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Psyllium Fiber Supplements

Psyllium Review 2024

Fiber supplements made from psyllium (such as Metamucil) can help with constipation and regularity, lower cholesterol, and even reduce appetite. But our tests show that many are contaminated with lead. Find out which psyllium products passed or failed our tests which one we think is the best.

Psyllium Fiber Supplements Review

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CL Answer

Which supplements and foods can help treat constipation?

Find out which supplements and foods can help for constipation, including fiber, flaxseed, probiotics, magnesium and fruit.

Supplements for Constipation

CL Answer

Can psyllium help control hunger and appetite?

Learn more about psyllium (found in Metamucil), including effects on appetite and hunger control, results from clinical studies and safety.


CL Answer

Does taking a laxative interfere with the absorption of vitamins or minerals?

Information on laxative interactions with other medications and supplements such as Maalox, antibiotics, and statins and diabetes medications.

Laxatives and vitamin and mineral absorption

CL Answer

Which supplements and foods help relieve constipation and which can cause constipation?

Find out which supplements can cause constipation, including iron, calcium, protein powders and drinks and others.'s answer explains.

Which supplements can cause constipation? -- Woman with gastrointestinal pain

CL Answer

Do any supplements naturally suppress appetite and help with weight loss?

Learn which natural ingredients can suppress appetite and find if these natural appetite suppressants help with weight loss.

Container of natural appetite suppressant supplement with measuring tape and scale in background

Product Review

Prebiotic Supplements Review

You Can't Tell How Much Fiber Is Really In Most Prebiotics Without Testing

Prebiotics 2024 Expanded Review

Product Review

Baobab Dried Fruit Pulp Review Article

What Are the Benefits of Baobab Dried Fruit Pulp? Find Out What's In Baobab Super Fruit Products, Safety, Side Effects & More.

Baobab Dried Fruit Pulp Reviewed by

CL Answer

Do any supplements help for ulcerative colitis?

Find out what supplements & vitamins can help with ulcerative colitis, such as VSL#3, curcumin, aloe or boswellia.

Woman Grabbing Stomach Due To Abdominal Discomfort

Product Review

Nutrition Bars & Cookies Review (For Energy, Fiber, Protein, Meal Replacement, and Whole Foods)

Find the Best Nutrition Bar or Cookie. ConsumerLab Tests Reveals Not All Nutrition Bars and Cookies Contain What They Claim.

Nutrition Bars Reviewed by (Energy, Fiber, Meal Replacement, Protein, and Whole Food Bars)

CL Answer

Which supplements or OTC medications help reduce flatulence (gas), and are there any that make it worse?

Find out which supplements may help reduce flatulence (gas), and learn which supplements or foods may worsen symptoms of flatulence.

Older woman sitting on her bed and holding her stomach due to gas and bloating

CL Answer

Which supplements and foods can help lower or control blood sugar?

Find out which supplements can help lower or control blood sugar. Supplements including turmeric/curcumin, fiber, cinnamon, and ginseng are believed to help lower blood sugar.

Blood Sugar Control -- blood test and blood sugar chart

CL Answer

Are there supplements I should take, or take differently, when intermittent fasting?

Supplements that may help when intermittent fasting. Information about whey protein, CoQ10, magnesium and others, plus coffee, fiber and more.

CL Answer

Which vitamins and minerals should be taken together or separately?

Find out the best way to take vitamins and minerals and which vitamins and minerals should be taken together or separately for proper absorption. ConsumerLab answer explains the best way to take vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins & Minerals That Should Be Taken Together or Separately -- various vitamins in spoons

CL Answer

Do any supplements help for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

IBS supplements may help reduce irritable bowel symptoms such as pain, diarrhea and constipation. Supplements include probiotics, melatonin, and flaxseed.

Supplements for IBS? -- Women With Stomach Pain

CL Answer

Which supplements or foods can help lower cholesterol and keep my heart healthy? Are there any to avoid?

Information about heart health supplements & vitamins that help with cholesterol, including sterol esters, CoQ10, and vitamin D, and which may be bad for the heart, like calcium.

