Reviews and Information for Saw Palmetto
Prostate Supplements (Saw Palmetto and Beta-Sitosterol)
Read our review to find the best prostate supplements with saw palmetto and beta-sitosterol, evidence for using for benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, safety, side effects, drug interactions and more. Find out which ones passed our test and why.
Prostate Supplements (Saw Palmetto and Beta-Sitosterol) ReviewSearch term may appear only in full report available to members. Join now for full access.
CL Answer
I am female and purchased a saw palmetto supplement for hair loss, but the bottle says it is only for men. Is it unsafe for women?
Learn more about the safety of saw palmetto in women with hair loss.

CL Answer
Are there supplements that can reduce prostate size?
How to reduce prostate size using supplements for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), including beta-sitosterol and saw palmetto.

CL Answer
Do hair loss supplements, such as Viviscal, Hair La Vie, and Nutrafol, or topical essential oils work?
Vitamins and supplements that may help with hair loss and thinning, including saw palmetto, beta-sitosterol, protein, iron, and vitamin D.

News Release
February 23, 2021
ConsumerLab Tests Reveal Best Prostate Supplements With Saw Palmetto and Beta-Sitosterol
White Plains, New York, February 23, 2021 — Over half of men over age 60 may experience increased urinary frequency, difficulty urinating, or other symptoms of an enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostate hyperplasia, or BPH.
Product Review
Breast Enhancement Supplements Review Article
Do Breast Enhancement Supplements Really Work? See the Evidence For and Against Breast Enhancement Supplements.

Product Review
Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplements Review
Best Multivitamins -- Caution with Gummies

News Release
September 19, 2015 Tests Popular Prostate Supplements with Saw Palmetto and Beta-Sitosterol
White Plains, New York, September 19, 2015 — Can prostate supplements with ingredients such as saw palmetto or beta-sitosterol improve symptoms of an enlarged prostate, a condition affecting more than half of men over age 60? And, if so, which supplements are properly made and labeled and ...
News Release
April 26, 2012 reviews prostate supplements with saw palmetto and/or beta-sitosterol and finds few likely to be effective
White Plains, New York April 26, 2012 — Can supplements reduce the symptoms of prostate enlargement in men, as some products claim? researchers recently tackled this question, investigating the evidence behind prostate supplements and testing the quality of these products.
Clinical Update
Saw Palmetto for Prostate?
Saw palmetto extract was once popular for reducing symptoms of prostate enlargement, but studies subsequently failed to find a benefit. A recent study assessed whether it could boost the effectiveness of conventional medical treatment. Get the results in the What It Does section of the Saw Palmetto Supplements Review.
Clinical Update
Saw Palmetto for Prostate?
A recent clinical study is the latest to evaluate the potential benefit of saw palmetto in reducing symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) in men. Find out what this, and previous studies, have shown in the What It Does section of the Prostate Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks for saw palmetto and beta-sitosterol supplements.
Clinical Update
Saw Palmetto Concern
Does saw palmetto cause sexual dysfunction? Get the details in the updated Concerns and Cautions section of our Prostate Supplements Review.
Clinical Update
Saw Palmetto for Hair?
Does taking saw palmetto orally or applying it to the scalp help reduce hair shedding in men and women? Find out what a recent study found in the Saw Palmetto section of our Prostate Supplements Review.
Also see our article about supplements and shampoos for hair.
Product Review
Sexual Enhancer Supplements Review (with Yohimbe, Horny Goat Weed, Arginine)
Choose the Best Sexual Enhancer Supplement. Only 30% of Selected Sexual Enhancement Supplements Pass Quality Tests.

CL Answer
10 Supplements That May Help Reduce Nighttime Urination (And 5 That May Not)
Waking up more than once during the night to use the bathroom? Learn more about the 9 supplements that may help and 5 others that don't.

News Release
September 15, 2009 finds many prostate supplements have correct ingredients, but four fail review -- New report on 19 saw palmetto and beta-sitosterol supplements
White Plains, New York — Tuesday, September 15,2009 — announced test results today from its newest Product Review of Prostate Supplements.
CL Answer
10 Supplements That May Boost Testosterone (And 13 That May Not)
Many supplements promise to increase testestorone, boost libido, and increase muscle size, but, as ConsumerLab explains, the actual effectiveness of supplements is limited, and some supplements may actually reduce testosterone levels.

