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Green Tea Supplements and Drinks

Green Tea Review 2024

If you want to find the best green tea high in antioxidants such as EGCG, you'll want to see our laboratory findings. We discovered a shocking range of EGCG, from 8 mg to more than 450 mg per serving! See results for popular brands of green tea as tea bags, loose leaf tea, bottled tea, ceremonial matcha powder, and green tea extract supplements. Also see how much caffeine we found, compare prices, and learn what conditions green tea is good for and about potential side effects.

Green Tea Supplements and Drinks Review

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CL Answer

What are the health benefits of green tea, and is it safe?

ConsumerLab explains green tea's potential health benefits for everything from fighting cancer to helping your heart.

Cup of green tea with dried tea leaves

Product Review

Protein Powders, Shakes, and Meal Replacements Review

Find Out Which Protein Products Passed or Failed Our Tests

News Release

February 15, 2024

Unveiling the Truth About Green Tea’s EGCG Content

White Plains, NY, February 15, 2024 —, a trusted name in health and wellness, sheds light on the EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) content in green tea.

News Release

February 24, 2023

Probiotics Rise in Popularity as Vitamin C, Melatonin, and Others Dip in Latest ConsumerLab Survey of Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2023 —A recent survey of 8,600 people who regularly use dietary supplements shows that probiotics (+3.04 percentage points), quercetin (+2.3 pts), and vitamin K (+1.

Clinical Update


Matcha Green Tea for Memory & Cognition?

Can drinking matcha green tea enhance memory or have other cognitive benefits? Find out what a recent study showed in the Memory and Cognition section of the Green Tea Review.

Clinical Update


Matcha Green Tea

We recently announced our Top Pick for "ceremonial" matcha in our Green Tea Review. A CL member asked if we’ve tested "culinary matcha." Although we did not this year, we did in 2021 and we have added those results to the current report.

Clinical Update


Matcha for Sleep?

Does taking green tea matcha powder before bedtime improve sleep? Find out what a recent study showed in the Sleep section of our Green Tea Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among matcha powders and other green tea products.

Product Review

Lion's Mane and Chaga Supplements Review

Read Labels Carefully -- Many Can Mislead

Lion's Mane and Chaga Supplements tested by

Clinical Update


Getting the Most from Green Tea

Our Green Tea Review shows that matcha green tea provides higher amounts of healthful catechins than regular green tea. This week, we added information about why this is as well as the results of a new study showing which type of matcha provides the highest levels of polyphenols (i.e., catechins). For details see the What to Consider When Buying section of the review. Also see our Top Picks among green tea products.

Product Review

Olive Leaf Extract Supplements Review

Learn What Olive Leaf Does and the Best Brands

CL Answer

How significant are the risks to drinking tea from China from heavy metals?

Find out which types of tea from China pose the greatest risk of toxic heavy metal contamination, including green tea.

Heavy Metals in Tea From China -- pouring green tea into cup

Product Review

Electrolytes & Sports Drinks Review

See Which Sports Drinks, Powders, and Pills Deliver the Right Electrolytes

Product Review

Lavender and Tea Tree Essential Oils Review

Oils Tested for Authenticity and Purity

News Release

May 10, 2018

Big Differences Found Among Green Teas -- ConsumerLab Tests Identify Best Green Tea in Bags, Matcha, Supplements, and Bottles --

White Plains, New York, May 10, 2018 — The benefits of green tea use are associated with the presence of natural polyphenols known as catechins, such as EGCG.

CL Answer

Do any supplements help with gum disease or periodontitis?

Supplements for healthy gums may help with gum disease or periodontitis. Learn more about omega fatty acids, lycopene, and probiotics.

Smiling Woman Taking White Supplement with Glass of Water

Clinical Update


Green Tea and Ovarian Cancer

Drinking green tea was associated with a reduced risk of developing ovarian cancer in a recent analysis. Get the details about this and green tea's relationship to other types of cancer in the What It Does section of the Green Tea Review. (Also see our test results for various types of green tea, including matcha, bagged tea, loose tea, and supplements.)

Clinical Update


Is Expired Green Tea Safe?

We were asked if it is safe to use green tea past its "best by" date and if its flavor or health benefits would be diminished. See our answer in the How to Use section of our Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks for green tea — including tea bags, loose tea, matcha, and green tea supplements.

CL Answer

Does coffee have brain benefits?

People commonly drink coffee to increase alertness, counteract fatigue, and boost cognition, but does it really improve memory and cognitive function? Find out, and learn about risks linked with drinking too much coffee.

Silhouette of mans head with coffee beans in place of brain

Clinical Update


Green Tea and Colon Polyps

Can taking green tea extract reduce the recurrence colon polyps? See what a recent study found in the What It Does section of our Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks among green tea extracts, tea bags, loose tea, and matcha powders.

See our answer to the question: Which supplements help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer?

Clinical Update


Staying Safe With Green Tea

If you use a green tea extract (alone or as part of a supplement formula), it is important to take it with food according to several reports, as explained in the Concerns and Cautions section of the Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks for green tea in bags, loose, as matcha powder, and in other forms.

Clinical Update


How Hot Should Green Tea Be?

Drinking green tea may reduce the risk of certain cancers, but its effect on gastric (stomach) cancer may depend on the temperature at which you drink it, according to a new study. Find out what the best temperature seems to be in the "What It Does" section of the Green Tea Review >> (Also see how brands of green tea, including matcha, stack up in our tests.)

Clinical Update


A Caution With Green Tea

Although consumption of green tea is generally associated with a reduced risk of cancers, drinking it a certain way may increase the risk of certain cancers. Get the details in the Cancer Prevention section of the Green Tea Review. (Also see our Top Picks among green tea in bags, bottles, supplements, and matcha.)

Clinical Update


Cleaner Green Tea

A recent study found that it is possible to modestly reduce pesticides in green tea by following a certain procedure before brewing. For details, see the How to Take section of the Green Tea Review. (Also see our Top Picks among green teas, matcha powders, and supplements.)

CL Answer

Does drinking coffee deplete vitamins or minerals, such as magnesium, in the body? Can adding magnesium or other minerals reduce the acidity or improve the flavor of coffee?

Coffee can reduce absorption or increase loss of certain vitamins and minerals. Find out which are affected, and what steps can be taken to reduce the effect of coffee on these nutrients.

coffee cup with coffee beans on table

Product Review

Weight Loss Supplements Review (7-Keto DHEA, Forskolin and Stimulant Blend Supplements)

Choose the Best Weight Loss Supplement. Be Careful With Weight Loss Supplements — Few Pass Quality Testing and Safety Review.

Weight Loss Supplements Tested by

Product Review

Fruits, Veggies, and Other Greens Supplements Review (Including Spirulina and Chlorella)

Avoid Lead in Greens, Problems with Pills, and Don't Give Up Eating Whole Foods.

Greens Review Oct 2023

News Release

February 24, 2018

Magnesium, Curcumin, and Apple Cider Vinegar Rise in Popularity, While Probiotics Dip and Calcium Continues to Decline in Latest Survey of Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 24, 2018 — A recent survey of 11,446 people who use dietary supplements shows that magnesium and curcumin and turmeric have leapt into the top 5 most popular dietary supplements, just behind vitamin D, fish oil and CoQ10.

CL Answer

Can drinking coffee weaken bones or make arthritis worse?

Learn about the effects of coffee intake on bone mineral density, risk of osteoporosis, and risk of fracture. Also, find out if drinking coffee might increase the risk of arthritis or worsen symptoms.

Product Review

L-Theanine Supplements Review

Touted for Stress Relief, Do L-Theanine Supplements Work?

