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CL Answer

Supplements for multiple sclerosis (MS): Do any supplements reduce symptoms or relapse?

Find out if vitamins or supplements such as ginkgo, fish oil, biotin, vitamins A, C, E, D, and B12, or selenium reduce symptoms or relapse in people with multiple sclerosis (MS).

MS 3

Clinical Update


PEA for Multiple Sclerosis?

Is taking PEA (palmitoylethanolamide) helpful to people with multiple sclerosis (MS)? Find out what research suggests in our article about PEA.

Also see our Supplements for multiple sclerosis (MS): Do any supplements reduce symptoms or relapse?

CL Answer

What is Protandim and does it really work?

What is Protandim and does it really work? Can Protandim reduce oxidative stress? ConsumerLab's answers discusses Protandim's effectiveness, reviews and studies.

Does Protandim Work? -- Bottle of Protandim

CL Answer

What are the health benefits of palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), and is it safe?

Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is commonly promoted for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. Find out if it works.

Woman holding her wrist due to joint pain

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Multiple Sclerosis?

Having low blood levels of vitamin D may be a risk factor for multiple sclerosis (MS), but does taking vitamin D help? See what a new study found in the Multiple Sclerosis section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Also see our article about supplements for multiple sclerosis.

Clinical Update


Beetroot and Multiple Sclerosis?

A CL member asked if beetroot can increase the risk or progression of multiple sclerosis. Find out in our updated CL Answer about beetroot juice and supplements.

Also see: Supplements for multiple sclerosis (MS): Do any supplements reduce symptoms or relapse?

Clinical Update


Melatonin for MS?

Can taking melatonin help people with multiple sclerosis (MS)? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Melatonin Supplements Review.

Also see our article about supplements for MS.

Clinical Update


MS and Vitamin D

Does vitamin D supplementation reduce relapse rates in people with multiple sclerosis? See what a recent study found in the What It Does section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Also see: Supplements for multiple sclerosis (MS): Do any supplements reduce symptoms or relapse?

Clinical Update


Biotin for MS?

High-dose biotin was tried in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) to see if would reverse MS-related disability. Find out if it helped the Biotin section of the B Vitamin Supplements Review. Also, learn about concerns with high-dose biotin and see our Top Picks for biotin and other B vitamin supplements.

Product Review

Melatonin Supplements Review

Trouble Sleeping? See CL's Tests of Melatonin Supplements and Top Picks.

Melatonin Review 2024

Clinical Update


Melatonin for MS?

Does taking melatonin improve sleep or heart-rate control among people with multiple sclerosis? Find out what a recent study showed in the our Melatonin Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for melatonin.

Also see our article about supplements for multiple sclerosis.

Clinical Update


Melatonin for MS?

Does taking a melatonin supplement improve sleep, reduce fatigue, or have other benefits in people with multiple sclerosis? See what a recent study found in the What It Does section of our Melatonin Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among melatonin supplements.

Also see: Do any supplements reduce multiple sclerosis symptoms or relapse?

Clinical Update


Melatonin for MS?

Did a single dose of melatonin reduce symptoms of multiple sclerosis the next day? Find out what a recent study showed in the Melatonin Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D and MS

A study found that children born to women significantly deficient in vitamin D during pregnancy were much more likely to develop multiple sclerosis as adults. For details, see the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

CL Answer

What is TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid)? Does it have any proven health benefits, and is it safe?

TUDCA information, including its potential health benefits, safety, possible interactions, and cost.

What is Tudca - white capsules poured out of container

Clinical Update


Link Between Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis?

Although some studies suggest vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for developing multiple sclerosis, a recent review found vitamin D intake was not associated with a reduced risk. Learn more in the "What It Does" section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Fish Oil Tested for Multiple Sclerosis

Fish oil supplements are often taken by multiple sclerosis patients with the hope that omega-3 fatty acids can improve their condition, but a new study suggests fish oil supplements may not provide benefit. For details, including the dose used, see the updated information in the Fish Oil Supplements ReviewMore >>

Clinical Update


Andrographis Health Effects

Find out if andrographis helps with conditions such as cancer, COVID-19, and multiple sclerosis in our article about the health benefits and safety of andrographis.

Also see: Do any supplements reduce symptoms or relapse of multiple sclerosis?