CL Answer
I use beta-sitosterol for my prostate. Should it be taken with or without food?
How should you take the prostate supplement beta-sitosterol to maximize absorption? Learn more at

Clinical Update
Saw Palmetto May Not Work
It's used by many men hoping to reduce urinary symptoms caused by benign growth of the prostate, or BPH, but a new, well-designed study suggests that it doesn't work. Some other recent research suggest the same. Even when doubling and tripling the standard dose, the high-quality saw palmetto extract used in the new study failed to provide benefit.
What should you do? You may want to consider a different supplement -- beta-sitosterol, a phytosterol. The evidence remains fairly good for beta-sitosterol. To find out more about saw palmetto, beta-sitosterol, and the supplements we have tested, see the Prostate Supplements Review. More >>
CL Answer
I have been having dizziness for the past few months and am wondering if it could be a side effect of supplements I take. Which supplements cause dizziness?
Find out which supplements that may cause dizziness, vertigo, or imbalance, including garlic, melatonin, saw palmetto, and red yeast rice.

Clinical Update
Trouble Reported With Saw Palmetto
A 64 year-old man developed pancreatitis and heart block (dangerously slow heart rate) after supplementing with saw palmetto, according to a recent report. For details, see the "Cautions and Concerns" section of the Prostate Supplements Review >>
Clinical Update
Saw Palmetto for BPH?
Did taking saw palmetto improve urinary symptoms among men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in a recent study? Find out in the What It Does section of our Prostate Supplements Review, which includes our Top Pick among prostate supplements.
Clinical Update
Saw Palmetto Side Effects
What are the most commonly reported side effects with saw palmetto use? Find out in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Prostate Supplements Review. Also see our Top Picks among prostate supplements.
CL Answer
Are there supplements I should avoid when taking apixaban (Eliquis) or similar blood thinner drugs like Xarelto?
Learn about supplement interactions with apixaban (Eliquis), rivaroxaban (Xarelto) and other blood thinner drugs in the direct factor Xa inhibitors class.

News Release
April 28, 2009
40% of Green Tea and Selenium Products Fail Review of Cancer-Prevention Supplements; Lycopene Supplements Pass
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — APRIL 28, 2009 — announced results today of its Product Review of Supplements for Cancer Prevention. Among the products that selected for testing, quality problems were found with two out of five green tea supplements.
CL Answer
What supplements should I stop taking before surgery?
Info on which supplements to avoid before surgery due to increased risk of bleeding or interference with anesthesia.

CL Answer
I find labels on supplement bottles misleading. For example, an L-theanine label says 200 mg on the front but the back says each pill contains just 100 mg, but a serving is 2 capsules. Is this legal?
Learn more about misleading supplement labels and legality, including labels that say "formulation," "blend," or "complex."

CL Answer
With herbal supplements, what is the difference between root powder and root extract? Does it matter?
Learn more about the different forms of herbal supplements, including aloe, boswellia, ginkgo, green tea, and milk thistle.

CL Answer
Which supplements or OTC medications help reduce flatulence (gas), and are there any that make it worse?
Find out which supplements may help reduce flatulence (gas), and learn which supplements or foods may worsen symptoms of flatulence.

CL Answer
Do any supplements help with pancreatitis? Do any cause pancreatitis?
Find out if supplements including digestive enzymes, antioxidants, or medium-chain triglycerides are beneficial for chronic pancreatitis, and learn which supplements might worsen symptoms.

News Release
March 31, 2009 Warns of Problems with Multivitamins and Vitamin Water -- Defects Found in Over 30% of Supplements Selected for Testing; Several Popular Children's Multis Exceed Tolerable Upper Intake Levels
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK — MARCH 31, 2009 — Over 30% of multivitamins recently selected for testing by were found to contain significantly more or less ingredient than claimed or were contaminated with lead.
News Release
February 06, 2006 finds most prostate supplements have correct ingredients, but three fail testing — Results posted for 22 supplements containing saw palmetto and beta-sitosterol
WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK — FEBRUARY 6, 2006 — announced test results today from its new Product Review of Prostate Supplements.
CL Answer
Is Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) helpful for prostate or breast cancer?
Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) information including its effects on cancer, such as prostate cancer, and more.

CL Answer
Does AZO Bladder Control really work for overactive bladder?
AZO Bladder Control information, including results from clinical studies on bladder control, dosage, and safety.

