Release

February 25, 2023

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2023 Based on Consumer Satisfaction

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2023 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 8,600 responses collected in November/December 2022.

News Release

February 24, 2023

Probiotics Rise in Popularity as Vitamin C, Melatonin, and Others Dip in Latest ConsumerLab Survey of Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2023 —A recent survey of 8,600 people who regularly use dietary supplements shows that probiotics (+3.04 percentage points), quercetin (+2.3 pts), and vitamin K (+1.

CL Answer

What is desiccated beef liver? What is it used for, and is it safe?

Description of desiccated beef liver, including what it is used for, its nutrient content, and safety concerns.

Beef liver powder

CL Answer

Which supplements and foods help relieve constipation and which can cause constipation?

Find out which supplements can cause constipation, including iron, calcium, protein powders and drinks and others.'s answer explains.

Which supplements can cause constipation? -- Woman with gastrointestinal pain

Clinical Update


Latest Supplement Recommendations

New draft recommendations on vitamin and mineral supplement use were published this week by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. The recommendations apply only to healthy adults without nutritional deficiencies. They focus only on the use of supplements for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer at doses not exceeding tolerable upper intake levels. The recommendations are based on existing science and are generally consistent with information already presented in's Product Reviews.  We have summarized the recommendations below, with links to more information in's reports:

- Beta-Carotene and Vitamin E:  Supplementation with either does not provide a benefit. Vitamin E does not pose a risk of harm, but beta-carotene increases the risk of lung cancer in people at risk for lung cancer.

- Other Single Vitamins, Minerals, Pairs, and Multivitamins: There is inadequate evidence regarding a benefit or a risk of harm.

The task force stressed that at excessive doses (above tolerable upper intake levels) there is evidence of harm with supplementation, such as with vitamin A and vitamin D

Recalls & Warnings

November 06, 2018

Dog Food Recalled After Reports of Vitamin D Toxicity

On November 2, 2018, Natural Life Pet Products and Nutrisca issued a recall of certain dry dog foods because they contain elevated levels of vitamin D. The elevated levels of vitamin D were found during an investigation into several reports of vitamin D toxicity by pet owners.

Recalls & Warnings

January 21, 2021

Federal Court Bars Fusion Health From Promoting Vitamin D for COVID-19

On January 8, 2021, the United States Department of Justice announced a permanent injunction has been entered, barring dietary supplement marketer Matthew Ryncarz and his companies Fusion Health and Vitality LLC dba Pharm Origins and Fusion Ionz LLC dba Pharm Origins from making claims that their ...

Recalls & Warnings

January 20, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of Vitamin D, Curcumin and CoQ10 Promoted for Treating COVID-19

On December 28, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Smarter Nutrition, Inc. following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about the company's products Smarter Curcumin, Smarter Ubiquinol, and Smarter Vitamin D3 to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

December 11, 2020

FDA Warns for Promoting Supplements as COVID-19 Treatments

On December 10, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to for promoting the sale of various vitamins and supplements on with claims that they can mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19.

CL Answer

Do vitamins, minerals or other supplements lose effectiveness with exposure to high temperatures?

Are vitamins and supplements susceptible to heat? Find out if mail ordering during the summer is safe.

Heat's Effect on Supplements in the Mail -- Woman receiving a package

CL Answer

Which vitamins and supplements should be stopped before getting blood work, laboratory tests, or medical imaging?

Find out which vitamins and supplements can interfere with blood, urine or stool tests, and imaginging tests, like bone scans and MRIs. Learn how B vitamins such as biotin, niacin and riboflavin, as well as calcium supplements, St. John’s wort, vitamin C, and others supplements can affect test results, as well as common foods that may interfere with tests.

Vitamin & Supplements to Stop Before Blood Tests

Recalls & Warnings

June 21, 2010

FDA Warns Parents to Be Careful Giving Vitamin D Drops to Infants

On June 15, 2010, the U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) alerted parents and caregivers that some liquid Vitamin D supplement products are sold with droppers that could allow excessive dosing of Vitamin D to infants.

CL Answer

What are "broad-spectrum micronutrient" supplements, and do they have greater health benefits than multivitamin/multimineral supplements?

Learn about "broad-spectrum micronutrients" and how they compare to multivitamin/multimineral supplements.

Multivitamins on a table with a multivitamin supplement nutrition label in front of the multivitamins

News Release

May 16, 2022

Best Calcium and Bone Health Supplements Revealed by ConsumerLab Tests

  White Plains, New York, May 16, 2022 — Calcium is essential for maintaining bones and plays critical roles in nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and the cardiovascular system.

News Release

April 13, 2022

ConsumerLab Tests Vitamin D Supplements and Cautions About Dose

  White Plains, New York, May 12, 2022 — Getting sufficient vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and has a wide range of other health benefits. It's no wonder that it has been the #1 supplement in popularity year-after-year in ConsumerLab's survey of supplement users.

News Release

April 02, 2022

ConsumerLab Discovers Less Vitamin K Than Listed in Some Supplements

  White Plains, New York, May 16, 2022 — Vitamin K plays an important role in proper blood clotting and calcium utilization in bones and is a common ingredient in bone health supplements.

News Release

March 11, 2022

Best Magnesium Supplements Identified by ConsumerLab

  White Plains, New York, May 12, 2022 — Nearly half the U.S. population does not get adequate amounts of magnesium and can benefit from increasing magnesium intake from foods or supplementation.

Recalls & Warnings

December 01, 2015

Multivitamins Recalled Due to Risk of Vitamin D Toxicity

On November 25, 2015, Glades Drugs, a compounding pharmacy in Pahokee, Florida, issued a recall of its compounded multivitamin capsules because they contain high amounts of vitamin D3 (exact amount was not reported).

Recalls & Warnings

August 06, 2015

Children and Adult Gummy Vitamins Recalled in Canada Due to Excessive Vitamin D

On August 6, 2015, Health Canada (the Canadian equivalent of the U.S. FDA) announced Church & Dwight Canada Corp. is recalling the following supplements because they contain more vitamin D than claimed on the label (identified in Canada by their assigned natural product number (NPN):

News Release

February 25, 2022

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2022 Based on Consumer Satisfaction

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2022 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 8,049 responses collected in November/December 2021.

Recalls & Warnings

February 06, 2023

FDA Warns Companies Promoting Products to Treat Monkeypox, COVID-19, & Other Viruses

On January 30, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to four companies following review of the company websites, which found statements about company products to be drug claims because they were promoted to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure viruses such as monkeypox.

Recalls & Warnings

April 29, 2010

Vitamin D Overload in Supplement Sickens Users

On April 28, 2010, the New York Post reported that Gary Null, a nutrition promoter, was apparently sickened by his own product, Gary Null's Ultimate Power Meal, due to a manufacturing error that caused an excessive amount of vitamin D to occur in the product.

Recalls & Warnings

April 01, 2004

Aloe Producer Recalls Product Due to Toxic Levels of Vitamin D

On March 26.2004, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that Aloe Commodities International, Inc., Carrollton, Texas, is recalling 1600 bottles of Solutions IE Ageless Formula II, Lot numbers P2207 and P2221 because they contain a significantly higher-than-labeled level of vitamin D3.

CL Answer

Does taking a laxative interfere with the absorption of vitamins or minerals?

Information on laxative interactions with other medications and supplements such as Maalox, antibiotics, and statins and diabetes medications.

Laxatives and vitamin and mineral absorption

CL Answer

Does Prevagen really improve memory?

Learn more about Prevagen, including clinical studies on Prevagen's impact on memory & cognition, safety, pricing, and an FDA warning letter. ConsumerLab explores the efficacy of Prevagen.

Prevagen for Memory? -- bottle of Prevagen

News Release

February 24, 2022

Consumers Returned to Pre-Pandemic Supplement Usage in 2021, ConsumerLab Survey Reveals

White Plains, New York, February 24, 2022 —A survey of 8,049 people who use dietary supplements shows many supplements that declined in use in 2020 began bouncing back in 2021, such as magnesium (+2.4 percentage points), and CoQ10 (+2.7 pts).

Product Review

Lycopene Supplements Review

Find the Best Lycopene Supplements. CL Tests Reveal That Not All Lycopene Supplements Contain What They Claim.

Lycopene Supplements Reviewed by

News Release

August 27, 2021

ConsumerLab Tests Reveal Best Joint Health Supplements for People and Pets

White Plains, New York, August 27, 2021 — Joint health supplements with ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, boswellia, collagen and turmeric are often promoted to relieve joint pain or slow the progression of osteoarthritis.

News Release

February 26, 2021

COVID Changed Supplement Popularity in 2020, ConsumerLab Survey Reveals

White Plains, New York, February 26, 2021 — A survey of 9,647 people who use dietary supplements shows that the supplements which experienced the greatest growth in popularity in 2020 were those being promoted to prevent or treat infection with SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings

April 23, 2013

Seller of Digestion, Thyroid and Vitamin D Supplements Warned For Drug Claims

On November 5, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to The Women's Health Institute at Texas following a review of the company's various websites which found statements made about Digest + SEB, Iodine Plus 2, and D5000 Vitamin D dietary supplements to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

December 11, 2020

Seller of "Dr. Hotze's Immune Pak" Products Warned for COVID-19 Claims

Seller of "Dr. Hotze's Immune Pak" Products Warned for Coronavirus Claims 

Recalls & Warnings

February 22, 2024

Nutracelle Children’s Gummy Vitamin Recalled

On February 2, 2020, Health Canada (the Canadian equivalent of the FDA) advised consumers that one lot of Nutracelle Nutramin Vitamin for Kids is being recalled by the manufacturer (Wildman Protein Treats Ltd.

Product Review

Selenium Supplements Review

Choose the Best Selenium Supplement. Find Out If You Need Selenium and Which Supplement Is Our Top Pick.

Selenium Supplements Reviewed by

CL Answer

Are enteric coated supplements better than non-enteric coated ones?

Learn about the pros and cons of enterically coated supplements, including ingredient absorption,safety and price.

Glass of Water and White Pill

CL Answer

Are intravenous (IV) vitamin infusions safe and effective?

Intravenous (IV) vitamin infusions are touted by celebrities and promoted by wellness clinics for numerous conditions. Find out if they work and if they are safe.

Woman holding her phone while getting an iv vitamin infusion

Recalls & Warnings

June 22, 2011

Recall of Calcium & Magnesium Softgels Containing Excessive and Potentially Toxic Amounts of Vitamin D

On or about June 7, 2011, NOW Foods announced the following recall to retailers. was subsequently made aware of the recall by a member.

