What are the side effects of ashwagandha supplements?
Learn about the safety and side effects of ashwagandha supplements, including headache, sleepiness, upset stomach, blood pressure and more. ConsumerLab.com's answer explains.
Does citrulline improve exercise performance or recovery?
Information on citrulline supplements helping with exercise endurance, performance, muscle strength, fatigue or soreness after exercise. ConsumerLab.com's answer explains.
Do arnica pills, gels, creams, or sprays reduce bruising, pain, or swelling?
Find out if arnica pills, gels, creams, or sprays can reduce bruising, pain, or swelling, help with varicose veins, or muscle pain after exercise.
What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?
Learn about the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, such as soft or weak bones, bone, joint and muscle pain, depression, insomnia, hair loss and others, and find out how much vitamin D you need. ConsumerLab.com's answer explains.
Can castor oil eye drops improve or dissolve cataracts? Is castor oil or tea tree oil helpful for other eye conditions such as blepharitis or dry eye?
Can castor oil eye drops help cataracts or for other conditions such as blepharitis? Find out if castor oil eye drops are safe to use, and if they help for other conditions. ConsumerLab.com's answer explains.
Do arnica pills really work to prevent bruising?
Find out if arnica tablets really work to prevent bruising, information about homeopathic products and more. ConsumerLab.com's answer explains.
Does the talc added to Centrum Silver and other vitamins pose a risk of cancer?
Find out if talc, an inactive ingredient in many vitamins and supplements, is safe to consume, and learn about asbestos in talc and cancer risk and USP-grade talc vs. food-grade talc and cosmetics-grade talc. ConsumerLab.com's answer explains.
Do any supplements help prevent or reduce eye floaters?
Find out eye floaters (vitreous floaters) be treated with supplements like vitamin C, lutein, ginkgo, milk thistle, collagen or hyaluronic acid, or with products such as VitreousHealth.
What are the health benefits of dark chocolate?
Information on the health benefits of dark chocolate, including how dark chocolate may improve heart health, decrease blood sugar levels and more. ConsumerLab.com's answer explains.
Do any supplements reduce the side effects of chemotherapy? Should any be avoided?
Find out if there are any supplements that can help with the side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, nerve damage and others. ConsumerLab.com's answer explains.