CL Answer

Does microwaving green tea affect the amount of EGCG or other catechins in the tea?

Find out if microwaving green tea affects the amount of catechins, like EGCG, in brewed green tea and the best way to brew green tea.'s answer explains.

Does Microwaving Green Tea Affect Amounts of EGCG? -- teacup in microwave

CL Answer

Does Rooibos Tea Have Health Benefits and Is It Safe?

Learn about the health benefits of rooibos tea, including red and green, unfermented rooibos tea, how is differs from black and green tea, safety, and potential drug interactions with rooibos tea.

Rooibos Tea

CL Answer

Is it safe to drink coffee regularly? Does drinking coffee increase or decrease the risk of cancer?

Learn more about coffee, its safety, if it's good for you, and if it impacts your risk of cancer.

CL Answer

I take lisinopril (Zestril), an ACE inhibitor drug to lower blood pressure. Are there supplements I should avoid, or be taking, due to this drug?

When taking ACE inhibitors, find out which supplements should be avoided. Interaction info on Lisinopril or another ACE inhibitors.

Lisinopril, ACE Inhibitors and Supplement Interactions -- prescription bottle of lisinopril on desk with blood pressure cuff

CL Answer

Does Gynostemma pentaphyllum really work as an AMPK activator and help for diabetes, high cholesterol, or weight loss?

Find out if Gynostemma pentaphyllum ( jiaogulan) works as an AMPK activator and helps to lower blood sugar and treat diabetes.'s answer explains.

Jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) -- Gynostemma herb and capsules

CL Answer

Dandelion Tea & Supplements: Health Benefits and Safety

Find out about the potential health benefits of dandelion tea and supplements, as well as safety, side effects, and potential drug interactions.

A cup of dandelion root tea on wooden background

CL Answer

Do any supplements naturally suppress appetite and help with weight loss?

Learn which natural ingredients can suppress appetite and find if these natural appetite suppressants help with weight loss.

Container of natural appetite suppressant supplement with measuring tape and scale in background

CL Answer

Which vitamins and supplements are good for acne, and are there any that make it worse?

Information about supplements for acne and clearer skin. Plus, find out which vitamins and supplements can make acne worse.

Supplements for Acne and Clear Skin -- Woman taking fish oil supplement

CL Answer

5 Tips for Finding a Soap or Body Wash That Won't Irritate Skin

Get 5 tips for finding soap or body wash that won't cause skin irritation. See which soaps we rate best, ingredients to avoid, and phrases on labels that can mislead.

Different bars of soap on a marble countertop

CL Answer

Which supplements should be taken with food?

Find out which supplements should be taken with food, including vitamins A, D, E, and K, fish oil, and CoQ10.

Woman holding a pill and showing it to a man while sitting at a table about to eat a meal

CL Answer

How does Athletic Greens’ AG1 compare to multivitamins and Greens powders? Is AG1 worth it?

ConsumerLab reviews the ingredients in AG1, its safety and possible side effects, and how AG1 compares to other products.

A pouch of AG1 on white background

CL Answer

Is there a risk of liver toxicity with certain supplements?

Find out if there is risk of liver damage from supplements such as green tea, niacin, red yeast rice and vitamin A.

Liver Shape Made From Paper with Pills and Bottle Against Blue Background

CL Answer

How much caffeine is really in dark chocolate bars?

Just how much caffeine is really in chocolate bars? Get our test results on the caffeine content in dark chocolate and cocoa powder.

How much caffeine is really in dark chocolate bars? -- Dark chocolate

CL Answer

Contamination of Dry Shampoos with Benzene — What You Need to Know

Benzene, a carcinogen, has been detected in several dry shampoo aerosol sprays. Find out which dry shampoos were found to contain benzene and how much was in each one, plus how tips for reducing your exposure to benzene.

Dry Shampoo

CL Answer

Are supplements which claim increased absorption or improved bioavailability telling the truth? Is it worth paying more for these? Are there concerns?

Learn more about bioavailability enhancers, including emulsifiers and enzyme inhibitors.

Enhancers in Supplements

Clinical Update


Does Green Tea Improve Memory?

This week, news sources reported that a study found green tea helps working memory. While green tea may have benefits, a closer look at this study suggests the news was exaggerated and misleading. For details about the study (and information about other effects of green tea and our tests of green tea supplements, teas, and drinks) see the update in the Green Tea Supplements, Drinks and Teas Review >> 

Clinical Update


Green Tea and Breast Cancer Risk

Is there a relationship between green tea consumption and breast cancer risk? Learn what a large recent study showed in the Cancer Prevention section of the Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks for green tea -- including brewable green tea (from bags and loose tea) and green tea drinks.

Clinical Update


Are Green Tea Pills Safe?

Studies have suggested that extracts of green tea can reduce the risk of certain cancers, improve memory, shrink uterine fibroids, and even help with weight reduction. However, liver toxicity has been a concern with green tea extracts. A large, government-funded study recently found that pills of green tea extract can be safe for many people, but some may experience adverse reactions, including elevated liver enzymes. Get the details in the "Concerns and Cautions" section of the Green Tea Review, along with information about what green tea does and our tests of green tea extracts, brewable teas, and beverages >>

Clinical Update


Green Tea for Weight Control?

Many studies have looked at whether green tea can help with weight management. The results have been mixed. A recently published study used a high-dose green tea extract. Although the researchers concluded it worked, a closer look suggests otherwise, and points to a potential risk. For details, as well as the results of our tests of green tea supplements, beverages, and brewable green tea, see the Green Tea Review >>

Clinical Update


Green Tea & Iron Deficiency

Severe iron-deficiency anemia was recently reported after regular consumption of green tea. Get the details in our Green Tea Review, which includes our Top Picks for green tea.

Also be aware that drinking green tea may significantly affect blood levels of a common beta-blocker, as well as statins, blood-thinners, and thyroid medication. See the Concerns and Cautions section of our Green Tea Review.

Clinical Update


Green Tea and Liver Toxicity

Green tea extract was listed as one of the most common dietary supplements linked to liver injury in a newly published guideline for diagnosing and treating drug-induced liver injury. Find out what one of the authors of the guideline had to say about the catechin content of some green tea supplements, and get our test results showing the amounts of catechins in green tea supplements in the Green Tea Supplements, Drinks and Brewable Teas Review >>   

Clinical Update


Green Tea May Inhibit Starch Absorption

A study recently found that taking a green tea extract along with a starchy meal (corn flakes) significantly reduced carbohydrate absorption. This may help explain why green tea may help modestly with weight management. Details about this study, including dosage, along with our tests of green tea supplements and teas, are found in the Green Tea Review »

Clinical Update


Green Tea and Breast Cancer

Drinking green tea has been associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer recurrence. But what effect does high-dose green tea extract have? See what a major study found in the What It Does section of the Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks among green tea products.

Clinical Update


Green Tea "Blocks" Beta-Blocker

A new study shows that drinking green tea can drastically reduce the amount of a beta-blocker (nadolol, Corgard) absorbed into the bloodstream. Beta-blockers are typically taken to lower blood pressure, raising concern for people using green tea along with this beta-blocker and, possibly, related medications. Get the details, along with our tests of green tea drinks and supplements, in the update to the Green Tea Review >>   

If you take a beta-blocker (which includes the popular drugs metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol) and propranolol (Inderal)), be aware that chromium and CoQ10 may offer benefits.

Clinical Update


Green Tea Interaction for Men

Green tea may significantly increase blood levels of a common medication for men. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Green Tea Review, which includes information about many other green tea interactions, including with statins and blood-thinners.

Also see our Top Picks among green tea beverages and supplements.