News Release

February 25, 2021

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2021 Based on Consumer Satisfaction -- Results of the Survey of Vitamin & Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2021 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 9,647 responses collected in November 2020.

CL Answer

Do any supplements or lifestyle changes reduce the symptoms of tinnitus? Is it true that some supplements can cause tinnitus?

Learn which supplements can ease tinnitus, including melatonin and pine bark extract. Understand which may actually cause tinnitus.

Word blocks spelling out “tinnitus”

CL Answer

Does I3C (from broccoli) or DIM (a related chemical) reduce the risk of cancer?

Find out if the compound indole-3-carbinol (I3C), from broccoli, and its metabolite diindolylmethane (DIM) can reduce the risk of cancer.'s answer explains.

 Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and Cancer Risk -- bunches of broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower

CL Answer

Do vitamin patches, such as for B12 or multivitamins, really work? How about those from PatchMD?

Do vitamin B12 Patches like PatchMD really work? Can you absorb vitamin B12 through patches?

Vitamin Patches -- young woman with vitamin patch on arm

Recalls & Warnings

February 05, 2019

Hill's Science Diet, Prescription Diet Dog Food Recalled Due to Risk of Vitamin D Toxicity

Recall Expanded (3/20/19): This recall was expanded to include additional products.

Recalls & Warnings

March 16, 2023

Omega-3 Supplements for Dogs and Cats Recalled Due to Potential for Vitamin A Toxicity

On March 9, 2023, Stratford Care USA issued a recall of 62 brands of omega-3 supplements for dogs and cats due to potentially elevated levels of vitamin A.

News Release

February 12, 2021

Don't Be Surprised by New Labels on Many Vitamins

White Plains, New York, February 12, 2021 — It took almost four years, but more accurate labels on vitamin and mineral supplements are finally here and consumers should not be surprised to see changes, says Tod Cooperman, M.D., president and founder of ConsumerLab.

News Release

August 15, 2020

ConsumerLab Tests Show Not All Vitamin E Supplements Contain What They Claim

White Plains, New York, August 15, 2020 — Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to maintain the integrity of cells.

Recalls & Warnings

December 01, 2022

FTC Takes Action Against Company Promoting “COVID Resist” Supplement to Treat COVID-19

On November 22, 2022, the FTC filed a complaint in a U.S. district court against California-based company Precision Patient Outcomes, Inc. for promoting its COVID Resist and VIRUS Resist supplements to prevent and treat COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings

August 08, 2022

Woman Pleads Guilty for Selling and Promoting Products to Treat COVID-19

On July 27, 2022, Diana Daffin, owner of Savvy Holistic Health pleaded guilty to selling products with claims they could treat COVID-19 and promised “Immunity for Humans.” The products were sold under the HAMPL brand name.

Product Review

SAMe (S-adenosyl-methionine) Supplements Review

Choose the Best SAMe Supplement and Save Money

SAMe 2024 v2

Product Review

Black Currant, Borage, Evening Primrose, Flax and Hemp Oil Review

Choose the Best Flaxseed and Other Oils Based on Our Tests.

Omega 3 and 6 Seed Oil Review 2025

Product Review

Menopause Supplements Review (Soy and Red Clover Isoflavones, Black Cohosh) and Progesterone Creams

Choose the Best Menopause Supplement. Find Out Now Which Soy Isoflavone, Red Clover, Black Cohosh, and Progesterone Products Have the Active Compounds You Want!

Menopause Supplements Tested by -- Soy and Red Clover Isoflavones, Black Cohosh, and Progesterone Cream

Product Review

Coconut Oil and Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) Oil Review — Semi-Solid and Liquid Oils & Supplements

Find the Best Coconut Oil and MCT Oil. See How These Oils Compare on Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), Quality, and Value.

Coconut and MCT Oils Reviewed by

News Release

May 22, 2020

Best Alternative Milks? ConsumerLab Tests Reveal What's Really in Plant-Based Milks

White Plains, New York, May 22, 2020 — Plant-based milks such as soy, oat and almond milk are often promoted as a healthy alternative to regular milk.

News Release

April 28, 2020

Best and Worst Multivitamins Revealed by ConsumerLab -- Problems Found With 44% of Multis Tested

White Plains, New York, April 28, 2020 — Multivitamin/multimineral supplements are among the top five most popular supplements, but with so many different formulas on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one.

News Release

February 29, 2020

Collagen and Magnesium Rise in Popularity, as Fish Oil and Curcumin Dip in Latest ConsumerLab Survey of Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 29, 2020 — A recent survey of 9,782 people who use dietary supplements shows that collagen (+ 4.1 percentage points), magnesium (+ 2.3 pts) and CBD (+ 2.

Recalls & Warnings

September 08, 2020

Holistic Healthy Pet Warned for Drug Claims

On August 25, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Savvy Holistic Health dba Holistic Healthy Pet following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about some of the company's products, including Doctor's Best for Your Pets, Savvy Holistic Health Pet Essences, ...

Recalls & Warnings

June 04, 2020

FTC Warns 35 More Companies for Coronavirus Claims

On June 4, 2020, the FTC announced that it sent warning letters to 35 companies for selling products such as herbal products, immune system boosters, and vitamin C with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

May 23, 2020

FTC Warns 50 More Companies for Coronavirus Claims

On May 21, 2020, the FTC announced that it sent warning letters to 50 companies for selling products such as herbal products, immune system boosters, and vitamin C, with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

News Release

February 25, 2020

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2020 Based on Consumer Satisfaction -- Results of the Survey of Vitamin & Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2020 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 9,782 responses collected in late November and early December 2019.

News Release

August 22, 2019

Best Reishi Mushroom Supplements Identified by ConsumerLab

White Plains, New York, August 22, 2019 — Reishi mushroom supplements are promoted for many uses, from strengthening the immune system and lowering blood sugar, to improving cardiovascular health and reducing cancerous tumors.

News Release

February 25, 2019

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2019 Based on Consumer Satisfaction -- Results of the Survey of Vitamin & Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2019 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 10,931 responses collected in late November and early December 2018.

News Release

February 24, 2019

CBD and Collagen Rise in Popularity, as Probiotics and Coconut Oil Dip in Latest ConsumerLab Survey of Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 24, 2019 — A recent survey of 10,931 people who use dietary supplements shows that CBD oil (+6.3 percentage points), collagen (+3.6 pts), and bone broth (+2.

News Release

February 25, 2018

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2018 Based on Consumer Satisfaction

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2018 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 11,446 responses collected in late November and early December 2017.

CL Answer

Can biotin supplements really strengthen nails or improve hair? Can other supplements help?

Learn more about strengthening brittle nails with vitamin B-7 (biotin), based on clinical evidence.

Supplements for Brittle Nails -- healthy nails

Recalls & Warnings

June 08, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of "CoronaBox" Containing Vitamin D, Probiotics & More for Unsupported Claims

On May 24, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Everything Health LLC following a review of the company's website by the FDA and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which found the company promoted its CoronaBox (which contains cordyceps, vitamins, and K2, magnesium, ginger, probiotics ...

News Release

February 24, 2018

Magnesium, Curcumin, and Apple Cider Vinegar Rise in Popularity, While Probiotics Dip and Calcium Continues to Decline in Latest Survey of Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 24, 2018 — A recent survey of 11,446 people who use dietary supplements shows that magnesium and curcumin and turmeric have leapt into the top 5 most popular dietary supplements, just behind vitamin D, fish oil and CoQ10.

Recalls & Warnings

September 28, 2022

FDA Warns Muscle Sports for Joint Health, Immune & Workout Supplement, Vitamin C, Elderberry, and Other Claims

On September 23, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Muscle Sports Products, LLC following inspection of the company’s websites which found statements about company products, including Join Revolution Capsules, IMMUNITY + Powder, Rhino Rampage PUMPED Capsules, Attack Pre-Workout ...

Recalls & Warnings

February 24, 2023

Bountiful Charged with “Review Hijacking,” False Advertising of Nature’s Bounty Supplements on Amazon

On February 16, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charged The Bountiful Company (formerly NBTY), whose brands include Nature’s Bounty and Sundown, with deceptively using Amazon reviews and badges (such as “#1 Best Seller” and “Amazon’s Choice”) from its ...

News Release

November 01, 2017

Gummies Are Most Likely to Fail Testing in Review of Multivitamins -- Best and Worst Multivitamins Identified by ConsumerLab Testing

White Plains, New York, November 1, 2017 — Multivitamin/multimineral supplements are among the most popular supplements, with many consumers relying on them to provide nutrients they may not get from their diets. However, ConsumerLab.

CL Answer

Do any supplements or foods help prevent sunburn or skin damage from sun exposure? Can any increase your risk of sun-related skin damage?

Find out which supplements may help protect from sunburn and sun-related skin damage, including beta-carotene, vitamins A and C, and cocoa.

Dermatologist examining the skin on the back of an older woman for signs of sun damage or skin cancer

News Release

June 21, 2017

Which Magnesium Is Best? Tests Popular Brands and Reveals Its Top Pick

White Plains, New York, June 21, 2017 — Magnesium supplements are among the most popular supplements, but do you need to take one and, if so, which is best? To find out, reviewed the clinical evidence, and purchased and tested popular magnesium supplements sold in the U.S.

News Release

June 01, 2017

Best Vitamin K Supplement? Tests Popular Products and Reveals Its Top Picks

White Plains, New York, June 1, 2017 — Vitamin K plays an important role in proper blood clotting as well as with calcium utilization in bones and the cardiovascular system, but do most people need a vitamin K supplement? And do products on the market contain what's claimed on their labels? ...

Product Review

Reishi Mushroom Supplements Review

Find the Best Reishi Mushroom Supplement. See How Reishi Supplements Differ.

Reishi Mushrooms tested by

News Release

May 26, 2017 Tests Reveal the Best Calcium Supplements

White Plains, New York, May 26, 2017 — Most people know that calcium is important for building and maintaining strong bones, but with so many different forms, dosages and ingredient combinations available on the market, choosing a calcium supplement can be difficult. To help, ConsumerLab.

News Release

May 17, 2017

Best Vitamin D? Tests Popular Vitamin D Supplements and Reveals Its Top Picks

White Plains, New York, May 17, 2017 — Vitamin D is currently the most popular dietary supplement among people who regularly use supplements according to a recent survey by

CL Answer

What are the side effects of ashwagandha supplements?

