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Best Way to Take Fish Oil -- fish oil capsules on plate with fork and knife


Yes, the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil have been shown to be better absorbed when taken with a high-fat meal rather than on an empty stomach. One particular form of fish oil may be better absorbed than the others. For details, see the "Forms of Fish Oil" section of the Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acids Review. You can easily find out the form of fish oil (i.e. ethyl ester or triglyceride) in the products we reviewed by looking in the second column of the Results Table in the Review. (If a product is listed in the table as "triglyceride" but not "natural triglyceride," it is most likely a re-esterified triglyceride.) 

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2 Comment

December 09, 2016

How Do I know wich one of this omegas on the review are RE- ESTERIFIED TRYGLICERIDE?
You explain the difference on the lower part of the review, but none of the products has this type of omega.

December 10, 2016

Hi Miguel - If a product is listed in the table as "triglyceride" but not “natural triglyceride," it is most likely a re-esterified triglyceride. We've added a note about this in the Results Table.

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