CL Answer

With herbal supplements, what is the difference between root powder and root extract? Does it matter?

Learn more about the different forms of herbal supplements, including aloe, boswellia, ginkgo, green tea, and milk thistle.

Herbal Supplements

Clinical Update


Green Tea for Blood Cancer?

Does supplementing with green tea improve biomarkers in patients with leukemia, lymphomas or other blood cancers? Find out what research has shown in the Cancer Treatment section of our Green Tea Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for brewable tea and green tea supplements.

Clinical Update


Green Tea for Fibroids?

A preliminary clinical study showed that EGCG from green tea extract may help shrink uterine fibroids. New research suggests why. For details, see the Fibroids section of our Green Tea Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among green tea supplements and teas and find out how much EGCG they contain.

Clinical Update


Green Tea: More EGCG and Less Caffeine?

A CL member asked how steeping green tea in cold water rather than brewing in hot water affects levels of polyphenols and caffeine in the tea. See what a study found in the ConsumerTips section of our Green Tea Review, which includes our Top Picks for green tea.

Clinical Update


Does Green Tea Really Help With Weight?

A new study found that a popular green tea extract did not cause a reduction in weight compared to placebo, despite the fact that some previous studies have shown a benefit. Get more details, including which green tea extract was used, in the update to the Green Tea Supplements, Drinks and Teas Review >>   

Clinical Update


Another Use for Green Tea?

A recently published study found that rinsing with green tea reduced plaque-forming bacteria in the mouth just as well as a prescription mouthwash. Get the details, including the form and dose of green tea used, in the Green Tea Supplements, Drinks and Brewable Teas Review >>   

Clinical Update


Green Tea Extract and Prostate Cancer

A new study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, showed that fewer men with pre-cancerous lesions developed prostate cancer if given a daily green tea extract supplement, although the results were not statistically significant due, in part, to the small size of the study. However, a somewhat similar study found a significant benefit. Learn more about these studies, and see our test results for green tea supplements, teas, and drinks, in the Green Tea Review >>

Clinical Update


Green Tea to Treat Fibroids

A new study suggests that green tea extract may help shrink uterine fibroids (common in women of childbearing age) and reduce symptoms. For details, as well as test results and comparisons of green tea extracts and brewable teas and drinks, see the updated Green Tea Review >>

Clinical Update


Green Tea and Blood Sugar

Can drinking green tea reduce the rise in blood sugar after a meal, and if so, is the effect greater in the morning or evening? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of the Green Tea Review. Also see our tests and Top Picks among green tea supplements, and brewable and bottled teas.

Clinical Update


Getting the Most from Green Tea

If you drink green tea to get beneficial compounds like EGCG, learn about a recent study that suggests that the type of water you use to brew tea drastically affects the amount of EGCG you get. Get the details in the How to Take section of the Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks for green tea.

Clinical Update


Green Tea for Lowering Blood Pressure

Drinking green tea can help lower high blood pressure — and even reverse ventricular hypertrophy, according to a new study. For details, including the amount and brand of tea used, see the What It Does section of the Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks for green tea.

Clinical Update


Don't Take Green Tea With Iron?

A study shows that iron can bind to a key flavanol (EGCG) in green tea, causing it to lose its anti-oxidant activity. Should you avoid iron-containing foods when using green tea? Find out in the "What to Consider When Using" section of the Green Tea Supplements and Teas Review >>

Clinical Update


Don't Drink Too Much Tea!

After publication of our Green Tea Review last month, a CL member emailed us about the potential danger of getting too much fluoride from tea. Although this won't happen from just a few cups of tea daily, there have been recent cases where habitually drinking extremely large amounts of tea has caused "fluorosis" causing bone pain and even tooth loss. See the warning (and our tests of green tea products) in the updated Green Tea Review >>

Clinical Update


Green Tea & Heart Disease

Find out how many cups of green tea per day is associated with lower risk of heart disease in the What It Does section of our Green Tea Supplements Review, and see our Top Picks for green tea.

Clinical Update


Green Tea and Blood Sugar

A laboratory study showed how green tea might help control blood sugar. Get the details in the Blood Sugar Control/Diabetes section of our Green Tea Review, which includes our Top Picks for green tea.

Also see: Which supplements and foods can help lower or control blood sugar?

Clinical Update


Green Tea Interactions

Drinking green tea can affect the absorption of many drugs, as was most recently shown with raloxifene (Evista), a medication used to treat osteoporosis and reduce breast cancer risk. Learn about these interactions (including those with certain statins, beta-blockers, and blood thinners) in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks among green tea products.

Clinical Update


Green Tea for Cold Sores?

Does green tea help prevent or treat cold sores? Find out what research suggests in our Green Tea Review, which includes our Top Picks for green tea.

Also see: Can any vitamins or minerals help prevent or reduce canker sores or cold sores?

Clinical Update


Green Tea & Blood Sugar

Does green tea reduce fasting blood sugar levels? See what a recent study showed in the Blood Sugar Control/Diabetes section of our Green Tea Review, which includes our Top Picks for green tea.

Clinical Update


Lower Cholesterol with Green Tea

Drinking green tea can lower cholesterol or triglyceride levels, as was recently shown. See the details in the What It Does section of our Green Tea Review, which includes our Top Picks for green tea.

Clinical Update


Liver Toxicity with Supplements, Including Green Tea

An increase in cases of liver toxicity associated with dietary supplement use has recently been reported. In an article about the findings, The New York Times reports that bodybuilding supplements and products containing green tea extracts are among those associated with such cases. For more information about green tea extracts and toxicity, see the Concerns and Cautions section of the Green Tea Supplements Review >> 

Clinical Update


Green Tea for Weight Management?

Green tea has been touted for weight management, but a recent study with a green tea extract casts doubt. More details are found in the "What It Does" section of the Green Tea Review >>

Clinical Update


Lower Risk of Death With Green Tea

A long-term study of men in China found that those who regularly drank green tea — particularly larger amounts — were less likely to die during the study and had lower risks of dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer, compared to non-green tea drinkers. Get the details in the "What It Does" section of the Green Tea Review >>

Clinical Update


Green Tea & Cognition

Green tea consumption has been associated with a lower prevalence of cognitive impairment in older adults. However, a recent study evaluating the effects of a green tea powder on older adults with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia failed to show a benefit. For more information, see the "What It Does" section of the Green Tea Review >>

Clinical Update


How Much Tea Is Safe?

Green and black teas contain fluoride, which helps build teeth and bones, but excessive intake of teas can cause teeth and bones to become brittle ("fluorosis"). How many cups of tea are safe? Find out now based on recent tests of fluoride in green, black, and herbal teas in the "Concerns and Cautions" section of the Green Tea Review >>

Clinical Update


Statins and Green Tea

If you take a statin drug to lower your cholesterol, be aware that green tea can moderately affect blood levels of certain statins, as noted in a recent report. This effect also depends on the amount of green tea consumed and individual variability. For details see the Concerns and Cautions section of the Green Tea Review.

Clinical Update


Green Tea as a Prebiotic

Green tea may have a prebiotic effect — stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Find out what clinical trials are showing in the What It Does section of the Green Tea Review. (Also see our Top Picks among green tea products).

Clinical Update


Green Tea & Stroke

Studies have found green tea consumption to be associated with a decreased risk of stroke. However, a recent study found this to be the case for only for one gender. For details, see the What It Does section of the Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks for green tea.

Clinical Update


Hot Tea & Cancer

Drinking very hot tea increases the risk of developing esophageal cancer. How long should you wait after brewing to drink tea? Find out what recent studies are showing in the What It Does section of the Green Tea Review. Also see other tips for the best way to prepare brewable green tea, and our Top Picks among green tea products.

