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L-Tyrosine: Health Effects and Safety

Tyrosine has been evaluated for conditions including physical and mental stress, phenylketonuria (PKU), depression, and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Find out if it works and if it's safe.

White tyrosine capsules on blue table

Energy Gels: What Are They Used For and Do They Contain Their Labeled Ingredients?

Energy gels are a convenient on-the-go carbohydrate source, but some products may not contain the amount of carbohydrates stated on the label.

Young woman consuming an energy gel while hiking

Do Any Supplements Improve Dry Mouth (Xerostomia) or Make It Worse?

Find out if any supplements, topical formulations (patches, rinses, lozenges, toothpastes, sprays, gels or gums), or lifestyle modifications reduce dry mouths symptoms.

Older man drinking water for dry mouth

Are Hormone Harmony and other Happy Mammoth Supplements Worth Taking?

Are the supplements Hormone Harmony, Hormone Harmony Plus+, Prebiotic Collagen Protein, or Bloat Banisher by Happy Mammoth likely to be beneficial for menopause symptoms or digestive health? Find out.

Supplements by Happy Mammoth

Is Bottled Water Better Than Tap Water?

Some people consider bottled water to be a favorable alternative to tap water, but is it really better? Find out how bottled water and tap water compare in terms of taste, mineral content, acidity, and contaminants such as microplastics and PFAS.

Woman holding glass of water next to bottle of water

Hemp Seeds: Health Benefits, Safety, and What To Consider When Picking a Product

Hemp seeds are promoted for heart health, diabetes, boosting testosterone, and other conditions, but do they work? Find out and learn about potential safety concerns.

Whole hemp seeds and hemp hearts in small white bowls

Supplements for Eczema: Some May Help, While Others Don’t

Certain supplements may reduce symptoms of atopic dermatitis (the most common form of eczema), while others don't seem to work. Find out if gamma-linolenic acid, L-histidine, phytoceramides, probiotics, and other supplements may be beneficial.

Young woman with eczema scratching her skin on the inner side of her elbow

ConsumerLab’s Review of The 'Pause Nutrition Supplements by Dr. Mary Claire Haver – Are They Worth It?

Looking into The 'Pause Nutrition supplements by Dr. Mary Claire Haver? ConsumerLab examines the value of products like Omega-3 + Vitamin D3 & K2, Fiber GDX, Skin Boost Plus, and more. Find out if these supplements are worth the price and discover affordable alternatives.

The Pause

Mullein Tea: Possible Health Effects and Safety

Mullein tea is often promoted for relieving symptoms of lung conditions, including coughing, hoarseness, sore throat, and shortness of breath. Find out if there is evidence to support these uses, and learn about possible side effects of mullein.

a cup of mullein tea on a table next to mullein flowers and leaves

L-Serine & D-Serine: Health Benefits and Safety

Serine exists in two forms: L-serine and D-serine. Find out how these two forms differ and learn if either form has health benefits and if it is safe.

Two white pills in front of a brain
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