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Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium Review 2024

Trying to find the best magnesium supplement? ConsumerLab tested popular forms and brands. Find out which ones passed our review and tests, which failed, and which we selected as our Top Picks. Learn which forms of magnesium are best absorbed, correct dosage, side effects, and who is most likely to need magnesium.

Magnesium Supplements Review

Search term may appear only in full report available to members. Join now for full access.

Product Review

Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplements Review

Best Multivitamins In 2023 -- Caution with Gummies

Product Review

Calcium and Bone Health Supplements Review (Including Vitamins D & K, Magnesium and Boron)

See Which Bone Health Supplements Are Top Picks and Which Fail

Calcium Review 2024

CL Answer

Which is the best form of magnesium to take - one that contains the most magnesium and is best absorbed?

Info on which is the best form of magnesium supplements to take and what to look for when choosing the best magnesium supplement. explains.

Magnesium Review 2024

CL Answer

How much magnesium do I need and how much magnesium from supplements is too much?

Find out how much magnesium you should be getting on a daily basis, signs of magnesium deficiency, and how much magnesium is too much, particularly from magnesium supplements and laxatives containing magnesium. Find out the side effects and potential adverse effects of too much magnesium.

Magnesium Review 2024

Product Review

Vitamin D Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin K, and Boron)

Find the Best Vitamin D Supplement and Avoid Problems

Vitamin D Review 2024

Product Review

Potassium Supplements Review

Be Careful with Potassium Supplements! Problems Found. Tests and Reviews of Potassium Supplements & CL's Top Picks.

Potassium Supplements reviewed by

CL Answer

How do I choose the best magnesium supplement?

Choosing the best form of magnesium supplements can be tricky due to the many different types (magnesium aspartate, bicarbonate, carbonate, chloride, citrate and others).

Magnesium Review 2024

CL Answer

What is the benefit of magnesium orotate compared to other forms of magnesium?

Find out if magnesium orotate is the best form of magnesium for supplements, including safety concerns.


Product Review

Boron Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamins D & K)

Is Boron Needed for Bone Health? Find Out and See Our Top Pick Among Supplements

Boron Review 2024

Product Review

Electrolytes & Sports Drinks Review

See Which Sports Drinks, Powders, and Pills Deliver the Right Electrolytes

CL Answer

Help! How do I know how much magnesium I am actually getting from my supplement? The label says it contains 500 mg of magnesium "as magnesium citrate" -- but how much of that is magnesium and how much is citrate?

Understand the actual amount of magnesium dosage (or "elemental magnesium") you are getting from your supplement. explains.

Magnesium Dosage & Elemental Magnesium -- Magnesium Supplement

CL Answer

What are the side effects of magnesium supplements?

Info on magnesium supplement side effects, such as stomach upset, nausea and diarrhea. Learn about magnesium dosage, safety and drug interactions. answer explains.

Magnesium Side Effects -- Magnesium supplements

CL Answer

Is there an accurate test for magnesium deficiency?

Is there an accurate test for magnesium deficiency? Testing for serum magnesium concentration (SMC), the red blood cell (RBC) test, the magnesium loading test and the 24-hour excretion test.

Product Review

Vitamin K Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium & Boron)

Find Out If It's Worth Taking Vitamin K and Which Products Are Best

Vitamin K Review 2024

CL Answer

Do any supplements, foods, or oils help reduce muscle pain, muscle cramps, or nighttime leg cramps?

Find out which supplements, and topical products such as magnesium creams, can help reduce muscle pain, leg cramps, and nighttime leg cramps, and which may worsen muscle cramps. Also, learn about vitamin and mineral deficiencies and common medications that can cause muscle cramps and nocturnal leg cramps.

Magnesium & Other Supplements for Muscle Pain & Cramps -- woman with leg cramp

Product Review

Joint Health Supplements Review (Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Boswellia, Collagen and Turmeric)

18% of Joint Health Supplements Failed to Pass Our Tests. See Which Passed or Failed, and Our Top Picks.

Joint Health Supplements Review 2025

Product Review

Protein Powders, Shakes, and Meal Replacements Review

Find Out Which Protein Products Passed or Failed Our Tests

CL Answer

Does magnesium cause diarrhea? Are some forms less likely to cause loose stools than others?

Could your magnesium supplement be causing diarrhea? Find out why the dose of magnesium in your supplement matters, and which forms of magnesium are less likely to cause diarrhea's answer explains.

Magnesium Review 2024

Product Review

Coconut Waters Review

Best Coconut Water? See Our Tests and Comparisons of Popular Brands Looking at Sugar, Electrolytes, Taste and Price.

Coconut Waters Reviewed by

CL Answer

Can magnesium supplements reduce heart palpitations or PVCs?

Having low blood levels of magnesium has been associated with abnormal heart rhythms known as PVCs (premature ventricular complexes). Find out if taking magnesium supplements can help.

Magnesium and Palpitations (PVCs) -- Woman With Heart Palpitations

CL Answer

Does magnesium help with depression?

Find out if having low magnesium levels increases the risk of depression and if supplements such as magnesium citrate, magnesium chloride, can help for depression. Also, find out how to make sure you are getting adequate magnesium.'s answer explains.

Magnesium for Depression? -- Bottle of Magnesium Tablets

Product Review

GABA Supplements Review

Does GABA Work As a Supplement?

CL Answer

I've read that magnesium deficiency is rare but also that most people don't get enough magnesium. How can these both be true?

Learn how common magnesium deficiency is, and why, even if you are not deficient, you may still benefit from getting more magnesium.'s answer explains.

Magnesium Deficiency -- check list on paper 'Are you getting enough magnesium?'

CL Answer

Is it true that I should not keep magnesium supplements in a daily pill pack mixed with other supplements and medicines?

Find out if magnesium should be stored separately from other types of supplements.

Pills in Daily Pill Pack on White Table and Background

Product Review

L-Lysine Supplements Review

Read L-Lysine Labels Carefully. Some Can Fool You.

CL Answer

Will an Epsom salt bath increase magnesium levels in my body like a supplement?

Find out if Epsom salt baths can increase magnesium levels in the body like a supplement. Plus, see evidence for other methods other transdermal methods of obtaining magnesium, such as magnesium creams, oils and sprays.'s answer explains.

Epsom Salt in Spoon Above Bathtub

Product Review

Probiotic Supplements Review (Including Pet Probiotics)

Probiotics: See What They Really Contain and Our Top Picks

CL Answer

What is magnesium stearate, what is it made from, and is it dangerous?

Learn more about magnesium stearate and its safety, based on evidence from clinical studies.

Is magnesium stearate safe? -- woman looking at ingredients on supplement label

CL Answer

Is magnesium citrate safe? I heard that it might cause damage to the esophagus.

Find out if magnesium citrate is safe to use or if it causes damage to the esophagus.

Magnesium citrate in a spoon over a glass of water

Product Review

Alpha-Lipoic Acid Supplements Review

Choose the Best Alpha-Lipoic Acid Supplement — See the Amounts of Active "R-Isomer" We Found

CL Answer

Are there drug interactions with magnesium supplements?

Find out about interactions between magnesium supplements and over-the-counter antacids and laxatives such as Maalox, antibiotics, and statins and diabetes medications. ConsumerLab’s answer explains.


News Release

February 26, 2025

ConsumerLab Survey Shows 21 Most Popular Vitamins and Supplements

White Plains, New York, February 26, 2025 — A recent survey of more than 8,400 people who regularly use dietary supplements shows that among the 212 most popular supplements, those that experienced the greatest absolute growth in popularity during 2024 were biotin (+9.

Product Review

L-Theanine Supplements Review

Touted for Stress Relief, Do L-Theanine Supplements Work?

Product Review

Alginate Supplements Review (For Reflux)

See Our Top Pick Alginate Supplements For Reducing Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)

Alginate supplements reviewed by

Product Review

Iron Supplements Review (Iron Pills, Liquids and Chews)

See Which Iron Supplements Are CL's Top Picks for Different Needs

Product Review

D-Mannose Supplements

Find out if D-mannose helps prevent urinary tract infections and how products compare.

D-Mannose Review 2023

Product Review

SAMe (S-adenosyl-methionine) Supplements Review

Choose the Best SAMe Supplement and Save Money

SAMe 2024 v2

CL Answer

Is it true that magnesium can make coffee taste better?

Find out if magnesium in your coffee can improve its taste and if it matters whether the magnesium is added before or after brewing.

Coffee being poured into white coffee cup

CL Answer

Is it important to take calcium and magnesium together?

Should you be taking calcium and magnesium together? Find out how to ensure optimal absorption of both calcium and magnesium by following these guidelines.

Calcium and Magnesium

Product Review

Pumpkin Seeds (Pepitas) Review

We Identified the Best Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds Review 2024 (2)

Product Review

Melatonin Supplements Review

Trouble Sleeping? See CL's Tests of Melatonin Supplements and Top Picks.

Melatonin Review 2024

Product Review

B Vitamin Supplements Review (B Complexes, B6, B12, Biotin, Folate, Niacin, Riboflavin & More)

See Our Top Picks and Which 5 Failed Testing

B Vitamins Review 2024

Product Review

Ashwagandha Supplements Review

Find the Best Ashwagandha Supplement. Only 38% of Ashwagandha Products Pass Tests.

Ashwagandha 2024

CL Answer

Does drinking coffee deplete vitamins or minerals, such as magnesium, in the body? Can adding magnesium or other minerals reduce the acidity or improve the flavor of coffee?

Coffee can reduce absorption or increase loss of certain vitamins and minerals. Find out which are affected, and what steps can be taken to reduce the effect of coffee on these nutrients.

coffee cup with coffee beans on table

Product Review

Gluten-Free Grains Review (Buckwheat, Quinoa, Sorghum, Millet, and Teff)

31% of Gluten-Free Grains Fail Our Tests Due to Contaminants. Quinoa, Buckwheat, Sorghum, Millet and Teff Tested.

Grains Review

CL Answer

Which vitamins and minerals should be taken together or separately?

Find out the best way to take vitamins and minerals and which vitamins and minerals should be taken together or separately for proper absorption. ConsumerLab answer explains the best way to take vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins & Minerals That Should Be Taken Together or Separately -- various vitamins in spoons

Product Review

Zinc Supplements, Lozenges, and Melts Review

Find the Best Zinc Supplements, Including Lozenges for Colds.

Zinc Review 2024

News Release

February 25, 2025

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2025 Based on Consumer Satisfaction

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2025 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on over 8,400 responses collected in November/December 2024.

Product Review

Chia Seed Review — Whole, Ground, and Sprouted Seed, Seed Flour, & Supplements

Find the Best Chia Seeds, Sprouted Chia Powder, Flour, and Chia Supplements. Tests and Reviews of Chia Seeds & CL's Top Picks.

Chia supplements reviewed by

Product Review

L-Arginine Supplements Review

Choose the Best L-Arginine Supplement. Find Out Which L-Arginine Supplement Passed CL's Tests.

L-Arginine Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Whole, Ground, Milled, and Cracker Flaxseed Review

High Levels of Cadmium Found in Flaxseed Products — Testing Expanded

Product Review

Red Yeast Rice Supplements Review

50% of Red Yeast Rice Supplements "NOT APPROVED" in CL Tests

News Release

August 12, 2024

Too Much Vitamin D? Some Supplements Contain Much More Than Claimed, According to ConsumerLab

White Plains, NY, August 12, 2024 — Getting adequate vitamin D is important to maintaining bone and cardiovascular health, and may have other benefits. However, getting too much vitamin D can have adverse effects, including increasing the risk of fractures and falls.

News Release

July 31, 2024

Best Calcium & Bone Health Supplements According to ConsumerLab Tests

White Plains, NY, July 31, 2024 —  Calcium is essential to maintaining bone health and plays critical roles in nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and the cardiovascular system.

Product Review

Olive Leaf Extract Supplements Review

Learn What Olive Leaf Does and the Best Brands

Product Review

Menopause Supplements Review (Soy and Red Clover Isoflavones, Black Cohosh) and Progesterone Creams

Choose the Best Menopause Supplement. Find Out Now Which Soy Isoflavone, Red Clover, Black Cohosh, and Progesterone Products Have the Active Compounds You Want!

Menopause Supplements Tested by -- Soy and Red Clover Isoflavones, Black Cohosh, and Progesterone Cream

Product Review

PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone) Supplements Review

Learn What PQQ Does and Which PQQ Supplements are Best

Product Review

Nutrition Bars & Cookies Review (For Energy, Fiber, Protein, Meal Replacement, and Whole Foods)

Find the Best Nutrition Bar or Cookie. ConsumerLab Tests Reveals Not All Nutrition Bars and Cookies Contain What They Claim.

Nutrition Bars Reviewed by (Energy, Fiber, Meal Replacement, Protein, and Whole Food Bars)

News Release

July 30, 2024

ConsumerLab Tests Reveal Best Vitamin K Supplements

White Plains, NY, July 30, 2024 — Vitamin K helps with proper blood clotting as well as with calcium utilization in bones and the cardiovascular system.

News Release

May 07, 2024

ConsumerLab Tests Magnesium Supplements, Spots Problems and Selects a Top Pick

White Plains, NY, May 7, 2024 — Nearly half the U.S. population does not get adequate amounts of magnesium and may benefit from increasing magnesium intake from foods or supplementation.

CL Answer

Are supplements with amino acid chelated minerals better than those with other forms of minerals?

Learn more about chelates, including evidence from clinical studies on selenium, iron, and magnesium.

Woman Examining Supplements

Product Review

Berberine and Goldenseal Supplements Review

Tests Reveal the Best and Worst Berberine and Goldenseal Products

News Release

February 26, 2024

Latest ConsumerLab Survey Shows Growth in Popularity of Magnesium and Several Smaller Supplements

White Plains, New York, February 26, 2024 — A recent survey of more than 10,000 people who regularly use dietary supplements shows that supplements that experienced the greatest absolute growth in popularity during 2023 were pregnenolone (+7.5 percentage points), magnesium (+4.8 pts), berberine (+4.

Product Review

Fruits, Veggies, and Other Greens Supplements Review (Including Spirulina and Chlorella)

Avoid Lead in Greens, Problems with Pills, and Don't Give Up Eating Whole Foods.

Greens Review Oct 2023

Product Review

Choline and Lecithin Supplements Review (Including Phosphatidylcholine, CDP-Choline, and Alpha-GPC)

Choose the Best Choline Supplement. Find Out How Much Choline Popular Supplements Really Provide.

Product Review

Ginseng Supplements Review

Find the Best Ginseng Supplement. Key "Ginsenosides" Found to Range 10-Fold Across Products.

Ginseng Supplements Reviewed by ConsumerLab

Product Review

Aloe Juices, Gels, and Supplements Review

How Much Aloe is Really in Aloe Products? Find Out and See Our Top Picks.

CL Answer

What is Perque Bone Guard Forté? It is safe and effective for bone health?

Find out about the ingredients in Perque Bone Guard Forté, including which ingredients may be beneficial for osteoporosis and bone health and which may be a safety concern.

Bottle of Perque Bone Guard Forte

Product Review

Cinnamon Supplements and Spices Review

CAUTION: Some Cinnamon Products High in Toxin. See Which Passed or Failed and our Top Picks!

Cinnamon Supplements and Spices Tested by

Product Review

Muscle & Workout Supplements Review (Creatine and Branched-chain Amino Acids)

Do Creatine and BCAAs Really Improve Strength and Recovery?

Product Review

Saffron Supplements Review

See How Saffron Supplements Compare and What They Do

Product Review

NAD Booster Supplements Review (NAD+/NADH, Nicotinamide Riboside, and NMN)

How Important Is Boosting NAD+ Levels? Find Out and Learn How Booster Supplements Compare.

