Reviews and Information for Cholestoff
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Product Review
Cholesterol-Lowering Supplements Review (Sterols/Stanols and Policosanol)
Find the Best Cholesterol-Lowering Supplement. See Which Plant Sterol and Policosanol Supplements Passed Our Tests and Are Our Top Picks.
CL Answer
Which supplements or foods can help lower cholesterol and keep my heart healthy? Are there any to avoid?
Information about heart health supplements & vitamins that help with cholesterol, including sterol esters, CoQ10, and vitamin D, and which may be bad for the heart, like calcium.
CL Answer
I read that sterol supplements to lower cholesterol like CholestOff can block the absorption of vitamins. Is that true?
Find out if CholestOff and other sterol supplements can block vitamin absorption in the body and other safety concerns.
Clinical Update
CholestOff -- How Versions Differ
A CL member asked us the difference between versions of Cholestoff on the market. Find out in our Cholesterol-Lowering Supplements Review, which includes our tests of CholestOff Plus, and our Top Pick among products.
Clinical Update
When Not to Take Selenium Cholesterol Lowering with Sterols/Stanols
A recent study using a popular supplement, CholestOff, showed a modest reduction in LDL ("bad") cholesterol and total cholesterol. The reductions were not as dramatic as in some other studies of sterols and stanols; possibly because participants in the study were already on a cholesterol-lowering diet. See the update to the Cholesterol-Lowering Supplements Review for details of the study, more information about the diet, and our tests of CholestOff and other cholesterol-lowering supplements. More >>
Clinical Update
Cholestoff Plus vs Cholestoff Complete
What are the differences between these formulas, and is one more effective for lowering cholesterol? Find out in our Cholesterol-Lowering Supplements Review, which includes our Top Picks among products.
Clinical Update
Oats vs Supplement for Cholesterol?
Can eating oats every day reduce total and LDL cholesterol as much as taking a phytosterol/stanol supplement, like Cholestoff? Find out in our Oat Cereals Review. Also see our Top Picks among oat cereals, including steel-cut, rolled, and instant oats, and oat bran.
Also learn about red yeast rice for lowering cholesterol and our Top Pick among such supplements.
CL Answer
I read that statins can cause diabetes. Is this true also with red yeast rice?
Find out if red yeast rice supplements increase the risk of diabetes, as some statin medications do.'s answer explains.
Product Review
Rolled Oats and Steel-Cut Oats Review
Find the Best Rolled and Steel-Cut Oats -- Beware of Unexpected Gluten.
News Release
April 26, 2019
Best Cholesterol-Lowering Supplements (Sterols, Stanols & Policosanol) Identified by ConsumerLab
White Plains, New York, April 26, 2019 — Plant sterols (also called phytosterols) and stanols, and, possibly, policosanol, can help lower elevated levels of cholesterol, a key risk factor for heart disease.
News Release
July 22, 2014
Which Supplements Help Lower Cholesterol? Identifies Best Products by Reviewing Evidence and Testing Quality
White Plains, New York, July 21, 2014 — Certain dietary supplements can help reduce elevated cholesterol levels. A new report from reviews the evidence behind each of the popular cholesterol-lowering ingredients and provides test results for twelve supplements.
News Release
March 25, 2010
Cholesterol-lowering supplements reviewed by Many pass quality testing, one fails. Sterol and policosanol products analyzed. Evidence for other cholesterol-lowering ingredients evaluated
White Plains, New York — March 25, 2010 — Certain dietary supplements can help reduce elevated cholesterol levels. A new report from reviews the evidence behind each of the popular cholesterol-lowering ingredients and provides test results for twelve supplement brands.