Learn about the safety and side effects of ashwagandha supplements, including headache, sleepiness, upset stomach, blood pressure and more.'s answer explains.

ashwagandha side effects

Recalls & Warnings

December 26, 2017

Seller of Fish Oil, Vitamin D, Whey Protein and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On December 19, 2017, the FDA issued a warning letter to Maine Natural Health, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

October 18, 2016

Seller of Sublingual Vitamins Warned for Drug Claims

On August 31, 2016, the FDA issued a warning letter to Bio-Stasis International, Inc., following a review of the company's website which found statements made about its sublingual tablets, ViraPress, Vitamin D-3 and Vitamin B-12. to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

August 06, 2014

Seller of Mineral and Joint Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims

On July 25, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Mezotrace Corporation following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Calcium/Magnesium Natural Minerals & Trace Elements, Calcium/Magnesium Natural Minerals & Trace Elements with Vitamin D, and Calcium/Magnesium ...

Recalls & Warnings

May 19, 2020

FDA Warns Sellers of CBD, Kratom, Vitamin C, and More for Coronavirus Claims

Between May 11 and May 14, 2020, the FDA issued warning letters to five companies for selling products such as vitamin C, immune boosters, kratom, and CBD with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

November 24, 2020

Recalled Vitamin D Contains Potentially Dangerous Ingredient

On November 22, 2020, Fusion Health and Vitality LLC recalled all 2020 lots of CORE Essential Nutrients and Immune Boost Sublingual Vitamin D3 because they are adulterated. CORE Essential Nutrients contains the unapproved food additive hordenine HCl.

Recalls & Warnings

November 02, 2020

Silver Cannot Be Promoted to Prevent or Treat COVID-19

On October 30, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Spartan Enterprises Inc. dba Watershed Wellness Center for selling the silver product Dissolve BioActive Silicate with unsupported claims that it can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

October 30, 2020

Seller of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Ashwagandha, and More Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On October 23, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Predator Nutrition for selling the products Elixir, Salidroside, Unbreakable, Vitamin C + Bioflavonoids & Rosehip, Vitamin D3, and Ashwagandha with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

December 11, 2020

Colloidal Silver Seller Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On December 2, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Heavenly Natural Products for selling various Carbon 60 and colloidal silver products, including AVOCADO C60 ANTI-VIRAL COMBO — VIRUS PREVENTION (made with C60 WITH AVOCADO and Heavenly Silver) with unsupported ...

Recalls & Warnings

December 31, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of Flu Immune

On December 21, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Riverstone LLC for selling the products Flu Immune Drops, L-Lysine, Lysine Extra, and Monolaurin with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

News Release

February 25, 2017

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2017 Based on Consumer Satisfaction

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2017 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 9,505 responses collected in late November and early December 2016.

News Release

February 24, 2017

Vitamin D Supplements Maintain Top Spot in Popularity, as Probiotics Surpass Multivitamins to #4 Behind Fish Oil and CoQ10 in Latest Survey

White Plains, New York, February 24, 2017 — A recent survey of over 9,505 people who use dietary supplements shows the most popular dietary supplement to be vitamin D, followed by fish oil, CoQ10, probiotics, and multivitamins.

Recalls & Warnings

March 04, 2022

FTC, FDA, and DOJ Take Joint Action Against Herbal Tea Companies for COVID Claims

On March 3, 2022, the FDA, FTC, and DOJ sued a New York-based marketer of herbal tea, in attempts to permanently block deceptive ads that claim Earth Tea is clinically proven to treat, cure, and prevent COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings

May 01, 2024

FDA Warns Consumers Not to Use Ossos-Sans Supplement for Joints

On April 17, 2024, the FDA warned consumers not to purchase or use Ossos-Sans, a supplement promoted to treat osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and other conditions, because it contains undeclared drugs, including diclofenac and methocarbamol.

Recalls & Warnings

May 04, 2023

FDA Warns MedoLife for Promoting Homeopathic Products to Treat COVID-19, Cancer

On April 19, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to Medolife Rx D/B/A MedoLife Corp., AELIA Inc. and Queanta Inc.

News Release

July 29, 2016 Discovers Problems with Most Multivitamins for Dogs and Cats

White Plains, New York, August 2, 2016 — After discovering in January that none of the three pet multivitamins it had purchased and tested contained all of what was listed on the labels, ConsumerLab.

CL Answer

Is kratom too dangerous to use?

Find out if kratom is safe/legal to use, including potential adverse effects, such as agitation, rapid heartbeat, nausea, drowsiness, seizures, and possible drug interactions.

Is kratom safe? Is it legal? -- Kratom leaf and pills

Recalls & Warnings

March 18, 2024

Amazon Customers Who Purchased Nature’s Bounty and Sundown Supplements to Receive Refunds Following “Review Hijacking” Charges

On March 14, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced it is sending over $527,000 in refunds to consumers who purchased certain Nature’s Bounty and Sundown vitamins and supplements on Amazon, after the parent company Bountiful was charged with deceptive use of reviews to promote the ...

Recalls & Warnings

April 13, 2023

Bountiful to Pay $600,000 to Settle Charges of Amazon “Review Hijacking”

On April 10, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced it has approved a final consent order against The Bountiful Company (formerly NBTY), whose brands include Nature’s Bounty and Sundown, after the agency charged Bountiful with using deceptive practices to sell its products on ...

News Release

July 27, 2016 Helps Consumers Make Sense of the FDA's Updated Daily Values (DV) for Vitamins and Minerals

White Plains, New York, July 27, 2016 — Daily Values (DV) for certain vitamins and minerals have been changed by the FDA, as part of the agency's revised rules for nutrient and supplement facts labeling. The changes went into effect on July 26, 2016.

Recalls & Warnings

May 01, 2023

TruVision Recalls Products Due to Presence of Potentially Dangerous Ingredients

On April 27, 2023, TruVision Health issued a recall of various dietary supplement products because they contain hordenine and/or octodrine/DMHA, compounds that the FDA considers to be “possibly unsafe” and which are not permitted to be sold as dietary supplements.

Recalls & Warnings

November 03, 2022

Seller of CBD Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On November 1, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Alternative Health Distribution LLC (d/b/a CannaAid) following a review of the company’s website, which found statements about the company’s cannabidiol (CBD) products to be drug claims.

News Release

February 25, 2016

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2016 Based on Consumer Satisfaction

Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 11,534 responses collected in November, 2015. Respondents gave ratings for 963 brands and 399 merchants.

Recalls & Warnings

August 18, 2017

FDA Warns Consumers Not to Use Certain Liquid Multis, Vitamin D, and Other Supplements Due to Potential Bacterial Contamination

On August 11, 2017, the FDA advised the public not to use any liquid drug or dietary supplement products manufactured by PharmaTech LLC of Davie, Florida, and labeled by Rugby Laboratories, Major Pharmaceuticals, and Leader Brands, because they have the potential to be contaminated with ...

Recalls & Warnings

November 02, 2019

Brain Supplement Claims to Treat Brain Injuries, Alzheimer's Are Deceptive, Says FTC

On November 1, 2019 the FTC filed a lawsuit against Neora LLC (formerly Nerium International) for making false claims that the supplement Neora EHT (formerly called Nerium EHT) can treat concussions and chronic traumatic encephalopathy caused by repetitive brain trauma, Alzheimer's ...

News Release

February 24, 2016

Vitamin D Supplements Jump to Top Spot in Popularity, Surpassing Fish Oil, as Probiotics Rise to #5 Spot Behind CoQ10 and Multivitamins in Survey

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2016 — A recent survey of over 11,000 people who use dietary supplements shows the most popular dietary supplement to be vitamin D, followed by fish oil, CoQ10, multivitamins, and probiotics.

Recalls & Warnings

December 02, 2020

Seller of Vitamin C, Elderberry, Silver, and More Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On November 10, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Sage Woman Herbs, Ltd.

Recalls & Warnings

December 01, 2020

Niagen Cannot Be Promoted to Prevent or Treat COVID-19, Warns FDA

On November 17, 2020, the FDA issued warning letters to the sellers of Niagen and Nadovim, supplements that contain different forms of niacin, for selling products with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

CL Answer

Which supplements and foods reduce or increase the risk of kidney stones?

Find out which supplements, foods and beverages may increase or decrease the risk of kidney stones, including information about potassium, calcium, choline, turmeric and curcumin, vitamin C, as well as foods and beverages such as green tea, lemon juice, orange juice, cranberry juice, chocolate and almonds.

Supplements for Kidney Stones

News Release

January 12, 2016

Problems Found with 32% of Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplements -- Identifies Good Choices for Men, Women, and Children

White Plains, New York, January 12, 2016 — You can't always judge a supplement by its label -- or by its price, according to a new report from, which recently tested dozens of multivitamin/multimineral supplements.

News Release

November 06, 2015

Some Surprising Results from Tests of 43 Probiotic Supplements and Kefir Drinks

White Plains, New York, November 6, 2015 — How many beneficial organisms are in probiotic supplements and kefir drinks? Are any contaminated with pathogens, such as E. coli, and do those labeled as "gluten free" or "99% lactose-free" live up to their claims? To find out, ConsumerLab.

News Release

June 10, 2015 Tests Reveal Best and Worst Magnesium Supplements

White Plains, New York, June 10, 2015 — Magnesium supplements have become extremely popular, surpassing even calcium among frequent users of supplements. However, recent tests by ConsumerLab.

CL Answer

What are the health benefits of D-ribose and is it safe?

Find out if D-ribose supplementation is beneficial for heart failure, exercise performance, and fibromyalgia and learn if it is safe.

Two measuring scoops and capsules of D-ribose on black countertop

Recalls & Warnings

January 10, 2023

Seller of CBD Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On January 5, 2023, the FDA issued a warning to PharmaCanna after review of the company’s website and social media, which found statements about the company’s cannabidiol (CBD) product, CBDefense 2000, to be drug claims because they promoted the products to prevent or treat ...

Recalls & Warnings

January 12, 2023

FDA Warns Two Sellers Promoting CBD to Treat COVID-19

On January 10, 2023, the FDA issued warning letters to two companies following a review that found statements made on the companies’ websites to be drug claims because they promoted the cannabidiol (CBD) products to prevent or treat COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings

February 02, 2023

DoTerra Sellers Ordered to Pay $15,000 for Deceptive COVID-19 Claims

On January 30, 2023, the website reported that the U.S.