NAD Boosters (NAD+/NADH, Nicotinamide Ribose, and NMN)

CL Answer

7 Red Flags to Watch Out For When Buying Vitamins & Supplements

When it comes to buying vitamins and supplements, it's buyer beware. ConsumerLab explains seven red flags to look out for on labels when choosing and buying vitamins or supplements, including claims of "FDA Approved" laboratories, what to look for in the ingredient list, and more.

What to Watch Out for When Choosing a Supplement -- Supplement Bottle Label Close-up

Product Review

Lion's Mane and Chaga Supplements Review

Read Labels Carefully -- Many Can Mislead

Lion's Mane and Chaga Supplements tested by

Product Review

Apple Cider Vinegar Review — Bottled Liquids and Supplements

Find the Best Apple Cider Vinegar. See Which Apple Cider Vinegar Liquids and Supplements Passed Our Tests of Quality.

Apple Cider Vinegar Supplements Reviewed by

CL Answer

When is the best time of day to take a multivitamin?

Find out the best time of day to take your multivitamin for best absorption of vitamins and minerals, whether you should take your multi with food, which vitamins and minerals may inhibit the absorption of other vitamins and minerals, or medications.'s answer explains.

CL Answer

Do any supplements or foods help with migraine? Do any trigger migraine?

Find out if supplements such as magnesium, CoQ10, riboflavin, butterbur, feverfew and others help with migraine. Also learn about foods that may trigger migraine, including chocolate and watermelon.


Clinical Update


Insulin Sensitivity and Magnesium

A recent study found that magnesium supplementation improved fasting glucose levels in insulin insensitive, obese people. While a similar effect has been seen in magnesium deficient people, the new study found benefit in people who had normal magnesium levels. The research suggests that magnesium may help prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes in some people. See the Magnesium Supplements Review for the type and dose of magnesium used and more >>

Product Review

Lavender and Tea Tree Essential Oils Review

Oils Tested for Authenticity and Purity

Product Review

Vitamin C Supplements Review

Find the Best Vitamin C Supplements

Vitamin C Review 2023

CL Answer

Which supplements help with arthritis?

Learn more about supplements for joint health, including products such as Wobenzym and Zyflamend and ingredients such as collagen, curcumin, glucosamine and chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), SAMe, and others.

Supplements for Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis -- Women With Arthritic Hands

Product Review

DHEA Supplements Review

Choose the Best DHEA Supplement. Beware of Big Differences in Dose and Price.

DHEA Supplements Tested by

Clinical Update


Mislabeled Magnesium

In response to a lawsuit, a popular brand of supplements is now providing refunds to people who purchased one of its magnesium products. The suit alleged that the products were mislabeled regarding the form of magnesium they contained. See the Update in our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Pick for magnesium.

Similarly, one of the magnesium products covered in our recent Review also seems to have its form of magnesium mislabeled despite providing the correct amount of magnesium. We have changed its status to Not Approved (see the Update).

In addition, a company that sells a magnesium supplement that was Not Approved by us responded to a question about this from a ConsumerLab member. The response suggests that the company does not understand that its product is mislabeled (see the Update).

Product Review

Garlic Supplements Review

Find the Best Garlic Supplements. CL Tests Reveal Big Differences in Garlic Strength -- Some Have Little to No Garlic!.

Garlic Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Dark Chocolates, Cocoa & Cacao Powders, Nibs, and Supplements Review -- Sources of Flavanols

Is Your Chocolate or Cocoa Healthful or Toxic? Find the Best Dark Chocolate, Cocoa Powder and Cocoa Supplements Based On Our Tests.

CL Answer

How can I easily compare the ingredients in supplements?

Find out how to easily compare the ingredients in different supplements, find the full list of ingredients for products and a database of dietary supplement labels.'s answer explains.

How to compare supplement labels -- woman looking at the labels of two supplement bottles

CL Answer

What are "broad-spectrum micronutrient" supplements, and do they have greater health benefits than multivitamin/multimineral supplements?

Learn about "broad-spectrum micronutrients" and how they compare to multivitamin/multimineral supplements.

Multivitamins on a table with a multivitamin supplement nutrition label in front of the multivitamins

CL Answer

Are liquid or gummy vitamins better than tablets, capsules or softgels?

Find out if liquid or gummy vitamins and supplements are better than tablets, capsules or softgels, are better absorbed, or better for people who have had gastric bypass or who have other conditions.

Are Liquid Vitamins Better? -- liquid vitamin bottle and dropper

CL Answer

I have low blood pressure. Are there any supplements I should avoid?

Find out which supplements can cause decreases in blood pressure, including melatonin, arginine, magnesium, and calcium.

Man taking blood pressure

Product Review

Sunflower Seeds and Butters Review

High Levels of Toxin Found in Most Sunflower Seeds and Butters

Sunflower Seeds & Butters 2024

Product Review

Joint Health Supplements for Pets Review (Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM & Boswellia)

See Which Pet Supplements for Joint Health Passed Our Tests and Which Didn't!

Joint Health Supplements for Pets

Product Review

Plant-Based Milks Review (Almond, Cashew, Coconut, Flax, Hemp, Macadamia, Oat, Pea, and Soy)

Find the Best Non-Dairy Milk Alternative. ConsumerLab Tests Reveal What's Really In Plant-Based Milks.

Plant Based Milks reviewed by

Product Review

Cholesterol-Lowering Supplements Review (Sterols/Stanols and Policosanol)

Find the Best Cholesterol-Lowering Supplement. See Which Plant Sterol and Policosanol Supplements Passed Our Tests and Are Our Top Picks.

Sterol, Stanol, and Policosanol Supplements for Cholesterol-lowering Reviewed by

CL Answer

Which supplements can cause diarrhea?

Can supplements like magnesium cause diarrhea? Find out which supplements may cause diarrhea, such as vitamin B12, curcumin, magnesium, vitamin C and fish oil.

Which supplements can cause diarrhea? -- Woman with gastrointestinal pain

CL Answer

Which supplements and foods can help lower or control blood sugar?

Find out which supplements can help lower or control blood sugar. Supplements including turmeric/curcumin, fiber, cinnamon, and ginseng are believed to help lower blood sugar.

Blood Sugar Control -- blood test and blood sugar chart

Clinical Update


Medications That Interact With Magnesium

Be aware that many types of medication can interact with magnesium, including one that was recently reported to raise magnesium levels, requiring a reduction in magnesium supplementation. Get the details, and learn about 15 types of medication that interact with magnesium in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Magnesium Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Magnesium Glycinate – What to Look For

Some magnesium glycinate supplements are not truly this chelated form of magnesium. Find out what to look for on labels to help ensure you’re getting chelated magnesium glycinate in the ConsumerTips section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.

Clinical Update


Magnesium Helps Vitamin D

Magnesium can boost blood levels of an important form of vitamin D, according to a recent study. For details on how much magnesium to take and when, see the Magnesium affects vitamin D levels section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. To find a good magnesium supplement, see our Top Picks for magnesium.

Clinical Update


Magnesium Improves Women's Physical Performance

A new study found that daily intake of a magnesium supplement significantly improved physical performance among older women compared to those given a placebo. Interestingly, none of the women in the study were deficient in magnesium based on blood tests. Get the details, including the dose and type of magnesium supplement used, as well as our quality ratings of magnesium supplements, in the updated Magnesium Supplements Review >> 

Clinical Update


How Forms of Magnesium Compare

Magnesium supplements are used to raise magnesium levels (which requires good absorption from the gut), as laxatives, and as antacids. The best form of magnesium depends on why you're taking it. To help you choose the right form, we've put together a magnesium comparison table. Also see our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

CL Answer

Are there supplements I should take, or take differently, when intermittent fasting?

Supplements that may help when intermittent fasting. Information about whey protein, CoQ10, magnesium and others, plus coffee, fiber and more.

Product Review

Cranberry Juices and Supplements Review

CL's Tests Show Which Cranberry Juices and Supplements Are Best and Cost the Least

CL Answer

Are people with kidney disease at risk of getting too much potassium if they take a multivitamin? Which multivitamins are best for people with kidney disease?

Learn if people with kidney disease are at increased risk of getting too much potassium from multivitamins, find out which multivitamins do not contain potassium, and learn what other products should be avoided by people restricting potassium intake.

Multivitamins on pharmacy shelf

CL Answer

Which supplements reduce hearing loss?

Can supplements such as alpha-lipoic acid, magnesium, N-acetyl-cysteine, folate or vitamins B-12, C and/or E help prevent or improve symptoms among people with hearing loss due to excessive noise or aging? Find out what the clinical evidence shows, and learn whether Advanced Hearing Formula, a supplement marketed for ear health, is likely to help.

Older man holding his hand up to his ear due to hearing loss

Product Review

Turmeric and Curcumin Supplements and Spices Review

See Our Top Picks Among Turmeric Products

Product Review

Baobab Dried Fruit Pulp Review Article

What Are the Benefits of Baobab Dried Fruit Pulp? Find Out What's In Baobab Super Fruit Products, Safety, Side Effects & More.

Baobab Dried Fruit Pulp Reviewed by

CL Answer

Do any supplements reduce the side effects of chemotherapy? Should any be avoided?

Find out if there are any supplements that can help with the side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, nerve damage and others.'s answer explains.

Supplements & Chemotherapy Side Effects -- chemotherapy medicine and capsules

Product Review

Seaweed Snacks and Foods Review

Tests Reveal Seaweed Snack Risks

Product Review

Nattokinase Supplements Review

Choose the Best Nattokinase Supplement. CL Tests Reveal Which Nattokinase Suppplements Provide the Best Quality & Value.

Nattokinase Supplements Tested by

Product Review

Chromium Supplements Review

Chromium Supplements Review. Best Chromium Supplements Identified -- By Strength.

Chromium Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Taurine Supplements Review for People, Dogs, and Cats

Find the Best Taurine Supplements. Learn When to Use Taurine and Which Supplement is Best.

Taurine Supplements Reviewed by

CL Answer

After taking a curcumin supplement, I started getting chronic diarrhea which went away when I stopped taking it. Can curcumin supplements cause diarrhea?

Learn more about the side effects of curcumin supplements, including diarrhea and other gastrointestinal discomfort.

Turmeric and Diarrhea

Product Review

Milk Thistle Supplements Review

Find the Best Milk Thistle Supplement. Tests and Reviews of Popular Milk Thistle Supplements & CL's Top Picks.

Milk Thistle and Liver Formula Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Rhodiola Rosea Supplements Review

Do Rhodiola Supplements Help With Depression and Anxiety? Find Out and See Which Rhodiola Supplements Provide the Best Quality & Value.

Rhodiola Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Garcinia Cambogia (HCA) Supplements Review

Find the Best Garcinia Cambogia Supplement. Choose Carefully! Most Garcinia (HCA) Weight Loss Supplements Lack Listed Amount of Ingredient .

Garcinia Cambogia (HCA) Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Glutathione Supplements Review

Learn How Glutathione Products Differ, Which Failed, and Our Top Picks

Glutathione Review 2024

Product Review

Collagen Supplements Review

See our Top Picks for Wrinkles and Joints

Product Review

Rolled Oats and Steel-Cut Oats Review

Find the Best Rolled and Steel-Cut Oats -- Beware of Unexpected Gluten.

Rolled and Steel Cut Oats 2024

CL Answer

Does taking a laxative interfere with the absorption of vitamins or minerals?

Information on laxative interactions with other medications and supplements such as Maalox, antibiotics, and statins and diabetes medications.

Laxatives and vitamin and mineral absorption

CL Answer

Tablets I purchased are becoming "crumbly" after a few weeks and are easy to break. Is there a problem with this supplement?

Should you be concerned if your supplement tablets have started to crumble? Learn more including the best way to keep pills from getting soft.

Are Broken Tablets Safe? -- broken tablets on table

CL Answer

Is there a danger of getting too much calcium from Tums? I take them frequently for heartburn.

How many Tums should you be taking? Learn more about exceeding the recommended daily intake of calcium with Tums.

Too Much Calcium from Tums? -- bottle of antacid tablets

CL Answer

Are there any supplements I should avoid when taking an antibiotic? Are there any that may be helpful?

Find out which supplements can negatively interact with antibiotics, including vitamin K, magnesium, and calcium, and which may be helpful when taking antibiotics.

Supplement Interactions With Antibiotics -- man reading prescription bottle instructions

CL Answer

Can glycine improve sleep, reduce depression, or reduce nighttime urinary frequency?

Can glycine really help improve sleep, reduce depression, or reduce nighttime urinary frequency? Lean more about glycine and its uses and benefits.

Glycine for Sleep and Nighttime Urinary Frequency? -- Older Man Sitting on Bed, Awake at Night

Product Review

Bilberry Supplements Review

Choose the Best Bilberry Supplement. Some Bilberry Is Not Authentic!

Bilberry Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Low-Dose Lithium Supplements Review

Choose the Best Low-Dose Lithium Supplement. CL Tests Reveal Which Low-Dose Lithium Supplements Offer the Best Quality and Value.

Very Low Lithium Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Ginger Supplements, Chews & Spices Review

Tests Reveal Best and Worst Ginger Supplements & Spices. Poor Quality and Lead Contamination Discovered in Some Products.

Ginger Supplements Reviewed By

CL Answer

Is it safer to get calcium from foods than from supplements? How about from calcium-fortified orange juice and non-dairy milks?

Information on getting calcium naturally through food like calcium-fortified orange juice or through calcium supplements.

Calcium-Fortified Foods & Supplements -- bottle of calcium-fortified orange juice

CL Answer

Do any supplements help with restless legs syndrome?

Find out whether supplements or vitamins like iron, magnesium, vitamin E and others can help for restless leg syndrome (RLS).'s answer explains.

Supplements for Restless Legs Syndrome

CL Answer

Which supplements and lifestyle changes improve sleep, and which cause insomnia?

Find out which vitamins may help you sleep and learn if any vitamins or supplements can cause insomnia.

Product Review

L-Citrulline Supplements Review

Learn How Citrulline Products Differ and Our Top Picks

L-Citrulline Review 2023

Product Review

Lactose Intolerance Products Review (Lactase Enzyme Supplements and Lactose-Free Milks)

Choose the Best Lactase Enzyme Supplement and Lactose-Free Milk. Find a CL Approved Lactose Intolerance Product.

Lactase Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Farro and Bulgur Review

See How Bob's Red Mill Compares to Trader Joe's

Farro and Bulgur Review 2024

Clinical Update


Magnesium Threonate for Memory?

Is magnesium threonate (found in Magtein) better than other forms of magnesium for memory and cognition? Find out in the Dementia and cognition section of our Magnesium Supplements Review.

Also see our Top Pick among magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Gout?

Can low blood levels of magnesium increase the risk of gout, and does magnesium supplementation help? Find out in the What It Does section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Also see: Which supplements and foods help with gout and which may worsen it?

Clinical Update


Magnesium Can Boost Cognition

A clinical study has shown that cognitive function can be improved by as much as 9% in some people just by supplementing with magnesium. Get the details and find out if magnesium might help you in the What It Does section of the Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for magnesium.

Clinical Update


Magnesium and Bone Health

New research shows why getting adequate magnesium is important for bones -- but this doesn't mean that you must take a magnesium-containing supplement. Get more information in our updated Magnesium and Calcium-Magnesium Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Magnesium Cream?

Is rubbing a cream into your skin a good way to get magnesium? We reviewed several studies of magnesium creams or sprays, including one just recently published. See what we found in the "What It Does" section of the Magnesium Supplements Review -- which includes our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Leg Cramps?