Also see: Do any supplements help with COVID-19?

CL Answer

Are antioxidant supplements good or bad for you?

Learn more about whether antioxidants like astaxanthin, beta-carotene, coenzyme Q10, curcumin, resveratrol, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E are safe and if they help prevent chronic diseases.

Can Antioxidants Cause You to Die Sooner? -- antioxidant supplements and carrots

CL Answer

How do the COVID-19 vaccines compare in terms of efficacy, safety and side effects? How, when and where do I get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Find out how the COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna compare and learn how when and where you can get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Older woman getting an injection

CL Answer

What are the health benefits of andrographis? Can it treat colds, help with joint pain, or other conditions, and is it safe?

Learn about the health benefits of andrographis, whether it can help relieve cold symptoms, reduce pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, decrease symptoms of ulcerative colitis, or slow the growth of cancer. See the clinical evidence for the branded andrographis extract ParActin. Plus, learn about dosage, side effects and drug interactions with andrographis.


CL Answer

Can taurine help reduce muscle cramps?

Find out if taurine supplements can help reduce muscle cramps in people with liver damage (cirrhosis), reduce muscle soreness after exercise, or have other benefits.'s answer explains.

Woman in bed with leg cramp

CL Answer

Which supplements help with Raynaud's phenomenon?

Raynaud's phenomenon may be helped by some supplements. Learn more about fish oil, Gingko biloba, and ginseng.

Supplements for Raynaud's Phenomenon -- woman standing outside in snow, with cold, red hands

CL Answer

Is it true that glutamine powder can help protect the stomach when taking NSAIDs like ibuprofen?

Find out if glutamine powder can help protect from stomach irritation when taking NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and aspirin.

Glutamine Powder in Small Scoop

CL Answer

Does Restore (Biomic Sciences LLC) really improve gut health? What is in Restore?

Learn more about Restore, including clinical studies on gut health, dosage, cost, and safety.

CL Answer

Can turmeric or curcumin with black pepper extract cause constipation? I had this problem, but it resolved when I switched to a curcumin supplement without piperine (black pepper extract).

Learn more about black pepper extract, why it is added to turmeric/curcumin supplements, and if it can cause gastrointestinal effects.

Turmeric or Curcumin

CL Answer

Which vitamins and supplements should be stopped before getting blood work, laboratory tests, or medical imaging?

Find out which vitamins and supplements can interfere with blood, urine or stool tests, and imaginging tests, like bone scans and MRIs. Learn how B vitamins such as biotin, niacin and riboflavin, as well as calcium supplements, St. John’s wort, vitamin C, and others supplements can affect test results, as well as common foods that may interfere with tests.

Vitamin & Supplements to Stop Before Blood Tests

Recalls & Warnings

July 06, 2021

CBD Products Were Promoted to Treat Cancer and Alzheimer's Without Proof, Says FTC

On July 6, 2021, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it has approved a final administrative consent orders against Kushly Industries LLC and the company's owner, Cody Alt, for allegedly making unsupported health claims about its CBD products.

Clinical Update


Caution With Multiple Pills

Be careful when taking more than one pill at a time. We’ve added a new tip in our article 7 Tips to Avoid Getting a Pill Stuck in Your Throat.

Clinical Update


Fish Oil No Help for Heart Disease?

A new study found that taking a fish oil supplement did not reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke in people with multiple risk factors for heart disease. But this doesn't tell the whole story. Get the bottom line on fish oil for heart disease and test results for over 70 fish oil supplements, in the updated Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Probiotics Lower Blood Pressure

Probiotics may help lower high blood pressure, especially when multiple strains are taken for a certain period of time, according to a new analysis. Get the details, as well as information about other uses for probiotics, in the updated Probiotic Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


COVID Vaccination in People With Neurologic Conditions

Should people with neurologic conditions – including dementia, Alzheimer's disease, MS, and epilepsy – get vaccinated? Find out what experts recommend.

Recalls & Warnings

May 08, 2021

Seller of Immune Bio Green Cell Warned by FDA

On March 30, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Immune & Genetics Protocols, LLC following a review of the company's websites, which found statements made about the company's product Immune Bio Green Cell to be drug claims.

