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Supplements for Constipation


A number of supplements may be helpful in treating or preventing constipation.

Supplements high in fiber include psyllium, glucomannan (a water-soluble fiber) and ground flaxseed, although only psyllium fiber has been recommended by the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) to treat mild, chronic constipation not caused by a known, underlying disease. Be aware, however, that ConsumerLab has found some psyllium products to have relatively high levels of lead, a toxic heavy metal (see the Psyllium Fiber Supplements Review), and there is a safety concern when using glucomannan. Eating two servings per day of high-fiber fruits can also help prevent or treat constipation.

Similarly, inulin, which is mostly fiber and is marketed as a prebiotic, has been shown to be modestly beneficial for increasing the frequency of bowel movements in people with constipation, although it may increase gas, and is not currently recommended by the AGA to treat constipation due to lack of sufficient evidence.

A specific probiotic product was found to significantly increase the number of bowel movements per week in people with chronic constipation. (Other strains have been found to be helpful for constipation associated with IBS).

Magnesium and aloe vera juice (with latex) can help to relieve constipation due to their laxative effects (Note: There are safety concerns with aloe latex -- see the "Concerns and Cautions" section of the Aloe Vera Review before using).

Be aware that some supplements can cause constipation, including iron, calcium and others.

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