Magnesium supplements are sometimes promoted for leg cramps. However, a recent study among older men and women found that taking a particular form of magnesium at bedtime did not reduce nighttime leg cramps. Get the details about the study, plus other uses of magnesium, in the "What It Does" section of the Magnesium Supplements Review (which includes our tests of products) >>

Clinical Update


Magnesium Helps in Prediabetes

A recent study in people with prediabetes who were deficient in magnesium showed that a daily dose of magnesium significantly improved their glucose status. Details, along with our recent tests of magnesium supplements, are found in the Magnesium Supplements Review »

Clinical Update


Heart Disease & Magnesium

Women with the lowest daily intakes of magnesium were found to have the highest risk of fatal coronary heart disease in a recent study, which is consistent with other studies of magnesium and heart health. See the What It Does section of the Magnesium Supplements Review for details about this association. Also see our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Antacids and Magnesium -- Be Careful!

There is a new alert that long-term use (over a year) of proton pump inhibitors can cause low magnesium levels. Magnesium supplements can usually help. See the Magnesium Product Review for details including symptoms of magnesium deficiency and a list of affected products. More >>

Clinical Update


When Magnesium Doesn't Seem to Help

Getting the recommended amount of magnesium has been associated with bone benefits. However, there was an increased risk of hip fracture among people who used a particular form of magnesium, according to a recent analysis. Get the details in the What It Does section of the Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Pick for magnesium.

Clinical Update


Best Form of Magnesium?

Find out how forms and formulations of magnesium differ, and their usefulness for different conditions. See the Choosing the Right Form of Magnesium section of our Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for magnesium.

Clinical Update


Low Magnesium Due to PPI Use

Be aware that long-term use of proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs, such as Prilosec, Nexium, and Prevacid) can cause magnesium deficiency. Magnesium supplementation is sometimes not enough to reverse this. Learn more in our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.

CL Answer

Do any supplements help reduce menstrual pain or symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?

Find out which supplements help reduce premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms, such as mood swings, pain, bloating, irritability and food cravings.

Woman in PJs Holding Stomach from Abdominal Pain

CL Answer

Which supplements help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer?

Find out which supplements may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, including folate, fiber, selenium, and vitamin D.

Supplements and Colorectal Cancer Risk -- colon cancer diagnosis form and supplements

CL Answer

What is hydrogen water? Is it beneficial for alertness, athletic performance, arthritis or other conditions, and is it safe?

Find out if hydrogen water has benefits with regard to alertness, side effects of radiotherapy in cancer patients, metabolic syndrome, athletic performance, rheumatoid arthritis, liver disease, and other conditions, and learn if it is safe to use.

Portable hydrogen water generator

CL Answer

Could taking vitamin C (500 mg), CoQ10, grape seed extract, fish oil, vitamin D3/calcium/magnesium/zinc interfere with taking beta-sitosterol with dinner?

Learn about drug interactions & proper dosages for supplements such as CoQ10, vitamin D & C, fish oil, magnesium, zinc and grape seed extract.

Doctor Holding Handful of Fish Oil

CL Answer

Which supplements may benefit people with essential tremor, and which should be avoided?

Learn about supplements used for treating essential tremor, including caprylic acid (also called octanoic acid), thiamin (vitamin B1), cannabidiol (CBD), GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), and branched-chain amino acids. Find out which work and which don't. Also find out which supplements and food may make essential tremors worse.

Man with essential tremor holding a cup with his right hand and bracing his wrist with his left hand

News Release

February 25, 2024

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2024 Based on Consumer Satisfaction

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2024 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on over 10,000 responses collected in November/December 2023.

CL Answer

I've read that the best form of vitamin E is d-alpha tocopheryl succinate (it's recommended in the paleo diet, for example), but I don't see that listed on product labels. How can I find it?

Learn more about the different names and types of vitamin E, including d-alpha tocopheryl succinate, natural and synthetic.

Vitamin E Pills and Close Up on Bottle Label

CL Answer

I have been having dizziness for the past few months and am wondering if it could be a side effect of supplements I take. Which supplements cause dizziness?

Find out which supplements that may cause dizziness, vertigo, or imbalance, including garlic, melatonin, saw palmetto, and red yeast rice.

Young Woman Helping Elderly Woman Remain Upright

CL Answer

Which supplements reduce the risk of stroke? Which increase the risk of stroke?

Find out which supplements (may help reduce the risk of stroke/might increase the risk of stroke.)

Stroke Spelled on Wooden Blocks Against Blue Background

CL Answer

Can any supplements improve or worsen symptoms of fibromyalgia?

Find out if any supplements may help improve fibromyalgia symptoms, learn which supplements do not seem beneficial, and find out if any supplements worsen symptoms.

Woman holding sore back

CL Answer

What are the health benefits of chlorophyll and chlorophyllin, and are they safe?

Chlorophyll supplements are promoted for reducing body odor, preventing cancer, removing toxins from the body, improving digestive conditions and other uses, but do they work and are they safe? Find out and learn if such supplements actually contain chlorophyll.

Woman adding drops of liquid chlorophyll to glass of water

Product Review

Phosphatidylserine (PS) Supplements

Find out if phosphatidylserine helps with memory and which products are best.

Phosphatidylserine Review 2024

Product Review

Selenium Supplements Review

Choose the Best Selenium Supplement. Find Out If You Need Selenium and Which Supplement Is Our Top Pick.

Selenium Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

St. John's Wort Supplements Review

Find the Best St. John's Wort Supplement. Only 40% of St. John's Wort Supplements Pass Tests & Strength Varies Widely.

St John's Wort Supplements Reviewed By

Product Review

Acetyl-L-Carnitine Supplements Review

Choose the Best Acetyl-L-Carnitine Supplement. Don't Overpay! CL Identifies Quality Acetyl-L-Carnitine Supplements at the Best Value.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine Supplements Tested by

Product Review

Inactive Ingredients / Excipients in Supplements

Find Out Why Coloring Agents, Sweeteners, Fillers & Other Inactive Ingredients Are In Your Supplements and If They're Safe.

Product Review

Quercetin & Rutin Supplements Review

Quality's a Concern With Quercetin and Rutin Supplements -- Only 17% of Claimed Amount In One

Product Review

Echinacea Supplements Review

Many Echinacea Supplements Fail CL's Tests. Make Sure You Know What You're Getting!

Echinacea supplements reviewed by

CL Answer

Are plant-based calcium supplements, like AlgaeCal, better than regular calcium supplements?

Info about AlgaeCal, a plant-based calcium supplement. See the clinical evidence and safety information, including possible presence of excessive lead.

AlgaeCal vs. Regular Calcium Supplements -- Calcium Supplements

CL Answer

Which supplements and foods help relieve constipation and which can cause constipation?

Find out which supplements can cause constipation, including iron, calcium, protein powders and drinks and others.'s answer explains.

Which supplements can cause constipation? -- Woman with gastrointestinal pain

CL Answer

What does "%DV" (Daily Value) mean on a supplement label, how does it differ from RDAs, and should anyone take more than the DV for a nutrient?

Find out the difference between RDAs (Recommended Daily Allowances) and DVs (Daily Values) for vitamins and minerals, and learn whether certain groups of people should take more than the 100% DVs for vitamins and minerals.

Multivitamin Daily Value Percentages Close Up

CL Answer

Is there a multivitamin that contains only the recommended daily vitamins and minerals? Most that I have looked at contain more.

Are there any multivitamins that contain only the recommended daily vitamins and minerals? Choose the best multivitamin based on age & gender.

Multivitamins with 100% Daily Requirements -- magnifying glass held over multivitamin pills

CL Answer

Which supplements and foods can help treat constipation?

Find out which supplements and foods can help for constipation, including fiber, flaxseed, probiotics, magnesium and fruit.

Supplements for Constipation

CL Answer

I am 70 a year male in relatively good health. I plan on walking the Camino in France (500 miles). I am looking for a multivitamin that would best supply me with my needs during this walk/hike. What would be the best product or combination of products to use?

Find out if older adults who walk or hike should take a multivitamin, vitamin C, vitamin D, or other supplements, like electrolytes, when hiking. Plus, see our advice for choosing a good sunscreen.

Hiking 8

CL Answer

I take omeprazole (Prilosec), a proton pump inhibitor, to reduce stomach acid. Are there supplements I should avoid, or be taking, due to this drug?

Supplement interactions with proton pump inhibitor (PPI) drugs like omeprazole (Prilosec) and Nexium.

Product Review

Digestive Enzyme Supplements Review

Big Differences in Strength Found Among Digestive Enzyme Supplements. CL Tests Reveal Which Are Best.

CL Answer

Are intravenous (IV) vitamin infusions safe and effective?

Intravenous (IV) vitamin infusions are touted by celebrities and promoted by wellness clinics for numerous conditions. Find out if they work and if they are safe.

Woman holding her phone while getting an iv vitamin infusion

CL Answer

Which supplements help to improve energy and decrease fatigue?

Energy supplements and vitamins - Some can help increase energy and reduce fatigue, including CoQ10, curcumin/turmeric, cocoa, and B vitamins.

Supplements to Improve Energy and Decrease Fatigue -- tired woman yawning at desk

CL Answer

A blood test showed my vitamin D level is low. How do I know how much vitamin D to take?

Find out how to increase vitamin D blood levels, including a good target range.

Vitamin D

CL Answer

Can taking CoQ10 affect my thyroid levels or interact with my thyroid medication?

Learn more about CoQ10 and thyroid medications along with natural thyroid function.'s answer explains.

Elderly Woman Checking Thyroid Gland

CL Answer

3 Tips to Prevent Powdered Supplements from Clumping

Learn more about how powdered supplements compare to capsules and if clumping is worrisome.

Powdered Supplements

CL Answer

Do electrolyte supplements, like Pedialyte, help with hangovers?

Find out if electrolyte supplements and drinks, like Pedialyte, help with hangovers. See the clinical evidence about the effects of drinking alcohol on the balance of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, plus, other tips for staying hydrated.

Hangover Pic

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Dizziness?

Does taking magnesium reduce dizziness in people who experience vertigo with migraine (vestibular migraine)? Find out what a recent study found in the Migraine section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Sleep

Which form of magnesium helps with sleep? See the Sleep section of our Magnesium Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Dental Implants?

Does taking magnesium improve the outcomes of dental implant placement? Find out what a recent study showed in the Bone Health section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Insomnia?

Can magnesium supplementation improve sleep in people with insomnia? Find out what research suggests in the What It Does section of our Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

See our answer to the question: Which supplements can help me sleep and which cause insomnia?

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Leg Cramps?

Does magnesium reduce leg cramps? Find out what studies have shown in our Magnesium Supplements Review.

Also see our recent Top Pick among magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Magnesium, Sleep Apnea & Restless Legs

Does taking magnesium help with sleep apnea? Does it help with restless legs syndrome? These questions are addressed in our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Also see: Do any supplements help with restless legs syndrome?

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Tinnitus?

Does taking magnesium reduce ringing in the ears from tinnitus? Find out in the What It Does section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.

Also see: Do any supplements or lifestyle changes reduce the symptoms of tinnitus? Is it true that some supplements can cause tinnitus?

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Diabetes?

Does magnesium supplementation improve insulin sensitivity or blood sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes? See what a recent study found in the our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.

Also see: Which supplements and foods can help lower or control blood sugar?

Clinical Update


Misleading Magnesium Products

Fourteen magnesium supplements sold on Amazon were found to be mislabeled and/or not contain the forms of magnesium claimed on labels, according to a report from a competing supplement company. Get the details in the What to Consider When Buying section our Magnesium Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Magnesium and Artery Calcification

Did magnesium supplementation slow coronary artery calcification in people with chronic kidney disease? See what a recent study found in the What It Does section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.

Also see: Which supplements or foods can help lower cholesterol and keep my heart healthy? Are there any to avoid?

Clinical Update


Meds that Affect Magnesium

Some medications decrease magnesium in the body. These include medications that lower stomach acid as well as chemotherapy agents. Get the details in the Deficiency section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Also see: I take omeprazole (Prilosec), a proton pump inhibitor, to reduce stomach acid. Are there supplements I should avoid, or be taking, due to this drug?

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Anxiety?

Does taking magnesium reduce anxiety? Find out what research has shown in the What It Does section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.

Also see: What are the best supplements for depression and anxiety?

Clinical Update


Magnesium & Metabolic Syndrome

A study shows that magnesium can significantly help some people suffering from metabolic syndrome (i.e., high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and related symptoms). Get the details in the What It Does section of the Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Optimal Vitamin D Level

Magnesium intake significantly affects levels of active vitamin D in the blood, according to a new study. This helps keep vitamin D in an optimal range and is another reason to get sufficient magnesium — which many people don't. For details, see the new information in the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D and magnesium supplements).

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Depression?

Magnesium may help some people with depression according to a recent placebo-controlled study. Learn more in the What It Does section of the Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for magnesium.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Memory

There is growing evidence that getting the right amount of magnesium reduces the risk of developing cognitive decline and dementia. For details, including results of a new study, see the Dementia and cognition section of the Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Pick among magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Magnesium-L-Threonate for Memory?

What is the evidence that a special form of magnesium helps people with memory and concentration impairment? Find out in the Dementia and cognition section of the Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Does Magnesium Reduce Exercise Soreness?

Can taking magnesium reduce muscle soreness after exercise? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of the Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Leg Cramps?

Magnesium if often touted for treating leg cramps. Does it really work? See what studies have shown, including a recent study among pregnant women, in the What It Does section of the Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for magnesium.

Clinical Update


Less Stroke With More Magnesium

Slightly higher intake of magnesium from the diet was associated with an 8% lower risk of stroke, based on an analysis of several studies. This doesn't necessarily mean you should get more magnesium from supplements, though. For details, see the updated information in the Magnesium Supplement ReviewMore >>

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Muscle Soreness?

Can magnesium supplementation decrease muscle soreness after exercise? See what a new study found in the What It Does section of Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for magnesium.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Lowering Blood Pressure?

Can magnesium supplementation lower elevated blood pressure? Find out what a new study showed in the What It Does section of the Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Parkinson's Disease?

Can taking magnesium help treat Parkinson’s disease? Find out what research shows in the What It Does section of our Magnesium Supplements Review. Also, be aware that Parkinson's medication can affect absorption of magnesium and vice versa.

Clinical Update


Caution With Too Much Magnesium

Magnesium can be an effective laxative, but taking too much magnesium can be very dangerous, as was recently reported. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Magnesium Supplements Review.

Also see our answer to the question: Which supplements can help treat constipation?

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Leg Cramps?

Can magnesium supplementation reduce leg cramps? See what a recent analysis of the data showed for leg cramps in pregnant women. Also see the evidence for use by older men and women in our Magnesium Supplements Review.

Also see our answer to the question: Do magnesium creams, sprays and oils help with muscle pain and cramps? How about supplements?

Clinical Update


Magnesium & Memory

Does supplementation with magnesium (as magnesium L-threonate, Magtein) improve cognition in people with dementia? Find out in the Dementia & Cognition section of our Magnesium Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Metabolic Syndrome?

Can magnesium supplementation lower blood sugar and blood pressure in people with metabolic syndrome? Learn what a new study found in the What It Does section of the Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Lowering Blood Pressure?

The FDA recently allowed supplements and foods that provide magnesium to make a claim regarding blood pressure reduction. But there is more to the story. Get the details in the What It Does section of the Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Kidney Stones?

Might taking magnesium with meals reduce the risk of kidney stones? Find out in our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Also see: Which supplements and foods reduce or increase the risk of kidney stones?

