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Prelief (from DSE Healthcare Solutions) is promoted as a "food de-acidfier" to reduce the acidity of foods that can trigger "painful bladder, frequent urination, indigestion, and occasional heartburn." While lowering the acidity of certain foods can potentially reduce the risk of heartburn, ConsumerLab.com found that the evidence for Prelief and its main ingredient, calcium glycerophosphate, in reducing heartburn and bladder pain is extremely limited. See the full answer >>

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December 20, 2024

I have been diagnosed with IC, and Prelief is one of the first things my urologist recommended. It has made a world of difference with pressure/discomfort/frequency. I am also in the process of modifying my diet and take Claritin every day, and all of these changes have given me back my life and my sleep. I have no financial interest in this product.

April 04, 2017

I've been using Prelief for several years to mitigate IC pain. It works well for me, despite the lack of peer reviewed science.

July 10, 2016

I have no financial interest in Prelief.As someone who lives with interstitial cystitis,I have found that Prelief does help me tolerate foods & beverages that would otherwise cause significant discomfort. I am grateful for an OTC product that I can use when needed to mitigate diet related distress. The use of sodium bicarbonate is also quite effective in reducing discomfort from interstitial cystitis,but is strongly discouraged,as regular use is harmful.

Doris A7174
July 10, 2016

I've been using Prelief for approximately twenty years. I originally began using it for cystitis pain (not infections), for which it worked well, and then later I began using it for occasional stomach pain, for which it also has worked well. Since it has worked so well for me for so long, I felt moved to comment on this article. Since it is very inexpensive when used occasionally, and it should do no harm when used in this way, I see no reason why people shouldn't try it for themselves to see if it helps them. It certainly works for me. (I do no have any financial interest in this product.)

July 10, 2016

I am 87 yrs old in Sept. I have had RA since age 47. Lab blood panels have always found I was OK in Calcium. However I began having nighttime urinary frequency & began using Depends. once added a sprinkle of cider vinegar to my drinking water as it helps digestion of rich foods. Then I read that acid might cause urine frequency. I stopped doing that and nighttime urination declined significantly but has not ended. Do urologists have any insight into how to stop what causes this?

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