Reviews and Information for The Vitamin Shoppe
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Product Review
Cholesterol-Lowering Supplements Review (Sterols/Stanols and Policosanol)
Find the Best Cholesterol-Lowering Supplement. See Which Plant Sterol and Policosanol Supplements Passed Our Tests and Are Our Top Picks.

Product Review
Garlic Supplements Review
Find the Best Garlic Supplements. CL Tests Reveal Big Differences in Garlic Strength -- Some Have Little to No Garlic!.

Product Review
Nattokinase Supplements Review
Choose the Best Nattokinase Supplement. CL Tests Reveal Which Nattokinase Suppplements Provide the Best Quality & Value.

Product Review
St. John's Wort Supplements Review
Find the Best St. John's Wort Supplement. Only 40% of St. John's Wort Supplements Pass Tests & Strength Varies Widely.

Product Review
Garcinia Cambogia (HCA) Supplements Review
Find the Best Garcinia Cambogia Supplement. Choose Carefully! Most Garcinia (HCA) Weight Loss Supplements Lack Listed Amount of Ingredient .

Product Review
Milk Thistle Supplements Review
Find the Best Milk Thistle Supplement. Tests and Reviews of Popular Milk Thistle Supplements & CL's Top Picks.

Product Review
Maca Supplements Review
Choose the Best Maca Supplement. Make Sure Your Maca Supplement Isn't Contaminated With Lead.

Product Review
L-Arginine Supplements Review
Choose the Best L-Arginine Supplement. Find Out Which L-Arginine Supplement Passed CL's Tests.

Product Review
Ginkgo (Ginkgo Biloba) Supplements Review
Choose the Best Ginkgo Biloba Supplement. Finding Real Ginkgo Isn't Easy — 60% Fail ConsumerLab's Tests of Quality.

Product Review
Vitamin A Supplements Review, Including Beta-Carotene and Cod Liver Oil
Find the Best Vitamin A Supplement. Best Quality Vitamin A Supplements Identified, Including Cod Liver Oil.

Product Review
Acetyl-L-Carnitine Supplements Review
Choose the Best Acetyl-L-Carnitine Supplement. Don't Overpay! CL Identifies Quality Acetyl-L-Carnitine Supplements at the Best Value.
Product Review
Acai Berry Supplements and Beverages Review
Find the Best Acai Berry Supplements and Beverages. See Which Acai Berry Supplements and Beverages Passed Our Tests of Quality.

Product Review
Selenium Supplements Review
Choose the Best Selenium Supplement. Find Out If You Need Selenium and Which Supplement Is Our Top Pick.

Product Review
CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) Supplements Review (for Slimming)
Choose the Best CLA Supplement. Not All CLA Supplements Contain What You Expect.

CL Answer
Where to Safely Buy Real Vitamins and Supplements Online, Not Fakes or Counterfeits
ConsumerLab explains how to avoid counterfeit vitamins and supplements when shopping online on Amazon,, and other sites. Learn to identify authorized sites and sellers and avoid fake supplements. Use the brand-by-brand guide to protect yourself from risk.