Recalls & Warnings

March 30, 2023

Seller of Tollovid Supplements Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On November 7, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Todos Medical Ltd, aka Todos Medical USA Inc, following a review of the company’s websites, social media, and Amazon storefronts, which found statements about the company’s Tollovid 3CL Protease Inhibitor Delayed Release ...

Recalls & Warnings

March 09, 2023

"Dr. Rima Recommends" Nano Silver Recalled

On March 7, 2023, Natural Solutions Foundation issued a recall of Dr. Rima Recommends Nano Silver 10ppm Dietary Supplement, which was promoted to prevent and/or treat COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings

August 08, 2022

Seller of CBD Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On August 4, 2022, the FDA sent a warning letter to FluxxLab LLC following a review of the company’s website and social media which found statements about the company’s Covid-19 Immune Support Tincture and CBDA+CBD Oil Tincture products to be drug claims because they ...

News Release

April 28, 2015

Best Supplements for Bone Health? Finds Products with Multiple Ingredients More Likely to Contain Wrong Amounts

White Plains, New York, April 28, 2015 — Vitamin D and calcium each play a crucial role in bone health and are among the most popular supplement ingredients in the U.S., but recent ConsumerLab.

News Release

March 05, 2015 Shows Chinese Consumers What's Really in Foods and Supplements -- U.S. Testing Company Expands to China, Launches

White Plains, New York, March 5, 2015 — Since 1999, American consumers and doctors have turned to (CL) to find out which nutritional products are highest in quality based independent testing. Today, CL launched a Chinese-language website cn.ConsumerLab.

CL Answer

L-Serine & D-Serine: Health Benefits and Safety

Serine exists in two forms: L-serine and D-serine. Find out how these two forms differ and learn if either form has health benefits and if it is safe.

Two white pills in front of a brain

CL Answer

Is there evidence that d-limonene can help fight cancer?

Find out if d-limonene can help fight cancer or help for GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disorder), including evidence from clinical studies.

Lemon with Peel Coming Off

News Release

February 28, 2015

Use of Magnesium and Probiotics Rise, Multivitamins and Weight Loss Supplements Fall, According to Survey

White Plains, New York, February 28, 2015 — A recent survey of over 10,000 people who use dietary supplements shows the most popular dietary supplement to be fish oil, followed by multivitamins, CoQ10, vitamin D, B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, probiotics, and vitamin C.

News Release

December 10, 2014 Identifies Best Zinc Products for Colds, Eyes, and Zinc Deficiency -- Popular Zinc Supplements and Lozenges Tested and Compared

White Plains, New York, December 10, 2014 — "Zinc supplements have been shown to shorten colds and reduce the progression of advanced macular degeneration, but not all products provide the dosage proven effective, as well as pass criteria for supplement quality," says Tod Cooperman, M.D.

CL Answer

Does D-aspartic acid boost testosterone levels?

Find out if D-aspartic acid (aspartic acid) raises testosterone levels, increases libido or muscle mass.

D-aspartic Acid for Boosting Testosterone? -- Man scooping D-aspartic acid powder from supplement container

Recalls & Warnings

April 27, 2022

FDA Warns Manufacturer of Topical Antiseptic Products for COVID Claims

On April 19th, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Kleenhanz, LLC following a review of the company’s website and social media which found statements about the company’s Kleenhanz Towelettes topical antiseptic products to be drug claims.

News Release

December 09, 2014

Round-up of Recent Product Tests by -- Results for B Vitamin Supplements & Energy Drinks, Garlic, NAC (N-acetyl cysteine), Iron and Omega-7 Fatty Acids

White Plains, New York, December 9, 2014 — In recent months, has published test results for a variety of popular supplements, including B vitamins supplements and energy drinks, NAC (N-acetyl cysteine), iron and garlic. In addition, ConsumerLab.

News Release

July 07, 2014

Which Weight Loss Supplements Are Best? Reviews the Evidence and Tests the Quality of Popular Products

White Plains, New York, July 7, 2014 — Dozens of supplement ingredients have been touted for weight loss, but which have the strongest evidence showing they work and, among those, which products are highest in quality? To answer these questions, ConsumerLab.

Recalls & Warnings

December 02, 2014

Seller of Energy & Joint Supplements, Aloe, Silver and More Warned for Drug Claims

On November 24, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Jansen Enterprises, LLC, dba HealthWorksUSA, following an inspection of the company's website which found statements made about Nutra Blast Natural Energy, Ionic Silver Water, Nutra Complete, and Nutra Gel to be drug claims. 

Recalls & Warnings

July 06, 2012

Centrum Multivitamins: Breast and Colon Health Claims Pulled

On July 5, 2012, Pfizer Consumer Healthcare announced it will withdraw breast and colon health claims from its Centrum multivitamin advertising and labels, and will revise health and energy claims made on other Centrum products.

CL Answer

Can any supplements reverse gray hair?

Nearly 75% of adults aged 45 to 65 are affected by gray hair. Learn about what causes gray hair and find out if any supplements can help.

A young woman shows gray hair on her head on a white background

Recalls & Warnings

May 08, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of Vitamins B12, C, D, and K

On April 7, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Unived Inc following a review of the company's websites, which found statements made about the company's products Unived brand Colox, CalDveg, B12+D3, and D3+K2-7 to be drug claims.

News Release

May 07, 2014

Flaxseed and Other Popular Seed Oil Supplements Tested by, But Not All Brands Pass -- Flaxseed, Black Currant, Borage and Evening Primrose Oils Reviewed

White Plains, New York, May 7, 2014 — Plant seed oils are popular supplements that provide omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, but which products offer the best value and quality? Recent analyses by ConsumerLab.

News Release

April 09, 2014

Best Fish Oil? Testing Finds Many High Quality Supplements, But Pitfalls Exist

White Plains, New York, August 10, 2014 — Recent laboratory tests of fish oil, krill oil, algal oil, calamari oil, and green-lipped mussel oil supplements by revealed quality problems with four out of 30 supplements selected for review.

News Release

February 26, 2014

Mislabeling of Some Joint Health Supplements with Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Boswellia, and MSM According to -- 38 Supplements Tested, Including Products for Dogs and Cats --

White Plains, New York, February 26, 2014 — Glucosamine, chondroitin, Boswellia, and MSM are popular dietary supplement ingredients for treating symptoms of osteoarthritis — worn joint cartilage.

Recalls & Warnings

February 01, 2022

Complaint Submitted to FTC for doTerra Essential Oil COVID Claims

On January 28, 2022, the website submitted a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) against doTerra International, LLC. following a series of Zoom calls from the company titled "Protocols for the Current Climate.

News Release

February 13, 2014

Calcium, Vitamin C, and Fish Oil Supplements Drop in Use, Probiotics Rise According to Survey

White Plains, New York, February 13, 2014 — A recent survey of over 10,000 people who use dietary supplements shows that the use of calcium, vitamin C and fish oil supplements fell during 2013 while the use of probiotics increased.

News Release

January 29, 2014

You May Be Getting More Vitamin C Than You Think from Some Supplements, Cautions -- 27% of Vitamin C Supplements Don't Meet Label Claims in Recent Tests --

White Plains, New York, January 29, 2014 — It's cold and flu season, which means many people are reaching for vitamin C, as it may modestly reduce cold symptoms (although it won't prevent a cold).

News Release

November 19, 2013

Some Popular Weight Loss Supplements Contain as Little as 16% of Listed Ingredient, According to

White Plains, N.Y., November 19, 2013 — Which is the best Garcinia cambogia supplement? Many people have asked this question of since last October when The Dr. Oz Show aired a segment about using this herbal supplement for weight loss but cautioned that Dr.

CL Answer

Which supplements should be taken with food?

Find out which supplements should be taken with food, including vitamins A, D, E, and K, fish oil, and CoQ10.

Woman holding a pill and showing it to a man while sitting at a table about to eat a meal

Recalls & Warnings

February 24, 2022

Seller of Essential Oils Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On February 22, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to My Natural Treatment following a review of the company’s website and Facebook page, which found statements about the company’s thyme, black seed, eucalyptus, rosemary, and peppermint oil products to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

March 09, 2022

Court Bars Salud Natural From Selling Aloe, Joint Supplements & More

On March 8, 2022, a federal court ordered Salud Natural Entrepreneur, Inc. to stop distributing nutritional supplements that violate the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA).

Recalls & Warnings

December 22, 2021

Unauthorized Rapid Antigen Test Gets FDA Warning

On December 1, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter for DermaCare Biosciences, LTD.

Recalls & Warnings

October 11, 2023

Family Sentenced to Over 12 Years in Prison for Selling Dangerous “Bleach” Miracle Mineral Solution as “COVID Cure”

Four Florida men who distributed the toxic bleach solution Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) as a cure for COVID-19 and other serious medical conditions have been sentenced to 5 to 12 years in prison for conspiring to defraud the United States.

News Release

October 23, 2013

Valerian “Sleep” Supplements Vary Widely in Key Compounds and Two Fail Tests for Lead Contamination

White Plains, New York — October 23, 2013 — Valerian root powders and extracts are popular herbal sleep aids and may have anti-anxiety effects, but few products on the market provide the amounts of compounds typically used in clinical trials, and some are contaminated with lead, ...

News Release

September 19, 2013

What's Really in Resveratrol Supplements? Some Contain Little Resveratrol or Do Not Meet Quality Standards According to

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — September 19, 2013 — Resveratrol supplements have been popular since 2006, when studies in animals showed "life-extending" and "endurance-enhancing" effects, among other potential benefits. In fact, a recent survey by ConsumerLab.

News Release

August 21, 2013

Labels on Potassium Supplements May Confuse, But Product Quality is High According to

White Plains, New York August 21, 2013 — How much potassium would you expect from a supplement called "Potassium Gluconate 595 mg"? The correct answer is just 99 mg, as explains in its new Potassium Supplements Review, published online today.

News Release

July 08, 2013

Contamination a Common Problem in "Greens" and "Whole Foods" Products According to

White Plains, New York — July 8, 2013 — "Greens" and "whole foods" powders and pills, made from wheat grass, alfalfa, kelp, spirulina, leafy vegetables and other chlorophyll-containing ingredients, as well as fruits, were recently tested by ConsumerLab.

