Reviews and Information for Prenatal Vitamins
Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplements
See the top-rated multivitamins from ConsumerLab's independent testing. Comparison of popular multivitamin/multimineral supplements for women, men, children, and seniors, people with diabetes, prenatal, and multis for dogs and cats. Also find out which multivitamins failed testing due to problems.
Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplements ReviewSearch term may appear only in full report available to members. Join now for full access.
CL Answer
Can prenatal vitamins have too much folic acid? Mine has 800 mcg, but isn't that more than what's recommended? Is this dangerous to me or my baby?
Is it possible for prenatal vitamins to have too much folic acid? Find out the correct dosage so that it is not dangerous to babies.

Product Review
Fish Oil, Krill Oil, and Algal Oil Omega-3 (DHA & EPA) Supplements Review
See Our Omega-3 Top Picks and Avoid Rancid Fish Oils.

CL Answer
Why aren't there children's multivitamins specifically for girls vs. boys?
Find out the best children's multivitamins for girls and boys, why there aren't different multivitamins for girls and boys, why teen girls and boys have different nutritional needs, especially when it comes to iron, and the best multivitamins for children, teen boys and girls, adults, adults over 50, prenatal vitamins and vitamins for pets.

Clinical Update
Choline Missing From Prenatals
The American Medical Association recently voted to recommend that all prenatal vitamins include appropriate amounts of choline. Getting adequate choline may reduce the risk of birth defects in children, but most women don't get enough and prenatal vitamins typically provide little to none. Find out how to get adequate choline from supplements and/or foods in the Choline Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks. Also see the "Prenatal Vitamin" section of the Multivitamin Supplements Review.
Clinical Update
New Top Pick Prenatal Multivitamin
Concerned by problems recently identified with 11 of 12 prenatal multivitamins in recent tests, we purchased and tested additional prenatal supplements, leading us to change our Top Pick. Learn why in the Top Picks section of our Multivitamin Supplements Review, which includes multis for men, women, children, and pets.
Clinical Update
Many Prenatal Multis Found Lacking
As ConsumerLab has pointed out in the past, many prenatal supplements don't contain the right amounts of key ingredients. A recent analysis by nutrition experts of over 400 products on the market in the U.S. came to the same conclusion. Get the details in our Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplements Review, which includes our Top Pick prenatal multivitamin as well as our Top Pick overall multi and Top Picks by age and gender.
Clinical Update
Prenatal for Men
AlphaSperm Men’s Prenatal + was recently Approved for quality by ConsumerLab through our voluntary Quality Certification Program and added to our Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplements Review.
CL Answer
Is Folic Acid the Same Thing as Folate?
There are important differences between folic acid and folate, including how well these forms of vitamin B-9 are absorbed, dosage, and how much is too much. Get the details, including what to look for on supplement labels, in our article about folic acid and folate.

Clinical Update
Which Prenatals Have The Right Stuff?
Many prenatal vitamins may not correct nutrient deficits that occur in pregnancy, according to a recent study. Find out which products are closest to providing the right ingredients in the Prenatal section of our Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplements Review.
Clinical Update
Prenatal Top Pick Changed
A CL member alerted us that a prenatal multivitamin that was our Top Pick has been reformulated, changing its amounts of key vitamins and minerals. Learn how the changes affect our opinion of this supplement.
Clinical Update
Folic Acid & Risk of Autism
Supplementing with adequate (and not excessive) folic acid around the time of conception is associated with a lower risk of autism in offspring, and a recent study suggests this may be particularly important for women who take antiepileptic medication. For details, see the "Folate" section of the B Vitamin Supplements Review >> (Also see information about getting folic acid from prenatal vitamins in the "Prenatal" section of the Multivitamin Review.)
Clinical Update
Vitamins Needed by Pregnant Women
A recent analysis of nutrient intakes by pregnant women across the U.S. revealed the vitamins and minerals they were getting too much or too little of. Get the details in the Prenatal section of the Multivitamins Review, which includes our tests of prenatal supplements.
Clinical Update
Take Folic Acid Before Pregnancy
The importance of taking folic acid at least one month before pregnancy was reiterated this week in a major report. For details, see our article about folic acid and pregnancy, which includes a video. Also see our Top Pick among prenatal vitamins in our Multivitamins Review.
Clinical Update
High Blood Pressure Risk With Too Much Folic Acid During Pregnancy
While it is important to take folate during pregnancy, a new study suggests that too much folic acid from supplements increases the risk of high blood pressure in mothers. See the details in the Folic Acid section of the B Vitamin Supplements Review.
Also see our Top Pick among prenatal vitamins, which provides adequate (but not too much) folic acid, in our Multivitamin and Multiminerals Supplements Review.
Clinical Update
Take Choline When Pregnant
It was recommended last year that women take a choline supplement when pregnant. Adding momentum to this recommendation is a recent study showing that giving pregnant women a larger amount of choline than normally considered adequate resulted in improved information processing speeds in their infants. Currently, choline is not found in most prenatal vitamins. For more information, see the During Pregnancy and Lactation section of the Choline Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among products.)
Product Review
B Vitamin Supplements Review (B Complexes, B6, B12, Biotin, Folate, Niacin, Riboflavin & More)
See Our Top Picks and Which 5 Failed Testing