Clinical Update
Information to Avoid Counterfeits Added for 7 Brands
We've added information about how to safely purchase products from Bragg, Centrum, Gaia Herbs, Host Defense, Nutricost, Vital Proteins, and Vitamin Shoppe to our article about Where to Safely Buy Real Vitamins and Supplements. The list now covers 39 brands.
News Release
February 25, 2025
Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2025 Based on Consumer Satisfaction
White Plains, New York, February 25, 2025 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on over 8,400 responses collected in November/December 2024.
News Release
February 25, 2024
Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2024 Based on Consumer Satisfaction
White Plains, New York, February 25, 2024 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on over 10,000 responses collected in November/December 2023.
News Release
February 25, 2023
Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2023 Based on Consumer Satisfaction
White Plains, New York, February 25, 2023 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 8,600 responses collected in November/December 2022.
News Release
February 25, 2022
Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2022 Based on Consumer Satisfaction
White Plains, New York, February 25, 2022 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 8,049 responses collected in November/December 2021.
News Release
September 11, 2021
Best CoQ10 and Ubiquinol Supplements Identified in Testing by ConsumerLab
White Plains, New York, September 11, 2021 — CoQ10 and ubiquinol, the active form of CoQ10, are often taken to offset a decline in natural levels that occurs with the use of statin (cholesterol-lowering) medication, and are also promoted for increasing energy and anti-aging effects.
News Release
February 25, 2021
Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2021 Based on Consumer Satisfaction -- Results of the Survey of Vitamin & Supplement Users
White Plains, New York, February 25, 2021 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 9,647 responses collected in November 2020.
News Release
November 24, 2020
Best Zinc for Colds, Immunity, and More. ConsumerLab Selects Top Picks Among Zinc Liquids, Pills and Lozenges
White Plains, New York, November 24, 2020 — The right zinc can shorten a cold and many people are deficient in zinc. So which zinc supplements and lozenges provide the right dose and form of zinc, the best quality, and at a reasonable price?
News Release
June 26, 2020
No Garlic in Some Garlic Supplements? -- Best and Worst Garlic Supplements Revealed in Tests by ConsumerLab
White Plains, New York, June 26, 2020 — Garlic can modestly reduce total cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and it may help prevent colds. However, recent ConsumerLab tests revealed that the strength of garlic supplements on the market varies widely, and some may not contain any garlic.
News Release
April 28, 2020
Best and Worst Multivitamins Revealed by ConsumerLab -- Problems Found With 44% of Multis Tested
White Plains, New York, April 28, 2020 — Multivitamin/multimineral supplements are among the top five most popular supplements, but with so many different formulas on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one.
News Release
February 25, 2020
Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2020 Based on Consumer Satisfaction -- Results of the Survey of Vitamin & Supplement Users
White Plains, New York, February 25, 2020 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 9,782 responses collected in late November and early December 2019.
News Release
July 10, 2019
Best Selenium Supplements Identified by ConsumerLab
White Plains, New York, July 10, 2019 — Selenium is an essential mineral important for proper immune and thyroid function but taking a selenium supplement is often not necessary and, in some people, may increase the risk of cancer or diabetes.
News Release
April 26, 2019
Best Cholesterol-Lowering Supplements (Sterols, Stanols & Policosanol) Identified by ConsumerLab
White Plains, New York, April 26, 2019 — Plant sterols (also called phytosterols) and stanols, and, possibly, policosanol, can help lower elevated levels of cholesterol, a key risk factor for heart disease.
News Release
February 25, 2019
Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2019 Based on Consumer Satisfaction -- Results of the Survey of Vitamin & Supplement Users
White Plains, New York, February 25, 2019 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 10,931 responses collected in late November and early December 2018.
News Release
October 26, 2018
Best Vitamin A Supplements, Including Cod Liver Oils, Identified by ConsumerLab
White Plains, New York, October 26, 2018 — Vitamin A is necessary to maintain good vision, skin, and immune functioning, and supplementation can be beneficial for certain conditions — although most people get enough from food and getting too much vitamin A can be dangerous.
News Release
October 02, 2018
Best Joint Health Supplements Identified -- ConsumerLab Tests Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM and Boswellia Supplements for People and Pets
White Plains, New York, October 2, 2018 — Do joint health supplements with ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, Boswellia, and MSM really relieve joint pain or slow the progression of osteoarthritis? If so, which products are best? To find out, ConsumerLab recently tested popular ...
News Release
March 07, 2018
Finding Real Ginkgo Isn't Easy, ConsumerLab's Tests Reveal
White Plains, New York, March 7, 2018 — Recent tests of popular Ginkgo biloba supplements sold in the U.S. found that only 4 of 10 were confirmed to contain their listed amounts of real ginkgo extract.
News Release
February 25, 2018
Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2018 Based on Consumer Satisfaction
White Plains, New York, February 25, 2018 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 11,446 responses collected in late November and early December 2017.
News Release
November 27, 2017
Flaxseed and Other Popular Omega 3 & 6 Oil Supplements Tested, But Not All Brands Pass -- Tests of Black Currant Oil, Borage Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Flaxseed Oil, and Hemp Oil Supplements
White Plains, New York, November 27, 2017 — Flaxseed oil and other popular seed oil are popular supplements that provide omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and may help with inflammatory conditions. But which seed oil supplements are the best? To find out, ConsumerLab.
Product Review
Lactose Intolerance Products Review (Lactase Enzyme Supplements and Lactose-Free Milks)
Choose the Best Lactase Enzyme Supplement and Lactose-Free Milk. Find a CL Approved Lactose Intolerance Product.

Product Review
Astaxanthin Supplements Review
See Which Astaxanthin Products Passed or Failed CL's Tests

CL Answer
Does tea tree oil work for getting rid of athlete's foot?
Learn more about tea tree oil and its effects on foot fungus (known as athlete’s foot, tinea pedis, or “ringworm” due to the lesion that can occur) and how it can be as effective as some, but not all, over-the-counter antifungal treatments. ConsumerLab explains.