News Release

April 28, 2015

Best Supplements for Bone Health? Finds Products with Multiple Ingredients More Likely to Contain Wrong Amounts

White Plains, New York, April 28, 2015 — Vitamin D and calcium each play a crucial role in bone health and are among the most popular supplement ingredients in the U.S., but recent ConsumerLab.

Recalls & Warnings

August 16, 2023

FDA Warns Hekma Center, LLC for Promoting Products to Treat Anemia, Diabetes, Depression, & More

On June 2, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to Hekma Center, LLC following review of the company’s website and social media, which found statements about the company’s Natural Supplements for Anemia, Lymf (Galium aparine), Natural Supplements for Cardiomyopathy, Magic1 (Moringa ...

Recalls & Warnings

June 13, 2024

Suntegrity Tinted Sunscreen Lotion Recalled Due to Presence of Mold

On June 11, 2024, Suntegrity Skincare issued a recall of nine lots of Suntegrity Impeccable Skin Sunscreen Foundation (Multiple Shades) after discovering that certain products had higher than acceptable levels of mold, specifically the Aspergillus Sydowii species, which can cause ...

News Release

March 10, 2009 reports deficiencies in some supplements containing calcium, vitamin D, or vitamin K -- Focus on bone health supplements and new uses for vitamins D and K

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — MARCH 10, 2009 — In a large review of supplements relating to bone health, reported today that tests showed five products to provide only 52.5% to 89% of the listed amounts of calcium or vitamin K. ConsumerLab.

Recalls & Warnings

December 29, 2020

FDA Warns Five Sellers of CBD for Claims of Treating Arthritis, Alzheimer's and More

On December 22, 2020, the FDA issued warning letters to five sellers of CBD following reviews of the companies' websites, which found statements made about the companies' products to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

November 10, 2020

FDA Warns Immusist for Drug Claims

On October 16, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Immusist, LLC following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about the company's products IMMUSIST Original and IMMUSIST Natural to be drug claims.

News Release

March 17, 2008

As problems surface, and the people's pharmacy ask FDA to disclose differences between generic and original drugs

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK AND DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA — MARCH 17, 2008 — An investigation by ConsumerLab.

Recalls & Warnings

November 21, 2022

Healthy Sense and People’s Choice Multis Recalled

On November 17, 2022, Mason Vitamins Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

January 26, 2018

Seller of Coenzyme-A Warned For Making Drug Claims

On January 5, 2018, the FDA issued a warning letter to Coenzyme A, Inc. following a facility inspection and review of the company's website that found the company made drug claims about its product Coenzyme-A.

Recalls & Warnings

February 16, 2017

U.S. Department of Justice Files Permanent Injunction Against Supplement Manufacturer

On February 16, 2017, the United States Department of Justice filed a complaint against Pick and Pay, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

May 06, 2014

Seller of Flaxseed, Ginkgo and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims

On April 18, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Iowa Select Herbs, LLC, following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Flax Seed, Holy Basil, Papaya Leaf Extract, and Ginkgo Leaf Extract products, to be adulterated because they were prepared, packed, or held ...

Recalls & Warnings

September 10, 2012

Maker of Omega-3, Bone and Brain and Supplements Warned For Drug Claims

On August 27, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to PruTect Rx indicating that statements on the company's websites about Omega3PruTect, NeuroPruTect, VitaminD3PruTect and OsteoPruTect constitute drug claims, although the products are not approved drugs.

Recalls & Warnings

March 06, 2009

"The Truth About Nutrition" Marketers Agree to Pay $3 Million to Settle Charges of Deceptive Advertising of Dietary Supplements and Devices

On March 6, 2008, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that marketers of dietary supplements and health-related devices have agreed to pay $3 million in consumer redress to settle FTC charges that they deceptively claimed their products treated or prevented a wide variety of serious ...

Recalls & Warnings

June 26, 2015

Seller of CoQ10, Anxiety Supplements and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims

On June 6, 2015, the FDA issued a warning letter to Country Doctor Herbals, following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including  Herbal Flu Be-Gone, Herbal Multi-Bac, Herbal Nervine, Herbal Pain-A-Way, Herbal Pancreas, Herbal Parasite Cleanse, Herbal Perfect ...