Clinical Update


Does Green Tea Prevent Cognitive Decline?

Does drinking green tea reduce the risk of cognitive decline and, if so, how much do you have to drink? A multi-year study addressed this question. See the results in the Memory and Cognition section of the Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks for green tea.

Clinical Update


Green Tea and Cholesterol

Can green tea help lower cholesterol levels? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks for green tea.

Clinical Update


Green Tea for Memory?

Can a green tea extract supplement improve memory or cognitive function in healthy, older men and women? Find out what a recent study showed in the What It Does section of our Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks for green tea supplements and drinks.

CL Answer

Which supplements and foods reduce or increase the risk of kidney stones?

Find out which supplements, foods and beverages may increase or decrease the risk of kidney stones, including information about potassium, calcium, choline, turmeric and curcumin, vitamin C, as well as foods and beverages such as green tea, lemon juice, orange juice, cranberry juice, chocolate and almonds.

Supplements for Kidney Stones

Clinical Update


Colon Polyps and Green Tea

A study of middle-aged men and women found that those given green tea extract after colon polyp removal were much less likely to develop additional polyps than those who did not take the extract. For details about the extract and dose, see the "What It Does" section of the Green Tea Supplements Review (which includes our tests of supplements and teas) >>

Clinical Update


Chemical Solvents in Tea?

Are chemical solvents used to decaffeinate green tea? Find out in our Green Tea Review, which includes our Top Picks for green tea. Also learn about solvents in coffee.

CL Answer

Which foods and supplements contain lead, cadmium, or arsenic?

Discover which foods and dietary supplements contain lead and other metals, the limits, who’s testing, and how to stay safe.

Lead in Supplements & Foods -- concerned woman looking at pill

Recalls & Warnings

November 28, 2022

Seller of Elderberry, Tea Warned for Claims of Treating Cold, Flu, Cancer

On October 18, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Rosebud’s Ranch and Garden, LLC after inspection of the company’s website and social media found statements about the company’s Domestic Divas – Colds and Flu (Tea), Domestic Divas - No Pain No Gain Tea, Green ...

Clinical Update


Forever Chemicals in Tea?

A recently published study found an association between intake of "unsweetened" tea and higher blood levels of PFAS ("forever chemicals"). Should you be concerned? See the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Green Tea Review, which includes our recent Top Picks among products.

Also find out if "plant-based" plastic tea bags may be less likely to release microplastics than regular plastic or nylon tea bags.

A new video explaining how to choose the best green tea is also now available.

Clinical Update


Plastic in Bigelow Tea Bags?

Due to concern over microplastics, we asked Bigelow if their tea bags contain plastic. It turns out that some do and some don’t, as we explain in the Concerns with Plastic Tea Bags section of our Green Tea Review, which includes similar information for other tea brands. The Review also includes our Top Picks among green teas and supplements.

Clinical Update


Plastic in Twinings or Tazo Tea Bags?

We asked Twinings and Tazo if their tea bags contain plastic. See their responses in the Concerns with Plastic Tea Bags section of our Green Tea Review, which includes similar information for other tea brands. The Review also includes our Top Picks among green teas and supplements.

Clinical Update


Plastic in Numi Tea Bags?

We asked Numi if their tea bags contain plastic. See their response in the Concerns with Plastic Tea Bags section of our Green Tea Review, which includes similar information for other tea brands. The Review also includes our Top Picks among green teas and supplements.

Clinical Update


Lead & Tea

Although some teas are contaminated with lead (as we have shown), a recent study demonstrated that tea can also remove lead from the water in which is it brewed or steeped. Get the details in the Brewing section of our Green Tea Review, which includes our Top Picks among green teas.

Clinical Update


Plastic from Tea Bags

A small study suggested that some plastic tea bags release much larger amounts of nanoplastics than others. For details, and how to avoid nanoplastics from tea bags, see our Green Tea Review, which includes our Top Picks for green tea.

Clinical Update


Green Tea Interaction With Medicine

Drinking green tea may significantly affect blood levels of a common beta-blocker, as well as statins, blood-thinners, and thyroid medication. Be aware of these interactions. See the Concerns and Cautions section of our Green Tea Review.

Clinical Update


Green Tea & Prostate Cancer

A recent study investigated the effects of green tea extract in men with pre-cancerous changes of the prostate. Find out if it helped in the "What It Does" section of the Green Tea Supplements and Drinks Review >>

Clinical Update


Avoiding Green Tea Toxicity

The European counterpart to the FDA recently issued its conclusions regarding toxicity from green tea catechins. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of the Green Tea Review.

Clinical Update


Tea & Heart Disease

Another study shows that people who drink tea are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease. Find out how much and what type of tea was associated with benefits in the Cardiovascular disease section of the Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks for green tea.

Clinical Update


Microplastics in Tea

A new study found that brewing tea with certain tea bags can release a large amount of microplastics into the liquid. For details, see the Brewing section of our Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks among green tea products.

Clinical Update


Green Tea Extract and Weight Loss

A new study using a high dose of green tea extract showed it to help sedentary overweight men lose weight, while those taking placebo gained weight. This is not the first study to show this potential benefit of green tea extract. The effect may be due to the compound EGCG. Get the facts, including how much EGCG was in the product, in the Weight Loss Supplements Review.  More >>

CL Answer

Can any vitamins or minerals help prevent or reduce canker sores or cold sores?

Find out which, if any, supplements, including iron, L-lysine, monolaurin, olive leaf extract, vitamin B-12, and zinc, may be beneficial for canker sores or cold sores.

Lip of woman with a cold sore

Clinical Update


No Ginseng In Ginseng Tea?

A popular maker of bottled teas is being sued for allegedly not putting ginseng in its ginseng green tea. For details, see the Quality Concerns section of the Ginseng Supplements Review. Also see which ginseng products were Approved by ConsumerLab (and see our tests of various Green Teas).

Clinical Update


Are Plastic Tea Bags Okay?

Are plastic (nylon) tea bags okay to use? There are two potential problems, as we explain in the ConsumerTips section of our Green Tea Review. Also see our Top Picks for green tea.

Clinical Update


Black Tea for Heart Health?

Drinking green tea has been linked with reduced risk of death due to heart disease, but how about black tea? See what a recent study found in the Cardiovascular Disease section of our Green Tea Supplements and Drinks Review.

CL Answer

I take warfarin (Coumadin), an anticoagulant drug. Are there supplements I should avoid, or be taking, due to this drug?

Find out which supplements should be avoided when taking blood thinners (anticoagulants) like warfarin (Coumadin), including vitamin K, St. John's wort, and curcumin.

Warfarin Supplement Interactions -- bottle of pink warfarin tablets

CL Answer

What is Protandim and does it really work?

What is Protandim and does it really work? Can Protandim reduce oxidative stress? ConsumerLab's answers discusses Protandim's effectiveness, reviews and studies.

Does Protandim Work? -- Bottle of Protandim

Clinical Update


Avoiding Microplastics from Tea Bags

Recent studies have raised concerns about microplastics released from plastic tea bags. To avoid plastic tea bags, see the Results table in our Green Tea Review, which lists the type of tea bag (paper, plastic, or mixed) for each of the bagged teas we’ve tested. Also see our Top Picks among brewable teas and a list of tea companies that state they do not use plastic in their tea bags.

CL Answer

I've heard that rice has high levels of arsenic. Does that mean rice bran oil does too?

Find out if rice bran oil can contain high levels of arsenic like whole rice and other rice products do.