News Release

March 05, 2013

CoQ10 & Ubiquinol Supplements Should Be Chosen Carefully, Cautions -- Less Than 4% of Listed Ingredient Found in Widely-Sold Product

White Plains, New York — March 5, 2013 — A new report from highlights the difficulty consumers have in selecting a supplement containing the anti-oxidant CoQ10 or its activated form, ubiquinol. ConsumerLab.

Recalls & Warnings

December 01, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of Saffron Supplements

On November 18th, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Saffron Health Sciences following a review of the company's website, social media, and Amazon product listings, which found statements made about the company's products Crocin Rich, Crocin Rich II, and Crocin Rich ...

Recalls & Warnings

May 11, 2022

FDA Warns 10 Companies for Selling Workout Supplements With Dangerous Ingredients

On May 4, 2022, the FDA issued warning letters to 10 companies for selling products promoted for muscle building, fat burning and other uses that contain potentially dangerous ingredients not permitted in dietary supplements, including hordenine, higenamine, 5-alpha-hydroxy-laxogenin, and CBD.

CL Answer

Do Sugar Bear Hair Vitamins make hair shine, nails stronger, and help both to grow? They taste good but are super expensive.

Info on Sugar Bear Hair vitamins. Do they make hair shine, nails stronger and help hair and nails grow?'s answer explains.

Do Sugar Bear Vitamins Work? -- bottle of Sugar Bear vitamins

News Release

February 11, 2013 Reports Problems with Some Vitamin D and Calcium Supplements -- Wrong Amounts of Vitamin D, Pills Which Don’t Break Apart, and Lead Contamination Found

White Plains, New York, February 11, 2012 — Vitamin D and calcium are among the most popular supplement ingredients in the U.S., but recent tests by show problems with 4 out of 25 products which contain these ingredients.

CL Answer

I take fluoxetine (Prozac), a SSRI drug to treat depression. Are there supplements I should avoid, or be taking, due to this drug?

Learn about Prozac (fluoxetine) drug interactions along with other supplements and SSRIs.

Woman Taking Pill with Glass of Water

Recalls & Warnings

May 09, 2013

Joint Health Supplement Recalled for Undeclared Allergens

On May 1, 2013, XYMOGEN issued a voluntary recall of the joint health supplement artriphen, because it contains undeclared soy and milk allergens.

Recalls & Warnings

March 09, 2022

FDA Warns Seller of Magnesium, CBD, Herbal Extracts & More

On February 9, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Bea Lydecker’s Naturals, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

May 09, 2020

FDA Warns Sellers of Essential Oils, CBD, Vitamins, and More Promoted to Treat Coronavirus

Between May 7 and May 8, 2020, the FDA issued warning letters to seven companies for selling products such as essential oils, CBD, hand sanitizers, and vitamins with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

March 02, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of Vitamin C, Silver Spray

On March 1, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Ageless Global, LLC following a review of the company's websites for selling Immunoral, Immune Plus, MD Immune Support Spray, and MD CVK-365 Mouth Spray with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

News Release

January 31, 2013

Use of CoQ10, Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics and B Vitamins on the Rise According to Survey

White Plains, New York — February 1, 2013 — A recent survey of over 10,000 people who take supplements shows that CoQ10, digestive enzymes, probiotics, and B vitamins are the four categories experiencing the most growth over the prior year.

News Release

August 22, 2012

Contamination and Other Problems Found in Fish Oil Supplements -- Large Review by Reveals Excessive PCBs or Mislabeling in Over 30% of Omega-3 Supplements

August 22, 2012 — The quality of fish oil / omega-3 supplements varies across brands, according to recent tests by, which independently reports on the quality of health products. Analyses of 35 products selected and purchased by ConsumerLab.

News Release

June 18, 2012

What is "Natural" Vitamin E? It Depends On the Brand Selling It, Finds -- New Review of Vitamin E Supplements, Oil and Cream, Including Tocopherols and Tocotrienols

White Plains, New York, June 18, 2012 — What is in a "natural" vitamin E supplement, cream, or oil? According to recent tests by independent evaluator,, this depends completely on the brand selling it.

News Release

February 05, 2012

Fish oil and multivitamins most popular supplements in survey -- Internet most popular place to shop

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — FEBRUARY 5, 2012 — A survey of over 10,000 savvy consumers of supplements shows the most popular supplements to be fish oil, multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium and CoQ10, in that order.

News Release

October 31, 2011

Supplements for lactose intolerance vary in strength and cost, and some offer no benefit, according to

White Plains, New York — October 31, 2011 — Can lactose-free milks and lactase enzyme supplements provide help to the millions of Americans with lactose intolerance.

News Release

July 12, 2011 tests menopause supplements and creams: Most are "Approved," but some found contaminated or lacking claimed amount of ingredient

White Plains, New York — July 12, 2011 — Women looking for relief from hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms often turn to supplements containing estrogen-like isoflavones (from soy or red clover), the herbal remedy black cohosh, or creams containing progesterone.

News Release

April 26, 2011

Problems discovered with eight vitamin D supplements in study by -- Incorrect amounts of vitamins, lead contamination, and labeling infractions identified.

White Plains, New York — April 26, 2010 — Among 28 vitamin D supplements recently selected for independent testing, problems were found with 8 products, 29% of those reviewed, according to

News Release

March 30, 2011 finds 100-fold variation in cost of iron supplements

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — MARCH 28, 2011 — announced today that the cost to get an equivalent dose of iron from supplements varies by more than 100-fold. A 25 mg dose of iron can cost as little as two cents or over two dollars, depending on the product.

News Release

January 31, 2011

Vitamin D use increased 52% in past two years according to survey of supplement users -- Fish oil continued to surpass multivitamins as most popular supplement and Internet was most common place to buy supplements

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — FEBRUARY 1, 2011 — Among people who use dietary supplements, the most popular products at the end of 2010 were fish oil, multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium and CoQ10 according to a survey by Use of vitamin D surged in 2010 to 56.

News Release

December 14, 2010

DHEA supplements, touted for anti-aging and strength, reviewed by Testing finds one brand with only 14.7% of labeled amount

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — DECEMBER 14, 2010 — Recent tests of DHEA supplements showed that most products contained their claimed amounts of the controversial ingredient, but one provided only 14.7% of its listed amount, the testing company reported today.

News Release

January 31, 2010

Fish oil becomes most popular dietary supplement in survey; Vitamin D and resveratrol use surge

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — FEBRUARY 1, 2010 — Among people who use multiple dietary supplements, fish oil/omega-3 supplements now top multivitamins in popularity, according to a recent survey by

Recalls & Warnings

March 05, 2021

Seller of Earth Tea Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On February 18, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to B4B Corp. following a review of the company's website by the FDA and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which found the company promoted Earth Tea Extra Strength with unsupported claims that it can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

February 17, 2021

FDA Warns Dr. Paul's Lab for COVID-19 Claims

On February 16, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Dr. Paul's Lab following a review of the company's website by the FDA and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for selling COVID-Aid Tincture with unsupported claims that it can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

February 16, 2021

Seller of BioCBD+ Products Warned for COVID-19 and Drug Claims

On February 11, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Evolved Ayurvedic Discoveries, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

January 25, 2021

Washington Resident Arrested for Selling Illegal COVID-19 Vaccine

On January 21, 2021, 55-year-old Washington resident Johnny T. Stine was arrested for selling and administering illegal, home-made COVID-19 vaccines to Americans.

Recalls & Warnings

March 04, 2021

Federal Court Bars Confidence USA from Selling Supplements

On March 4, 2021, the FDA announced a permanent injunction has been entered, barring dietary supplement manufacturer Confidence USA Inc. and two of its executives from producing or selling products until they become compliant with current good manufacturing practices (cGMPs).

Recalls & Warnings

June 05, 2020

Seller of CBD, Sleep Aids, and Cold & Flu Products Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On April 28, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to The Dragontree Apothecary LLC, which found the company's Sleep Support, Anxiety Relief, Cold & Flu Relief, and Inflammation Relief to be adulterated because they were prepared, packed, or held under conditions that ...

Recalls & Warnings

August 15, 2020

FTC Warns 20 More Companies for Coronavirus Claims

On August 14, 2020, the FTC announced that it sent warning letters to 20 companies for selling products such as vitamin C, hydrochloroquine, omega 3, and melatonin with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

CL Answer

I thought the B vitamins were all water soluble and did not build up in the body, so you would not build up toxic levels. Am I wrong?

Learn more about water-soluble B vitamins including niacin, B6, B12 and folic acid, and why taking too much of these vitamins can be toxic. See the symptoms of overdose and toxicity from B vitamins.'s answer explains.

B Vitamins

Recalls & Warnings

November 21, 2014

Seller of Diabetes, Prostate Supplements and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims

On October 7, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to dietary supplement distributor Windmill Health Products, LLC, following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Nutri-Betic caplets, Vita-betic caplets, ProstrinRx tablets, Polyflavanol capsules, and Glucoflex Joint ...

Recalls & Warnings

March 15, 2013

Maker of Liquid Supplements Warned For Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims

On January 31, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Liquid Health, Inc.

Clinical Update


Additional Nutrients For the Brain

An new study found that various nutrients and fats in the blood correlate with better brain functioning and brain volume in the elderly (mean age of 87). Higher levels of B vitamins and vitamins C, D, and E, as well as marine omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) appeared helpful. On the other hand, higher levels of trans-fats (from hydrogenated oils) had a negative impact. You can learn more about each of these nutrients in our various reports. An abstract of the study is online.

News Release

August 04, 2009

Most vitamin E supplements pass testing, but what seems natural may be synthetic according to -- New review of vitamin E supplements, oils, and creams released today

White Plains, New York — November 16, 2009 — Many probiotic supplements do not contain the number of viable organisms listed on their labels according to a new report from

News Release

April 28, 2009

40% of Green Tea and Selenium Products Fail Review of Cancer-Prevention Supplements; Lycopene Supplements Pass

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — APRIL 28, 2009 — announced results today of its Product Review of Supplements for Cancer Prevention.  Among the products that selected for testing, quality problems were found with two out of five green tea supplements.

News Release

March 31, 2009 Warns of Problems with Multivitamins and Vitamin Water -- Defects Found in Over 30% of Supplements Selected for Testing; Several Popular Children's Multis Exceed Tolerable Upper Intake Levels

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — MARCH 31, 2009 — Over 30% of multivitamins recently selected for testing by were found to contain significantly more or less ingredient than claimed or were contaminated with lead.