CL Answer

Are Balance of Nature products good dietary supplements?

Do Balance of Nature supplements "Fruits" and "Veggies" supplements really provide the daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables, and are they worth the cost? Find out.

Balance of Nature

Product Review

Oat Cereals Review

Find the Best Oatmeal, Oat Bran, Steel Cut Oats, & Cold Cereals. Popular Oat Cereals Tested -- Beware of Unexpected Gluten.

Oat Cereals Tested by

Product Review

Chia Seed Review — Whole, Ground, and Sprouted Seed, Seed Flour, & Supplements

Find the Best Chia Seeds, Sprouted Chia Powder, Flour, and Chia Supplements. Tests and Reviews of Chia Seeds & CL's Top Picks.

Chia supplements reviewed by

Product Review

Whole, Ground, Milled, and Cracker Flaxseed Review

High Levels of Cadmium Found in Flaxseed Products — Testing Expanded

CL Answer

What is Skinny Fiber and does it really work? I see that glucomannan is a key ingredient. What is that?

Learn more about Skinny Fiber, including its key ingredient glucomannan, evidence from clinical studies, dosage info, and safety.

Skinny Fiber

Product Review

Fruits, Veggies, and Other Greens Supplements Review (Including Spirulina and Chlorella)

Avoid Lead in Greens, Problems with Pills, and Don't Give Up Eating Whole Foods.

Greens Review Oct 2023

Product Review

Pumpkin Seeds (Pepitas) Review

We Identified the Best Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds Review 2024 (2)

Clinical Update


Psyllium: Viva Naturals

Concerned about lead found by ConsumerLab in psyllium supplements, a CL member asked Viva Naturals about the quality of its Organic Psyllium Husk Powder, which was not tested by ConsumerLab. Viva provided its quality specifications for the product. See how this compares to amounts of lead actually found in competing products in the Update to the Psyllium Fiber Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among psyllium supplements.

Product Review

Plant-Based Milks Review (Almond, Cashew, Coconut, Flax, Hemp, Macadamia, Oat, Pea, and Soy)

Find the Best Non-Dairy Milk Alternative. ConsumerLab Tests Reveal What's Really In Plant-Based Milks.

Plant Based Milks reviewed by

Clinical Update


Lead in Metamucil

A recently filed lawsuit alleges that Proctor & Gamble failed to disclose "dangerous" amounts of lead in a variety of Metamucil products. Get the details, by product, in our Psyllium Fiber Supplements Review, which includes our tests of Metamucil and our Top Picks among psyllium fiber supplements.

Clinical Update


Psyllium for Uncontrolled Bowel Movements

Psyllium is commonly used as a laxative, but did you know it can also help people with uncontrolled bowel movements (fecal incontinence), as noted in recent, expert guidelines? Get the details in the What It Does section of our Psyllium Fiber Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among psyllium supplements.

Clinical Update



A CL Member recently asked us how ColonBroom, which is heavily promoted, compares to other psyllium fiber supplements. Find out in our Psyllium Fiber Supplements Review.

Clinical Update


Allergy to Metamucil

Asthma and allergic reactions to psyllium fiber supplements, including Metamucil, have been reported, although not common. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Psyllium Review, which includes our Top Picks for psyllium.

Product Review

Shelled Walnuts (Halves & Pieces)

See Our Top Picks for Walnuts

Walnuts Review 2023

Product Review

Dark Chocolates, Cocoa & Cacao Powders, Nibs, and Supplements Review -- Sources of Flavanols

Is Your Chocolate or Cocoa Healthful or Toxic? Find the Best Dark Chocolate, Cocoa Powder and Cocoa Supplements Based On Our Tests.

Clinical Update


Lead in Meta Mucil

A CL member asked why Meta Mucil 4-in-1 Fiber powder was not tested by us this year. It is because of the lead contamination we found when we tested it in 2021, as noted in our recent report. Hoping to find less contamination, this year we tested Meta Mucil 3-in-1 capsules, as well as Meta Mucil Fiber Gummies (a prebiotic).

See our Top Picks among psyllium fiber and prebiotic fiber supplements.