Arsenic in Rice & Rice Bran Oil -- bottle of rice bran oil, grains of rice and bowl of rice bran

CL Answer

Can fluoride in toothpaste, mouth rinses or drinking water cause attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or other neurodevelopmental disorders in children?

Find out if community water fluoridation increases the risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or causes lower IQ in children, and learn what the American Dental Association recommends when using fluoride-containing toothpaste and mouth rinses in children.

Small amount of toothpaste being applied to a toothbrush with a glass of water in the background

Clinical Update


Rooibos Tea?

What are the potential health benefits of rooibos tea, how does it compare to black and green tea, and is it safe? Find out in our article about rooibos tea.

Clinical Update


Benefits of Mullein Tea?

What is mullein tea and does it really reduce coughing, or help ward off the flu or other viruses? Find out in our new article about the potential health benefits and safety of mullein tea.

Also see our Green Tea Review, including our Top Picks.

Clinical Update


Tea Drinking Associated with Less Cognitive Decline

A new study found tea drinkers to have significantly less cognitive decline than others. Read the details in the "What It Does" section of the Green Tea Supplements Review (which includes our tests of teas) >>

CL Answer

I read that sterol supplements to lower cholesterol like CholestOff can block the absorption of vitamins. Is that true?

Find out if CholestOff and other sterol supplements can block vitamin absorption in the body and other safety concerns.

Elderly Man Reading Supplement Bottle

CL Answer

Dietary Supplements and Herbs to Avoid When Breastfeeding

Find out which supplements should be avoided when breastfeeding, including medicinal herbs, soy, and flaxseed.

Herbs and Supplements to Avoid When Breastfeeding

CL Answer

Do any supplements, foods or lifestyle modifications help with brain function, like memory and cognition?

Find out which supplements help improve memory, brain function and cognition, including fish oil, some B vitamins, cocoa, and curcumin. ConsumerLab's answer explains the evidence for supplements promoted to help with brain function and cognition.

Supplements for Memory -- doctor holding a model of a brain and fish oil capsule

Recalls & Warnings

October 09, 2023

Organifi Settles Charges of Unsupported Claims

Organifi, LLC has agreed to pay $150,000 in civil penalties and $50,000 in investigative costs as restitution to settle charges that the company made unsupported claims that its Gold, Pure, Green Juice, and Red Juice products could balance hormone and cortisol levels, regulate the ...

Clinical Update


Plastic in Trader Joe's Tea Bags?

We asked Trader Joe's if there is plastic in its green tea bags. See Trader Joe's response as well as those of Bigelow, Numi, Republic of Tea, Tazo, and Twinings.

Clinical Update


Supplements for Memory

Find out if ingredients such as apoaequorin (found in Prevagen), ashwagandha, coffee extract, ginger, green tea, phosphatidylserine, or vitamin E, help improve memory and cognition in our article about supplements and foods for memory.

Clinical Update


L-Theanine for Sleep and Cognition?

Several studies have evaluated whether a single dose of L-theanine (found in green tea) can reduce stress and anxiety. A new study has evaluated the effect of L-theanine when taken daily for several weeks. See the results in the What It Does section of the L-Theanine Supplements Review. Also see our top choices for L-Theanine.

News Release

October 14, 2015

Is Matcha a Better Form of Green Tea? Answers the Question

White Plains, New York, October 14, 2015 — For the past three years, has been testing green tea products, including tea bags, bottled drinks, dietary supplements, and even a K-Cup®.

Recalls & Warnings

July 18, 2017

Oat Cereal Recalled Due to Listeria Risk

On July 18, 2017, Garden of Light, Inc., recalled Woodstock Organic Matcha Vanilla Oats because of potential contamination with Listeria monocytogenes.

News Release

July 07, 2014

Which Weight Loss Supplements Are Best? Reviews the Evidence and Tests the Quality of Popular Products

White Plains, New York, July 7, 2014 — Dozens of supplement ingredients have been touted for weight loss, but which have the strongest evidence showing they work and, among those, which products are highest in quality? To answer these questions, ConsumerLab.

News Release

May 21, 2013

Green Teas Vary in Strength and Amount of Lead Contamination, According to

White Plains, New York, May 21, 2013 — If you drink green tea for your health, be aware that the catechin and caffeine levels can vary by more than 240% across products. Some also contain significant amounts of lead in their tea leaves. This is according to recent tests by ConsumerLab.

News Release

December 21, 2012 Tests Reveal What's Really In Green Tea Supplements and Bottled Drinks

White Plains, New York — December 21, 2012 — How do levels of EGCG and caffeine in green tea supplements and bottled teas compare with levels provided in a typical brewed green tea? It very much depends on the brand, according to new tests by

News Release

February 05, 2012

Fish oil and multivitamins most popular supplements in survey -- Internet most popular place to shop

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — FEBRUARY 5, 2012 — A survey of over 10,000 savvy consumers of supplements shows the most popular supplements to be fish oil, multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium and CoQ10, in that order.

Recalls & Warnings

April 25, 2024

Yogi Tea Recalled Due to Pesticides

On April 19, 2024, Yogi Tea issued a recall of over 54,800 packs of Yogi Echinacea Immune Support tea after a sample of echinacea tested above acceptable limits for multiple pesticides. No illnesses have been reported to date.

Recalls & Warnings

May 18, 2023

EarthLab, Inc. Warned for Promoting Green Tea, Curcumin, Elderberry & More to Treat Stroke, Cancer & Flu

On April 27, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to EarthLab, Inc., dba Wise Woman Herbals, following inspection of the company’s website which found statements about the company’s Green Tea Solid Extract, Curcuma Spp.

Recalls & Warnings

September 25, 2023

FDA Warns Consumers Not to Use Tapee Tea

On August 31, 2023, the FDA warned consumers not to purchase or use Tapee Tea products after FDA laboratory analysis found them to contain dexamethasone and piroxicam, drugs that are not listed on the product's label.

Recalls & Warnings

November 04, 2015

Green Tea from Tea Bags Linked to Acute Hepatitis

According to a case report published on September 23, 2015 (Lugg, BMJ Case Rep 2015), a 16-year old girl in England developed acute hepatitis in connection with the consumption of green tea.

Recalls & Warnings

December 29, 2022

EarthLab, Inc. Warned for Promoting Curcumin, Elderberry to Treat Pain & Flu

On November 10, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to EarthLab, Inc., dba Wise Woman Herbals following inspection of the company’s website which found statements about the company’s products to be drug claims because they suggest the products can prevent or treat disease.

Recalls & Warnings

July 12, 2023

FDA Warns Company for Promoting Kratom Products for Pain, Mood, and More

On July 3, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to Sunshine Trading Company, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

March 01, 2023

Seller of Dr. Miller’s Herbal “Detox” Teas Warned by FDA for Drug Claims

On February 3, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to Jackson Health & Wellness Clinic after inspection of the company’s website found statements about the company’s Dr. Miller’s Holy Tea, Dr. Miller’s Super Holy Tea, Dr. Miller’s Ultimate Tea, Dr.

News Release

March 02, 2010 finds carcinogenic form of chromium in supplements, including those for weight loss -- Reviews published of supplements containing chromium, green tea, 7-keto DHEA and stimulant formulas

White Plains, New York — March 2, 2010 — A carcinogenic form of chromium, hexavalent chromium, is present is some dietary supplements, according to new tests by

Recalls & Warnings

March 02, 2022

Seller of Holistic Tea Warned by FDA

On February 17, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Vital Health & Wellness following an inspection of the company’s website, which found statements made about the company’s product, Dr. Miller’s Holistic Premium Holy Tea, to be drug claims.