CL Answer
Top 8 vitamins and nutrients for vegetarians and vegans
Find out which 8 supplements may be needed by vegetarians or vegans to meet all their daily nutrient requirements and learn ways to find supplements that do not contain ingredients objectionable to people following vegetarian or vegan diets.

News Release
February 26, 2025
ConsumerLab Survey Shows 21 Most Popular Vitamins and Supplements
White Plains, New York, February 26, 2025 — A recent survey of more than 8,400 people who regularly use dietary supplements shows that among the 212 most popular supplements, those that experienced the greatest absolute growth in popularity during 2024 were biotin (+9.
News Release
February 26, 2024
Latest ConsumerLab Survey Shows Growth in Popularity of Magnesium and Several Smaller Supplements
White Plains, New York, February 26, 2024 — A recent survey of more than 10,000 people who regularly use dietary supplements shows that supplements that experienced the greatest absolute growth in popularity during 2023 were pregnenolone (+7.5 percentage points), magnesium (+4.8 pts), berberine (+4.
Product Review
Vitamin A Supplements Review, Including Beta-Carotene and Cod Liver Oil
Find the Best Vitamin A Supplement. Best Quality Vitamin A Supplements Identified, Including Cod Liver Oil.

Product Review
Vitamin D Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin K, and Boron)
Find the Best Vitamin D Supplement and Avoid Problems

Product Review
Choline and Lecithin Supplements Review (Including Phosphatidylcholine, CDP-Choline, and Alpha-GPC)
Choose the Best Choline Supplement. Find Out How Much Choline Popular Supplements Really Provide.

Product Review
Iron Supplements Review (Iron Pills, Liquids and Chews)
See Which Iron Supplements Are CL's Top Picks for Different Needs

Clinical Update
Plant-Based Milks: Iodine Concern
Be aware that almond, oat, and soy milk tend to contain very little iodine compared to cow’s milk, which could increase the risk of iodine deficiency and thyroid problems in people who do not get enough iodine from other sources. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Plant-Based Milks Review. This is particularly important for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding – due to increased iodine requirements, see our Top Pick prenatal multivitamin for more details.
Also see: Top 8 vitamins and nutrients for vegetarians and vegans
Clinical Update
Prenatal Vitamin D
Does taking vitamin D during pregnancy help prevent asthma in offspring? Find out in the Asthma section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.
Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.
Clinical Update
Not Enough Iodine in Prenatal Supplements
There is growing concern about inadequate iodine intake among pregnant and nursing mothers. Find out how much should be taken as a supplement -- and which vitamins do or don't have it -- in the update to the Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplements Review >>
Clinical Update
How Important Is Prenatal Vitamin D?
Does high-dose vitamin D during pregnancy improve motor skills and cognition in offspring? Learn what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.
Clinical Update
Prenatal Choline Improves Attention in Children
Mothers who took higher doses of choline during pregnancy were found to have children with improved attention, according to a recent study. See the details in the During Pregnancy and Lactation section of our Choline Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among choline supplements.
Clinical Update
DHA & Preterm Birth
Can the risk of preterm birth be reduced when pregnant women supplement with an the omega-3 fatty acid? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of our Fish Oil Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among fish oil supplements, including prenatal products.
Clinical Update
Omega-3 Supplements & Hemorrhage Risk
Many experts recommend intake of the omega-3’s EPA and DHA during pregnancy, but this may not be advisable during late pregnancy, as a new study found such intake to be associated with increased risk of postpartum hemorrhage. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Fish Oil Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among fish oil supplements.
Also see our Top Picks among prenatal multivitamins.
Clinical Update
Heavy Metals in Multivitamins?
Tests conducted by a separate group reported "unsafe" levels of lead, arsenic, and/or cadmium in a children’s multi and a prenatal supplement (which ConsumerLab also tested). See our take on this in our Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among multivitamins.
Clinical Update
Lower Cognitive Function in Kids Linked to High Prenatal Folic Acid
Children of mothers who took high amounts of folic acid around the time of pregnancy had lower cognitive and verbal scores when tested at 4 to 5 years of age, according to a new study. Similarly, as we reported last year, pregnant women with higher levels of folate (from folic acid) had offspring with higher rates of autism. While it is important that pregnant women get a moderate amount of folic acid to prevent spinal cord defects, higher amounts should be avoided. See the Folate section of the B Vitamin Supplements Review for details.
News Release
October 24, 2023
Best Fish Oil and Omega-3 Supplements? ConsumerLab Tests Reveal Some Are Rancid
White Plains, New York, October 24, 2023 — Recent ConsumerLab tests of popular fish, krill, and algal oil supplements revealed several products to be rancid. Fish and marine oils that are rancid, or “oxidized,” can have an extremely unpleasant odor and taste, and may be less safe and effective.
CL Answer
Which supplements may help with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)?
Many supplements are promoted to help treat symptoms of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), but do they really work? See the clinical evidence for inositol (myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol), alpha lipoic acid, vitamin B-12, folic acid, vitamin D and more.