Recalls & Warnings

January 27, 2003

FTC Charges Dr. Clark and Related Companies with Making Unsubstantiated Health Claims

The Federal Trade Commission has charged a Switzerland-based company and its U.S. counterpart with making numerous unsubstantiated efficacy claims for a variety of dietary supplements and devices that they sell on the Internet.

Recalls & Warnings

June 04, 2004

FTC Charges Marketers of Two Supplements with False Claims to Cure Range of Diseases

On June 3, 2004 the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charged marketers of two dietary supplements with falsely claiming that their products can prevent and cure cancer and other diseases. According to the FTC’s complaint, Boston-area marketers Direct Marketing Concepts, Inc. (DMC), ITV Direct, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

January 02, 2012

FDA Warns ION Labs of Manufacturing Violations Affecting Multiple Dietary Supplements

On December 5, 2011 the U.S.

Recalls & Warnings

June 13, 2012

FDA Warns of Multiple Violations with "Himalayan Institute" Supplements

The U.S. FDA recently posted a Warning Letter to Himalayn Institute of Buffalo regarding multiple violations of FDA regulations in the production and marketing of its liquid dietary supplement products.

Recalls & Warnings

September 26, 2017

FDA Warns Seller of DHEA, Creatine, Chromium & More for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims

On August 25, 2017, the FDA issued a warning letter to Mega-Pro Nutrition, Inc., following inspections of the facility and website www.mega-pro.

Recalls & Warnings

February 28, 2017

Multivitamin Recalled Due to Allergen Risk

On February 14, 2017, Licata Enterprises issued a recall of all lots of its Supreme One and Theravits 100 multiple vitamins because they contain fish liver oil but is labeled as containing "no common allergens.

Recalls & Warnings

December 21, 2016

Seller of 5-HTP, Chromium, Curcumin and More Warned for Drug Claims

On December 1, 2016, the FDA issued a warning letter to Aurora Health and Nutrition following a review of the company's website, which found statements made about its products, 5-HTP, Alpha Lipoic Acid, the Argentyn 23 product line, Artecin 90 Vegetarian Capsules, ...

Recalls & Warnings

March 10, 2015

Seller of Vision Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims

On February 26, 2015, the FDA issued a warning letter to Biosyntrx, following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including BioTears Oral Gel Caps, ZoOmega-3 Concentrated Pharmaceutical-Grade Fish Oil, EpiCor A Nutrient-dense High Metabolite Immunogen, Sight C+ Mineral ...

Recalls & Warnings

October 10, 2014

Weight Loss Supplement Found to Contain Multiple Drugs

On October 10, 2014, the FDA warned consumers not to purchase or use the dietary supplement Japan Hokkaido Slimming Weight Loss Pills because it was found to multiple contain undeclared drugs, including sibutramine, phenolphthalein, benzocaine and diclofenac.

Recalls & Warnings

November 21, 2013

Sexual Enhancement Supplement Found To Contain Multiple Drugs

On November 21, 2013, the FDA warned consumers not to buy or use sexual enhancement supplement Alpha Male because it was found to contain multiple undeclared drugs, including aminotadalafil, sulfosildenafil, sulfoaildenafil, hydroxythiohomosildenafil, dimethylsildenafil, and sildenafil.

Recalls & Warnings

August 09, 2010

FDA Warns Against "Miracle" Mineral Supplement

On July 30, 2010, The U.S. FDA warned consumers not to consume or use Miracle Mineral Solution, an oral liquid solution also known as "Miracle Mineral Supplement" or "MMS." The product, when used as directed, produces an industrial bleach that can cause serious harm to health.

Recalls & Warnings

January 02, 2012

FDA Warns XYMOGEN of Manufacturing and Labeling Violations Regarding Multiple Products

On December 13, 2011, the U.S. FDA sent a Warning Letter to Atlantic Pro Nutrients, Inc. (dba XYMOGEN) regarding labeling and/or manufacturing violations relating to its products, which include Borage CP-240, CoQmax CF, Immune Rx, Iron Glycinate, and Green Tea 600.

Recalls & Warnings

November 04, 2016

Liver Injuries Linked With Dietary Supplement Use on the Rise

The number of liver injuries associated with dietary supplement use has increased substantially in recent years, according to a recently published study in the journal Hepatology.