News Release

March 10, 2009 reports deficiencies in some supplements containing calcium, vitamin D, or vitamin K -- Focus on bone health supplements and new uses for vitamins D and K

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — MARCH 10, 2009 — In a large review of supplements relating to bone health, reported today that tests showed five products to provide only 52.5% to 89% of the listed amounts of calcium or vitamin K. ConsumerLab.

News Release

January 13, 2009 reports largest test of CoQ10 and ubiquinol supplements -- Most supplements provide claimed ingredient, but large variation in dosage and forms may confuse consumers. provides guidance.

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — JANUARY 13, 2009 — A report by on supplements containing the anti-oxidant CoQ10 shows the difficulty for consumers in determining an appropriate dosage.

News Release

December 09, 2008

Tests of zinc supplements by show only some provide dosage proven to shorten colds, reduce eye disease. Lead contamination found in one product.

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — DECEMBER 9, 2008 — Zinc supplements can shorten colds and reduce the progression of advanced macular degeneration, among other uses. But a new report by ConsumerLab.

News Release

November 18, 2008

Adulteration Suspected with Some "Memory" Supplements -- Few Ginkgo and Huperzine Supplements Pass Tests; Quality High for Acetyl-L-Carnitine

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — NOVEMBER 18, 2008 — Tests by of Ginkgo biloba supplements show that few products meet quality standards.

News Release

October 28, 2008

Tests reveal quality problems with vitamin A supplements -- New report focuses on vitamin A, including beta-carotene and cod liver oil

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — OCTOBER 28, 2008 — is cautioning that the amount vitamin A in some supplements may be much higher or lower than the amount stated on labels. Among ten supplements recently selected for testing, ConsumerLab.

Recalls & Warnings

February 18, 2020

Seller of CoQ10, Resveratrol and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On February 5, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to R-Garden LLC, which found the company's Vitamin O, Gamma-Zyme, L.

Recalls & Warnings

March 02, 2013

FDA Finds Manufacturing Violations At NSF-Certified Supplement Facility

The FDA recently warned dietary supplement manufacturer Beehive Botanicals, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

January 24, 2013

Food for Health Warned for Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims on Supplements

On October 5, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Food for Health International, LLC following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Activz brand Vitamin D, Potassium Iodine, Organic Vitamin C, Whole 9 (a fruit and vegetable meal replacement shake) Control and VMA ...

Recalls & Warnings

September 10, 2012

Maker of Omega-3, Bone and Brain and Supplements Warned For Drug Claims

On August 27, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to PruTect Rx indicating that statements on the company's websites about Omega3PruTect, NeuroPruTect, VitaminD3PruTect and OsteoPruTect constitute drug claims, although the products are not approved drugs.

Recalls & Warnings

January 26, 2016

Seller of CoQ10, SAM-e, Vitamin D, and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims

On January 15, 2016, the FDA issued a warning letter to Nutri-Dyn Midwest, Inc., following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Cardioauxin BP, Zinc Lozenge, Oliver, Pau D'Arco, Petadolex, Chondro Jointaide, Dynagesic, SAMe-200, Gugulipid.

Recalls & Warnings

August 16, 2013

Maker of Energy, Weight Loss, Sleep and Vitamin D Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On July 22, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to N.V.E. Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

January 04, 2014

Smoking Cessation and Anti-Inflammatory Supplements Contain Unapproved Ingredient

On December 13, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Star Scientific, Inc. after the agency noted that the company's smoking cessation supplement CigRx and anti-inflammatory supplement Anatabloc contain anatabine, a chemical not currently allowed in dietary supplements.

Recalls & Warnings

February 14, 2017

Life Extension Warned for Drug Claims

On February 1, 2017, the FDA issued a warning letter to Life Extension Foundation Buyers Club, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

February 02, 2018

Seller of Vitamin D, Omega-3's, Whey Protein & More Warned for Drug Claims

On January 24, 2018 the FDA issued a warning letter to Young Health Products, LLC following a review of the company's website which found promotional statements and testimonials made about the certain products, including Lugol's Solution 2%, Liquid Vitamin D3, Probimune, Flax Seed & Omega ...

Recalls & Warnings

March 28, 2011

Dangerously High Levels of Vitamins A and D in Product Prompt FDA Warning

On March 28, the U.S. FDA warned consumers to stop using Soladek, a vitamin-solution product marketed by Indo Pharma, S.A., of the Dominican Republic, because the product may contain dangerously high levels of vitamins A and D.

Clinical Update


Uqora / D-Mannose Caution

D-mannose is generally well tolerated, but be aware that an immune reaction was recently reported with the use of the popular D-mannose "bladder" supplement, Uqora. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our D-Mannose Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for D-mannose.

Clinical Update



Although not required to be noted on labels, people allergic to corn should be aware that D-mannose is often produced from corn, as recently confirmed for one of the products in our D-Mannose Supplements Review, which includes our Top Pick for D-Mannose.

Clinical Update


D-Mannose from Food?

A CL Member asked if it's possible to get a meaningful amount of D-mannose from food. Find out in our article about D-mannose and urinary tract infections, which includes information about D-mannose dosage and possible side effects.

Clinical Update


D-Mannose for Preventing UTI?

Does D-mannose help prevent urinary tract infections? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our D-Mannose Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for D-Mannose.

Clinical Update


Comparison of D-Mannose Products – Used to prevent UTIs

We added comparisons of several brands of D-mannose to our answer to the question: Can D-mannose help prevent urinary tract infections?

Recalls & Warnings

February 04, 2020

Seller of Digestion Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On January 10, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Marco Pharma International LLC, which found the company's  Absinthium Herbal Liquid Extract 100 ml (Absinthium), promoted for "digestive support", and other products, including S21 Multi Somaplex 100 ml (Multi Somaplex), ...

Recalls & Warnings

November 29, 2019

FDA Warns Seller of "All Natural" Treatment for Opioid Withdrawal, Migraines & More

On November 18, 2019, the FDA issued a warning letter to EPH Technologies, Inc., following a review of the company's websites, which found statements made about some of the company's products, including Detoxoplex, Sinople, and Migrenz, to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

June 16, 2019

"Immune Support" Throat Sprays Recalled

On June 13 2019, APS BioGroup, Inc. issued a recall of four "immune support" throat sprays because they have the potential to be contaminated with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, a bacteria that can cause respiratory infection, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems.

News Release

October 02, 2008 finds melatonin supplements range in strength but ingredient quality is high

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — OCTOBER 2, 2008 — announced test results today from its new Product Review of Melatonin Supplements.  Melatonin supplements may help treat certain sleep disorders and disturbances, including jet lag.

Clinical Update


D-mannose for Gray Hair?

In response to our article Can any supplements reverse gray hair?, a CL member commented that their white hair began growing black roots after taking D-Mannose. Is there evidence that D-Mannose can affect hair color? See our response.

Clinical Update


D-Ribose for Energy?

D-ribose is promoted for increasing energy during exercise and reducing fatigue in people with fibromyalgia. But does it really work, and is it safe? Find out in our article about the health benefits of D-ribose.

Clinical Update


D-Ribose: For Wrinkles? Effect on Cognition?

Find out if D-ribose can reduce skin wrinkles, and learn if it might worsen cognitive function in our updated article about D-ribose.

Clinical Update


D-Mannose for Urinary Tract Infections?

See the latest research on whether D-mannose helps prevent UTIs.

Recalls & Warnings

May 12, 2018

Seller of Maca Powder Warned for Drug Claims

On April 18, 2018, the FDA issued a warning letter to Herbs America, Inc. following review of the company's website, and the company's Maca Magic store on

Clinical Update


Uqora for UTIs (urinary tract infections)?

Uqora-Flush, a combination of D-mannose and other ingredients, is promoted for urinary tract health, but what is the evidence and is it worth the high price? Find out in our updated CL Answer about D-mannose for UTIs.

Recalls & Warnings

May 15, 2018

Seller of Apple Cider Vinegar, Joint Supplements & More Warned for Drug Claims

On April 25, 2018, the FDA issued a warning letter to Baker's Best Health Products, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

November 06, 2014

Seller of Prostate, Heart Supplements and More Warned for Drug Claims

On October 9, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Health Research Laboratories, LLC/New World Health, following a review of the company's websites, which found statements made about AtheChel Advanced, Betarol, BioTherapex, Omega-3 Cardio Plus, RejuvaLifeRx, and Ultimate Health Formula to be ...

Recalls & Warnings

October 08, 2015

FDA Warns Seller of Omega-3 "Concussion" Supplement for Drug Claims

On October 1, 2015, the FDA issued a warning letter to MPH Nutrition, LLC, following a review of the company's website which found statements made about  Re:Mind Recover, a supplement promoted for recovery from concussions, to be drug claims which are not permitted for supplements.

Recalls & Warnings

June 07, 2013

Seller of Red Rice Yeast With CoQ10, Respiratory Supplement And More Warned For Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims

On February 25, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Altasource, LLC, dba Meta Labs LLC, following a facility inspection which found the company's dietary supplements, including Respiratory Response, African Mango, Coffee Black Salve, Meta-Cell, Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Red Yeast Rice with ...

Recalls & Warnings

February 21, 2013

FDA and FTC Warn: Supplements Cannot Prevent, Treat Or Cure Cold And Flu

On February 11, 2013, the FDA and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) jointly issued warning letters to three dietary supplement companies regarding their potential illegal marketing of products to prevent, treat or cure flu virus.

News Release

September 17, 2008's tests of menopause supplements reveal wide range in strength and quality; mislabeling and contamination discovered -- Soy and red clover isoflavones, black cohosh, and progesterone products tested

WHITE PLAINS, NY — September 17, 2008 — Risks associated with traditional hormone therapy for symptoms of menopause have increased public interest in alternative treatments, particularly dietary supplements. But a report today of recent tests by ConsumerLab.

Recalls & Warnings

July 25, 2013

Beware of Dietary Supplements With Claims To Treat Diabetes, FDA Warns

On July 23, 2013, the FDA issued a warning to consumers not to buy or use dietary supplements that are promoted to treat diabetes.

Recalls & Warnings

July 13, 2012

Alistrol Health Inc. Warned Over Health Claims on Products

On June 26, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Alistrol Health Inc. for making product statements on the company's websites that constitute drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

December 19, 2013

Maker of Joint Health Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On December 4, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to PurQuality, LLC.

Recalls & Warnings

October 25, 2013

Supplement Company Warned For Numerous Manufacturing Violations

On August 2, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to DNE Nutraceuticals, Inc., following a facility inspection which found the company's products to be adulterated because they were packed, or held under conditions that violate Current Good Manufacturing Practices for dietary supplements.