CL Answer
Dietary Supplements and Herbs to Avoid When Breastfeeding
Find out which supplements should be avoided when breastfeeding, including medicinal herbs, soy, and flaxseed.

CL Answer
Which vitamins and supplements should be stopped before getting blood work, laboratory tests, or medical imaging?
Find out which vitamins and supplements can interfere with blood, urine or stool tests, and imaginging tests, like bone scans and MRIs. Learn how B vitamins such as biotin, niacin and riboflavin, as well as calcium supplements, St. John’s wort, vitamin C, and others supplements can affect test results, as well as common foods that may interfere with tests.

News Release
May 25, 2023
Best and Worst Multivitamins According to ConsumerLab – Nearly 30% Fail Testing
White Plains, New York, May 25, 2023 — Recent ConsumerLab tests revealed problems with nearly 30% of the popular multivitamin and multimineral supplements selected for testing. Gummy vitamins were particularly likely to have issues.
News Release
February 24, 2023
Probiotics Rise in Popularity as Vitamin C, Melatonin, and Others Dip in Latest ConsumerLab Survey of Supplement Users
White Plains, New York, February 25, 2023 —A recent survey of 8,600 people who regularly use dietary supplements shows that probiotics (+3.04 percentage points), quercetin (+2.3 pts), and vitamin K (+1.
Recalls & Warnings
February 06, 2013
Vitamin and Supplement Maker Warned For Labeling Errors, Manufacturing Violations
On January 25, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to NX Generation Ltd.
News Release
February 24, 2022
Consumers Returned to Pre-Pandemic Supplement Usage in 2021, ConsumerLab Survey Reveals
White Plains, New York, February 24, 2022 —A survey of 8,049 people who use dietary supplements shows many supplements that declined in use in 2020 began bouncing back in 2021, such as magnesium (+2.4 percentage points), and CoQ10 (+2.7 pts).
CL Answer
Here’s What You Should Look For In Toothpaste and Mouthwash, and Our Top Picks
Learn about ingredients you want in your toothpaste, mouthwash and other dental products and which ingredients you may want to avoid.