Clinical Update


Magnesium Interacts with Thyroid Medication

Be aware that some forms of magnesium can interact with the thyroid medication levothyroxine (Synthroid). Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.

Also see our article about supplements and foods to avoid or use when taking levothyroxine.

Clinical Update


Magnesium to Reduce Urinary Frequency?

Does taking magnesium reduce the number of times a person with urinary frequency needs to urinate? Find out in the What It Does section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Also see: 10 Supplements That May Help Reduce Nighttime Urination (And 5 That May Not)

Product Review

Kelp Supplements Review

Choose the Best Kelp Supplement. Be Cautious With Kelp! Only 50% of Supplements Pass CL's Review.

Kelp Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Valerian Supplements Review

Choose the Best Valerian Supplement. Strength and Contamination Vary Widely Among Popular Valerian Brands.

Valerian Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

L-Tryptophan and 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) Supplements Review

Choose the Best L-Tryptophan and 5-HTP Supplements. CL Tests Identify High Quality L-Tryptophan and 5-HTP (5-Hydroxy-L-Tryptophan) at the Best Value.

L-Tryptophan and 5-HTP (5-Hydroxy-L-tryptophan) Supplements Reviewed By

Product Review

Shilajit Supplements Review (Resins and Extracts)

We Discovered Major Differences Among Shilajit Supplements

Shilajit Review 2024

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Anxiety and Sleep?

Do magnesium supplements reduce anxiety or improve sleep? See what studies have shown for anxiety and sleep and also learn about the product Natural Vitality Calm which we tested in our recent Magnesium Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Caution with ZMA

Zinc magnesium aspartate (ZMA) is promoted among athletes for improving athletic performance and regulating sleep, but this supplement may actually reduce sleep time, according to a recent study. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Magnesium Supplements Review which includes our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Theraworx for Nighttime Leg Cramps?

Does Theraworx, a topical homeopathic magnesium product, relieve nighttime leg cramps? See what a study found in the Magnesium Creams, Sprays and Oils section of our Magnesium Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Arthritis?

Find out if magnesium is beneficial for preventing or reducing the severity of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis in our Magnesium Supplements Review.

Also see our answer to the question: Which supplements can help with arthritis?

Clinical Update


Magnesium with Chemotherapy?

Does magnesium supplementation help prevent chemotherapy-related nerve damage? Found out in our article about supplements and chemotherapy.

Also see our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.

Clinical Update


Magnesium Top Pick

We’ve added a 2nd Top Pick for magnesium. It’s well absorbed, with a lower risk of causing diarrhea. Get the details in the Top Picks section of our recent Magnesium Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Magnesium and Dementia

A recent study found an association between magnesium levels in the blood and the risk of developing dementia. See the details in the "What It Does" section of the Magnesium Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Caution When Taking Epsom Salt

A case of liver injury was recently reported in a man taking a large daily dose of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate). Get the details, plus more about safety issues with magnesium supplements in the "Concerns and Cautions" section of the Magnesium Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Magnesium Lowers Blood Pressure

Magnesium supplementation may help to lower blood pressure, but only in those who are deficient in the mineral, according to a new analysis. Get the details in the "What It Does" section of the Magnesium Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Magnesium and Heart Disease

People with lower blood levels of magnesium were 36% more likely to die from heart disease than those with moderate levels according to a new, long-term study. For more details, see the "What It Does" section of the Magnesium Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Reducing Dementia With Magnesium?

In a recently published study, investigators looked to see if taking a magnesium supplement reduces the risk of dementia. See what they found in the "What It Does" section of the Magnesium Supplements Review >>

Clinical Update


Magnesium Lowers Risk of Fracture

Higher intake of magnesium from the diet and supplements was found to significantly reduce the risk of fractures in a study of older men and women. Details are in the "What It Does" section of the Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among products.

Clinical Update


Many Benefits of Magnesium

An analysis of studies involving more than one million people found that rates of stroke, heart failure, type 2 diabetes, and death were lower when intakes of magnesium were higher. For details see the "What It Does" section of the Magnesium Supplements Review (which includes our tests of products) >>

Clinical Update


Magnesium, Niacin and Blood Pressure

Two studies this week showed the risk of high blood pressure to be lowest among people with adequate, but not excessive, dietary intakes of magnesium and niacin.

Also, see which foods are good sources of magnesium and, separately, good sources of niacin.

Clinical Update


Magtein for Sleep?

Did taking magnesium L-threonate (Magtein) improve sleep? Find out what a recent study showed in the Sleep section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.

Also see: Which supplements and lifestyle changes improve sleep, and which cause insomnia?

Clinical Update


Magnesium’s Effects on Potassium?

Low blood levels of magnesium may cause levels of potassium to fall, but getting too much magnesium may also cause problems with potassium levels. Get the details in the Taking magnesium with potassium section of our Potassium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for potassium supplements.

Clinical Update


Magnesium's Effect on Exercise

Taking magnesium may negatively affect exercise performance among people already with adequate levels, according to a recent study. Get the details in the Physical performance & exercise recovery section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.

CL Answer

Can biotin supplements really strengthen nails or improve hair? Can other supplements help?

Learn more about strengthening brittle nails with vitamin B-7 (biotin), based on clinical evidence.

Supplements for Brittle Nails -- healthy nails

CL Answer

Which supplements and foods help with gout and which may worsen it?

Find out about the effects on uric acid levels and gout of fish and fish oil, coffee, beer, animal meat, milk proteins, vegetable proteins, fructose, lemon juice, tart cherry juice, vitamin A, vitamin C, and niacin

Woman with gout pain rubbing her foot near the big toe

News Release

December 07, 2023

Best Shelled Walnuts According to ConsumerLab Tests

White Plains, New York, December 7, 2023 —  Fresh walnuts are rich in healthful, unsaturated fats, protein, fiber, and certain vitamins and minerals, but how fresh and pure are packaged, shelled walnuts? And does higher cost guarantee better quality or taste? To find out, ConsumerLab recently ...

News Release

February 25, 2023

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2023 Based on Consumer Satisfaction

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2023 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 8,600 responses collected in November/December 2022.

CL Answer

When taking a statin drug like Lipitor or Crestor, are there supplements I should avoid or take?

Learn about the interactions between certain supplements and atorvastatin (Lipitor), rosuvastatin (Crestor), and other cholesterol-lowering statins.

Statin Interactions With Supplements -- close-up of statin medication box and tablets

CL Answer

Do any supplements or diets help prevent or treat osteoporosis?

If you have osteoporosis, you may be interested in supplements or diets for bone health. Find out which can increase bone strength and density.

Doctor discussing osteoporosis with older female patient

CL Answer

Which supplements can help me sleep and which cause insomnia?

Find out which supplements may improve sleep, including melatonin, L-tryptophan, and magnesium, and which may make sleeping more difficult.

Supplements for Sleep -- woman awake in bed

Product Review

Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplements Review (for Weight Loss)

Choose the Best Green Coffee Bean Extract. 50% of Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplements Don't Deliver Expected Ingredients.

Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Sexual Enhancer Supplements Review (with Yohimbe, Horny Goat Weed, Arginine)

Choose the Best Sexual Enhancer Supplement. Only 30% of Selected Sexual Enhancement Supplements Pass Quality Tests.

Product Review

Ginkgo (Ginkgo Biloba) Supplements Review

Choose the Best Ginkgo Biloba Supplement. Finding Real Ginkgo Isn't Easy — 60% Fail ConsumerLab's Tests of Quality.

Ginkgo Biloba Supplements Tested by

Product Review

Prostate Supplements Review (Saw Palmetto and Beta-Sitosterol)

Find the Best Prostate Supplement for Symptoms of BPH. See Which Prostate Supplement Passed or Failed CL's Tests of Quality.

Product Review

Resveratrol Supplements Review (From Red Wine, Knotweed, and Other Sources)

See Which Resveratrol Supplements Were Best In Our Tests and Comparisons. Learn What Resveratrol Can and Can't Do.

Review of resveratrol supplements tested by, including ratings and comparisons of product quality, price, and ingredients.

CL Answer

Can lemon juice, lemonade, or other juices reduce my chances of getting kidney stones?

Information about lemon juice, lemonade, orange juice, cranberry juice and other juices for increasing urinary citrate and reducing the risk of kidney stones.

Lemon juice for kidney stones? -- glass of lemon juice and lemons

Product Review

Vitamin E Supplements Review

Find the Best Vitamin E Supplement. Tests and Reviews of Popular Vitamin E Supplements & CL's Top Picks.

Vitamin E Supplements, Cream, and Oil Tested by

Clinical Update


Magnesium for Boosting Vitamin D

Did you know that supplementing with magnesium can help boost low vitamin D levels in some people? See what a recent study showed in the ConsumerTips section of our Vitamin D Supplements Review.

CL Answer

How much calcium do you need each day, what forms are best, and how much is too much?

Learn about the recommended daily intake of calcium from food & supplements and why taking too much can be harmful. Also, learn about the forms of calcium that are available and which are best.


CL Answer

Which supplements and foods reduce or increase the risk of kidney stones?

Find out which supplements, foods and beverages may increase or decrease the risk of kidney stones, including information about potassium, calcium, choline, turmeric and curcumin, vitamin C, as well as foods and beverages such as green tea, lemon juice, orange juice, cranberry juice, chocolate and almonds.

Supplements for Kidney Stones

CL Answer

How important it is to reduce total dissolved solids (TDS) in drinking water from my tap?

Removing dissolved solids (TDS) may be desirable if your tap water is known to contain large amounts of dissolved solids that negatively affect taste, but you may also be removing essential minerals. Learn more about our tests of water filter pitchers.

CL Answer

What are "hypoallergenic" supplements? How can I find hypoallergenic supplements on

Hypoallergenic supplements are typically formulated without ingredients known to be common food allergens, such as milk, fish, shellfish, eggs and nuts, and/or gluten , and certain artificial coloring agents, and fillers. ConsumerLab has tested many hypoallergenic supplements including multivitamins, probiotics, protein powders and more.

Hypoallergenic Supplements

CL Answer

Is it true that eating Brazil nuts can help with weight loss? Are there other health benefits or risks of Brazil nuts

Learn more about vitamin E intake from nuts, including Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, and almonds.

CL Answer

Does Carditone work to lower blood pressure?

Carditone information, including safety and side effects, whether Carditone has been shown to work for blood pressure and angina, and more.

CL Answer

I'm trying to pick a good multivitamin for my children and husband, and for myself. Any suggestions based on your research?

Find out how to pick the best multivitamin for you and your family, based on diet, price, and effectiveness.

News Release

February 24, 2023

Probiotics Rise in Popularity as Vitamin C, Melatonin, and Others Dip in Latest ConsumerLab Survey of Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2023 —A recent survey of 8,600 people who regularly use dietary supplements shows that probiotics (+3.04 percentage points), quercetin (+2.3 pts), and vitamin K (+1.

Product Review

Acai Berry Supplements and Beverages Review

Find the Best Acai Berry Supplements and Beverages. See Which Acai Berry Supplements and Beverages Passed Our Tests of Quality.

Acai berry supplements and beverages reviewed by

Product Review

NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) Supplements Review

Choose the Best N-Acetyl Cysteine Supplement. See Our Tests of Popular NAC Supplements and Top Picks for Quality and Value.

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) supplements tested by

CL Answer

Can D-mannose help prevent urinary tract infections?

Learn more about D-mannose and its impact on urinary tract infections (UTIs), including evidence from clinical studies.

Woman with UTI holding her hands over her lower abdomen

CL Answer

A few weeks after starting acetyl-L-carnitine, I became so sluggish I could hardly function. Could this be due to the supplement?

Find out if carnitine supplements can cause sluggishness and fatigue.


Product Review

Shelled Walnuts (Halves & Pieces)

See Our Top Picks for Walnuts

Walnuts Review 2023

Product Review

Nutritional Yeast Review

Inaccurate Labeling Discovered on Most Nutritional Yeasts. Best Fortified and Non-Fortified Products Identified.

Nutritional Yeast Review

CL Answer

Hemp Seeds: Health Benefits, Safety, and What To Consider When Picking a Product

Hemp seeds are promoted for heart health, diabetes, boosting testosterone, and other conditions, but do they work? Find out and learn about potential safety concerns.

Whole hemp seeds and hemp hearts in small white bowls

CL Answer

What is shilajit? Does it have any proven health benefits, and is heavy metal contamination a concern?

Shilajit information, including its potential health benefits, safety, proper doses and impact on male health.

Shilajit Health Benefits -- blister pack of shilajit tablets

CL Answer

8 Supplements That May Help Treat Peptic Ulcers – And Some to Avoid

Peptic ulcers caused by H. pylori infection are typically treated with antibiotics, but certain supplements may also help. Find out which 8 supplements might be beneficial - and which should be avoided.

Supplements for peptic ulcer disease - young man with stomachache

CL Answer

Do supplements help with Parkinson’s disease treatment or prevention?

Learn what has been shown with vitamins D and E, niacin, CoQ10, melatonin, creatine, SAMe, NAC, valerian, CoQ10, and CBD, as well as with coffee and the Mediterranean and MIND diets for treating and/or preventing Parkinson's disease.

Elderly man with parkinsons holding trembling hand while eating

CL Answer

Do any supplements or foods benefit people with Crohn's disease? Are there any supplements that should be avoided?

Find out the most common vitamin and mineral deficiencies in people with Crohn's disease, including iron, B6, B12, vitamin D, zinc and others, plus evidence for N-acetyl-glucosamine (NAG), fish oil, and curcumin.

Supplements for Crohn's Disease -- Crohn's Disease Written on Notepad, Pills

Product Review

Psyllium Fiber Supplements Review

Find the Best Psyllium Fiber Supplement and Avoid Lead.

Psyllium Review 2024

CL Answer

Which supplements should be taken with food?

Find out which supplements should be taken with food, including vitamins A, D, E, and K, fish oil, and CoQ10.

Woman holding a pill and showing it to a man while sitting at a table about to eat a meal

Clinical Update


Antacids for Peptic Ulcers?

Are calcium, magnesium, or aluminum-containing antacids beneficial for peptic ulcers? Find out in our article about supplements for peptic ulcers.

Also find out which vitamins and minerals may be depleted when taking PPIs to treat peptic ulcer disease.

Clinical Update


Counterfeit Supplements

Counterfeit versions of psyllium, a multivitamin, magnesium, and eight other types of supplements from a major brand have been sold online. Details and how to avoid this are in our Psyllium Supplements Review.

A popular brand of mushroom supplements has also reported counterfeit versions of its products. Details and how to avoid this are in our Lion's Mane Review.

Clinical Update


Which Form of Chlorophyllin?

Chlorophyllin is a derivative of chlorophyll found in supplements, typically as sodium copper chlorophyllin. Some products contain sodium magnesium chlorophyllin, but does it have proven benefits? Find out in our article about chlorophyll and chlorophyllin.

Clinical Update


Essential Tremor & Meat

Does consumption of meat increase the risk of essential tremor? Find out what's known in our updated CL Answer about supplements for essential tremor.

Also find out if magnesium is beneficial for essential tremor.

Clinical Update


Leg Cramp Causes and Treatments?

Find out if common medications can cause nighttime leg cramps. Also find out if supplements or topical products such as magnesium creams can help.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D & Calcium for Diabetes Due to Pregnancy

A new study found supplementation with a combination of vitamin D and calcium improved fasting blood sugar levels, serum insulin levels, and insulin sensitivity in women with gestational (pregnancy-related) diabetes. For more details, including dosage, as well as our tests and comparisons of vitamin D and calcium supplements, see the update to the Vitamin D Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Vitamin K, Magnesium) >>   

Clinical Update


Too Much Calcium for Some?