News Release
September 11, 2017 Tests L-Arginine "Blood Flow" Supplements, Identifying Its Top Picks
White Plains, New York, September 11, 2017 — L-arginine supplements are often promoted to increase exercise endurance, reduce symptoms of congestive heart failure and other cardiovascular conditions, and improve sexual function.
Product Review
Ashwagandha Supplements Review
Find the Best Ashwagandha Supplement. Only 38% of Ashwagandha Products Pass Tests.

Product Review
Black Currant, Borage, Evening Primrose, Flax and Hemp Oil Review
Choose the Best Flaxseed and Other Oils Based on Our Tests.

Product Review
Sexual Enhancer Supplements Review (with Yohimbe, Horny Goat Weed, Arginine)
Choose the Best Sexual Enhancer Supplement. Only 30% of Selected Sexual Enhancement Supplements Pass Quality Tests.

News Release
March 15, 2017 Reveals Best and Worst Vitamin C Supplements -- 20% Fail Tests of Quality
White Plains, New York, March 15, 2017 — Many people take large doses of vitamin C believing it will improve their health, prevent colds or reduce the risk of disease — but will it really? And when choosing a vitamin C supplement, can consumers be sure it contains what it claims? To ...
News Release
February 25, 2017
Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2017 Based on Consumer Satisfaction
White Plains, New York, February 25, 2017 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 9,505 responses collected in late November and early December 2016.
News Release
February 23, 2017 Reveals Best and Worst B Vitamin Supplements and Why Current Labels Often Mislead
White Plains, New York, February 24, 2017 — B vitamins and complexes are popular supplements, but labels often mislead, says a new report from which tested, reviewed, and compared 49 supplements from the U.S.
News Release
November 03, 2016
Is Astaxanthin Helpful for Inflammation or Other Conditions -- and Which Brands Are Best? -- Reviews the Evidence and Tests the Quality of Popular Astaxanthin Supplements
White Plains, New York, November 3, 2016 — Astaxanthin is the red carotenoid and antioxidant which, through the food chain, provides the pink coloration of shrimp, krill salmon and trout.
Product Review
Joint Health Supplements Review (Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Boswellia, Collagen and Turmeric)
18% of Joint Health Supplements Failed to Pass Our Tests. See Which Passed or Failed, and Our Top Picks.

News Release
October 11, 2016
What Are the Benefits of Resveratrol and Which Brands Are Best? -- Reviews the Evidence and Tests the Quality of Popular Resveratrol Supplements
White Plains, New York, October 11, 2016 — Resveratrol supplements have been popular since 2006, when studies in animals showed "life-extending" and "endurance-enhancing" effects, among other potential benefits.
CL Answer
Which vitamins and minerals should be taken together or separately?
Find out the best way to take vitamins and minerals and which vitamins and minerals should be taken together or separately for proper absorption. ConsumerLab answer explains the best way to take vitamins and minerals.

News Release
September 26, 2016
60% of St. John's Wort Supplements Fail Tests of Quality
White Plains, New York, September 26, 2016 — St. John's wort extracts can be as effective as standard antidepressant drugs for treating mild to moderate major depression, with significantly fewer side effects. However, recent tests revealed that six of ten St.
CL Answer
How are you staying healthy during the coronavirus pandemic?
Tips for staying healthy during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Tips from ConsumerLab members for maintaining physical health, mental health and social well-being during COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings
July 24, 2023
ONO Overnight Oats Recalled Due to Allergen Risk
On July 18, 2023, ONO LLC issued a voluntary recall of the company’s ONO Vegan Blueberry Muffin Protein Overnight Oats due to undeclared milk.
CL Answer
Do any supplements or lifestyle changes reduce the symptoms of tinnitus? Is it true that some supplements can cause tinnitus?
Learn which supplements can ease tinnitus, including melatonin and pine bark extract. Understand which may actually cause tinnitus.