News Release

April 28, 2009

40% of Green Tea and Selenium Products Fail Review of Cancer-Prevention Supplements; Lycopene Supplements Pass

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — APRIL 28, 2009 — announced results today of its Product Review of Supplements for Cancer Prevention.  Among the products that selected for testing, quality problems were found with two out of five green tea supplements.

News Release

April 26, 2006 tests cancer-prevention supplements; several contaminated with lead or low in ingredient — Report available for green tea, selenium, and lycopene supplements

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK — APRIL 26, 2006 announced results today from its new Product Review of Supplements for Cancer Prevention covering 22 products. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S.

Recalls & Warnings

July 16, 2024

Infla-650 Herbal Dietary Supplement Recalled

On July 16, 2024, Guru Inc. issued a recall of one lot of Infla-650 Herbal Dietary Capsules because they were found to contain acetaminophen, diclofenac, and phenylbutazone.

News Release

November 15, 2005

Testing by identifies many problems with popular supplements for weight loss, slimming, and blood sugar control

Westchester, NY — November 15, 2005 — In a series of reports released today, revealed test results for supplements used for weight loss, slimming, and blood sugar control. Among the twenty-three products that ConsumerLab.

Recalls & Warnings

August 14, 2020

The Green Herb and New Genesis Health Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On July 31, 2019, the FDA issued a warning letter to Davis Ventures, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

April 14, 2020

Teami Tea Settles Charges of Unproven Claims and Deceptive Celebrity Endorsements

On March 6, 2020, the FTC announced that Teami, LLC, a marketer of tea and skin care products, agreed to settle charges that it was selling products with unproven claims and misleading celebrity endorsements.

Recalls & Warnings

March 30, 2021

Real Water Alkaline Water Recalled for Possible Link to Liver Illness

On March 24, 2021, Real Water, Inc. recalled all sizes of Real Water bottled alkaline water because it may be linked to multiple cases of non-viral hepatitis that occurred in Las Vegas, NV in November of 2020.

Recalls & Warnings

July 15, 2019

Mislabeled Green Tea Supplement Recalled

On July 11, 2019, DaVinci Laboratories of Vermont issued a recall of 256 bottles of the weight management supplement Dim Plex because they may undeclared fish allergens. 

Recalls & Warnings

October 06, 2020

FDA Warns Seller of Red Yeast Rice, Vitamin D, Blood Pressure Supplements, and More

On August 28, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to Dr. Sam Robbins, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

January 18, 2019

Another Green Tea Study Retracted

A study suggesting that green tea catechins reduce the invasive potential of human melanoma cells was recently retracted by the journal PLos One on December 31, 2018 due to concerns over the accuracy of the data.

Recalls & Warnings

December 20, 2021

Pantene, Herbal Essences, & Other Brands of Dry Shampoo and Conditioner Recalled Due to Benzene

On December 17, 2021, Procter & Gamble issued a recall of 26 aerosol spray dry shampoos and conditioners from six brands, including Aussie, Herbal Essences, Hair Food, Old Spice, Pantene, and Waterless Hair Care, because some of the products were found to contain benzene.

Recalls & Warnings

March 18, 2021

Don't Drink Real Water Alkaline Water, FDA Warns After Reports of Liver Illness

On March 16, 2021, the FDA warned consumers not to drink or use Real Water bottled alkaline water while it investigates reports of hepatitis associated with the product.

Recalls & Warnings

November 21, 2017

Health Canada Calls for Stronger Warnings of Liver Risk on Green Tea Extract Products

On November 15, 2017, Health Canada (the Canadian equivalent of the FDA) recommended stronger warning statements about the risk of liver toxicity on labels of supplements containing green tea extract sold in Canada. 

Recalls & Warnings

April 26, 2018

Wegmans Recalls Traditional Medicinals Teas Due to Salmonella Risk

On April 17, 2018, Wegmans Food Markets issued a recall of one lot each of  Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat Lemon Echinacea herbal tea and Traditional Medicinals EveryDay Detox Lemon tea because they have the potential to contaminated with Salmonella.

Recalls & Warnings

April 24, 2018

Traditional Medicinals "Throat Coat" Lemon Echinacea Herbal Tea Recalled in Canada

On April 24, 2018, Health Canada (the Canadian equivalent of the FDA) advised consumers that one lot of Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat Lemon Echinacea herbal tea is being recalled in Canada because it has the potential to contaminated by Salmonella.

Recalls & Warnings

June 23, 2018

Gaia Kratom Recalled Due to Salmonella Risk

On June 21, 2018, Gaia Ethnobotanical, LLC issued a recall of 27 kratom products because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella.

Recalls & Warnings

February 07, 2011

Maker of Hoodia and Green Tea Products to Pay $2.65 Million Settlement for Unfair Business Practices

On February 1, 2011, supplement maker Irwin Naturals agreed to pay civil penalties, consumer restitution, and and investigative costs to settle a suit in California alleging that Irwin Naturals marketed Hoodia products that did not contain the hoodia gordonii herb despite the product labeling.

Recalls & Warnings

June 27, 2007

Warning Labels to be Required for Green Tea and Black Cohosh Products

On June 26, 2007, the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) Dietary Supplements Information Expert Committee (DSI-EC) voted to require cautionary statements on the labels for green tea extracts and black cohosh dietary supplements.

Recalls & Warnings

May 02, 2016

The Republic of Tea Recalls Turmeric/Ginger Teas Due to Salmonella Risk

On April 29, 2016 The Republic of Tea issued a recall of several Organic Turmeric Ginger teas because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella.

Recalls & Warnings

November 04, 2016

Liver Injuries Linked With Dietary Supplement Use on the Rise

The number of liver injuries associated with dietary supplement use has increased substantially in recent years, according to a recently published study in the journal Hepatology.

Recalls & Warnings

March 15, 2016

Tea Recalled Due to Salmonella Risk

On March 11, 2016 Awareness Corp. issued a recall of its 7.4 ounce container of Boost Tea because it may be contaminated with Salmonella.

Recalls & Warnings

June 19, 2018

FDA Warns Seller of Weight Control Patches

On June 6, 2018, the FDA issued a warning letter to Health Management Group, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

May 08, 2018

Badger Botanicals Kratom Recalled

On May 4, 2018, 2018 Badger Botanicals issued a recall of its Green Suma, Red Suma, Green Hulu 2, and Red Hulu 2 kratom dietary supplements because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella.

Recalls & Warnings

January 24, 2020

Fat-Burning, Energy Supplement Linked to Heart Trouble

A 33-year-old woman in Australia developed cardiac ischemia (a lack of blood flow to the heart) after taking the "fat burning" supplement Alpha Lean-7, according to a recent report in the Journal of Sports Sciences.

Recalls & Warnings

December 19, 2013

Seller of Sexual Enhancement Supplement and Tea Drink Warned for Drug Ingredients and Drug Claims

On December 5, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Green Planet, Inc. following a facility inspection which found the company's sexual enhancement supplement Night Bullet to contain the drugs sulfohydroxyhomosildenafil, thioaildenafil and aminotadalafil.

Recalls & Warnings

January 16, 2014

Seller of Tea Supplements and Drinks Warned For Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims

On December 31, 2013, the FDA issued a warning to Prestige Chinese Teas Company, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

May 06, 2017

Herbal Teas Recalled Due To Botulism Risk

On May 1, 2017, U.S. Deer Antler Ex. & Imp. of Los Angeles, California, issued a recall of various herbal teas because they have the potential to be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum. This bacterium can cause botulism, a potentially fatal form of food poisoning.