A new study found that supplementing with even moderate amounts of calcium may cause abnormally high calcium levels in the urine (a risk factor for kidney stones) of some postmenopausal women, even when total calcium intake doesn't exceed the recommended daily allowance. Get the details in the update to the Calcium Supplements Review (Including Vitamin D, Vitamin K, and Magnesium) >>   

Clinical Update


Vitamin D May Help Lower Blood Pressure

A recent study in people with mild to moderate high blood pressure showed that taking a vitamin D supplement helped lower blood pressure. Subjects in the study were already taking a calcium channel blocker (nifedipine), but taking vitamin D reduced blood pressure by several additional points. For details, including the dose of vitamin D used, as well as our tests of vitamin D supplements which can provide this dose, see the updated Vitamin D Supplements Review (Including Calcium, Vitamin K, and Magnesium) >>    

Clinical Update


Don't Take Minerals With Certain Supplements

Taking minerals like calcium and magnesium can dramatically reduce the absorption of carotenoids like lycopene, beta carotene, and astaxanthin. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of the Lycopene Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Vitamin D for COVID-19 Patients

A study evaluated the effects of giving vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin B12 to COVID-19 patients. See the results in the COVID-19 section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for vitamin D.

Clinical Update


Swallowing & Calcium

Being deficient in calcium can cause difficulty with swallowing and calcium supplementation can help, as shown in a recent case report. For details, see the What It Does section of the Calcium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among calcium supplements. Also learn if you need to take magnesium when taking calcium in ConsumerTips.

Also see: 7 Tips to Avoid Getting a Pill Stuck in Your Throat

CL Answer

I take levothyroxine (Synthroid), a thyroid hormone to treat hypothyroidism. Are there supplements or foods I should avoid, or be taking, due to this drug?

Is taking certain supplements and hypothyroidism medications bad? Learn which supplements can interact with thyroid hormone medications like levothyroxine (Synthroid), thyroid hormone levels, and laboratory tests.

Levothyroxine (Synthroid) Supplement Interactions

CL Answer

What are the best supplements for depression and anxiety?

Best natural supplements for depression and anxiety, including the evidence for fish oil, vitamin D, probiotics, and herbal supplements for depression such as curcumin (from turmeric) and saffron.

Best Supplements for Depression and Anxiety -- sad young woman sitting on couch, looking toward the window

CL Answer

Which vitamins and supplements should be stopped before getting blood work, laboratory tests, or medical imaging?

Find out which vitamins and supplements can interfere with blood, urine or stool tests, and imaginging tests, like bone scans and MRIs. Learn how B vitamins such as biotin, niacin and riboflavin, as well as calcium supplements, St. John’s wort, vitamin C, and others supplements can affect test results, as well as common foods that may interfere with tests.

Vitamin & Supplements to Stop Before Blood Tests

CL Answer

Is Bottled Water Better Than Tap Water?

Some people consider bottled water to be a favorable alternative to tap water, but is it really better? Find out how bottled water and tap water compare in terms of taste, mineral content, acidity, and contaminants such as microplastics and PFAS.

Woman holding glass of water next to bottle of water

Product Review

Toprol XL vs. Generic Metoprolol Succinate Extended-release (ER) Tablets Review Article

Choose the Best Blood Pressure Medication. Find Out Why Some Generic Blood Pressure Medications Are Not the Same as the Original & May Increase Blood Pressure or Have Other Disturbing Side Effects.

Toprol vs Generic Metoprolol

Product Review

Huperzine A Supplements Review

Choose the Best Huperzine A Supplement. CL Tests Reveal the Best Huperzine A Supplements for Memory.

Huperzine A Supplements Tested by

News Release

July 20, 2022

Best Electrolyte Drinks for Hydration? Note: Some Contain 20 Times More Sodium Than Others

  White Plains, New York, July 20, 2022 — It's important to stay well hydrated, and electrolyte products can help.

CL Answer

I'm worried that I'm not getting enough potassium, but potassium supplements only provide a small dose -- much less than the daily requirement. Why is this, and how can increase my daily intake?

Find out why many potassium supplements contain small doses of potassium and how to get adequate potassium from food and supplements.

White Potassium Chloride Pill

Product Review

Weight Loss Supplements Review (7-Keto DHEA, Forskolin and Stimulant Blend Supplements)

Choose the Best Weight Loss Supplement. Be Careful With Weight Loss Supplements — Few Pass Quality Testing and Safety Review.

Weight Loss Supplements Tested by

CL Answer

What is inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) and myo-inositol? Are they helpful in treating cancer or other conditions?

Inositol hexaphosphate (IP6): Find out if IP6 (also known as phytic acid) can prevent or treat cancer. Clinical evidence, dosage, safety and how IP6 differs from myo-inositol.'s answer explains.

Wooden spoon filled with white inositol capsules

CL Answer

Is topical menthol, such as Biofreeze, safe and effective for pain relief?

Menthol is commonly used in topical creams and gels for pain relief. Find out if it works and if it's safe.

Man applying menthol cream

CL Answer

Which foods and supplements contain lead, cadmium, or arsenic?

Discover which foods and dietary supplements contain lead and other metals, the limits, who’s testing, and how to stay safe.

Lead in Supplements & Foods -- concerned woman looking at pill

CL Answer

I'm interested in using Himalayan salt. What are the health benefits with it and other specialty salts? Are there contaminants in these salts?

Himalayan salt health benefits, along with other gourmet salts like Hawaiian and Mediterranean. Info including what's in them and their safety.

Himalayan Salt -- spoonful of pink Himalayan salt

News Release

May 16, 2022

Best Calcium and Bone Health Supplements Revealed by ConsumerLab Tests

  White Plains, New York, May 16, 2022 — Calcium is essential for maintaining bones and plays critical roles in nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and the cardiovascular system.

CL Answer

Do any supplements help for ulcerative colitis?

Find out what supplements & vitamins can help with ulcerative colitis, such as VSL#3, curcumin, aloe or boswellia.

Woman Grabbing Stomach Due To Abdominal Discomfort

CL Answer

Does Restore (Biomic Sciences LLC) really improve gut health? What is in Restore?

Learn more about Restore, including clinical studies on gut health, dosage, cost, and safety.

CL Answer

Is sublingual vitamin B-12, which is placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve, really better than the pill form?

Learn the difference between sublingual vitamin B-12, vitamin B-12 pills and more through information including clinical evidence.

Sublingual B-12 vs. Vitamin B-12 Pills -- B-12 supplements

CL Answer

How does Athletic Greens’ AG1 compare to multivitamins and Greens powders? Is AG1 worth it?

ConsumerLab reviews the ingredients in AG1, its safety and possible side effects, and how AG1 compares to other products.

A pouch of AG1 on white background

CL Answer

Dandelion Tea & Supplements: Health Benefits and Safety

Find out about the potential health benefits of dandelion tea and supplements, as well as safety, side effects, and potential drug interactions.

A cup of dandelion root tea on wooden background

CL Answer

Bee pollen: Purported health benefits and possible side effects

Bee pollen is promoted for numerous health conditions, including supporting immune health and boosting energy. Find out if it works and if it's safe.

A wooden spoon holding bee pollen granules over a table

CL Answer

Does Rooibos Tea Have Health Benefits and Is It Safe?

Learn about the health benefits of rooibos tea, including red and green, unfermented rooibos tea, how is differs from black and green tea, safety, and potential drug interactions with rooibos tea.

Rooibos Tea

News Release

April 13, 2022

ConsumerLab Tests Vitamin D Supplements and Cautions About Dose

  White Plains, New York, May 12, 2022 — Getting sufficient vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and has a wide range of other health benefits. It's no wonder that it has been the #1 supplement in popularity year-after-year in ConsumerLab's survey of supplement users.

News Release

April 02, 2022

ConsumerLab Discovers Less Vitamin K Than Listed in Some Supplements

  White Plains, New York, May 16, 2022 — Vitamin K plays an important role in proper blood clotting and calcium utilization in bones and is a common ingredient in bone health supplements.

Recalls & Warnings

August 08, 2022

Recall of Oral Magnesium Laxatives Expanded

On August 3, 2022, Plastikon Healthcare, LLC issued a recall of multiple oral suspension products due to microbial contamination.

CL Answer

Do any supplements or lifestyle changes reduce the symptoms of tinnitus? Is it true that some supplements can cause tinnitus?

Learn which supplements can ease tinnitus, including melatonin and pine bark extract. Understand which may actually cause tinnitus.

Word blocks spelling out “tinnitus”

CL Answer

Do any supplements help with gum disease or periodontitis?

Supplements for healthy gums may help with gum disease or periodontitis. Learn more about omega fatty acids, lycopene, and probiotics.

Smiling Woman Taking White Supplement with Glass of Water

CL Answer

If I buy NAC as a loose powder in a large bag, as opposed to in tablet or capsule form, will it spoil? I've heard it can spoil or degrade into a harmful by-product.

Learn more about the different forms of N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), including whether or not powder will spoil faster than tablets.

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) supplements tested by

CL Answer

I have IBS and don't want to take medication if I can help it. I've heard that peppermint works for IBS, but is there good research to support this?

Information about using peppermint oil for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), including clinical evidence, dosage, safety and more.

Peppermint Oil for IBS? -- Bottle of peppermint oil and capsules and peppermint leaf

Product Review

Elderberry Supplements Review

Find the Best Elderberry Supplement. Tests and Reviews of Popular Elderberry Supplements & CL's Top Picks.

Elderberry Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Holy Basil Supplements Review

Find the Best Holy Basil (Tulsi) Supplements. Tests and Reviews of Popular Holy Basil Supplements & CL's Top Pick.

Holy Basil Supplements Reviewed by

News Release

March 11, 2022

Best Magnesium Supplements Identified by ConsumerLab

  White Plains, New York, May 12, 2022 — Nearly half the U.S. population does not get adequate amounts of magnesium and can benefit from increasing magnesium intake from foods or supplementation.

Clinical Update


Women-Vitamin Study - Key Points

You may have heard this week about a new study which found a higher risk of death among women who used certain supplements. It's a complicated study, but we've summarized some key findings. Bear in mind that only white women ages 55 to 69 were enrolled in the study and they were followed for 22 years.

Those taking calcium supplements had a 3.8% reduced risk of death. The calcium benefit ended, however, when taking more than 900 mg per day from supplements. It's worth noting that experts suggest many older women who take calcium supplements may not need to -- see the Calcium Supplement Review for more.

The mineral most strongly associated with an increased risk of death was iron, which showed a risk increase of 3.9% -- and the risk increased as the dose increased, particularly over 50 mg per day. However, the study grouped dosages of under 50 mg together, making it hard to determine the risk of low dosages of iron, such as those in many multivitamins. However, there is very little reason why a postmenopausal woman should be taking iron -- see the Iron Supplement Review for more.

Although not as statistically meaningful, other supplements were associated with the following increases in the risk of death during the study: multivitamins (2.4%), vitamin B6 (4.1%), folic acid (5.9%), magnesium (3.6%), zinc (3.0%), and copper (18.0%). An abstract of the study is online.

The bottom line: Don't take a supplement you don't need. If you want to know how much of each vitamin and mineral you need from your total diet and how much is too much, see our chart at

Product Review

CoQ10 and Ubiquinol Supplements Review

Find the Best CoQ10 and Ubiquinol Supplements and Learn How They Differ

CoQ10 2024

Product Review

Lycopene Supplements Review

Find the Best Lycopene Supplements. CL Tests Reveal That Not All Lycopene Supplements Contain What They Claim.

Lycopene Supplements Reviewed by

CL Answer

10 Supplements That May Help Reduce Nighttime Urination (And 5 That May Not)

Waking up more than once during the night to use the bathroom? Learn more about the 9 supplements that may help and 5 others that don't.

A toilet in an empty bathroom at night

News Release

February 25, 2022

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2022 Based on Consumer Satisfaction

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2022 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 8,049 responses collected in November/December 2021.

News Release

February 24, 2022

Consumers Returned to Pre-Pandemic Supplement Usage in 2021, ConsumerLab Survey Reveals

White Plains, New York, February 24, 2022 —A survey of 8,049 people who use dietary supplements shows many supplements that declined in use in 2020 began bouncing back in 2021, such as magnesium (+2.4 percentage points), and CoQ10 (+2.7 pts).

CL Answer

Which supplements can help to lower blood pressure?

Supplements to lower blood pressure, including CoQ10, vitamin C, fish oil, and olive oil, are all explored to find out what works.

Supplements that can lower, or raise blood pressure -- blood pressure cuff and bottle of pills

Product Review

Green Tea Review: Tea Bags, Matcha Powders, and Supplements

Some green teas provide barely any green tea polyphenols, while some others are high strength. See the Test Results and Our Top Picks for Green Tea.

Green Tea Review 2024

News Release

May 18, 2021

Caution With Potassium Supplements: You Could Get More Than Expected

White Plains, New York, May 18, 2021 — Recent tests by of popular potassium supplements on the market revealed that consumers to get much more or much less potassium than expected from certain products.

CL Answer

Do any supplements help for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

IBS supplements may help reduce irritable bowel symptoms such as pain, diarrhea and constipation. Supplements include probiotics, melatonin, and flaxseed.

Supplements for IBS? -- Women With Stomach Pain

CL Answer

Butyrate Supplements for Gut Health: Does butyric acid really work and is it safe?

Can butyrate supplements improve gut health or help reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or Crohn's disease? Find out what the clinical evidence shows, learn about the different forms of butyrate, including sodium butyrate, calcium-magnesium butyrate, and tributyrate, and get details about products such as BodyBio Sodium Butyrate and Healus Complete Biotic Tributyrin, dosage, safety and cost.

Butyrate Supplements

Recalls & Warnings

July 18, 2022

CVS, Target, Walgreens, and Other Oral Magnesium Citrate Laxatives Recalled Due to Bacterial Contamination

On July 14, 2022, Magnesium Citrate Laxative Oral Solution Lemon Flavor products manufactured by Vi-Jon, LLC and sold under various store brand names were recalled after testing identified the presence of the bacteria Gluconacetobacter liquefaciens.

Recalls & Warnings

April 03, 2024

FDA Warns Ambaya Gold for Promoting Products for Depression, Cancer, & Arthritis

On December 5, 2023, the FDA issued a Warning Letter to Ambaya Gold Health Products, LLC following review of the company’s website and social media, which found statements about the company’s Brain Balance, Immune System Boost, Dentist In A Bottle, Essensiac, Fulvic Green, Silver ...

CL Answer

Is it better to use a powdered product that you mix with liquid than to take a pill? I was told that the vitamins will be more completely absorbed. Is that true?

Learn more about taking supplements & multivitamins in powder or tablet form, including tips on how to get the most from your supplement.

Orange Powder Dissolving in Glass of Water

CL Answer

Are enteric coated supplements better than non-enteric coated ones?

Learn about the pros and cons of enterically coated supplements, including ingredient absorption,safety and price.

Glass of Water and White Pill

CL Answer

Can drinking coffee prevent gallstones? Can supplements help?

Information about the impact coffee has on gallstone disease. Plus, supplements that have been proposed to help with gallstone pain.

