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Supplements for Seasonal Allergies -- Woman Outside Sneezing


Conventional treatments such as antihistamines, corticosteroids and decongestants can help relieve seasonal allergy symptoms, but many supplements have also been promoted for this purpose.

The evidence shows that some supplements may provide limited benefits with regard to seasonal allergies.

Sign in as a member to find out which supplements can or can't help with allergies (and the safety and side effects of these supplements), including: supplements such as butterbur, bromelain, spirulina, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), curcumin, palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), probiotics, quercetin, stinging nettle, vitamin D, echinacea, local honey, bee pollen, EpiCor, and Pycnogenol.

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July 07, 2022

I have been using a product Sinus & Seasonal for sinus and allergies by LESLabs. The product contains Quercetin, Butterbur, Nettle Root, and Bromelain. Nothing has ever worked better for me.

October 30, 2022

Was this for a runny nose? or swollen vessels, when your nose close's and you can't breathe. Vincent5141

November 30, 2024

I take that too, with good results.

March 17, 2020

At a visit to a local health food store 2 years ago I found Rootology which is an herbal supplement. The store owner said she couldn't keep it in stock. I have always taken drugs for my severe allergies (pollen) but the side effects have gotten worse with age which happens to many people. I now take Rootology and eye drops (Bausch +Lomb Alaway) if necessary . Rootology works very well for my nasal symptoms, not as well for my itchy eyes. If my allergies get more severe I take children's Zyrtec (5 ml). Regular adult Zyrtec knocks me out for hours at a time. So happy that I found an herbal supplement with NO SIDE EFFECTS. No extreme dryness or drowsiness. I thought Flonase was my miracle until I developed a hole in my nasal septum and my doctor said it was from the Flonase. Good luck to everyone with allergies!

March 17, 2020

We have not tested rootology, but it appears to provide moderate amounts of vitamins C and D and a larger amount of a proprietary blend of 13 herbal ingredients. We are not aware of any clinical study with this product.

August 13, 2019

Quercetin has helped me tremendously. I started taking it about a month before my appointment with an allergist to receive allergy shots after a friend told me how much she'd improved with them. I qualified a few years before for shots but didn't want to try them then since I hadn't yet met anyone they'd worked for. Anyway, I took quercetin that morning as usual, about 1.5 hours before the appointment, and the allergy skin prick test on my back showed nothing except for the positive histamine control -- literally, nothing reacted, which has never happened to me in my life during one of those tests. The only explanation was the quercetin which I'd added to my daily routine about a month earlier. Then, when I thought about it, I realized that my allergies had definitely improved over that month, but I hadn't been paying attention. This proved to me that quercetin works as a mast-cell stabilizer -- prevents histamine from being released from mast cells so no sample but their positive control where they injected histamine was positive for a reaction. However, I found after using for a long time that if I took too much quercetin in one day, it could be proinflammatory (hand arthritis) so I stick to no more than 1g/day. I also take in the morning as there were some reports it could be mildly stimulating.

June 16, 2021

My daughter, and to a lesser degree my mom, both have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. A product called Super Q, by Bluebonnet labs works wonders for them as a mast cell stabilizer. It has Quercetin plus other things in it to further stabilize the mast cells like vitamin C and bromelain. My daughter who has it much worse takes a Pepcid everyday as well, using a Benadryl as a rescue Med if she gets into something that triggers.
Very glad the quercetin does the job for you! Oh, and I have NO financial interests in Super Q or Bluebonnet Labs that make it, just a grateful RN here.

March 30, 2019

I have used HAS by Nature’s Way for ragweed allergies in the fall with great success. I have also since increased my Vitamin D intake the last few years, now I rarely take HAS or anything for seasonal allergies.

March 28, 2019

Judith- I live in south Florida and have been taking quercetin year round twice a day for years. I was so happy to be off of Zyrtec and over the counter allergy meds. It absolutely works for me.

April 11, 2018

MSM has worked for me and is well known to reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms. I was surprised not to see it listed. You need to take a teaspoon twice a day or more during allergy season. Also great for nails, hair, skin and joints. If the ingredient says OptiMSM it's made in the USA.

April 19, 2018

Hi Ralph - Thank you for sharing your experience with this. There does not appear to be good evidence for using MSM for allergies, although there is some evidence it may be helpful for osteoarthritis.

April 19, 2018

A multicentered, open-label trial on the safety and efficacy of methylsulfonylmethane in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis.

April 20, 2018

Thank you for sharing this Ralph. We are aware of this study, but as it was not double-blinded and placebo-controlled, it does not prove efficacy.

February 19, 2018

I'm surprised no one has mentioned local honey. The theory is by taking a teaspoon regularly - straight or with tea, it builds up antibodies to the local allergens as the bees will use pollen from local flora. It has worked for me and many others I've discussed this with

May 05, 2019

Thanks Eric you are right. So many people do not realize it is important to use Local Honey that is raw and not pasteurized for allergies. It is wonderful in Nettle tea.

May 26, 2021

I have been a strong believer in local honey for years and although it doesn't eliminate my seasonal allergies, it is greatly improved and others I speak to have the same experience. For some reason this year, especially in the last two weeks in NE Massachusetts, one of the local pollens is causing havoc with my throat, some with my sinuses.

June 16, 2021

I consume local honey for a variety of reasons--so now I guess four months ago I should have been adding birch pollen, lol.