News Release
February 25, 2016
Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2016 Based on Consumer Satisfaction
Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 11,534 responses collected in November, 2015. Respondents gave ratings for 963 brands and 399 merchants.
News Release
January 05, 2016
Cinnamon Spices and Supplements Found to Vary Widely in Levels of Potentially Helpful and Harmful Compounds Reports
White Plains, New York, January 5, 2016 — Cinnamon supplements may be helpful for controlling blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, possibly due to compounds known as proanthocyanidins or PACs.
News Release
November 06, 2015
Some Surprising Results from Tests of 43 Probiotic Supplements and Kefir Drinks
White Plains, New York, November 6, 2015 — How many beneficial organisms are in probiotic supplements and kefir drinks? Are any contaminated with pathogens, such as E. coli, and do those labeled as "gluten free" or "99% lactose-free" live up to their claims? To find out, ConsumerLab.
News Release
July 01, 2015
Tests of Maca "Enhancement" Supplements Find Real Maca, But Some Lead Contamination and Seemingly Excessive Amounts of Rice Filler
White Plains, New York, July 1, 2015 — It's touted for increasing stamina and sexual performance and sales have steadily increased for more than a decade, but do maca supplements really contain this root indigenous to Peru? To answer this question, ConsumerLab.
News Release
June 10, 2015 Tests Reveal Best and Worst Magnesium Supplements
White Plains, New York, June 10, 2015 — Magnesium supplements have become extremely popular, surpassing even calcium among frequent users of supplements. However, recent tests by ConsumerLab.
News Release
May 28, 2015 Shows How to Choose the Right Melatonin Supplement for Sleep
White Plains, New York, May 28, 2015 — An estimated 60 million Americans experience insomnia each year, according to the National Institutes of Health, and they increasingly turn to the supplement melatonin for potential help. In fact, U.S. sales of melatonin increased 16.
News Release
March 17, 2015
CoQ10 & Ubiquinol Supplements Vary in Quality, as Well as Dose, Absorption, and Price According to
White Plains, New York, March 17, 2015 — Findings from a recent study by highlights the difficulty consumers have in selecting a supplement containing the highly-popular anti-oxidant CoQ10 or its activated form, ubiquinol. ConsumerLab.
News Release
February 25, 2015
Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2015 Based on Consumer Satisfaction -- Results of the Survey of Vitamin & Supplement Users
Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 10,329 responses collected in November, 2014. Respondents gave ratings for 1,709 brands and 891 merchants.
News Release
January 06, 2015
Only 25% of Ashwagandha Supplements Pass Review
White Plains, New York, January 6, 2015 —"It's very hard to find a good ashwagandha supplement," notes Tod Cooperman, M.D., President of, the health product testing company which recently completed evaluations of ashwagandha herbal supplements.
News Release
May 07, 2014
Flaxseed and Other Popular Seed Oil Supplements Tested by, But Not All Brands Pass -- Flaxseed, Black Currant, Borage and Evening Primrose Oils Reviewed
White Plains, New York, May 7, 2014 — Plant seed oils are popular supplements that provide omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, but which products offer the best value and quality? Recent analyses by ConsumerLab.
News Release
April 09, 2014
Best Fish Oil? Testing Finds Many High Quality Supplements, But Pitfalls Exist
White Plains, New York, August 10, 2014 — Recent laboratory tests of fish oil, krill oil, algal oil, calamari oil, and green-lipped mussel oil supplements by revealed quality problems with four out of 30 supplements selected for review.
News Release
February 26, 2014
Mislabeling of Some Joint Health Supplements with Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Boswellia, and MSM According to -- 38 Supplements Tested, Including Products for Dogs and Cats --
White Plains, New York, February 26, 2014 — Glucosamine, chondroitin, Boswellia, and MSM are popular dietary supplement ingredients for treating symptoms of osteoarthritis — worn joint cartilage.
News Release
February 12, 2014
Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2014 Based on Consumer Satisfaction -- Results of the Survey of Vitamin & Supplement Users
Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 10,326 responses collected in November, 2013. Respondents gave ratings for 1,639 brands and 788 merchants.
News Release
November 19, 2013
Some Popular Weight Loss Supplements Contain as Little as 16% of Listed Ingredient, According to
White Plains, N.Y., November 19, 2013 — Which is the best Garcinia cambogia supplement? Many people have asked this question of since last October when The Dr. Oz Show aired a segment about using this herbal supplement for weight loss but cautioned that Dr.
News Release
October 23, 2013
Valerian “Sleep” Supplements Vary Widely in Key Compounds and Two Fail Tests for Lead Contamination
White Plains, New York — October 23, 2013 — Valerian root powders and extracts are popular herbal sleep aids and may have anti-anxiety effects, but few products on the market provide the amounts of compounds typically used in clinical trials, and some are contaminated with lead, ...
News Release
September 19, 2013
What's Really in Resveratrol Supplements? Some Contain Little Resveratrol or Do Not Meet Quality Standards According to