Coffee and Gallstones -- coffee in cup and coffee beans

News Release

February 26, 2021

COVID Changed Supplement Popularity in 2020, ConsumerLab Survey Reveals

White Plains, New York, February 26, 2021 — A survey of 9,647 people who use dietary supplements shows that the supplements which experienced the greatest growth in popularity in 2020 were those being promoted to prevent or treat infection with SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

Recalls & Warnings

April 27, 2023

Seller of Magtein, Veggie Caps, & More Warned for Drug Claims, Manufacturing Violations

On March 8, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to Spartan Enterprises Inc., dba Watershed Wellness Center, after a review of the company’s website found statements about its Dr. Bob’s Naturals Spirulina, Dr. Bob’s Naturals Magtein, Dr.

News Release

February 25, 2021

Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2021 Based on Consumer Satisfaction -- Results of the Survey of Vitamin & Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2021 — Each year, surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 9,647 responses collected in November 2020.

News Release

February 12, 2021

Don't Be Surprised by New Labels on Many Vitamins

White Plains, New York, February 12, 2021 — It took almost four years, but more accurate labels on vitamin and mineral supplements are finally here and consumers should not be surprised to see changes, says Tod Cooperman, M.D., president and founder of ConsumerLab.

News Release

February 29, 2020

Collagen and Magnesium Rise in Popularity, as Fish Oil and Curcumin Dip in Latest ConsumerLab Survey of Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 29, 2020 — A recent survey of 9,782 people who use dietary supplements shows that collagen (+ 4.1 percentage points), magnesium (+ 2.3 pts) and CBD (+ 2.

CL Answer

Which supplements or foods can help lower cholesterol and keep my heart healthy? Are there any to avoid?

Information about heart health supplements & vitamins that help with cholesterol, including sterol esters, CoQ10, and vitamin D, and which may be bad for the heart, like calcium.

Product Review

Bone Broth Review

Find the Best Bone Broth. Find Out How Much Collagen and Sodium Is Really In Popular Bone Broths.

Bone Broth Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Vitamin A Supplements Review, Including Beta-Carotene and Cod Liver Oil

Find the Best Vitamin A Supplement. Best Quality Vitamin A Supplements Identified, Including Cod Liver Oil.

Vitamin A Supplements (Including Cod Liver Oil) Reviewed by

Product Review

Reishi Mushroom Supplements Review

Find the Best Reishi Mushroom Supplement. See How Reishi Supplements Differ.

Reishi Mushrooms tested by

Product Review

Prebiotic Supplements Review

You Can't Tell How Much Fiber Is Really In Most Prebiotics Without Testing

Prebiotics 2024 Expanded Review

Recalls & Warnings

July 22, 2022

FDA Warns Seller of Vision, Calcium & Magnesium Supplements and More

On June 14, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to New Sun Inc. following inspection of the company’s website which found statements about the company’s products to be drug claims.

News Release

November 12, 2019

Best Magnesium Supplements Revealed by ConsumerLab

White Plains, New York, November 12, 2019 — Many people do not get adequate amounts of magnesium from their diets, or may have lower levels of this essential mineral due to certain medical conditions or the use of common medications such as Nexium and Prilosec.

CL Answer

My doctor told me to stop taking supplements because my kidney function was low. After stopping, my kidney function returned to normal. Can taking a lot of supplements really damage the kidneys?

Find out which supplements may damage your kidneys. ConsumerLab explores possible kidney side effects of supplements including chromium, creatine, and vitamin C.

Can Supplements Really Damage Your Kidneys? -- Woman with kidney pain

Recalls & Warnings

November 21, 2022

6 Supplement Companies Warned by FDA for Making Cholesterol Claims

On May 4, 2022, the FDA issued warning letters to six supplement companies following review that found statements made on company websites and Walmart purchase pages suggesting the products could lower cholesterol to be drug claims, which are not permitted for dietary supplements.

Product Review

Maca Supplements Review

Choose the Best Maca Supplement. Make Sure Your Maca Supplement Isn't Contaminated With Lead.

Maca Supplements Reviewed by

Product Review

Astaxanthin Supplements Review

See Which Astaxanthin Products Passed or Failed CL's Tests

Astaxanthin supplements reviewed by

News Release

April 25, 2019

Best Coconut Water? ConsumerLab Tests Popular Products, Reveals Top Pick

White Plains, New York, April 25, 2019 — Coconut water is often promoted as a healthy way to stay hydrated and a natural alternative to sports drinks.

Recalls & Warnings

June 11, 2016

Vitacost Settles Magnesium Supplement Lawsuit

Supplement retailer has settled a class action lawsuit which alleged the magnesium content of the following Vitacost magnesium products was misrepresented because the labels failed to list magnesium oxide as an ingredient:

CL Answer

Risks of Too Many Vitamins & Supplements

Taking too many vitamin supplements -- or taking too much of a particular supplement -- can have short and long-term adverse effects.

Too Many Vitamins

CL Answer

Is it better to get vitamins from foods or supplements, and are natural vitamins better than synthetic vitamins?

Learn more about the benefits of getting vitamins from food versus supplements, natural versus synthetic vitamins, and more.

Getting Vitamins and Minerals from Food vs. Supplements -- fruits, vegetables, and a spoon containing supplements on a table

CL Answer

I read that famotidine (Pepcid) may help treat COVID-19. Is this true? Might a proton pump inhibitor, like Prilosec, help?

Pepcid (famotidine) was reported to improve outcomes in people with COVID-19 in China. But is there evidence that Pepcid really helps to treat COVID-19?

Can Pepcic (famotidine) Treat COVID-19? -- Box of Pepcid and Handout About COVID-19

Product Review

Black Currant, Borage, Evening Primrose, Flax and Hemp Oil Review

Choose the Best Flaxseed and Other Oils Based on Our Tests.

Omega 3 and 6 Seed Oil Review 2025

CL Answer

Can drinking coffee weaken bones or make arthritis worse?

Learn about the effects of coffee intake on bone mineral density, risk of osteoporosis, and risk of fracture. Also, find out if drinking coffee might increase the risk of arthritis or worsen symptoms.

CL Answer

What are the side effects of melatonin supplements?

Melatonin side effects - are there any? Read about drowsiness, dizziness, headache, nausea, mood & behavior, the risk of fractures and others.'s answer explains.

Melatonin Review 2024

CL Answer

Do any supplements help relieve stress?

Are there actually supplements for stress relief and panic attacks? Learn more about holy basil, fish oil, L-theanine, and ginseng.

CL Answer

Which "whole food" multivitamins don't include synthetic vitamins? How about Complete Foods, Sunwarrior, Garden of Life, Nature's Brands, and Doctors' Research?

Find out which "whole food" multivitamins are only from foods and which include synthetic vitamins, including Complete Foods Nutrition-OctoMega MultiVitamin; Sunwarrior; Garden of Life-MyKind Organics; Nature's Brands-PhytoVitamins; Doctors' Research MultiVitamin.

Fresh Broccoli and Lemon Beside Multivitamins

CL Answer

What is Prelief? Does it really help for heartburn and/or bladder pain from acidic foods?

Prelief information, including what it has been claimed to do (such as helping with painful bladder, frequent urination, heartburn or indigestion from acidic foods), clinical evidence, and safety.

CL Answer

Which supplements help with Raynaud's phenomenon?

Raynaud's phenomenon may be helped by some supplements. Learn more about fish oil, Gingko biloba, and ginseng.

Supplements for Raynaud's Phenomenon -- woman standing outside in snow, with cold, red hands

CL Answer

Are cranberry supplements helpful for men? Can they help with symptoms of an enlarged prostate, prostatitis, or urinary tract infections?

Learn more about how cranberry pills, cranberries, cranberry juice and supplements can help prevent urinary tract infections.

Cranberry Supplements for Men? -- Bottle of cranberry capsules

CL Answer

Do any supplements, foods or lifestyle modifications help with brain function, like memory and cognition?

Find out which supplements help improve memory, brain function and cognition, including fish oil, some B vitamins, cocoa, and curcumin. ConsumerLab's answer explains the evidence for supplements promoted to help with brain function and cognition.

Supplements for Memory -- doctor holding a model of a brain and fish oil capsule

News Release

February 24, 2019

CBD and Collagen Rise in Popularity, as Probiotics and Coconut Oil Dip in Latest ConsumerLab Survey of Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 24, 2019 — A recent survey of 10,931 people who use dietary supplements shows that CBD oil (+6.3 percentage points), collagen (+3.6 pts), and bone broth (+2.

News Release

February 24, 2018

Magnesium, Curcumin, and Apple Cider Vinegar Rise in Popularity, While Probiotics Dip and Calcium Continues to Decline in Latest Survey of Supplement Users

White Plains, New York, February 24, 2018 — A recent survey of 11,446 people who use dietary supplements shows that magnesium and curcumin and turmeric have leapt into the top 5 most popular dietary supplements, just behind vitamin D, fish oil and CoQ10.

CL Answer

PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances): How can I avoid PFAS in dental floss, food, water, and other products?

Some brands of dental floss, including Oral-B Glide, may contain potentially toxic chemicals known as PFAS (polyfluoroalkyl substances). Get the details, and learn which floss and pick products are our Top Picks.

Toxic PFAS Chemicals in Dental Floss -- Woman Looking at Dental Floss

Recalls & Warnings

January 26, 2023

FDA Warns Seller of Canary Seed Omega-3

On November 16, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Evimeria El Aztecano, Inc. following review of the company’s Yerbas Finas Leche de Alpiste con Guanabana y Omega-3 product labeling, which found the product contained less magnesium and potassium than claimed on the label.

News Release

November 01, 2017

Gummies Are Most Likely to Fail Testing in Review of Multivitamins -- Best and Worst Multivitamins Identified by ConsumerLab Testing

White Plains, New York, November 1, 2017 — Multivitamin/multimineral supplements are among the most popular supplements, with many consumers relying on them to provide nutrients they may not get from their diets. However, ConsumerLab.

News Release

June 21, 2017

Which Magnesium Is Best? Tests Popular Brands and Reveals Its Top Pick

White Plains, New York, June 21, 2017 — Magnesium supplements are among the most popular supplements, but do you need to take one and, if so, which is best? To find out, reviewed the clinical evidence, and purchased and tested popular magnesium supplements sold in the U.S.

News Release

June 01, 2017

Best Vitamin K Supplement? Tests Popular Products and Reveals Its Top Picks

White Plains, New York, June 1, 2017 — Vitamin K plays an important role in proper blood clotting as well as with calcium utilization in bones and the cardiovascular system, but do most people need a vitamin K supplement? And do products on the market contain what's claimed on their labels? ...

Recalls & Warnings

March 09, 2022

FDA Warns Seller of Magnesium, CBD, Herbal Extracts & More

On February 9, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Bea Lydecker’s Naturals, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

June 27, 2024

“Authentic” Rose Oil Often Is Not

Damask rose essential oil (Rosa × damascene) and products claiming to contain this oil, or “authentic rose oil” may often be adulterated or contain less expensive oils instead, according to a recent bulletin from the American Botanical Association (ABC).

Recalls & Warnings

March 18, 2024

Amazon Customers Who Purchased Nature’s Bounty and Sundown Supplements to Receive Refunds Following “Review Hijacking” Charges

On March 14, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced it is sending over $527,000 in refunds to consumers who purchased certain Nature’s Bounty and Sundown vitamins and supplements on Amazon, after the parent company Bountiful was charged with deceptive use of reviews to promote the ...

Recalls & Warnings

May 01, 2024

FDA Warns Consumers Not to Use Ossos-Sans Supplement for Joints

On April 17, 2024, the FDA warned consumers not to purchase or use Ossos-Sans, a supplement promoted to treat osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and other conditions, because it contains undeclared drugs, including diclofenac and methocarbamol.

Recalls & Warnings

December 19, 2024

Jarritos Coconut Water Recalled

On November 4, 2024, Tipp Distributors, Inc. issued a recall all lot codes of Jarritos Coconut Water (17.5 fl oz cans) because the airtight seal on the lid of the cans may be compromised.

Recalls & Warnings

December 22, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of Liquid Magnesium, B-12, Berberine & More

On December 9, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Wholly Liquid Nutritional Supplements LLC because it found statements on the company's website and social media about its products, including SpiroLaze, BioLaze, LiquiLaurin, VIT-B12, DeStress, and Omega Plus, to be ...

Recalls & Warnings

February 24, 2023

Bountiful Charged with “Review Hijacking,” False Advertising of Nature’s Bounty Supplements on Amazon

On February 16, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charged The Bountiful Company (formerly NBTY), whose brands include Nature’s Bounty and Sundown, with deceptively using Amazon reviews and badges (such as “#1 Best Seller” and “Amazon’s Choice”) from its ...

Recalls & Warnings

September 28, 2022

FDA Warns Muscle Sports for Joint Health, Immune & Workout Supplement, Vitamin C, Elderberry, and Other Claims

On September 23, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Muscle Sports Products, LLC following inspection of the company’s websites which found statements about company products, including Join Revolution Capsules, IMMUNITY + Powder, Rhino Rampage PUMPED Capsules, Attack Pre-Workout ...

CL Answer

Which supplements, foods or diet and lifestyle changes help relieve acid reflux (heartburn), and which worsen it?

Find out which supplements and foods can help relieve acid reflux, and which can make it worse.

Supplements Making Acid Reflux Worse -- Man with acid reflux pain

Recalls & Warnings

June 08, 2021

FDA Warns Seller of "CoronaBox" Containing Vitamin D, Probiotics & More for Unsupported Claims

On May 24, 2021, the FDA issued a warning letter to Everything Health LLC following a review of the company's website by the FDA and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which found the company promoted its CoronaBox (which contains cordyceps, vitamins, and K2, magnesium, ginger, probiotics ...

CL Answer

Are supplements such as Thyroid Care Plus helpful for hypothyroidism? Can supplements worsen thyroid function? And what is nascent iodine?

Learn about supplement ingredients such as iodine, selenium, zinc, acetyl-l-carnitine, ashwagandha and guggul used for thyroid conditions and find out if they are beneficial. Also learn why ingredients such as alpha-lipoic acid, soy, resveratrol, quercetin may impair thyroid function.

Woman holding various vitamins and supplements in one hand and glass of water in the other

CL Answer

How do the Beyond Burger, the Impossible Burger, and a beef burger compare in terms of vitamins and minerals, and which is best?

Read our comparison of the Beyond Burger and the Impossible Burger, plant-based, meat alternative burgers. Compare nutrition, vitamins and minerals.'s answer explains.

Beyond Burger vs. Impossible Burger: Nutrition, Vitamins & Minerals -- cooked plant-based burger on bun

Recalls & Warnings

March 30, 2023

Seller of Tollovid Supplements Warned for COVID-19 Claims

On November 7, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Todos Medical Ltd, aka Todos Medical USA Inc, following a review of the company’s websites, social media, and Amazon storefronts, which found statements about the company’s Tollovid 3CL Protease Inhibitor Delayed Release ...

Recalls & Warnings

April 13, 2023

Bountiful to Pay $600,000 to Settle Charges of Amazon “Review Hijacking”

On April 10, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced it has approved a final consent order against The Bountiful Company (formerly NBTY), whose brands include Nature’s Bounty and Sundown, after the agency charged Bountiful with using deceptive practices to sell its products on ...

Recalls & Warnings

November 09, 2023

InnoMark Warned for Manufacturing & Misbranding Violations

On September 1, 2023, the FDA issued a Warning Letter to InnoMark, Inc.

News Release

May 26, 2017 Tests Reveal the Best Calcium Supplements

White Plains, New York, May 26, 2017 — Most people know that calcium is important for building and maintaining strong bones, but with so many different forms, dosages and ingredient combinations available on the market, choosing a calcium supplement can be difficult. To help, ConsumerLab.