Recalls & Warnings
February 03, 2015
Major Retailers Accused of Selling Adulterated Herbal Supplements
On February 3, 2015, the New York State Attorney General announced that his office sent letters to four major retailers, GNC, Target, Walmart, and Walgreens, for allegedly selling store brand herbal supplement products in New York that either could not be verified to contain the labeled substance, ...
News Release
January 25, 2006
Sexual enhancement supplements analyzed by
WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK — JANUARY 25, 2006 — announced today that it found only six out of eleven supplements used for sexual enhancement to contain key ingredients listed on their labels and meet other quality criteria.
News Release
January 03, 2006
Tests of memory enhancing supplements by reveals lead in some ginkgo
WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK — TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2006 — In its new test report on Memory Enhancement Supplements, has revealed finding significant amounts of lead in certain products on the market.
Product Review
Astaxanthin Supplements Review
See Which Astaxanthin Products Passed or Failed CL's Tests

CL Answer
Do any supplements or lifestyle changes reduce the symptoms of tinnitus? Is it true that some supplements can cause tinnitus?
Learn which supplements can ease tinnitus, including melatonin and pine bark extract. Understand which may actually cause tinnitus.

Product Review
Cholesterol-Lowering Supplements Review (Sterols/Stanols and Policosanol)
Find the Best Cholesterol-Lowering Supplement. See Which Plant Sterol and Policosanol Supplements Passed Our Tests and Are Our Top Picks.

News Release
November 15, 2005
Testing by identifies many problems with popular supplements for weight loss, slimming, and blood sugar control
Westchester, NY — November 15, 2005 — In a series of reports released today, revealed test results for supplements used for weight loss, slimming, and blood sugar control. Among the twenty-three products that ConsumerLab.
News Release
August 16, 2005 tests potassium supplements — Report now online for sixteen products
WHITE PLAINS, NY — August 16, 2005 — has released a new report on the quality of potassium supplements. Potassium is used to treat or prevent potassium deficiency caused by diuretic drugs ("water pills"), prolonged vomiting, diarrhea or laxative abuse.
Recalls & Warnings
May 03, 2013
Maker of Omega-3, Saw Palmetto, St. John’s Wort Supplements And More Warned For Manufacturing Violations and Drug Claims
On March 19, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Sunset Natural Products Inc.
News Release
July 18, 2005 tests menopause supplements — Alternatives to hormonal therapy — Report available for 38 products including soy and red clover isoflavones, black cohosh, and progesterone creams
WHITE PLAINS, NY — July 18, 2005 — has released a new report on the quality of supplements used to treat symptoms of menopause, notably hot flashes.
News Release
July 12, 2005 finds some supplements lower in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids than claimed — Report available for 23 products made from oils of black currant, borage, evening primrose and flax
WHITE PLAINS, NY — July 12, 2005 — has released its latest report on the quality of supplements made from the seed oils of black currant, borage, evening primrose, and flax.
News Release
May 20, 2003
Consumers advised to read labels carefully when selecting herbal supplements for prostate — Saw palmetto product review published online today
WHITE PLAINS, NY — May 20, 2003 — reported today that only two-thirds of the saw palmetto supplements it recently evaluated contained ingredients similar to those known to work in clinical studies.
News Release
April 21, 2003
Low quality ingredient appears widespread among Ginkgo supplements according to; points to challenge for FDA's proposed regulations — Review of memory enhancement supplements released today
WHITE PLAINS, NY — April 21, 2003 — In contrast to its findings three years ago, announced today that only 22% of the Ginkgo biloba supplements it recently tested met its quality standards. In late 1999, 75% of the products it tested met these standards.
News Release
January 21, 2003
Acidophilus" and other probiotic supplements gain in popularity but live bacteria missing in many — releases review online today
WHITE PLAINS, NY — January 21, 2003 — ConsumerLab.
News Release
December 30, 2002
Top quality melatonin products identified by — Hormone supplement used to treat sleep disturbances due to jet travel and other causes
WHITE PLAINS, NY — December 30, 2002 — In its latest Product Review, found that 16 of 18 melatonin dietary supplements met their label claims and were free of lead contamination.
News Release
March 05, 2002 finds nutrition powders & drinks more accurately labeled than nutrition bars, but unapproved food ingredient seen in some
White Plains, NY -- March 5, 2002 — announced today that 24 of 26 nutrition powders and drinks that it recently evaluated met their label claims for carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. This is in stark contrast to ConsumerLab.
News Release
February 08, 2002
Athletic Banned Substances Screening and Certification Program announced by — Tester of supplements to screen for substances banned in Olympics
WHITE PLAINS, NY — February 8, 2002 — ConsumerLab.
News Release
January 08, 2002 finds most B vitamin supplements contain what they claim, but often exceed safe levels — Consumers cautioned to be aware of side effects with high dose products
WHITE PLAINS, NY — January 8, 2002 — announced today that all but one of the twenty-one products analyzed in its B Vitamin Product Review contained the claimed amounts of B vitamins.
News Release
November 20, 2001 finds fish oil supplements free of mercury, but 30% lacking in key ingredient — Test results of omega-3 fatty acid (EPA and DHA) products released today
WHITE PLAINS, NY — November 20, 2001 —, an independent evaluator of dietary supplements and nutrition products, released results today of its Product Review of Omega-3 Fatty Acids (EPA & DHA) from Fish/Marine Oils.
News Release
October 30, 2001
Sixty percent of nutrition bars fail to meet claims in tests — "Low Carb" bars often loaded with carbohydrates; excess sodium and saturated fat also found
WHITE PLAINS, NY — October 30, 2001 —, an independent evaluator of dietary supplements and nutrition products, released results today of its Nutrition Bar Product Review.
News Release
October 03, 2001
Most iron supplements pass testing — Lead contamination and insufficient iron found in some
WHITE PLAINS, NY — October 3, 2001 —, an independent evaluator of dietary supplements and nutrition products, released results today of its Product Review of Iron Supplements. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia in the U.S. and worldwide.
News Release
August 15, 2001
Problems and ambiguity among alternative estrogen products reported by — Results of soy and red clover isoflavone product testing released online today
WHITE PLAINS, NY — August 15, 2001 —, an independent evaluator of dietary supplements and nutrition products, today released results of its Phytoestrogen Product Review. The review focused on dietary supplements made from soy and red clover isoflavones.
CL Answer
I've seen the bacteria in Activia listed as Bifidobacterium animalis, Bifidobacterium lactis and Bifidus Regularis. Which is correct?
Learn more about probiotic bacteria strain names in Activia and other products.

