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Supplements & Chemotherapy Side Effects -- chemotherapy medicine and capsules


Certain supplements have been shown to reduce side effects associated with chemotherapy, but the evidence is far from conclusive. On the other hand, some supplements may interact with chemotherapy or increase the risks of side effects such as bleeding or nerve damage. Furthermore, be aware that some cancer experts suggest avoiding all dietary supplements until cancer treatment is completed. If you are undergoing treatment for cancer, consult your physician before taking any supplement.

Sign in as a member to learn which of the following ingredients might be beneficial if used during chemotherapy and which might interact with chemotherapy or cause adverse effects. Supplements discussed include acetyl-L-carnitine, alpha-lipoic acid, amygdalin (from bitter apricot seeds or kernels), carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, etc.), CoQ10, fish oil, ginger, glutamine, iron, magnesium, milk thistle, Miracle Mineral Solution, multivitamins, probiotics, selenium, soy isoflavones, St. John’s wort, vitamin A, B-12, C, and E, whey protein, and zinc.

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