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — September 19, 2013 — Resveratrol supplements have been popular since 2006, when studies in animals showed "life-extending" and "endurance-enhancing" effects, among other potential benefits. In fact, a recent survey by ConsumerLab.
News Release
August 21, 2013
Labels on Potassium Supplements May Confuse, But Product Quality is High According to
White Plains, New York August 21, 2013 — How much potassium would you expect from a supplement called "Potassium Gluconate 595 mg"? The correct answer is just 99 mg, as explains in its new Potassium Supplements Review, published online today.
News Release
March 05, 2013
CoQ10 & Ubiquinol Supplements Should Be Chosen Carefully, Cautions -- Less Than 4% of Listed Ingredient Found in Widely-Sold Product
White Plains, New York — March 5, 2013 — A new report from highlights the difficulty consumers have in selecting a supplement containing the anti-oxidant CoQ10 or its activated form, ubiquinol. ConsumerLab.
News Release
February 01, 2013
Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2013 Based on Consumer Satisfaction
Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 10,862 responses collected in November, 2012. Respondents gave ratings for 1,438 brands and 851 merchants.
News Release
January 14, 2013
Lycopene Supplements Vary in Quality and Price According to
White Plains, New York, January 14, 2013 — Lycopene supplements, which contain the red, antioxidant pigment found in tomatoes, vary widely in price and quality, according to a recent review by
News Release
December 21, 2012 Tests Reveal What's Really In Green Tea Supplements and Bottled Drinks
White Plains, New York — December 21, 2012 — How do levels of EGCG and caffeine in green tea supplements and bottled teas compare with levels provided in a typical brewed green tea? It very much depends on the brand, according to new tests by
News Release
October 17, 2012 Tests and Compares Vision Supplements - Guides Consumers Through a Variety of Ingredients and Formulas
White Plains, New York — October 17, 2012 — Can a supplement improve your vision or prevent it from deteriorating? "The evidence shows that some supplements may help improve vision in people with macular degeneration and others can slow its progression," says Tod Cooperman, M.D.
News Release
September 27, 2012 Reveals How Much Caffeine is in Energy Drinks -- Also Finds Some Drinks and Dietary Supplements Don't Contain Claimed Amounts of B Vitamins
White Plains, New York — September 27, 2012 — Energy shots and drinks are promoted to keep you alert and energized, attributing their effects to special formulas often "packed with B vitamins and nutrients to make it last," as a commercial for 5-hour Energy proclaims.
News Release
August 22, 2012
Contamination and Other Problems Found in Fish Oil Supplements -- Large Review by Reveals Excessive PCBs or Mislabeling in Over 30% of Omega-3 Supplements
August 22, 2012 — The quality of fish oil / omega-3 supplements varies across brands, according to recent tests by, which independently reports on the quality of health products. Analyses of 35 products selected and purchased by ConsumerLab.
News Release
May 30, 2012 Identifies Best and Worst Magnesium Supplements Based on Tests and Comparisons
White Plains, New York — MAY 30, 2012 — Magnesium supplements are among the most popular supplements in the U.S. But which magnesium supplements are best? ConsumerLab.
News Release
May 08, 2012
Lead Contamination and Mislabeling in Joint Health Supplements with Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and MSM According to
White Plains, New York, May 8, 2012 — Glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM are popular dietary supplements for treating symptoms of osteoarthritis — worn joint cartilage.
News Release
February 01, 2012
Top-rated vitamin and supplement brands and merchants on consumer satisfaction for 2012 -- Based on Survey of Vitamin & Supplement Users
Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 10,260 responses collected in November, 2011. Most respondents used multiple supplements.
News Release
December 20, 2011
Choose zinc supplements carefully -- finds only some have dosage proven to shorten colds, reduce eye disease
White Plains, New York — December 20, 2011 — Can zinc supplements shorten colds and reduce the progression of advanced macular degeneration? "Yes, but not all supplements provide a dosage that has been proven effective." says Tod Cooperman, M.D., President of
News Release
November 29, 2011 identifies many quality melatonin sleep supplements, but prices range from 4 cents to over $1 for the same dose
White Plains, New York — November 29th, 2011 — Can melatonin help you sleep? "Melatonin supplements may help some people get to sleep sooner, particularly those with chronic sleeping problems, but don't just buy any supplement - they vary significantly in strength, dosage, and cost," ...
News Release
October 13, 2011
30% of SAM-e supplements selected for review fail to pass testing -- Cost of SAM-e found to vary 5-fold
White Plains, New York, October 13, 2011 — Dietary supplements with SAMe (S-adenosyl-methionine) are used to treat osteoarthritis as well as depression, but only 7 out of ten SAM-e supplements recently selected for testing by met all quality criteria.
News Release
September 21, 2011
Not all vitamin A supplements pass tests -- New report reviews beta-carotene and cod liver oil supplements
White Plains, New York — September 21, 2011 — Recent tests of vitamin A supplements by found one to contain only 54.3% of its listed amount of vitamin A. Another product mislabeled alpha carotene as vitamin A.