News Release

May 17, 2017

Best Vitamin D? Tests Popular Vitamin D Supplements and Reveals Its Top Picks

White Plains, New York, May 17, 2017 — Vitamin D is currently the most popular dietary supplement among people who regularly use supplements according to a recent survey by

CL Answer

Do any supplements help for varicose veins or chronic venous insufficiency?

Find out which supplements help for varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency, including citrus bioflavonoids and grape seed extract.

Varicose Veins

CL Answer

I read that turmeric may be a GI irritant. I have GI problems and wonder if I should avoid turmeric and curcumin?

Find out if turmeric/curcumin supplements can cause gastrointestinal irritability.

Is turmeric a stomach irritant? -- Turmeric Supplement

News Release

February 24, 2017

Vitamin D Supplements Maintain Top Spot in Popularity, as Probiotics Surpass Multivitamins to #4 Behind Fish Oil and CoQ10 in Latest Survey

White Plains, New York, February 24, 2017 — A recent survey of over 9,505 people who use dietary supplements shows the most popular dietary supplement to be vitamin D, followed by fish oil, CoQ10, probiotics, and multivitamins.

Recalls & Warnings

July 16, 2019

FDA Warns Seller of Magnesium and CBD

On July 9, 2019, the FDA issued a warning letter to Ceba-Tek, Inc.

News Release

November 15, 2016 Finds Arsenic in Testing of Potassium Supplements -- Safer Choices Identified. Many Americans May Need More Potassium

White Plains, New York, November 15, 2016 — During a recent analysis of potassium supplements sold in the U.S. and Canada, discovered significant contamination with the toxic heavy metal arsenic in pills from one brand.

Recalls & Warnings

May 05, 2022

Seller of CBD Tinctures, Creams & Pet Products Promoted for Pain, Cancer & More Warned by FDA

On February 11, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Rena’s Organic following a review of the company’s social media and website, which found statements about the company’s 300 mg CBD Full Spectrum Oil Cannabinoid Tincture, 600 mg CBD Full Spectrum Oil Cannabinoid ...

Recalls & Warnings

August 25, 2022

Oregon’s Wild Harvest Warned by FDA for Manufacturing Violations

On July 8, 2022, the FDA issued a warning letter to Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

February 06, 2023

Recalled Eye Drops Linked to Vision Loss and One Death

On February 2, 2023, Global Pharma Healthcare issued a nationwide recall of its Artificial Tears Lubricant Eye Drops due to potential contamination with bacteria that can cause serious infection, blindness, and death.

Recalls & Warnings

November 30, 2023

Discover Health, LLC Warned for Promoting CBD Products for Cancer, Epilepsy, & More

On November 16, 2023, the FDA issued a Warning Letter to Discover Health, LLC d/b/a Discover CBD and Strain Snobs following a review of the company’s websites that found statements about the company’s Active CBD Oil – Full Spectrum Distillate Cartridge, Active CBD Oil – ...

Recalls & Warnings

September 21, 2023

Moor Herbs, Inc Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims

On August 1, 2023, the FDA issued a Warning Letter to Moor Herbs, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

August 16, 2023

FDA Warns Sun Ten Laboratories for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims

On April 7, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to STPCA Inc. dba Sun Ten Laboratories because products were found to be adulterated because they were prepared, packed, or held under conditions that do not meet Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP).

News Release

July 27, 2016 Helps Consumers Make Sense of the FDA's Updated Daily Values (DV) for Vitamins and Minerals

White Plains, New York, July 27, 2016 — Daily Values (DV) for certain vitamins and minerals have been changed by the FDA, as part of the agency's revised rules for nutrient and supplement facts labeling. The changes went into effect on July 26, 2016.

News Release

February 24, 2016

Vitamin D Supplements Jump to Top Spot in Popularity, Surpassing Fish Oil, as Probiotics Rise to #5 Spot Behind CoQ10 and Multivitamins in Survey

White Plains, New York, February 25, 2016 — A recent survey of over 11,000 people who use dietary supplements shows the most popular dietary supplement to be vitamin D, followed by fish oil, CoQ10, multivitamins, and probiotics.

News Release

January 12, 2016

Problems Found with 32% of Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplements -- Identifies Good Choices for Men, Women, and Children

White Plains, New York, January 12, 2016 — You can't always judge a supplement by its label -- or by its price, according to a new report from, which recently tested dozens of multivitamin/multimineral supplements.

News Release

June 10, 2015 Tests Reveal Best and Worst Magnesium Supplements

White Plains, New York, June 10, 2015 — Magnesium supplements have become extremely popular, surpassing even calcium among frequent users of supplements. However, recent tests by ConsumerLab.

News Release

April 28, 2015

Best Supplements for Bone Health? Finds Products with Multiple Ingredients More Likely to Contain Wrong Amounts

White Plains, New York, April 28, 2015 — Vitamin D and calcium each play a crucial role in bone health and are among the most popular supplement ingredients in the U.S., but recent ConsumerLab.

News Release

February 28, 2015

Use of Magnesium and Probiotics Rise, Multivitamins and Weight Loss Supplements Fall, According to Survey

White Plains, New York, February 28, 2015 — A recent survey of over 10,000 people who use dietary supplements shows the most popular dietary supplement to be fish oil, followed by multivitamins, CoQ10, vitamin D, B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, probiotics, and vitamin C.

News Release

February 13, 2014

Calcium, Vitamin C, and Fish Oil Supplements Drop in Use, Probiotics Rise According to Survey

White Plains, New York, February 13, 2014 — A recent survey of over 10,000 people who use dietary supplements shows that the use of calcium, vitamin C and fish oil supplements fell during 2013 while the use of probiotics increased.

News Release

August 21, 2013

Labels on Potassium Supplements May Confuse, But Product Quality is High According to

White Plains, New York August 21, 2013 — How much potassium would you expect from a supplement called "Potassium Gluconate 595 mg"? The correct answer is just 99 mg, as explains in its new Potassium Supplements Review, published online today.

News Release

February 11, 2013 Reports Problems with Some Vitamin D and Calcium Supplements -- Wrong Amounts of Vitamin D, Pills Which Don’t Break Apart, and Lead Contamination Found

White Plains, New York, February 11, 2012 — Vitamin D and calcium are among the most popular supplement ingredients in the U.S., but recent tests by show problems with 4 out of 25 products which contain these ingredients.

Recalls & Warnings

November 23, 2022

CBD Not Permitted in Gummies, Candies, Cookies, Candy, or Pet Treats, Says FDA

On November 16, 2022, the FDA issued warning letters to five companies for selling products such as gummies, tea, cookies, lollipops, fruit snacks, hard candies, and pet treats containing cannabidiol (CBD) and/or delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8 THC) as conventional food products.

Recalls & Warnings

May 09, 2022

FDA Warns Five Companies for Selling CBD Supplements, Gummies and Creams With Delta-8 THC

On May 4th, 2022, the FDA issued warning letters to five companies for selling CBD and other products labeled as containing delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8 THC).

News Release

January 31, 2013

Use of CoQ10, Digestive Enzymes, Probiotics and B Vitamins on the Rise According to Survey

White Plains, New York — February 1, 2013 — A recent survey of over 10,000 people who take supplements shows that CoQ10, digestive enzymes, probiotics, and B vitamins are the four categories experiencing the most growth over the prior year.

Recalls & Warnings

September 14, 2023

FDA Warns CVS, Walgreens, Similasan & Others for Eye Drop Violations

On September 11, 2023, the FDA issued Warning Letters to the following eight sellers of homeopathic and other types of eye drops regarding the products noted in italics due to a variety of violations of FDA regulations, most notably that they were marked with claims suggesting that they could cure, ...

CL Answer

Is it possible to take too much vitamin C?

Find out the daily value of vitamin C, along with possible side effects of excessive vitamin C intake. ConsumerLab explores the topic of proper vitamin C supplement usage, and why taking too much can be harmful.

Bottles of vitamin C pills

CL Answer

Which supplements can help with indigestion and/or heartburn?

Information on supplements for heartburn that can help relieve gastrointestinal symptoms - heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux.

Supplements for Indigestion and Heartburn -- man with heartburn pain

Recalls & Warnings

November 02, 2019

Brain Supplement Claims to Treat Brain Injuries, Alzheimer's Are Deceptive, Says FTC

On November 1, 2019 the FTC filed a lawsuit against Neora LLC (formerly Nerium International) for making false claims that the supplement Neora EHT (formerly called Nerium EHT) can treat concussions and chronic traumatic encephalopathy caused by repetitive brain trauma, Alzheimer's ...

Recalls & Warnings

October 29, 2019

Publisher Sued for Promoting "Phony Diabetes Cure"

On October 24, 2019 the FTC filed a lawsuit against the publisher of books, newsletters, and other publications aimed at seniors that falsely promise to cure type 2 diabetes.

News Release

May 30, 2012 Identifies Best and Worst Magnesium Supplements Based on Tests and Comparisons

White Plains, New York — MAY 30, 2012 — Magnesium supplements are among the most popular supplements in the U.S. But which magnesium supplements are best? ConsumerLab.

News Release

August 04, 2011

Some coconut waters don't deliver on promises according to

White Plains, New York — August 4, 2011 — Coconut water—the natural juice from green coconuts— is often touted as a natural alternative to sports drinks. But does it really deliver? "It depends on the brand," says President, Tod Cooperman, M.D. ConsumerLab.

News Release

April 26, 2011

Problems discovered with eight vitamin D supplements in study by -- Incorrect amounts of vitamins, lead contamination, and labeling infractions identified.

White Plains, New York — April 26, 2010 — Among 28 vitamin D supplements recently selected for independent testing, problems were found with 8 products, 29% of those reviewed, according to

News Release

January 25, 2011 evaluates quality of potassium supplements and identifies those offering best value

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — JANUARY 25, 2011 — A new report on the quality of potassium supplements was released by today. In contrast to its last report on potassium supplements, ConsumerLab.

News Release

May 19, 2009

Review of Magnesium Supplements by Shows One-Quarter Fail Quality Tests

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — MAY 19, 2009 — reported today that among twelve magnesium supplements selected for testing, only nine met quality standards. One supplement contained only 45.

News Release

April 28, 2009

40% of Green Tea and Selenium Products Fail Review of Cancer-Prevention Supplements; Lycopene Supplements Pass

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — APRIL 28, 2009 — announced results today of its Product Review of Supplements for Cancer Prevention.  Among the products that selected for testing, quality problems were found with two out of five green tea supplements.

News Release

March 31, 2009 Warns of Problems with Multivitamins and Vitamin Water -- Defects Found in Over 30% of Supplements Selected for Testing; Several Popular Children's Multis Exceed Tolerable Upper Intake Levels

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — MARCH 31, 2009 — Over 30% of multivitamins recently selected for testing by were found to contain significantly more or less ingredient than claimed or were contaminated with lead.

Recalls & Warnings

May 19, 2020

FDA Warns Sellers of CBD, Kratom, Vitamin C, and More for Coronavirus Claims

Between May 11 and May 14, 2020, the FDA issued warning letters to five companies for selling products such as vitamin C, immune boosters, kratom, and CBD with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recalls & Warnings

June 05, 2020

Seller of CBD, Sleep Aids, and Cold & Flu Products Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On April 28, 2020, the FDA issued a warning letter to The Dragontree Apothecary LLC, which found the company's Sleep Support, Anxiety Relief, Cold & Flu Relief, and Inflammation Relief to be adulterated because they were prepared, packed, or held under conditions that ...

Recalls & Warnings

May 23, 2020

FTC Warns 50 More Companies for Coronavirus Claims

On May 21, 2020, the FTC announced that it sent warning letters to 50 companies for selling products such as herbal products, immune system boosters, and vitamin C, with unsupported claims that they can treat coronavirus (COVID-19).

CL Answer

Do any supplements help with COVID-19? Do supplements like vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, or herbals work?

Find out if natural remedies & supplements for coronavirus such as zinc, vitamin C, garlic, or elderberry help to prevent or treat COVID-19.

Supplements for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? -- mask and pills

CL Answer

Sugar Substitutes: Pros, Cons, and Best Choices

Learn about the pros and cons of using sugar substitutes and artificial sweeteners in place of table sugar. Sweeteners discussed include stevia, monk fruit, and other high-intensity sweeteners; xylitol, erythritol, allulose and other low-calorie sweeteners; and agave syrup, coconut sugar, honey, molasses and other sugar alternatives.

Stevia Health Benefits & Safety -- stevia leaf spoonful of stevia

Recalls & Warnings

July 18, 2018

Maker of Vitamin B12 and Multimineral Supplements Warned by FDA

On July 6, 2018, the FDA issued a warning letter to Aegle Nutrition, LLC, following a facility inspection which found some of the company's products, including Tropical Oasis Ionized Trace Minerals, Tropical Oasis Ultra Methyl B12, and Tropical Oasis Premium Vitamin B12 to be ...

News Release

October 30, 2007

Recently tested magnesium supplements free of lead, but one product missing most of its ingredient according to — First Major Product Review of Potential "Life-Extending" Ingredient

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — OCTOBER 30, 2007 — reported today that its tests of magnesium supplements revealed one product to contain only 46.4% of its claimed amount of the essential mineral, despite boasting a "GMP" (Good Manufacturing Practices) seal on its label.

News Release

October 12, 2007 finds generic antidepressant behaves differently from original drug. May explain complaints by patients. — Generic drug equality questioned


News Release

September 10, 2007

Tests of B-vitamins by finds several short on folic acid — New report covers B-complexes, thiamin, niacin, B-6, B-12, biotin and folic acid supplements

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 — Half of the B-complex supplements recently selected by for testing were found to lack the total claimed amounts of folic acid, an essential nutrient also known as vitamin B-9.

News Release

August 20, 2007

ConsumerLab tests products in booming nutrition drink market — most deliver what's promised but extra cholesterol found in some — New report covers drinks and powders for endurance/recovery, body building, meal-replacement and dieting

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — AUGUST 20, 2007 — A new report from finds most nutrition powders, shakes and drinks meet their nutrient claims, but three products — two sports drinks and a meal supplement — contained more cholesterol than claimed.

Recalls & Warnings

August 06, 2014

Seller of Mineral and Joint Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims

On July 25, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Mezotrace Corporation following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Calcium/Magnesium Natural Minerals & Trace Elements, Calcium/Magnesium Natural Minerals & Trace Elements with Vitamin D, and Calcium/Magnesium ...

Recalls & Warnings

March 26, 2019

Seller of NeuSilver Colloidal Silver for Adults, Children and Pets Warned by FDA

On February 19, 2019, the FDA issued a warning letter to iMedDo, Inc., following a review of the company's website, http://www.imeddo.

Recalls & Warnings

October 22, 2019

Company Marketing CBD for Use in Infants and Children Gets Strong Warning

On October 10, 2019, the FDA and FTC issued a joint warning letter to Rooted Apothecary LLC for "illegally selling unapproved products containing cannabidiol (CBD) online with unsubstantiated claims" including that the products could treat teething pain and ear aches in infants, autism, ...

Recalls & Warnings

July 23, 2019

FDA Warns Seller of CBD Lotions, Patches, Tinctures and Pet Products

On July 22, 2019, the FDA issued a warning letter to Curaleaf, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

March 15, 2013

Maker of Liquid Supplements Warned For Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims

On January 31, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Liquid Health, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

July 11, 2017

FDA Warns Dr. Carolyn Dean of Drug Claims Made for Magnesium, Calcium & Other Mineral Supplements

On June 27, 2017, the FDA issued a Warning Letter to Dr. Carolyn Dean of New Capstone, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

March 13, 2018

FDA Warns Seller of Milk Thistle, Chromium, Joint Supplements & More for Manufacturing Violations

On March 9, 2018, the FDA issued a warning letter to Carol Bond Health Foods following a facility inspection which found a number of the company's products, including Dolomite, Lipo Fat Fighter, ThistleX, Injuv, and Vinpocentine, to be ...