Debbie Z
August 09, 2023

I was very skeptical about local honey working for allergies but thought I'd give it a try. 6 months before my allergy season, I started with 1Tbs each day in my breakfast smoothie. That first year my nasal symptoms, incl. bad headaches, were noticeably reduced, and I was so shocked & thrilled by my relief. Then to my utter amazement, after 1 whole year of taking 1Tbs daily, I've never experienced any of my allergy symptoms again. I found a small family business that delivered their raw, unfiltered honey right to my door. I started a honey co-op for people I knew to be able to pickup awesome tasting honey at my house for significantly less than store-bought. I get an even greater discount, & the honey guy saves time & money delivering larger orders at one stop! The most marvelous thing happens each time the honey guy makes a delivery in his little, white pick-up. Lots & lots of bees always travel with him, hovering over the jars of honey he loads in the truck bed. Rising above the height of the cab in a swarming bubble, they remain in formation when he stops & continue their diligent guard as the honey guy drives to his next delivery. When he speaks to them, he calls them girls.

December 03, 2024

Many plants are not pollinated by bees. Grass, most trees, both deciduous and evergreens, etc. So if the idea that the local bee pollinating, would repeatedly expose one to local pollen - one would have to have very specific allergies to bee pollinated plants.

April 09, 2017

My family has used Country Life's Aller-Max. My husband used to have 3-4 sinus infections every year. In 1997 I discovered Aller-Max and gave it to him for 6 mos. He has YET to have a sinus infection! I myself have been having a runny nose all the time. Some kind of allergy. I understand Aller-Max has undergone changes - more quercitan, etc. So have started on a protocol of using every day for 3 weeks. I am in week two it has lessened so I am encouraged. It also has stinging nettle among other ingredients.

April 21, 2017

Where do you get allermax

July 03, 2017

Sorry, Candace, did not see your comment until now. You can buy Aller-Max at any natural health store or I buy mine thru Vitacost.com.

April 09, 2017

I believe there was a recent study mentioning that probiotics helped seasonal allergies

April 09, 2017

Hi Cynthia - You're correct; the study is discussed in the "Allergy" section of the Probiotic Supplements Review ( https://www.consumerlab.com/reviews/probiotic-supplements/probiotics/#allergy), and also linked to in the paragraph about probiotics in the above answer.

April 27, 2016

My family and I use D Hist by Orthomolecular. Very good!

March 24, 2016

Try Stinging Nettle (freeze dried). Hopefully Consumer Labs will do a purity test for Stinging Nettle, I don't see one as yet.

Stinging Nettle is a natural anti-histamine & anti-inflammatory (one study showed 57% of patients found stinging nettle relieved allergies & 47% found it as effective as prescription anti-histamine medication) [from University of Maryland Medical Center review of Stinging Nettle research]

My husband and a closed friend both have terrible seasonal allergies and they used to take Claritin or other prescription antihistimines daily (my husband can't take Claritin too many sideaffects, needs to take prescription Clarinex ) Also my husband cannot take pseudophedrine to help with the symptoms since it aggravates his BPH and causes a flareup (prostate tissue similar to sinus tissue, not good when it dries out)
Even on antihistamine medication they both still had allergy symptoms and just didn't feel well on the drugs... They have both started taking freeze dried Stinging Nettle daily and NO LONGER need to take antihistamine medication and barely have any allergy symptoms, no sideaffects & the side benefit is that it is also helping their BPH.

April 27, 2016

Do you know what the are allergic to ?. Re, pollen ? Dust mites ? Karen

April 09, 2017

Stinging nettle works for me.

July 26, 2022

After starting with stinging nettle, my allergies disappeared like magic. I was on zyrtec for 25 years.

April 22, 2015

I've been using stinging nettle and that seems to work well

George M1538
April 19, 2015

For the past 6 or 8 years, I have been using quercitin -- specifically, a product put out by Source Naturals called 'Acivated Quercitin" which has been enormously helpful to me. I have really bad seasonal allerigies, with tree and grass pollen being the worst. The only inconvenience is that, duirng allergy season, I need to take 2 capsules 3 time a day -- but this minor inconvenience is well worth the effort to control my symptoms.

April 09, 2017

I have also been using quercitin for a number of years to help with seasonal allergies. Once I started taking it, I completely eliminated the need for over the counter medicines. By experimenting on myself, I've found that I adjust the amount taken based on the severity of the allergy, and I may need to take it several times per day during the worst part of allergy season. So, I don't care if there's much supporting evidence. It works for me.

July 02, 2017

I would like to also add the following.

I think it's best to start taking Quercitin maybe a week or two before allergies start. This is not a drug, so don't expect instant results if you only start taking it when you start having allergy attacks. So, you might need to build it up in your system before the allergies start. This is not a scientific statement. It's only anecdotal evidence based on what seems to work for me.

April 10, 2017

Quercetin has helped me as well.
I still take Zyrtec but no longer need the Sudafed thx to Quercetin
As I get braver I shall reduce the Zyrtec by 1/2 and hopefully to ZERO!!

August 20, 2014

Why don't you ever mention Serrapeptase, which has wiped my allergy symptoms off the map? It is good for so many ailments that my doctor even has it in his office. It literally eats up all inflammation in your body, so any inflammation causing condition is healed considerably. It doesnt' cure allergies, but it reduces the symptoms about 95%. It cured my arthritis and now I am taking a stronger dose to clean my arteries.

August 20, 2014

You can find information about serrapeptase in the CL Answer at https://www.consumerlab.com/answers/does-serrapeptase-work/serrapeptase/

September 17, 2014

Serrapeptase has done nothing for my allergies either food nor seasonal.

June 02, 2019

Thanks for providing balance to this discussion.

April 27, 2016

Serrapeptase had no positive effect on me whatsoever.

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