News Release
July 12, 2011 tests menopause supplements and creams: Most are "Approved," but some found contaminated or lacking claimed amount of ingredient
White Plains, New York — July 12, 2011 — Women looking for relief from hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms often turn to supplements containing estrogen-like isoflavones (from soy or red clover), the herbal remedy black cohosh, or creams containing progesterone.
News Release
June 16, 2011 puts multivitamins to the test
June 16, 2011, New York, NY — Laboratory test results of 60 multivitamins have shown that you can't always judge a supplement by its label—or by its price. "Consumers should know that multivitamins vary widely in quality, "says Tod Cooperman, M.D., President of
News Release
April 26, 2011
Problems discovered with eight vitamin D supplements in study by -- Incorrect amounts of vitamins, lead contamination, and labeling infractions identified.
White Plains, New York — April 26, 2010 — Among 28 vitamin D supplements recently selected for independent testing, problems were found with 8 products, 29% of those reviewed, according to
News Release
March 30, 2011 finds 100-fold variation in cost of iron supplements
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — MARCH 28, 2011 — announced today that the cost to get an equivalent dose of iron from supplements varies by more than 100-fold. A 25 mg dose of iron can cost as little as two cents or over two dollars, depending on the product.
News Release
March 08, 2011 reviews CoQ10 and ubiquinol supplements -- Tests show quality to be high, but large differences found in dosage, formulation, and cost
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — MARCH 8, 2011 — A new report by highlights the difficulty consumers may have in selecting a supplement containing the anti-oxidant CoQ10 or its activated form, ubiquinol. CoQ10 is among the most popular dietary supplements in the U.S.
News Release
February 16, 2011
Some turmeric and curcumin supplements fail quality review -- finds 20% of turmeric supplements selected for review deliver less than 15% of promised compounds
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — FEBRUARY 16, 2011 — Supplements containing the herb turmeric or its key compound, curcumin, have become popular in the U.S. cautioned today that two out of ten turmeric products recently selected for quality testing were found to provide only 7.
News Release
February 01, 2011
Top-rated vitamin and supplement brands and merchants on consumer satisfaction for 2011 -- Based on survey of vitamin and supplement users
Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 6,010 responses collected in November, 2010. Most respondents used multiple supplements.
News Release
January 31, 2011
Vitamin D use increased 52% in past two years according to survey of supplement users -- Fish oil continued to surpass multivitamins as most popular supplement and Internet was most common place to buy supplements
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — FEBRUARY 1, 2011 — Among people who use dietary supplements, the most popular products at the end of 2010 were fish oil, multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium and CoQ10 according to a survey by Use of vitamin D surged in 2010 to 56.
News Release
January 25, 2011 evaluates quality of potassium supplements and identifies those offering best value
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — JANUARY 25, 2011 — A new report on the quality of potassium supplements was released by today. In contrast to its last report on potassium supplements, ConsumerLab.
News Release
January 11, 2011
Spoilage and labeling errors found with some omega-3 and -6 supplements; Review of evening primrose, flaxseed, borage, and black currant oil supplements
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — JANUARY 10, 2011 — A new report on the quality of omega-3 and -6 fatty acid supplements made from seed oils was released by today. Only 11 of 17 products selected for testing met quality criteria for freshness and labeling.
News Release
December 14, 2010
DHEA supplements, touted for anti-aging and strength, reviewed by Testing finds one brand with only 14.7% of labeled amount
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — DECEMBER 14, 2010 — Recent tests of DHEA supplements showed that most products contained their claimed amounts of the controversial ingredient, but one provided only 14.7% of its listed amount, the testing company reported today.
News Release
September 28, 2010 finds quality problems with nearly 30% of fish oil supplements reviewed; "Fishy" claims identified -- Softgels and liquids for adults, children and pets tested, including krill oil and algal oil supplements
White Plains, New York — September 28, 2010 — Tests of fish, algal and krill oil supplements revealed quality problems with 7 out of 24 products selected by independent testing organization
News Release
August 16, 2010
Problems persist with ginseng supplements -- Review by finds 45% of products don't provide full amount of ingredient or are contaminated
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — August 16, 2010 — reported today that five out of eleven ginseng supplements recently selected for testing contained less ginseng than expected from their labels or were contaminated with lead and/or pesticides.
News Release
April 14, 2010 reports most St. John's wort supplements fail quality tests -- An effective antidepressant herb but heavy metal contamination and low potency are concerns