News Release
February 26, 2021
COVID Changed Supplement Popularity in 2020, ConsumerLab Survey Reveals
White Plains, New York, February 26, 2021 — A survey of 9,647 people who use dietary supplements shows that the supplements which experienced the greatest growth in popularity in 2020 were those being promoted to prevent or treat infection with SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
News Release
April 28, 2020
Best and Worst Multivitamins Revealed by ConsumerLab -- Problems Found With 44% of Multis Tested
White Plains, New York, April 28, 2020 — Multivitamin/multimineral supplements are among the top five most popular supplements, but with so many different formulas on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one.
News Release
November 19, 2018
Tests Reveal Best Fish Oil Supplements and How They Compare to Prescription Fish Oil
White Plains, New York, November 19, 2018 — Fish and marine oil supplements containing the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA offer a range of potential benefits for improving mental health, reducing inflammation, and even cancer prevention.
Recalls & Warnings
September 01, 2011
Recall of Prenatal Supplement Due to Egg Allergen
According to the FDA website, on August 31, 2011, Pure Encapsulations announced the voluntarily recall of it "PreNatal Nutrients" supplement, lot number 3560111, because it may contain undeclared egg allergen.
News Release
November 01, 2017
Gummies Are Most Likely to Fail Testing in Review of Multivitamins -- Best and Worst Multivitamins Identified by ConsumerLab Testing
White Plains, New York, November 1, 2017 — Multivitamin/multimineral supplements are among the most popular supplements, with many consumers relying on them to provide nutrients they may not get from their diets. However, ConsumerLab.
News Release
September 13, 2016
Best Fish Oil? Tests 44 Popular Omega-3 Supplements and Identifies Its Top Picks
White Plains, New York, September 13, 2016 — Fish oil and omega-3 fatty acid supplements containing EPA and DHA are among the most popular supplements, and clinical studies suggest a wide range of potential benefits, from improving mental health to treating inflammatory disease.
Recalls & Warnings
May 29, 2021
FDA, FTC Warns Five Sellers of "Infertility" Supplements
The FDA and FTC (Federal Trade Commission) sent warning letters to the following five companies in May for illegally selling dietary supplements promoted with claims to treat infertility and other reproductive health issues:
News Release
January 12, 2016
Problems Found with 32% of Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplements -- Identifies Good Choices for Men, Women, and Children
White Plains, New York, January 12, 2016 — You can't always judge a supplement by its label -- or by its price, according to a new report from, which recently tested dozens of multivitamin/multimineral supplements.
News Release
April 09, 2014
Best Fish Oil? Testing Finds Many High Quality Supplements, But Pitfalls Exist
White Plains, New York, August 10, 2014 — Recent laboratory tests of fish oil, krill oil, algal oil, calamari oil, and green-lipped mussel oil supplements by revealed quality problems with four out of 30 supplements selected for review.
News Release
August 22, 2012
Contamination and Other Problems Found in Fish Oil Supplements -- Large Review by Reveals Excessive PCBs or Mislabeling in Over 30% of Omega-3 Supplements
August 22, 2012 — The quality of fish oil / omega-3 supplements varies across brands, according to recent tests by, which independently reports on the quality of health products. Analyses of 35 products selected and purchased by ConsumerLab.
News Release
June 16, 2011 puts multivitamins to the test
June 16, 2011, New York, NY — Laboratory test results of 60 multivitamins have shown that you can't always judge a supplement by its label—or by its price. "Consumers should know that multivitamins vary widely in quality, "says Tod Cooperman, M.D., President of
News Release
March 31, 2009 Warns of Problems with Multivitamins and Vitamin Water -- Defects Found in Over 30% of Supplements Selected for Testing; Several Popular Children's Multis Exceed Tolerable Upper Intake Levels
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — MARCH 31, 2009 — Over 30% of multivitamins recently selected for testing by were found to contain significantly more or less ingredient than claimed or were contaminated with lead.
News Release
January 19, 2007
Consumers warned of problems with multivitamins — uncovers defects in over half of products tested
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — JANUARY 19, 2007 — Fifty-two percent of multivitamins recently selected for testing by were found to be contaminated with lead, unable properly break apart, or to contain significantly more or less ingredient than claimed.
News Release
May 21, 2004
Consumers warned of pitfalls with some multivitamins and vitamin waters — Testing by uncovers problems with many brands
WHITE PLAINS, NY — FRIDAY MAY 21, 2004 — (Updated June 2, 2004) — reported the results today of a major new analysis of popular multivitamin products.
Recalls & Warnings
September 23, 2014
Maker of Joint and Weight Products Warned for Hidden Drugs, Manufacturing Violations
On September 15, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to West Coast Laboratories, Inc., because the company's joint health supplements, Super ArthGold and Pro ArthMax, were found to contain hidden drugs.
News Release
February 14, 2001
Problems found with multivitamins and multiminerals by
WHITE PLAINS, NY — February 14, 2001 — announced today that only 14 of 27 products evaluated in its Multivitamin and Multimineral Product Review achieved full "CL Approved Quality" status.
Recalls & Warnings
January 02, 2012
FDA Warns ION Labs of Manufacturing Violations Affecting Multiple Dietary Supplements
On December 5, 2011 the U.S.
Recalls & Warnings
March 31, 2018
Supplement Manufacturer Shut Down for Manufacturing Violations
On March 29, 2018, the FDA announced that U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York has entered a consent decree of permanent injunction with Riddhi USA, Inc. and Mohd M. Alam, president and owner of Riddhi USA, Inc., for selling adulterated and misbranded dietary supplements.
Recalls & Warnings
June 12, 2014
Marketers of Memory Supplement Settle FTC Charges of Deceptive Claims
Martek Biosciences Corporation and i-Health Inc., marketers of BrainStrong Adult, have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charges that claims the supplement could improve adult memory and prevent cognitive decline were deceptive, and not supported by sufficient clinical evidence.