Recalls & Warnings

January 11, 2013

Consumers May Be Eligible For Cold, Allergy and Weight Loss Supplement Refunds

On January 7, 2013, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that consumers who purchased the Iovate Health dietary supplements Accelis, nanoSLIM, Cold MD, Germ MD, or Allergy MD between January 2006 and July 2010 may qualify for a refund.

Recalls & Warnings

January 10, 2013

FDA Warns Aloe and Herbal Supplement Companies For Manufacturing Violations

AloeScience Labs, Inc. -- On November 14, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to AloeScience Labs, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

December 07, 2012

Antioxidant Protandim Supplement Recalled Due To Risk of Metal Fragments

On December 5, 2012, LifeVantage Corporation issued a voluntary recall of dietary supplement Protandim, the Nrf2 Synergizer, due to the potential for contamination with small metal fragments. The recall includes Protandim products sold in the U.S. and Japan between July and November 2012.

Recalls & Warnings

August 31, 2012

Energy, Fat Loss Supplement Recalled For Ephedrine Alkaloids

On August 28, 2012, dietary supplement re-sale distributor Brand New Energy (BNE) issued a recall of EphBurn 25 after FDA testing found the product to contain ephedrine alkaloids.

Recalls & Warnings

July 13, 2012

Alistrol Health Inc. Warned Over Health Claims on Products

On June 26, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Alistrol Health Inc. for making product statements on the company's websites that constitute drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

February 15, 2013

Energy Drink Recalled Due To Bacterial Contamination

On December 21, 2012, NBTY issued a voluntary recall of the energy supplement MET-Rx Extreme Thermo Rage Watermelon 8 fl. oz. (Manufactured by MET-Rx Nutrition, Inc.) due to bacterial contamination.

Recalls & Warnings

September 16, 2015

Herbal Extracts Recalled

On September 15, 2015, Iowa Select Herbs, LLC issued a recall of numerous herbal exacts following a permanent injunction which required the company to stop selling supplements.

Recalls & Warnings

August 28, 2013

Tea and Papaya Supplement Company Warned For Drug Claims

On August 12, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Herbal Papaya, LLC, following a review of the company's website and Facebook page which found statements made about Papaya Seed Extract Capsules, 100% Papaya Leaf (Paw Paw Twig) and Papaya Leaf with Rooibos Tea to be drug claims. 

Recalls & Warnings

May 24, 2013

Brewable Tea and Tea Supplement Company Warned For Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims

On April 2, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Natures Health Options, LLC, following an investigation which found the company's Charantea Bitter Melon Ampalaya, which is distributed as a dietary supplement in capsule form, and as a tea, to be adulterated because it was prepared, packed, or ...

Recalls & Warnings

September 13, 2014

Marketer Banned From Selling Weight Loss Products

In order to settle FTC charges of deceptive weight loss claims, John Matthew Dwyer III, the co-founder of HealthyLife Sciences, LLC, has agreed to no longer manufacture or market weight loss supplements.

Recalls & Warnings

June 12, 2014

Marketers of Memory Supplement Settle FTC Charges of Deceptive Claims

Martek Biosciences Corporation and i-Health Inc., marketers of BrainStrong Adult, have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charges that claims the supplement could improve adult memory and prevent cognitive decline were deceptive, and not supported by sufficient clinical evidence.

Recalls & Warnings

August 16, 2018

Kratom Recalled Due to Salmonella Risk

On August 14, 2018, Zakah Life, LLC issued a recall of Super Green Maeng Da Premium Kratom powder, Powerful Red Vein Bali Premium Kratom powder, Super Green Maeng Da Premium Kratom capsules, and Powerful Red Vein Bali Premium Kratom capsules because laboratory testing revealed the presence of ...

Recalls & Warnings

September 12, 2018

FDA Urges Consumers to Avoid Kratom

On September 11, 2018, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., urged consumers not to use products containing the kratom, an herb that is often promoted for pain relief and for relieving symptoms of opioid withdrawal.

Recalls & Warnings

February 28, 2017

Seller of Tea Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On February 3, 2017, the FDA issued a warning letter to Kumato Labs, following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including CHO WA Tea, COMOXIN IBS Formula and NEMURI Sleep Formula to be adulterated because they were prepared, packed, or held under ...

Recalls & Warnings

March 06, 2015

Seller of Tea Drinks Warned for Drug Claims

On February 26, 2015, the FDA issued a warning letter to the seller of Anamu CancerHerb Tea Box, Anamu CancerHerb Tea Box with Honey and Organic Bottled Tea Drinks because statements made about these products on the websites, and www.anamucancerherbtea.

Recalls & Warnings

March 17, 2015

Seller of Tea Warned for Drug Claims

On March 4, 2015, the FDA issued a warning letter to Four Elements Organic Herbals, LLC because statements made about HERBAL TEA Power, Energy & Stamina, ORGANIC HERBAL TEA Tulsi TelepaTea, ORGANIC HERBAL TEA To Your Health, Hawthorn Fresh Herb Extract, Elderberry Fresh Herb ...

Recalls & Warnings

January 21, 2014

"Stem Cell" Supplement Recalled Due to Allergen Risk

On January 19, 2014, Stemvida recalled StemAlive 90 Capsules because they were found to contain undeclared milk (labeled as bovine colostrum).

Recalls & Warnings

October 03, 2014

Seller of Green Tea, Prostate, Pain Supplements and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims

On July 25, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to AMS Health Sciences, LLC following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including saba ACE, UROPOWER, UROSure, Digest-Eze, Shark Cartilage, Colloidal Silver, and Mobilite to be adulterated because they were prepared, packed, ...

Recalls & Warnings

April 26, 2013

Seller of Immune, Cholesterol, Liver and Blood Sugar Products Warned For Drug Claims

On March 20, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Birkdale Medicinals LLC, following a review of the company's website which found statements made about Birkdale products, including Immune Response 247, Cholestat, Silymarin 81 and LevelStat, to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

January 24, 2013

Food for Health Warned for Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims on Supplements

On October 5, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Food for Health International, LLC following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Activz brand Vitamin D, Potassium Iodine, Organic Vitamin C, Whole 9 (a fruit and vegetable meal replacement shake) Control and VMA ...

Recalls & Warnings

October 24, 2012

Manufacturer of Green Tea, Vitamin E, Omega-3 and Cranberry Supplements Warned For Manufacturing Violations, Misbranding and Drug Claims

On October 16, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to dietary supplement manufacturer Advanced Nutritional Technology Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

November 30, 2013

"Diuretic" Weight Loss Supplement Recalled

On November 29, 2013, IQ Formulations issued a recall of all lots of diuretic weight loss supplement HYDRAVAX because one lot of the supplement was found to contain an undeclared prescription diuretic drug.

Recalls & Warnings

July 05, 2013

Seller of Vision Supplement Warned For Drug Claims

On June 25, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Nutrient Synergy, Inc., following a review of the company's website which found statements made about the dietary supplement Nepretin to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

January 02, 2012

FDA Warns XYMOGEN of Manufacturing and Labeling Violations Regarding Multiple Products

On December 13, 2011, the U.S. FDA sent a Warning Letter to Atlantic Pro Nutrients, Inc. (dba XYMOGEN) regarding labeling and/or manufacturing violations relating to its products, which include Borage CP-240, CoQmax CF, Immune Rx, Iron Glycinate, and Green Tea 600.

Recalls & Warnings

April 03, 2018

FDA Issues Mandatory Recall of Salmonella-Contaminated Kratom Products

On April 2, 2018, the FDA issued a mandatory recall of all food products containing powdered kratom manufactured, processed, packed, or held by Triangle Pharmanaturals LLC because several of company's products were found to be contaminated with Salmonella.