White Plains, New York — April 14, 2010 — St. John's wort has been shown to be effective in treating mild to moderate forms of major depression, but a new report from shows that few of the herbal supplement brands recently tested met quality standards. Among the ten St.
News Release
March 25, 2010
Cholesterol-lowering supplements reviewed by Many pass quality testing, one fails. Sterol and policosanol products analyzed. Evidence for other cholesterol-lowering ingredients evaluated
White Plains, New York — March 25, 2010 — Certain dietary supplements can help reduce elevated cholesterol levels. A new report from reviews the evidence behind each of the popular cholesterol-lowering ingredients and provides test results for twelve supplement brands.
News Release
February 01, 2010
Top-rated supplement brands and merchants for consumer satisfaction for 2010; Based on Survey of Vitamin & Supplement Users
Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on a sample size of 6,012 responses collected in November, 2009. Most respondents use multiple supplements.
News Release
January 20, 2010 finds quality of most CLA supplements for slimming to be high; One brand mislabeled -- Report is first published in series on supplements for weight loss and slimming Finds Quality of Most CLA Supplements for Slimming to be High; One Brand Mislabeled
News Release
December 16, 2009
"Eye health" supplements vary widely in formula but product quality is high according to
"Eye Health" Supplements Vary Widely in Formula But Product Quality is High According to
News Release
October 07, 2009 finds that only two-thirds of alpha-lipoic acid supplements selected for testing pass quality review -- Anti-oxidant supplements helpful to diabetics
White Plains, New York — Wednesday, October 7, — Alpha-lipoic acid (also called lipoic acid) is a natural anti-oxidant that can help diabetics reduce symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and control blood sugar, among other uses. ConsumerLab.
News Release
September 15, 2009 finds many prostate supplements have correct ingredients, but four fail review -- New report on 19 saw palmetto and beta-sitosterol supplements
White Plains, New York — Tuesday, September 15,2009 — announced test results today from its newest Product Review of Prostate Supplements.
News Release
August 25, 2009 tests quality of acai berry supplements and beverages -- No contamination found but health benefits remain unproven. Caution urged with laxative formulas and billing schemes.
White Plains, New York — Tuesday, August 25, 2009 — Acai berries have antioxidant properties and are a staple of the traditional Brazilian diet. In recent years, supplements and drinks made from acai have become popular in the U.S.
News Release
July 10, 2009
Nine joint health supplements fail quality review -- Lead contamination, missing ingredients and other problems found in supplements for people as well as for dogs, cats and horses; Many others approved
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — JULY 10, 2009 — Nine supplements for osteoarthritis that recently selected for testing were found to be contaminated with lead, lack all or some of a key ingredient or have other quality problems.
News Release
March 10, 2009 reports deficiencies in some supplements containing calcium, vitamin D, or vitamin K -- Focus on bone health supplements and new uses for vitamins D and K
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — MARCH 10, 2009 — In a large review of supplements relating to bone health, reported today that tests showed five products to provide only 52.5% to 89% of the listed amounts of calcium or vitamin K. ConsumerLab.
News Release
January 13, 2009 reports largest test of CoQ10 and ubiquinol supplements -- Most supplements provide claimed ingredient, but large variation in dosage and forms may confuse consumers. provides guidance.
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — JANUARY 13, 2009 — A report by on supplements containing the anti-oxidant CoQ10 shows the difficulty for consumers in determining an appropriate dosage.
News Release
November 18, 2008
Adulteration Suspected with Some "Memory" Supplements -- Few Ginkgo and Huperzine Supplements Pass Tests; Quality High for Acetyl-L-Carnitine
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — NOVEMBER 18, 2008 — Tests by of Ginkgo biloba supplements show that few products meet quality standards.
News Release
October 28, 2008
Tests reveal quality problems with vitamin A supplements -- New report focuses on vitamin A, including beta-carotene and cod liver oil
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — OCTOBER 28, 2008 — is cautioning that the amount vitamin A in some supplements may be much higher or lower than the amount stated on labels. Among ten supplements recently selected for testing, ConsumerLab.
News Release
October 02, 2008 finds melatonin supplements range in strength but ingredient quality is high
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — OCTOBER 2, 2008 — announced test results today from its new Product Review of Melatonin Supplements. Melatonin supplements may help treat certain sleep disorders and disturbances, including jet lag.
News Release
September 17, 2008's tests of menopause supplements reveal wide range in strength and quality; mislabeling and contamination discovered -- Soy and red clover isoflavones, black cohosh, and progesterone products tested