Product Review

Olive Leaf Extract Supplements Review

Learn What Olive Leaf Does and the Best Brands

Product Review

Seaweed Snacks and Foods Review

Tests Reveal Seaweed Snack Risks

Product Review

Protein Powders, Shakes, and Meal Replacements Review

Find Out Which Protein Products Passed or Failed Our Tests

Clinical Update


Best Fiber Supplement for Constipation?

Which type of fiber supplement is best for treating mild, chronic constipation? See what experts recommend, and why, in the What It Does section of our Psyllium Supplements Review.

Product Review

Sunflower Seeds and Butters Review

High Levels of Toxin Found in Most Sunflower Seeds and Butters

Sunflower Seeds & Butters 2024

Clinical Update


Kiwi for Constipation?

Can eating kiwifruit reduce constipation as well as psyllium fiber? Find out what a recent study showed in our updated answer to the question: Which supplements and foods help relieve constipation and which can cause constipation?

Clinical Update


Benefiber, Meta Mucil Tested

Find out how Benefiber compares to less expensive Optifiber and about its health claims, and how Meta Mucil Fiber Gummies is different from other Meta Mucil products we’ve tested. It’s all in our updated Prebiotic Supplements Review.

Also see our recent tests of psyllium supplements.

Product Review

Electrolytes & Sports Drinks Review

See Which Sports Drinks, Powders, and Pills Deliver the Right Electrolytes

Product Review

Lion's Mane and Chaga Supplements Review

Read Labels Carefully -- Many Can Mislead

Lion's Mane and Chaga Supplements tested by

Product Review

Lavender and Tea Tree Essential Oils Review

Oils Tested for Authenticity and Purity

Product Review

Tuna, Salmon, Sardines & Herring Review (Canned and Packaged)

Find Products With the Least Mercury and Most Omega-3s

CL Answer

Does yacon syrup decrease appetite or help with weight loss? How do I find a quality brand?

Can yacon syrup can help with weight loss? Learn more, including clinical evidence, side effects, and dosage.

Yacon syrup for weight loss?

CL Answer

Which supplements can cause diarrhea?

Can supplements like magnesium cause diarrhea? Find out which supplements may cause diarrhea, such as vitamin B12, curcumin, magnesium, vitamin C and fish oil.

Which supplements can cause diarrhea? -- Woman with gastrointestinal pain

CL Answer

Which supplements help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer?

Find out which supplements may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, including folate, fiber, selenium, and vitamin D.

Supplements and Colorectal Cancer Risk -- colon cancer diagnosis form and supplements

CL Answer

What are the health benefits of nutritional yeast and is it safe?

Learn about the nutritional content and health benefits of nutritional yeast (nooch), evidence for or against nutritional yeast for boosting the immune system, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, plus safety and side effects of nutritional yeast.

Nutritional Yeast

CL Answer

Supplements That May Be Needed When Following a Gluten-Free Diet

Find out if supplements such as folate, vitamin B-12, niacin, thiamin, iron, vitamin D, and/or fiber are needed when following a gluten-free diet. Also learn how to find gluten-free supplements on

Woman holding her hand in front of a slice of bread to signify a gluten free diet

CL Answer

Which dietary supplements, health foods or spices contain high levels of lead?

Information about lead and heavy metals in vitamins, supplements and foods. Information on the adverse effects of lead.

Lead in Supplements & Foods -- concerned woman looking at pill

CL Answer

Are gummy vitamins better or worse than pills?

Learn more about gummy supplements, including those for multivitamins, vitamins C and D, calcium, and B vitamins.

Problems With Gummy Vitamins -- bottle of gummy vitamins

CL Answer

7 Red Flags to Watch Out For When Buying Vitamins & Supplements

When it comes to buying vitamins and supplements, it's buyer beware. ConsumerLab explains seven red flags to look out for on labels when choosing and buying vitamins or supplements, including claims of "FDA Approved" laboratories, what to look for in the ingredient list, and more.

What to Watch Out for When Choosing a Supplement -- Supplement Bottle Label Close-up

CL Answer

I enjoy oat milk in my coffee, but how healthy is it for me?