Recalls & Warnings

April 03, 2014

Maker of Green Coffee Bean Extract and Weight Loss Supplement Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On March 13, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Libi Labs, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

March 19, 2014

Maker of Herbal Capsules and Extracts Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On September 19, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Herbalist and Alchemist, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

August 09, 2016

Liquid Multis, Vitamin D & More Recalled Due to Potential Bacterial Contamination

On August 8, 2016, PharmaTech, LLC issued a recall of twenty liquid vitamin supplements, sold under various brand names, because they have the potential to be contaminated with Burkholderia cepacia.

Recalls & Warnings

September 26, 2012

Maker of Eye Health Supplements Warned for Drug Claims

On September 18, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to EyeScience Labs, L.L.C. because statements made about the company's Macular Health Formula, Dry Eye Formula and Diabetic Vision Formula supplements were found to constitute drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

November 11, 2014

Maker of Children's Vitamins, Weight Loss Supplements and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On October 30, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to VitalHealth Tech, Inc., following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Kids Mighty Vites tablets, Omni Jr.

Recalls & Warnings

August 27, 2013

Immune Supplement Recalled Due To Undeclared Milk

On August 23, 2013, Reaction Nutrition, LLC issued a voluntary recall of immune support supplement LIVE CLINICAL 90 CAPS because it contains undeclared milk.

Recalls & Warnings

May 30, 2017

Seller of Vitamin C, Calcium, Mushroom Supplements and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On May 12, 2017 the FDA issued a warning letter to VitaPurity Corporatio.

Recalls & Warnings

April 18, 2013

Cardio, Energy and Sexual Enhancement Supplement Distributor Warned For Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims

On December 21, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to ForMor Inc, dba ForMor International, following a facility inspection which found the company's Cardio Cocktail and Argenix dietary supplements to be adulterated because because they were prepared, packed, or held under conditions that do ...

Recalls & Warnings

December 26, 2012

Seller of Blood Sugar, Depression and Sleep Supplements Warned For Making Drug Claims

On October 15, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to BioNeurix Corporation after statements found on the company's website,, were found to promote the dietary supplements Blood Sugar 360, Amoryn, Seredyn, and Mellodyn as drugs.

Recalls & Warnings

March 21, 2013

Probiotic Recalled Due To Undeclared Soy

On March 20, 2013, New Chapter, Inc. issued a voluntary recall of one lot of its Probiotic Elderberry dietary supplement because it may contain undeclared soy.

Recalls & Warnings

January 17, 2012

Recall of Calcium-Vitamin D Product That's Actually Glucosamine -- Allergy Alert

As published on the U.S. FDA's website, Rexall Inc. announced a recall on January 16, 2012 of Rexall Calcium 1200 mg plus 1000 IU Vitamin D3, 60 softgels. The affected bottles actually contain a TABLET product, Triple Strength Glucosamine Chondroitin and MSM Tablets.

Recalls & Warnings

April 25, 2017

Beware of Products Which Promise to Treat or Cure Cancer, FDA Warns

On April 25, 2017, the FDA warned consumers to be aware of supplements and other products claiming to cure cancer.

Recalls & Warnings

January 21, 2014

"Stem Cell" Supplement Recalled Due to Allergen Risk

On January 19, 2014, Stemvida recalled StemAlive 90 Capsules because they were found to contain undeclared milk (labeled as bovine colostrum).

News Release

August 12, 2008 finds improvements in labeling of nutrition bars but potential pitfalls exist -- New report compares 20 bars, including those for protein, fiber, energy and whole food

WHITE PLAINS, NY — August 12, 2008 — Labeling on nutrition bars has become more accurate, according to a new report by

Recalls & Warnings

January 29, 2018

Seller of Male Enhancement, Prostate Supplements & More Warned for Drug Claims

On January 10, 2018, the FDA issues a warning letter to USA Labs AKA Power Source Distributors, Inc following a review of the company's website which found statements made about its products, including Maximum Male, Beta 300 (Beta Prosturol), Chromium Max 1000, DHEA, Healthy Cold-X and ...

Recalls & Warnings

August 29, 2017

FDA Warns Seller of Supplements for Allergies, Joint Pain, Bone Health, and More

On August 16, 2017, the FDA issued a warning letter to Total Nutrition, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

May 10, 2013

Maker of Concentration, Pain, Immune, Cholesterol Supplements Warned For Drug Claims

On April 24, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to EuroPharma Co., Inc., following a review of the company's website which found statements made about Calm Kids, CholestCaps, CuraMed 375 mg, CuraMed 750 mg, Curamin, Mental Advantage, Tri-Iodine, and Viragen to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

September 13, 2013

Metagenics Warned For Misbranding of Medical Foods and Drug Claims

On August 13, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Metagenics, Inc.

News Release

August 05, 2008 Find Fifty Fish Oil Supplements Pass Quality Testing -- New Report Helps Consumers Choose Among Pills, Liquids, Foods and Beverages with Omega-3 Fatty Acids (EPA and DHA)

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — AUGUST 5, 2008 — announced today that testing of fifty omega-3 fish oil supplements, foods or beverages (including two marketed for pets) found all to have safe levels of mercury, lead and PCBs.

News Release

January 19, 2007

Consumers warned of problems with multivitamins — uncovers defects in over half of products tested

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — JANUARY 19, 2007 — Fifty-two percent of multivitamins recently selected for testing by were found to be contaminated with lead, unable properly break apart, or to contain significantly more or less ingredient than claimed.

Recalls & Warnings

May 14, 2014

Maker of Mood, Smoking Cessation Supplements and More Warned for Violations, Drug Claims

On April 17, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to CDJ Holding, Incorporated, d.b.a.

Recalls & Warnings

September 23, 2014

Maker of Joint and Weight Products Warned for Hidden Drugs, Manufacturing Violations

On September 15, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to West Coast Laboratories, Inc., because the company's joint health supplements, Super ArthGold and Pro ArthMax, were found to contain hidden drugs.

Recalls & Warnings

June 12, 2023

Children's Liquid Vitamin Supplement Recalled

On June 7, 2023, Procaps S.A. de C.V. issued a voluntary recall of various lots of Laboratorios Lopez’s Bacaolinita 8 fl. oz children's liquid vitamin supplement because it contains undeclared PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil.

News Release

November 17, 2006 responds to vitamin industry claim to be "vindicated" in defamation case

WESTCHESTER, NEW YORK — November 17, 2006 — (, an independent evaluator of health and nutrition products, responded to a press release issued today by the vitamin lobbyist/trade group called the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN).

News Release

November 13, 2006

Tests of "muscle" supplements finds some "weak" products but most contain expected creatine, HMB, or amino acids — Review of muscular enhancement supplements published by

WESTCHESTER, NEW YORK — MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2006 — Bodybuilders and athletes often turn to supplements to enhance muscle size and strength.

Recalls & Warnings

February 03, 2025

Four Male Enhancement and Energy Supplements Found to Contain Drugs

On January 16, 2025, the FDA issued a Warning Letter to Mihon Corp. d/b/a VitalityVita and Boulla, LLC after FDA analysis found four of the company’s supplements, VitalityXtra, PeakMax, ZapMax, and ZoomMax, to contain undeclared sildenafil.

News Release

October 20, 2006 report on CoQ10 supplements finds quality high but large range in suggested dosage

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — OCTOBER 20, 2006 — New test results from for CoQ10 supplements show that all of the products selected contained amounts of ingredient consistent with their labels.

News Release

October 10, 2006

Care advised with natural cold remedies: finds few products with proper quality and directions — offers advice from tests of echinacea, garlic, ginseng, vitamin C, and zinc supplements

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2006 — Autumn is the beginning of "cold season" — the period through early spring when people are most likely to develop a cold. But based on ConsumerLab.

News Release

September 19, 2006

DHEA supplements, touted for anti-aging and strength, reviewed by — Testing finds one brand with 215% of the labeled amount

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 — New tests of supplements containing the hormone DHEA found most to contain their claimed amounts of the controversial ingredient, but one provided 215% of its stated amount, the testing company reported today.

News Release

August 15, 2006

Over 70% of herbal sleep supplements fail tests for quality by — Results for 16 valerian products released today

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — AUGUST 15, 2006 — Most of the valerian dietary supplements recently tested by were low in potency and/or contaminated, the testing company reported today. Valerian, an herbal sleep aid, accounts for approximately $50 million in sales in the U.S.

News Release

August 01, 2006 evaluates cholesterol-lowering supplements — Test results available for over 90 products; Review of nine popular ingredients

WHITE PLAINS, NY — AUGUST 1, 2006 — has released a major new review of dietary supplements used to improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

News Release

May 18, 2006

Court denies vitamin trade group's motion to stop defamation suit brought by

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK — MAY 18, 2006 (UPDATED APRIL 7, 2006) — announced that the Supreme Court of the State of New York has denied a motion by a trade group of vitamin and supplement makers to dismiss the defamation suit brought against it by

Recalls & Warnings

February 09, 2022

FDA Warns Seller of Colloidal Silver Eye Drops, Copper Products & More

On February 1, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to New Earth Healing Essentials, LLC d/b/a 5D Full Disclosure following a review of the company’s website, which found statements made about some of the company's products, including Plasma Colloidal Silver Eyedrops, Gaia’s ...

News Release

April 26, 2006 tests cancer-prevention supplements; several contaminated with lead or low in ingredient — Report available for green tea, selenium, and lycopene supplements

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK — APRIL 26, 2006 announced results today from its new Product Review of Supplements for Cancer Prevention covering 22 products. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S.

News Release

March 29, 2006 reports on 29 popular melatonin sleep supplements

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK — MARCH 29, 2006 (UPDATED APRIL 7, 2006) — announced test results today from its new Product Review of Melatonin Supplements covering 29 products.

News Release

March 13, 2006 reports on supplements for bone health containing calcium and vitamin D— Results posted for 32 supplements for adults and children; One found contaminated with lead

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK — MARCH 13, 2006 — announced test results today from its new Product Review of Supplements for Bone Health covering 32 adult and children's products containing calcium and vitamin D. Sales of calcium supplements in the U.S.

News Release

February 06, 2006 finds most prostate supplements have correct ingredients, but three fail testing — Results posted for 22 supplements containing saw palmetto and beta-sitosterol

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK — FEBRUARY 6, 2006 — announced test results today from its new Product Review of Prostate Supplements.