WHITE PLAINS, NY — September 17, 2008 — Risks associated with traditional hormone therapy for symptoms of menopause have increased public interest in alternative treatments, particularly dietary supplements. But a report today of recent tests by ConsumerLab.
News Release
August 05, 2008 Find Fifty Fish Oil Supplements Pass Quality Testing -- New Report Helps Consumers Choose Among Pills, Liquids, Foods and Beverages with Omega-3 Fatty Acids (EPA and DHA)
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — AUGUST 5, 2008 — announced today that testing of fifty omega-3 fish oil supplements, foods or beverages (including two marketed for pets) found all to have safe levels of mercury, lead and PCBs.
News Release
May 05, 2008
Some iron supplements short on iron or contaminated according to
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — May 5, 2008 — announced today that two iron supplements failed to pass recent independent testing. One "high potency" iron supplement contained only 37% of it claimed iron. ConsumerLab.
News Release
March 07, 2008 finds most vitamin C supplements pass quality tests but one short on ingredient and some exceed tolerable levels
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — MARCH 7, 2008 — reported test results today for a wide variety of vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C is the top-selling single vitamin in the U.S., with sales of $863 million in 2006 according to Nutrition Business Journal.
News Release
February 06, 2008
Consumers warned of lead in some turmeric supplements — Highest lead level ever reported by; Lack of active compound also a problem
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — FEBRUARY 6, 2008 — Turmeric supplements have become popular in recent years but warned today that some products contain high amounts of lead. Recent tests found a popular brand to contain 18.
News Release
October 30, 2007
Recently tested magnesium supplements free of lead, but one product missing most of its ingredient according to — First Major Product Review of Potential "Life-Extending" Ingredient
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — OCTOBER 30, 2007 — reported today that its tests of magnesium supplements revealed one product to contain only 46.4% of its claimed amount of the essential mineral, despite boasting a "GMP" (Good Manufacturing Practices) seal on its label.
News Release
August 20, 2007
ConsumerLab tests products in booming nutrition drink market — most deliver what's promised but extra cholesterol found in some — New report covers drinks and powders for endurance/recovery, body building, meal-replacement and dieting
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — AUGUST 20, 2007 — A new report from finds most nutrition powders, shakes and drinks meet their nutrient claims, but three products — two sports drinks and a meal supplement — contained more cholesterol than claimed.
News Release
May 15, 2007 finds some alpha lipoic acid supplements come up short — Improper formulation may cause ingredient degradation
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — May 15, 2007 — announced that two of eleven alpha lipoic acid supplements that it recently chose to test contained significantly less ingredient than promised on their labels.
News Release
February 15, 2007 survey shows brands and merchants rated highest by dietary supplement users
News Release
January 19, 2007
Consumers warned of problems with multivitamins — uncovers defects in over half of products tested
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — JANUARY 19, 2007 — Fifty-two percent of multivitamins recently selected for testing by were found to be contaminated with lead, unable properly break apart, or to contain significantly more or less ingredient than claimed.
News Release
February 06, 2006 finds most prostate supplements have correct ingredients, but three fail testing — Results posted for 22 supplements containing saw palmetto and beta-sitosterol
WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK — FEBRUARY 6, 2006 — announced test results today from its new Product Review of Prostate Supplements.
News Release
July 12, 2005 finds some supplements lower in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids than claimed — Report available for 23 products made from oils of black currant, borage, evening primrose and flax
WHITE PLAINS, NY — July 12, 2005 — has released its latest report on the quality of supplements made from the seed oils of black currant, borage, evening primrose, and flax.
News Release
March 02, 2004 survey finds most consumers highly satisfied with supplements; Ratings vary by brand
WHITE PLAINS, NY — March 2, 2004 — announced today that 78% of consumers recently surveyed report being "extremely" or "very" satisfied with the supplement brands they used. Ratings varied by brand. The highest rating was for Nutrilite (96%), a direct sales brand.
Recalls & Warnings
October 14, 2015
No Vinpocetine in Some Vinpocetine Supplements; Picamilon Labels Not Accurate
A recently published study of 23 supplements listing vinpocetine as an ingredient found six did not contain any vinpocetine. Among those that did contain vinpocetine, most did not list amounts on the label, but amounts found in suggested daily servings varied by almost 100-fold, from 0.
Recalls & Warnings
March 16, 2006
Garden of Life, Maker of Primal Defense, Settles FTC Charges
On March 9, 2006, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that an operation that marketed dietary supplements sold at Whole Foods Market, GNC, the Vitamin Shoppe, and on the Internet settled FTC charges that they made deceptive advertising claims about their supplements.