Is oat milk healthy? Information about oat milk contents, how much sugar and calcium is in oat milk, and if it is a healthy alternative to cow milk.

Is oatmeal milk healthy? -- glass of oatmeal milk and oats in a spoon

News Release

February 29, 2024

Lead Found In Psyllium Fiber Supplements

White Plains, NY, February 29, 2024 —  Psyllium is an effective laxative that may also have heart health benefits, but ConsumerLab’s recent tests found lead contamination in every psyllium fiber supplement it purchased and tested.

CL Answer

Does Restore (Biomic Sciences LLC) really improve gut health? What is in Restore?

Learn more about Restore, including clinical studies on gut health, dosage, cost, and safety.

Clinical Update


Psyllium for Colitis?

Can supplementing with psyllium help maintain remission in people with ulcerative colitis? Find out what research suggests in our Psyllium Supplements Review.

Also see our answer to the question: Do any supplements help for ulcerative colitis?

CL Answer

I am curious why some probiotics do not require refrigeration even though they contain some of the same bacteria in probiotics that require refrigeration? Which probiotics need to be refrigerated?

Refrigerating certain probiotic pills and other probiotic supplements is important. Get tips on how to store probiotics properly.

Do probiotic pills require refrigeration? -- Probiotic supplement

Clinical Update


Psyllium For Lowering Cholesterol?

A CL Member asked if psyllium could help lower cholesterol and how it differs from oats. Find out in our updated CL Answer about supplements for lowering cholesterol.

Clinical Update


Ulcerative Colitis

Find out if drinking coconut water or taking psyllium helped people with active ulcerative colitis in recent studies. Also see our Top Picks among coconut waters and psyllium supplements.

Clinical Update


Counterfeit Supplements

Counterfeit versions of psyllium, a multivitamin, magnesium, and eight other types of supplements from a major brand have been sold online. Details and how to avoid this are in our Psyllium Supplements Review.

A popular brand of mushroom supplements has also reported counterfeit versions of its products. Details and how to avoid this are in our Lion's Mane Review.

Clinical Update


Constipation & Supplements

Find out which supplements medical experts recommend for chronic versus occasional constipation. See the Laxative use section of our Psyllium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Pick among products.

Also see: Which supplements and foods help relieve constipation and which can cause constipation?

Clinical Update


Fiber Benefits

Higher fiber intake was associated with a lower risk of many major diseases in a recent study. However, the average American consumes far below the recommended daily intake of fiber. As oats are a good source of fiber, we’ve added details from the new study in the "Benefits" section of the Oat Cereals Review. (Also see our Top Picks oat cereals.)

Recalls & Warnings

January 15, 2024

Suprex Carb & Sugar Block Recalled

On December 7, 2023, Vita 360, LLC issued a recall of one lot of SUPREX Plant Based Nutrition Carb & Sugar Block after FDA analysis found it to contain only 16 mcg of chromium per serving and not 100 mcg of chromium per serving, as listed on the label.

Clinical Update


Fiber Gummies?

Are fiber gummies a good way to get fiber? Find out in our updated answer to the question: Is there cause for concern with gummy vitamins?

Clinical Update


Cereal Fiber Reduces Risk of Death from Colorectal Cancer

Higher intakes of dietary fiber are associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer. A new study suggests that higher intakes of fiber from cereal may reduce the risk of dying among those who have the disease. How much is needed for a benefit? Get the details in the "What It Does" section of the Oat Cereals Review >> [Also see our Top Picks for oat cereals in the Review.]

News Release

December 07, 2023

Best Shelled Walnuts According to ConsumerLab Tests

White Plains, New York, December 7, 2023 —  Fresh walnuts are rich in healthful, unsaturated fats, protein, fiber, and certain vitamins and minerals, but how fresh and pure are packaged, shelled walnuts? And does higher cost guarantee better quality or taste? To find out, ConsumerLab recently ...

