Magnesium Supplements
Might taking magnesium with meals reduce the risk of kidney stones? Find out in our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.
Also see: Which supplements and foods reduce or increase the risk of kidney stones?
Be aware that some forms of magnesium can interact with the thyroid medication levothyroxine (Synthroid). Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.
Also see our article about supplements and foods to avoid or use when taking levothyroxine.
Does taking magnesium reduce the number of times a person with urinary frequency needs to urinate? Find out in the What It Does section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.
Also see: 10 Supplements That May Help Reduce Nighttime Urination (And 5 That May Not)
Also see: Which supplements and lifestyle changes improve sleep, and which cause insomnia?
Also see: Do any supplements help with restless legs syndrome?
Also see our Top Pick among magnesium supplements.
In response to a lawsuit, a popular brand of supplements is now providing refunds to people who purchased one of its magnesium products. The suit alleged that the products were mislabeled regarding the form of magnesium they contained. See the Update in our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Pick for magnesium.
Similarly, one of the magnesium products covered in our recent Review also seems to have its form of magnesium mislabeled despite providing the correct amount of magnesium. We have changed its status to Not Approved (see the Update).
In addition, a company that sells a magnesium supplement that was Not Approved by us responded to a question about this from a ConsumerLab member. The response suggests that the company does not understand that its product is mislabeled (see the Update).
Also see our recent Top Pick among magnesium supplements.
Also see: Which supplements and foods can help lower or control blood sugar?
Does taking magnesium reduce ringing in the ears from tinnitus? Find out in the What It Does section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.
Also see: Do any supplements or lifestyle changes reduce the symptoms of tinnitus? Is it true that some supplements can cause tinnitus?
Does taking magnesium reduce anxiety? Find out what research has shown in the What It Does section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.
Also see: What are the best supplements for depression and anxiety?
Also see: I take omeprazole (Prilosec), a proton pump inhibitor, to reduce stomach acid. Are there supplements I should avoid, or be taking, due to this drug?
Find out if magnesium is beneficial for preventing or reducing the severity of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis in our Magnesium Supplements Review.
Also see our answer to the question: Which supplements can help with arthritis?
Did magnesium supplementation slow coronary artery calcification in people with chronic kidney disease? See what a recent study found in the What It Does section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks for magnesium.
Also see: Which supplements or foods can help lower cholesterol and keep my heart healthy? Are there any to avoid?
Can low blood levels of magnesium increase the risk of gout, and does magnesium supplementation help? Find out in the What It Does section of our Magnesium Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.
Also see: Which supplements and foods help with gout and which may worsen it?
Fourteen magnesium supplements sold on Amazon were found to be mislabeled and/or not contain the forms of magnesium claimed on labels, according to a report from a competing supplement company. Get the details in the What to Consider When Buying section our Magnesium Supplements Review.
Be aware that many types of medication can interact with magnesium, including one that was recently reported to raise magnesium levels, requiring a reduction in magnesium supplementation. Get the details, and learn about 15 types of medication that interact with magnesium in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Magnesium Supplements Review.
Does Theraworx, a topical homeopathic magnesium product, relieve nighttime leg cramps? See what a study found in the Magnesium Creams, Sprays and Oils section of our Magnesium Supplements Review.
Can magnesium supplementation improve sleep in people with insomnia? Find out what research suggests in the What It Does section of our Magnesium Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among magnesium supplements.
See our answer to the question: Which supplements can help me sleep and which cause insomnia?
Also see our answer to the question: Do magnesium creams, sprays and oils help with muscle pain and cramps? How about supplements?
Also see our answer to the question: Which supplements can help treat constipation?
Two studies this week showed the risk of high blood pressure to be lowest among people with adequate, but not excessive, dietary intakes of magnesium and niacin.
Also, see which foods are good sources of magnesium and, separately, good sources of niacin.