Recalls & Warnings

April 02, 2018

NutriZone Kratom Supplements Recalled Due to Salmonella Risk

On March 10, 2018, NutriZone, LLC issued a recall of certain kratom-containing powder products because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella.

Recalls & Warnings

February 13, 2019

Supplements Promoted for Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Sell "False Hope," Warns FDA

On February 11, 2019, the FDA warned consumers to beware supplements promoted to prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

Recalls & Warnings

August 21, 2013

Seller of Vitamin, Tea and MSM Supplements Warned For Drug Claims

August 7, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Vibrant Life Vitamins, following a review of the company's websites which found statements made about Taheebo Life Tea, Life Glow Plus, Super Life Glow, Life Glow Basic, Vibrant Life MSM, Herbal MSM, and Organic Germanium to be drug claims. 

Recalls & Warnings

August 20, 2013

Weight Loss Supplement Formulas For Men and Women Recalled Due To Undeclared Drugs

On August 16, 2013, Herbal Give Care LLC issued a voluntary recall of all lots of weight loss dietary supplements Esbelder man, Esbelder fem and Esbelder siloutte because they were found to contain the undeclared drugs sibutramine, N-desmethylsibutramine, and N-di-desmethylsibutramine.

Recalls & Warnings

August 01, 2013

Fat Loss and Muscle Enhancement Supplements Found To Contain DMAA

On June 17, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Formulife, Inc., dba Purus Labs, Inc., following a facility inspection which found the dietary supplements Fat Smack XR Thermolipolytic, Muscle Marinade Fresh Fruit and Muscle Marinade Cherry Limeade to contain DMAA.

Recalls & Warnings

December 06, 2013

Weight Loss Supplement Claims Challenged

On November 27, 2013, the National Advertising Division (NAD) recommended HealthyLife Sciences, LLC, modify or discontinue the use of certain claims made about the company's weight loss supplement Healthe Trim.

Recalls & Warnings

November 06, 2014

Seller of Prostate, Heart Supplements and More Warned for Drug Claims

On October 9, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Health Research Laboratories, LLC/New World Health, following a review of the company's websites, which found statements made about AtheChel Advanced, Betarol, BioTherapex, Omega-3 Cardio Plus, RejuvaLifeRx, and Ultimate Health Formula to be ...

Recalls & Warnings

February 21, 2013

FDA and FTC Warn: Supplements Cannot Prevent, Treat Or Cure Cold And Flu

On February 11, 2013, the FDA and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) jointly issued warning letters to three dietary supplement companies regarding their potential illegal marketing of products to prevent, treat or cure flu virus.

Recalls & Warnings

September 23, 2014

Maker of Joint and Weight Products Warned for Hidden Drugs, Manufacturing Violations

On September 15, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to West Coast Laboratories, Inc., because the company's joint health supplements, Super ArthGold and Pro ArthMax, were found to contain hidden drugs.

Recalls & Warnings

February 28, 2013

Maker of Liquid Omega-3 Supplements Warned For Manufacturing Violations

On February 20, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Capco Custom Packaging Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

April 04, 2013

FDA Warns Consumers Of Weight Loss Supplement Containing Undeclared Drug

On April 4, 2013, the FDA warned consumers not to purchase or use the dietary supplement MAXILOSS Weight Advanced Blue because it was found to contain sibutramine.

Recalls & Warnings

March 21, 2013

Probiotic Recalled Due To Undeclared Soy

On March 20, 2013, New Chapter, Inc. issued a voluntary recall of one lot of its Probiotic Elderberry dietary supplement because it may contain undeclared soy.

Recalls & Warnings

November 06, 2014

Seller of Cholesterol, Arthritis Supplements and More Warned for Drug Claims

On October 17, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Vitamins Direct (USA) and Golden Pride, Inc., which distribute Flexezy and Physician's Signature brands of dietary supplements, following a facility inspection which found statements made about certain supplements to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

October 24, 2012

FDA Seizes Many Supplements from New York Company Due To Drug Claims

On October 23, 2012, U.S. Marshalls, acting on behalf of the FDA, seized dietary supplements and unapproved drugs from Confidence, Inc., a supplement manufacturer in Port Washington, N.Y. The products included dietary supplements Dr.

Recalls & Warnings

January 04, 2007

Sellers of Popular Weight Loss Supplements Pay $25 Million Over FTC Allegations of Deceptive Advertising

On January 4, 2007, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it had filed complaints in four separate cases alleging that weight-loss and weight-control claims were not supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence.

Recalls & Warnings

January 31, 2002

Recall Update for Certain Metabolife Bars - Excessive Vitamin A

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the following Class I recall information in its January 30, 2002 Enforcement Report.

Recalls & Warnings

September 10, 2012

Maker of Omega-3, Bone and Brain and Supplements Warned For Drug Claims

On August 27, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to PruTect Rx indicating that statements on the company's websites about Omega3PruTect, NeuroPruTect, VitaminD3PruTect and OsteoPruTect constitute drug claims, although the products are not approved drugs.

Recalls & Warnings

March 03, 2012

Seller of Cancer Cures Warned by FDA

On February 9, 2012, the U.S. FDA sent a Warning Letter to BioAnue Laboratories, Inc. informing it that its websites at,,, and www.vmhe.

Recalls & Warnings

February 25, 2013

Weight Loss Supplement Recalled Due To Undeclared Drug

On February 21, 2013, Olaax Corp. issued a voluntary, nationwide recall of the company's weight loss supplement MAXILOSS Weight Advanced softgels because they were found to contain undeclared Sibutramine.

Recalls & Warnings

February 14, 2013

Maker of Antioxidant and Anti-Aging Supplements Warned For Manufacturing Violations

On January 10, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to dietary supplement manufacturer Consolidated Marketing Unlimited, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

February 13, 2013

FDA Warns Maker of Weight Loss and Whey Protein Supplements For Manufacturing Violations and Misbranding

January 25, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to dietary supplement manufacturer SciLabs Nutraceuticals, following a facility inspection which found the company's dietary supplements and supplement ingredients, including N-Large 2, Flo-Gard AB, Nitrogen Glutamine capsules, Nutritech nutritional ...

Recalls & Warnings

January 10, 2018

Lithium Supplement Contaminated With E. Coli, Health Canada Warns

On December 1, 2018, Health Canada (the Canadian equivalent of the FDA) warned consumers that it found Smart Brain Formulations Serotonin Support, a lithium ororate supplement sold on the website Robert Lamberton Consulting, to be contaminated with E. choli (Escherichia coli).

Recalls & Warnings

December 13, 2016

Case of Hemorrhagic Stroke Linked to Redline Energy Drink

A case of hemorrhagic stroke has been linked to the consumption of a single energy drink, according to a report published on October 11, 2016, in The American Journal of Emergency Medicine.

Recalls & Warnings

August 06, 2016

Some Supplements May Cause or Exacerbate Heart Failure (Includes vitamin E and many herbs)

Taking certain supplements may be dangerous for people with heart failure, according to a statement from the American Heart Association (AHA) which was published in the journal Circulation (August 2, 2016). 

Recalls & Warnings

November 12, 2017

Weight Loss and Cleanse Supplements Contain Adulterated and Improperly Labeled Ingredients, FDA Warns

On November 2, 2017, the FDA issued a warning letter to Create-A-Pack Foods, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

September 27, 2013

Company Warned For Distributing Weight Loss Supplement Containing DMAA, Drug Claims

On September 6, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Pure Energy Products, Inc., following a facility inspection which found that the company distributes a weight loss supplement, called obestrim, which contains dimethylamylamine, or DMAA.