Yes, we have many members who are Canadian and we try to include at least one Canadian product in each of our larger reviews. We purchase these products from Canada. Canadian supplement brands which we have tested include Jamieson, Natural Factors, Webber Naturals and Lacteeze. It's worth noting that many of the U.S. brands we test may be shipped for personal use to Canadians and people in other countries, depending on the policies of the retailers which sell them (see Where to Buy).
When a Canadian product is included in one of our reviews, it is indicated in the results table with a red maple leaf icon next to the product name.
We also include warnings and recalls issued by Health Canada (the Canadian equivalent of the FDA) for supplements that are available in both the U.S. and Canada. We have found that Health Canada is sometimes faster than the FDA in posting warnings regarding supplements.
Canada requires that most dietary supplements (known in Canada as "natural health products") be approved and registered with Health Canada. This is not the case in the U.S. However, in general, ConsumerLab.com has not found the quality of Canadian products to be significantly better or worse than supplements sold in the U.S.
If you are looking for tests of a particular supplement brand, including Canadian brands, you can search our product tests by brand name, or see a list of all ConsumerLab.com Product Reviews. You can learn more about ConsumerLab and how we test products here. Also learn about our voluntary Quality Certification Program and products with the ConsumerLab.com Approved Quality Seal.
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