Recalls & Warnings

March 10, 2015

Maker of Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, B Vitamins and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims

On January 8, 2015, the FDA issued a warning letter to Complete H2O Minerals, following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Sulfur Concentrate, Copper, Extra Strength Copper, Extra Strength Magnesium, Extra Strength Zinc, Platinum, Gold, Indium, Molybdenum, ...

Recalls & Warnings

April 09, 2019

Dangerous Levels of Lead and Nickel Found in Kratom Products

On April 3, 2019, the FDA released the results of its tests that found dangerous levels of lead and nickel in certain kratom products. The agency tested 30 products sold on websites such as and by retailers such as Gaia Ethnobotanicals, Sunstone Organics LLC and Happy Hippo LLC.

Recalls & Warnings

May 23, 2015

Seller of Magnesium, Calcium, Silver and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims

On May 8, 2015, the FDA issued a warning letter to Pick and Pay, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

January 17, 2015

Maker of Magnesium and Potassium Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On December 23, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Nutri Spec, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

February 13, 2013

FDA Warns Maker of Weight Loss and Whey Protein Supplements For Manufacturing Violations and Misbranding

January 25, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to dietary supplement manufacturer SciLabs Nutraceuticals, following a facility inspection which found the company's dietary supplements and supplement ingredients, including N-Large 2, Flo-Gard AB, Nitrogen Glutamine capsules, Nutritech nutritional ...

Recalls & Warnings

November 12, 2017

Weight Loss and Cleanse Supplements Contain Adulterated and Improperly Labeled Ingredients, FDA Warns

On November 2, 2017, the FDA issued a warning letter to Create-A-Pack Foods, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

November 14, 2012

Maker of Vitamin C, Aloe and Sexual Enhancement Supplements Warned for Drug Claims and Misbranding

On October 22, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Health Breakthroughs International, LLC after a review of the company's product labels and website found the dietary supplements Amazing C, MPS-Gold 100 and Power Herbal Formula to be promoted as drugs.

Recalls & Warnings

March 05, 2014

Seller of Aloe and Vitamin C Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On December 12, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Health Breakthroughs International, following a facility inspection which found the company's products, MPS Gold 100, MPS Gold 3X and Amazing C, to be adulterated because they were prepared, packed, or held under conditions that violate ...

Recalls & Warnings

November 06, 2014

Seller of Cholesterol, Arthritis Supplements and More Warned for Drug Claims

On October 17, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Vitamins Direct (USA) and Golden Pride, Inc., which distribute Flexezy and Physician's Signature brands of dietary supplements, following a facility inspection which found statements made about certain supplements to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

September 05, 2014

Seller of "Nerve", "Cleanse" and Probiotic Supplements Warned for Drug Claims

On July 30, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Plexus Worldwide, Inc., following a review of the company's website and product labels, which found statements made about Fast Relief, BioCleanse and ProBio5 to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

February 13, 2013

Manufacturer of Heart, Multivitamin, Cranberry, and Longevity Supplements Warned For Adulteration and Drug Claims

On January 29, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to M.D.R. Fitness Corp. following a facility inspection which found violations of good manufacturing practices which cause the company's products to be adulterated. 

Recalls & Warnings

June 05, 2018

FDA Warns Seller of Colloidal Silver

On May 17, 2018, the FDA issued a warning letter to Silver Armor, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

February 14, 2017

Life Extension Warned for Drug Claims

On February 1, 2017, the FDA issued a warning letter to Life Extension Foundation Buyers Club, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

December 26, 2012

Seller of Blood Sugar, Depression and Sleep Supplements Warned For Making Drug Claims

On October 15, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to BioNeurix Corporation after statements found on the company's website,, were found to promote the dietary supplements Blood Sugar 360, Amoryn, Seredyn, and Mellodyn as drugs.

Recalls & Warnings

November 30, 2013

"Diuretic" Weight Loss Supplement Recalled

On November 29, 2013, IQ Formulations issued a recall of all lots of diuretic weight loss supplement HYDRAVAX because one lot of the supplement was found to contain an undeclared prescription diuretic drug.

Recalls & Warnings

July 05, 2013

Seller of Vision Supplement Warned For Drug Claims

On June 25, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Nutrient Synergy, Inc., following a review of the company's website which found statements made about the dietary supplement Nepretin to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

September 18, 2012

Men’s Sexual Enhancement Supplement Containing Prescription Drug Recalled

On September 12, 2012, Body Basics Inc. issued a voluntary nationwide recall of ACTRA-Sx 500 Dietary Supplement Capsules after independent laboratory testing confirmed the supplement contains the prescription drug sildenafil citrate.

Recalls & Warnings

October 10, 2014

Seller of Multivitamin Warned for Drug Claims

On September 25, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Multimmunity, Inc., following a review of the company's website which found statements made about the dietary supplement Multimmunity to be drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

September 23, 2014

Maker of Joint and Weight Products Warned for Hidden Drugs, Manufacturing Violations

On September 15, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to West Coast Laboratories, Inc., because the company's joint health supplements, Super ArthGold and Pro ArthMax, were found to contain hidden drugs.

Recalls & Warnings

April 16, 2014

Seller of Aloe, Thyroid and Other Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims

On March 21, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Aloe Man International Corp.

Recalls & Warnings

October 30, 2014

Seller of Vitamin C, Iron and Detox Supplements Warned for Violations, Drug Claims

On October 16, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Vitalab Co., Inc. (which manufactures and labels supplements for three distributors: V.E. Irons, Inc., Springreen Products, Inc., and Sonne's Organic Foods, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

August 30, 2012

Supplement Company Warned For Medical Claims and Misbranding Of Omega-3, CoQ10, Noni Juice And More

On July 12, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Alfa Vitamins Laboratories, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

June 22, 2011

Recall of Calcium & Magnesium Softgels Containing Excessive and Potentially Toxic Amounts of Vitamin D

On or about June 7, 2011, NOW Foods announced the following recall to retailers. was subsequently made aware of the recall by a member.

Recalls & Warnings

May 07, 2012

FDA Warns Doctor Promoting Own Supplements Online as Treatments

On April 18, 2012 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent a Warning Letter to Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. of Fatigued to Fantastic, LLC regarding the promotion that company's products on its website

Recalls & Warnings

September 08, 2011

FDA Warns Several Supplement Manufacturers Not Following Good Manufacturing Practices

In recent weeks, the U.S. FDA has sent warning letters to several supplement manufacturers regarding deficiencies identified during audits of their facilities and not adequately corrected. Use the links below to access the Warning Letters on the FDA website.

News Release

January 19, 2007

Consumers warned of problems with multivitamins — uncovers defects in over half of products tested

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — JANUARY 19, 2007 — Fifty-two percent of multivitamins recently selected for testing by were found to be contaminated with lead, unable properly break apart, or to contain significantly more or less ingredient than claimed.

News Release

June 15, 2005

Two magnesium supplements fail testing due to lead contamination. Nineteen others pass. Report now available.

WHITE PLAINS, NY — JUNE 15, 2005 — has released its latest report on the quality of magnesium supplements sold in the U.S. In addition to being an essential mineral, magnesium may help prevent migraine headaches, menstrual pain, PMS, and leg cramps during pregnancy.

News Release

April 27, 2005 finds quality of most nutrition powders and drinks high, but identifies five protein powders with excess sodium or cholesterol — Report Now Available Online

WHITE PLAINS, NY — APRIL 27, 2005 — has released its latest report on the quality of nutrition powders, shakes and drinks. These products are used for general nutrition, dieting, and meal-replacement and are frequently used by athletes and bodybuilders.

News Release

March 30, 2005 finds most B-vitamins of high quality but three lacking in ingredients — Test Results for 41 Products Reported Along with Information on Use

WHITE PLAINS, NY — MARCH 30, 2005 — reported test results today for B vitamin supplements that it recently purchased in the U.S. and Canada.

News Release

March 14, 2005 reports on vitamin C supplements — Test Results for 29 Products Reported Along with Information on Use

WHITE PLAINS, NY — MARCH 14, 2005 — reported test results today for a wide variety of vitamin C supplements purchased at retail. Vitamin C is the top-selling single vitamin in the U.S., with sales of $770 million in 2003 according to Nutrition Business Journal.

News Release

July 16, 2002 finds lead contamination remains a problem for certain mineral supplements — Lead found in iron, magnesium and, most recently, potassium pills

WHITE PLAINS, NY — July 16, 2002 — announced today that its testing has shown that approximately 5% to 10 % of certain mineral supplements are contaminated with lead. The findings are based on ConsumerLab.

News Release

July 10, 2002

Pharmavite dietary supplements receive approval — Vitamin E, SAM-e, St. John's Wort, Ginkgo and others merit approved quality products ranking

WHITE PLAINS, NY — July 10, 2002 — ConsumerLab.

News Release

May 15, 2002 lists magnesium products that passed testing — Some products fail due to excess magnesium and lead contamination

WHITE PLAINS, NY — May 14, 2002 — today released results of its Product Review of Magnesium Supplements. Seventeen of the nineteen products tested by passed the review. Among the products that failed, one contained nearly 50% more magnesium than claimed.

Recalls & Warnings

November 21, 2014

Seller of Diabetes, Prostate Supplements and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims

On October 7, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to dietary supplement distributor Windmill Health Products, LLC, following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Nutri-Betic caplets, Vita-betic caplets, ProstrinRx tablets, Polyflavanol capsules, and Glucoflex Joint ...

Recalls & Warnings

May 14, 2014

Maker of Mood, Smoking Cessation Supplements and More Warned for Violations, Drug Claims

On April 17, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to CDJ Holding, Incorporated, d.b.a.

Recalls & Warnings

September 26, 2012

Maker of Eye Health Supplements Warned for Drug Claims

On September 18, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to EyeScience Labs, L.L.C. because statements made about the company's Macular Health Formula, Dry Eye Formula and Diabetic Vision Formula supplements were found to constitute drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

February 19, 2014

Seller of Sexual Enhancement Supplements Warned For Manufacturing Violations

On February 11, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Maximus Niterider International Group, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

January 21, 2015

Supplement Maker Ordered to Stop Selling Products

On January 15, 2015, a federal judge ordered a permanent injunction against dietary supplement manufacturer Health One Pharmaceuticals, Inc. which requires the company to stop manufacturing and selling dietary supplements.

Recalls & Warnings

August 09, 2012

Makers of Mineral Water Containing Lithium Warned

On July 20, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Lithia Mineral Water, Inc. declaring Lithia mineral water product to be an approved drug following a 2011 facility inspection.

Recalls & Warnings

May 07, 2013

FDA Warns Consumers Of Three More Sexual Enhancement Supplements Containing Undeclared Drugs

On May 7, 2013, the FDA issued a warning to consumers, urging them not to purchase or use three sexual enhancement products which were found to contain undeclared drugs.

Recalls & Warnings

April 18, 2013

Cardio, Energy and Sexual Enhancement Supplement Distributor Warned For Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims

On December 21, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to ForMor Inc, dba ForMor International, following a facility inspection which found the company's Cardio Cocktail and Argenix dietary supplements to be adulterated because because they were prepared, packed, or held under conditions that do ...

Recalls & Warnings

March 21, 2013

Probiotic Recalled Due To Undeclared Soy

On March 20, 2013, New Chapter, Inc. issued a voluntary recall of one lot of its Probiotic Elderberry dietary supplement because it may contain undeclared soy.

Recalls & Warnings

September 02, 2016

Maker of Prescription Multi to Pay $15.5 Million to Settle Lawsuit Over Ingredient Claim

Endo Health Solutions Inc. has reportedly agreed to pay $15.5 million to settle a class action lawsuit which alleged its Qualitest Multi-Vitamin with Fluoride Chewable Tablets contained just 44% of the fluoride claimed on the label.

Recalls & Warnings

March 14, 2017

Court Shuts Down Supplement Manufacturer

On March 13, 2017, the U.S. District Court for Colorado ordered dietary supplement manufacturers and distributors  EonNutra LLC, CDSM LLC and HABW LLC, and their owner, Michael Floren, to stop all operations until they come into compliance with federal regulations. 

Recalls & Warnings

February 16, 2017

U.S. Department of Justice Files Permanent Injunction Against Supplement Manufacturer

On February 16, 2017, the United States Department of Justice filed a complaint against Pick and Pay, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

August 23, 2015

Maker of Herbal Supplements Sold on eBay, Amazon and Other Websites Shut Down

On August 17, 2015, a federal court ordered a permanent injunction against dietary supplement company Iowa Select Herbs LLC for unlawfully manufacturing and distributing unapproved new drugs and misbranded drugs and adulterated and misbranded dietary supplements.

Recalls & Warnings

August 11, 2015

Company Ordered to Stop Making and Selling Supplements

On August 4, 2015, a federal court ordered a permanent injunction against dietary supplement company Atrium Inc., and two companies under the same ownerhship, Aspen Group Inc., Nutri-Pak of Wisconsin Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

September 26, 2017

FDA Warns Seller of DHEA, Creatine, Chromium & More for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims

On August 25, 2017, the FDA issued a warning letter to Mega-Pro Nutrition, Inc., following inspections of the facility and website www.mega-pro.

Recalls & Warnings

February 10, 2018

Warning to D-Limonene, Vitamin C Seller

On January 31, 2018 the FDA issued a warning letter to Long Life Unlimited, LLC following a review of the company's website which found promotional statements and testimonials made about products including Balance 600, D-Limonene, Rapha Remedy, Rapha Remedy w/ p73 Wild Oregano, Vitamin C, ...

Recalls & Warnings

December 23, 2017

Seller of Meal Replacement, Protein Drinks, Cranberry and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On July 6, 2017, the FDA issued a warning letter to Professional Botanicals, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

December 20, 2017

Seller of Supplements for Pain and Allergies Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims

On December 13, 2017, the FDA issued a warning letter to GnuPharma Corporation, following a facility inspection which found a number of the company's products, including Relief capsules, Foundation capsules, Aller-geez capsules, Fit capsules, Aller-Geez Tea, Foundation herbal tea and ...

Recalls & Warnings

November 02, 2012

Manufacturer of Prostate, Inflammation and Cholesterol Supplements Warned For Drug Claims

On October 15, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Ortho Molecular Products, Inc. for making drug claims about the following dietary supplements: Candicid Forte, Inflamma-bLOX, Lipitrol, Mucosagen, Prostatrol Forte, Resvoxitrol, Paracid Forte, VascuPak HTN and Lithium Orotate.

Recalls & Warnings

June 11, 2015

FDA Warns Maker of Fruit Energy Drinks for Drug Claims

On May 19, 2015, the FDA issued a warning letter to CK Management, Inc. following a facility inspection which found statements made on product labels and websites about Whole5, Fruit of the Spirit and ViaViente "whole food" fruit puree energy drinks to be drug claims.

News Release

April 16, 2002 finds "Breast Enhancement" pills lack evidence of efficacy

WHITE PLAINS, NY — April 16, 2002 — announced today that it found no hard evidence to suggest that current dietary supplements marketed for breast enhancement are effective.

News Release

April 03, 2002

More than one in five weight loss, slimming and/or diabetes supplements fail evaluation — Problems found in chromium and pyruvate products; CLA products fine

WHITE PLAINS, NY — April 3, 2002 — announced today that more than one in five products failed its recent Product Review of Weight Loss, Slimming and Diabetes-Management Supplements.