News Release

October 28, 2022

Labels on Prebiotic Supplements Are Often Unreliable, Tests Show

  White Plains, New York, October 28, 2022 — Prebiotic supplements provide fiber that feed beneficial bacteria in the gut. However, recent ConsumerLab tests show that consumers often can’t rely on labels to know how much prebiotic fiber is really in products.

Clinical Update


Beans as Prebiotics

Beans can be a good source of prebiotic fiber. See what happened when one cup of beans was added to a regular daily diet in our Prebiotics Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among prebiotic supplements.

Clinical Update


Lifestyle Changes for Tinnitus?

Find out if research supports the following lifestyle changes for reducing symptoms of tinnitus:

Clinical Update


Prebiotic Diet for Mood?

Did eating foods rich in prebiotic compounds improve mood in people with moderate psychological distress? See what a recent study showed in our Prebiotics Supplements Review.

Also find out which foods are high in prebiotic fiber.

Clinical Update


Prebiotic for Mood?

Did supplementing with prebiotic fiber improve mood? Find out what a recent study showed in the Mood section of our Probiotic Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among prebiotic supplements.

Clinical Update


Chia for Obesity?

Chia seeds are highly nutritious and rich in fiber, but can they help with weight management? Find out what studies are showing, including a recent clinical trial among obese children, in the What It Does section of the Chia Seed Review. Also see our Top Picks for chia seed products.

Clinical Update


Protein & Nutrition Bars -- Watch Out for Weight Gain

Protein and nutrition bars can be a convenient way to get protein, fiber, and other nutrients, but they can lead to weight gain according to a recent study. The details are in our Protein and Nutrition Bars Review.

Clinical Update


Do Prebiotics Cause Liver Cancer?

Some CL readers expressed concern over recent headlines suggesting that prebiotic fiber may cause liver cancer. Learn if this should be of concern in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Prebiotics Review.

Clinical Update


Protein Shake for Weight Management?

Can drinking a protein and fiber shake improve weight management in overweight people when used along with diet and exercise? Find out what a recent study found in the Weight management section of our Protein Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among protein powders, shakes and drinks.

Recalls & Warnings

April 24, 2021

Metal Reported in Church & Dwight Gummy Melatonin, Multis & Fiber Supplements

On April 20, 2021, Church & Dwight Co., Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

June 02, 2022

Prune & Senna Softgels Recalled Due to Undeclared Peanuts

On March 26, 2022, Indiana Botanic Gardens Inc. issued a voluntary recall of one lot of Botanic Choice brand Prune & Senna Softgels because the product contained undeclared peanuts.

News Release

February 24, 2022

Consumers Returned to Pre-Pandemic Supplement Usage in 2021, ConsumerLab Survey Reveals

White Plains, New York, February 24, 2022 —A survey of 8,049 people who use dietary supplements shows many supplements that declined in use in 2020 began bouncing back in 2021, such as magnesium (+2.4 percentage points), and CoQ10 (+2.7 pts).

News Release

December 20, 2021

Dangerous Amounts of Iodine, Toxic Heavy Metals Found in Some Seaweed Snacks, According to ConsumerLab Tests

White Plains, New York, December 20, 2021 — Dried or roasted seaweed has become a popular snack, providing a tasy, crunchy, and vegan-friendly source of protein, fiber, and iodine, an essential nutrient for proper thyroid function.

News Release

March 03, 2020

Best and Worst Chia Seed Products Revealed by ConsumerLab

White Plains, New York, March 3, 2020 — Chia seeds are rich in fiber and a good source of healthful oils, particularly the omega-3 fatty acid ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), as well certain vitamins and minerals.

News Release

September 11, 2019

Some Nutrition Bars Contain More Carbs and Less Fiber Than Listed, ConsumerLab Tests Reveal

White Plains, New York, September 11, 2019 — Nutrition bars and cookies are promoted as a convenient way to get protein, fiber and other nutrients on-the-go, but recent ConsumerLab tests of popular nutrition bars and cookies reveal that some contain more carbohydrates (as well as fat and ...

Recalls & Warnings

January 31, 2021

Protein and Fiber Bars Recalled Due to Allergen Risk

On January 28, 2021, think! and Interpac Technologies, Inc. issued a voluntary recall of think! Protein + Fiber Oatmeal: Farmer's Market Berry Crumble due to the potential presence of tree nuts, including almonds and pecans.