News Release

January 25, 2006

Sexual enhancement supplements analyzed by

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK — JANUARY 25, 2006 — announced today that it found only six out of eleven supplements used for sexual enhancement to contain key ingredients listed on their labels and meet other quality criteria.

News Release

January 03, 2006

Tests of memory enhancing supplements by reveals lead in some ginkgo

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK — TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2006 — In its new test report on Memory Enhancement Supplements, has revealed finding significant amounts of lead in certain products on the market.

News Release

November 15, 2005

Testing by identifies many problems with popular supplements for weight loss, slimming, and blood sugar control

Westchester, NY — November 15, 2005 — In a series of reports released today, revealed test results for supplements used for weight loss, slimming, and blood sugar control. Among the twenty-three products that ConsumerLab.

News Release

August 16, 2005 tests potassium supplements — Report now online for sixteen products

WHITE PLAINS, NY — August 16, 2005 — has released a new report on the quality of potassium supplements. Potassium is used to treat or prevent potassium deficiency caused by diuretic drugs ("water pills"), prolonged vomiting, diarrhea or laxative abuse.

News Release

July 18, 2005 tests menopause supplements — Alternatives to hormonal therapy — Report available for 38 products including soy and red clover isoflavones, black cohosh, and progesterone creams

WHITE PLAINS, NY — July 18, 2005 — has released a new report on the quality of supplements used to treat symptoms of menopause, notably hot flashes.

News Release

July 12, 2005 finds some supplements lower in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids than claimed — Report available for 23 products made from oils of black currant, borage, evening primrose and flax

WHITE PLAINS, NY — July 12, 2005 — has released its latest report on the quality of supplements made from the seed oils of black currant, borage, evening primrose, and flax.

News Release

March 15, 2005

FTC dismisses complaint by vitamin trade group against

WHITE PLAINS, NY — March 15, 2005 — ConsumerLab.

News Release

August 15, 2001

Problems and ambiguity among alternative estrogen products reported by — Results of soy and red clover isoflavone product testing released online today

WHITE PLAINS, NY — August 15, 2001 —, an independent evaluator of dietary supplements and nutrition products, today released results of its Phytoestrogen Product Review. The review focused on dietary supplements made from soy and red clover isoflavones.

News Release

March 13, 2001 review of vitamin E supplements finds some insufficiencies and need for clearer labeling; test results released online today

WHITE PLAINS, NY — March 13, 2001 — today released results of its Product Review of vitamin E products. Vitamin E is one of the most popular dietary supplements in the U.S.

Recalls & Warnings

December 13, 2021

Seller of Vitamin B12 Injections Without Prescription Pleads Guilty

On December 8, 2021, 46-year-old Des Moines resident Bradley Tomlinson plead guilty to a felony charge related to the sale of misbranded vitamin B12 injectable drugs. Tomlinson began selling these injectable drugs in May 2015 and marketed them as weight loss drugs.

Recalls & Warnings

November 30, 2023

Discover Health, LLC Warned for Promoting CBD Products for Cancer, Epilepsy, & More

On November 16, 2023, the FDA issued a Warning Letter to Discover Health, LLC d/b/a Discover CBD and Strain Snobs following a review of the company’s websites that found statements about the company’s Active CBD Oil – Full Spectrum Distillate Cartridge, Active CBD Oil – ...

Recalls & Warnings

August 14, 2020

The Green Herb and New Genesis Health Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On July 31, 2019, the FDA issued a warning letter to Davis Ventures, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

August 18, 2020

Seller of Immune Shot Criminally Charged With Making Coronavirus Claims

On August 10, 2020, prosecutors in Georgia charged Matthew Ryncarz and his company Fusion Health and Vitality, LLC d/b/a/ Pharm Origins with selling the misbranded product Immune Shot.

Recalls & Warnings

April 17, 2020

Arthritis Supplement Recalled for Salmonella Risk

On April 13, 2020, Arthri-D, LLC issued a recall of one lot of Arthri-D arthritis supplement because recent testing found it has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella.

Recalls & Warnings

December 22, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of Liquid Magnesium, B-12, Berberine & More

On December 9, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Wholly Liquid Nutritional Supplements LLC because it found statements on the company's website and social media about its products, including SpiroLaze, BioLaze, LiquiLaurin, VIT-B12, DeStress, and Omega Plus, to be ...

Recalls & Warnings

July 31, 2020

FTC Sues Golden Sunrise for Marketing Deceptive $23,000 Coronavirus Cure

On July 31, 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charged Golden Sunrise Nutraceutical, Inc., a California-based company, with deceptively advertising a $23,000 treatment plan as a scientifically proven way to treat COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings

May 29, 2021

FDA, FTC Warns Five Sellers of "Infertility" Supplements

The FDA and FTC (Federal Trade Commission) sent warning letters to the following five companies in May for illegally selling dietary supplements promoted with claims to treat infertility and other reproductive health issues:

Recalls & Warnings

September 10, 2021

FDA Warns Ten Sellers of "Diabetes" Supplements

On September 7, 2021, the FDA issued warning letters to 10 supplement companies that made drug claims by promoting products to treat diabetes and/or lower blood sugar. Five of the products were sold on Amazon as well as on company websites. The products were promoted with statements such as

Recalls & Warnings

March 18, 2021

Hand Sanitizer Recalled Because Packaging Resembles Water Bottle

On March 17, 2021, PNHC, LLC d/b/a Heal the World recalled all lots of Heal the World hand sanitizer because the product is packaged in containers resembling water bottles.

Recalls & Warnings

February 10, 2018

Warning to D-Limonene, Vitamin C Seller

On January 31, 2018 the FDA issued a warning letter to Long Life Unlimited, LLC following a review of the company's website which found promotional statements and testimonials made about products including Balance 600, D-Limonene, Rapha Remedy, Rapha Remedy w/ p73 Wild Oregano, Vitamin C, ...

Recalls & Warnings

August 01, 2013

Fat Loss and Muscle Enhancement Supplements Found To Contain DMAA

On June 17, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Formulife, Inc., dba Purus Labs, Inc., following a facility inspection which found the dietary supplements Fat Smack XR Thermolipolytic, Muscle Marinade Fresh Fruit and Muscle Marinade Cherry Limeade to contain DMAA.

Recalls & Warnings

August 09, 2002

Recall of 7 Herbal Products from Botanic Lab in US and Abroad

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the following Class II recall information in its August 7, 2002 Enforcement Report.

Recalls & Warnings

June 06, 2017

Seller of Herbal Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims

On May 25, 2017 the FDA issued a warning letter to Life Rising Corporation, following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Stomach Regulator, Fang Feng Formula, Skin Regulator, Regulate Liver, Circulation Regulator, Pancreas Support, Lung Regulator, Pure Tea, ...

Recalls & Warnings

June 19, 2011

Vitamin Pitchman Indicted

As reported by on June 16, 2011, Donald Lapre has been charged with conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering in connection with his marketing of "The Greatest Vitamin in the World.

Recalls & Warnings

May 13, 2009

Body-Building Supplements Confiscated by FDA for Adulteration

On May 11, 2009, the U.S. FDA announced that U.S. Marshalls seized more than 23,300 bottles of three dietary supplement products distributed by LG Sciences LLC, of Brighton, Mich.

Recalls & Warnings

July 21, 2003

FTC Stops False Advertising of Heavily Promoted Supplements for Breast Enhancment, Male Virility, and Snoring

On June 10, 2003, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that infomercial marketers Wellquest International, Inc. and Tony Hoffman Productions, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

May 20, 2015

Supplements to Eliminate Gray Hair Not Supported by Science, Says FTC

On May 13, 2015, the FTC announced marketers of GetAwayGrey and Rise-N-Shine, dietary supplements promoted to reverse or prevent gray hair, have agreed to settle charges that claims made about the products are not supported by science.

Recalls & Warnings

April 16, 2014

Seller of Aloe, Thyroid and Other Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims

On March 21, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Aloe Man International Corp.

Recalls & Warnings

February 17, 2018

FDA Warns Seller Reishi Mushroom Supplements

On February 7, 2018, the FDA issued a warning letter to Reishi D. International, Inc., following a facility inspection which found the company's Reishi D.

Recalls & Warnings

January 21, 2018

Joint Supplement Recalled for Salmonella Risk

On January 21, 2018, Arthri-D, LLC announced a recall of its joint pain supplement, Arthri-D (120 count), due to possible Salmonella contamination.

Recalls & Warnings

January 24, 2003

FTC Challenges Weight-loss Claims for Slim Down Solution

The Federal Trade Commission today charged Slim Down Solution, LLC, Maderia Management, Inc., and several related companies and individuals with using false and unsubstantiated claims in the marketing and advertising of "Slim Down Solution" - a purported weight-loss product.

Recalls & Warnings

July 10, 2017

Bodybuilding Supplements Containing Steroid-Like Substances Recalled

On June 29, 2017, Hardcore Formulations recalled all lots and expiration dates of their products Ultra-Sten and D-Zine, bodybuilding supplements found to contain methylstenbolone and dymethazine, which are derivatives of anabolic steroids.

Recalls & Warnings

April 07, 2008

Federal Agents Seize Nearly $1.3 Million of Illegal Dietary Supplements

On April 4, 2008 the U.S. FDA announced that, at its request, U.S. Marshals had seized more than $1,301,712 of dietary supplements from LG Sciences, LLC, of Brighton, Mich.

Recalls & Warnings

April 29, 2012

FDA Says DMAA Can't Be Sold as a Supplement -- Warns Sellers

On April 27, 2012, the U.S.

Recalls & Warnings

June 20, 2017

Beware of Bodybuilding Supplements, FDA Warns

On June 20, 2017, the FDA warned consumers to beware of bodybuilding products because a number of these products have been found to contain steroids or steroid-like substances. Such products could cause serious and even life-threatening health risks, including: 

Recalls & Warnings

May 07, 2012

FDA Warns Doctor Promoting Own Supplements Online as Treatments

On April 18, 2012 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent a Warning Letter to Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. of Fatigued to Fantastic, LLC regarding the promotion that company's products on its website

Recalls & Warnings

October 05, 2007

FTC Charges Progesterone Cream Sellers with Making Unsubstantiated Claims

On October 5, 2007 the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced complaints against seven online sellers of alternative hormone replacement therapy (HRT) products, alleging that they made health claims for their natural progesterone creams without supporting scientific evidence.