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Carcinogens in Sunscreens - Bottle of sunscreen with a question mark


When choosing a sunscreen, you need to consider how well it protects your skin as well as the safety of the chemicals it contains. We discuss both in this article and identify products that appear to be effective as well as safe. We also identify products that have been discovered to contain carcinogens – benzene and benzophenone.

As discussed below, certain ingredients in sunscreens appear to make a product more likely to contain benzene and/or benzophenone. We have provided several tables showing more than two hundred examples of products that, either through testing or a review of ingredients, may pose some risk or appear to be safer than others. We also compare the UV protection of sunscreen to sun-protection clothing and discuss how to apply sunscreen if you're using it along with an insect repellent.

In this article:


Facial Moisturizers, Lip Balms & Glosses, and Foundations with Sunscreens

Other Sunscreen Concerns

Sun Protection Clothing

Key Points:

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