News Release

February 24, 2017

Vitamin D Supplements Maintain Top Spot in Popularity, as Probiotics Surpass Multivitamins to #4 Behind Fish Oil and CoQ10 in Latest Survey

White Plains, New York, February 24, 2017 — A recent survey of over 9,505 people who use dietary supplements shows the most popular dietary supplement to be vitamin D, followed by fish oil, CoQ10, probiotics, and multivitamins.

News Release

October 08, 2013 Reports Problems and “Top Picks” Among Bars for Energy, Fiber, Protein, Meal-Replacement, and Whole Food

WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — October 8, 2013 — Which nutrition bars provide the best combination of nutrition and taste, and are accurately labeled? recently set out to answer this question by purchasing popular bars in the U.S.

News Release

August 12, 2008 finds improvements in labeling of nutrition bars but potential pitfalls exist -- New report compares 20 bars, including those for protein, fiber, energy and whole food

WHITE PLAINS, NY — August 12, 2008 — Labeling on nutrition bars has become more accurate, according to a new report by

Recalls & Warnings

April 29, 2020

Benefiber Prebiotic Fiber Supplements Recalled Due to Possible Plastic Contamination

On April 28, 2020, GSK Consumer Healthcare recalled one lot of Benefiber Healthy Shape Prebiotic Fiber Supplement powder and four lots of Benefiber Prebiotic Fiber Supplement powder because they have the potential to be contaminated with green plastic pieces or shavings from bottle ...

Recalls & Warnings

January 23, 2020

Flaxseed Salmonella Risk Prompts Recall

Update: (2/4/20) This recall has been expanded to include additional Nopalina flaxseed products, which are highlighted below.

Recalls & Warnings

April 17, 2020

Fiber Supplement Recalled for Salmonella Risk

On April 13, 2020, Break Ventures/California Basics issued a recall of one lot of Zero for Him fiber supplement because recent testing found it has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella.

Recalls & Warnings

June 17, 2022

Built Brand Protein Bar Recalled Due to E. Coli Concern

On June 10, 2022, Built Brands, LLC. Issued a recall of 4,146 Banana Cream Pie Puffs protein bars after routine testing discovered potential contamination with E. coli (Escherichia coli).

Recalls & Warnings

January 21, 2018

Men's Fiber Supplement Recalled

On January 21, 2018, Break Ventures/California Basics recalled of its fiber supplement for men, Zero for Him (150 count) due to possible Salmonella contamination.

Recalls & Warnings

August 29, 2012

FDA Warns Maker of Silver Colloids, Detox and Shell Powder Supplements For Drug Claims, Misbranding

On August 15, 2012, the FDA issued a warning to Healing Ways for statements made on the company's website that constitute drug claims for the company's dietary supplements Silver Colloids, ABC Detox Program and Shell Powder Products.

Recalls & Warnings

September 18, 2012

Maker of Noni, Nopal, Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Supplements Warned For Drug Claims, Misbranding, and Manufacturing Violations

On August 27, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Naturavit, Inc. for making statements about dietary supplements Noni Imperial Hawaiian, Garlic and Parsley, Cholestol, Nopal and Diatrin that constitute drug claims.

Recalls & Warnings

September 08, 2012

Medifast Settles False Advertising Suit

On September 7, 2012, Jason Pharmaceuticals Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Medifast, agreed to pay a $3.7 million civil penalty and meet new compliance requirements as part of a settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission.

Recalls & Warnings

September 14, 2016

Seller of Aloe, Prostate and Joint Supplements Warned for Manufacturing Violations

On April 8, 2016, the FDA issued a warning letter to Salud Natural Entrepreneurs, Inc.

Recalls & Warnings

September 27, 2013

Company Warned For Distributing Weight Loss Supplement Containing DMAA, Drug Claims

On September 6, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Pure Energy Products, Inc., following a facility inspection which found that the company distributes a weight loss supplement, called obestrim, which contains dimethylamylamine, or DMAA.