Recalls & Warnings
April 02, 2021
FDA Warns Sellers of Prostate, Reishi, Immune Products, and More
On March 16, 2021, the FDA issued warning letters to two companies following reviews of their websites which found statements made about the companies' products to be drug claims.
Recalls & Warnings
May 18, 2023
EarthLab, Inc. Warned for Promoting Green Tea, Curcumin, Elderberry & More to Treat Stroke, Cancer & Flu
On April 27, 2023, the FDA issued a warning letter to EarthLab, Inc., dba Wise Woman Herbals, following inspection of the company’s website which found statements about the company’s Green Tea Solid Extract, Curcuma Spp.
Recalls & Warnings
October 24, 2012
FDA Seizes Many Supplements from New York Company Due To Drug Claims
On October 23, 2012, U.S. Marshalls, acting on behalf of the FDA, seized dietary supplements and unapproved drugs from Confidence, Inc., a supplement manufacturer in Port Washington, N.Y. The products included dietary supplements Dr.
Recalls & Warnings
October 21, 2014
Seller of Weight Loss, Saw Palmetto Supplements and More Warned for Drug Claims
On October 9, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Bethel Nutritional Consulting, Inc., following a review of the company's website which found statements made about 15 Day Detox Diet, Alpha Lipoic Acid. 300 mg.
News Release
July 09, 2001
Many herbal sleep products lack key claimed ingredient — Results of's testing of valerian products released on web today
WHITE PLAINS, NY — July 9, 2001 —, an independent evaluator of dietary supplements and nutrition products, today released results of its Product Review of valerian supplements — used primarily as sleep aids and minor tranquilizers.
News Release
June 04, 2001 reports test results of arthritis supplement — MSM; Quality found higher than for most supplements, but room for improvement remains
WHITE PLAINS, NY — June 4, 2001 — ConsumerLab.
CL Answer
How much resveratrol is in wine? Is it enough to have a benefit?
Find out how much resveratrol wine contains and if it is enough to have a benefit.

News Release
May 07, 2001
Over forty percent of Echinacea products fail review; Inadequate labeling and missing ingredients found common for popular herbal cold remedy
WHITE PLAINS, NY — May 7, 2001 —, an independent evaluator of dietary supplements and nutrition products, today released results of its Product Review of echinacea supplements.
News Release
April 10, 2001
Quality of popular herbal anti-depressant found to vary; certain types of St. John's Wort supplements more likely to pass testing
White Plains, NY — April 11, 2001 —, an independent evaluator of dietary supplements and nutrition products, today released results of its Product Review of St. John's wort supplements.
News Release
March 27, 2001 expands testing of health products; success of dietary supplement evaluations leads company into broader nutrition field, beginning with popular nutrition bars
WHITE PLAINS, NY — March 27, 2001 — Having established its presence as the leading independent evaluator of the quality of dietary supplements sold in the U.S, announced today the expansion of its work to include foods and food ingredients.
News Release
March 13, 2001 review of vitamin E supplements finds some insufficiencies and need for clearer labeling; test results released online today
WHITE PLAINS, NY — March 13, 2001 — today released results of its Product Review of vitamin E products. Vitamin E is one of the most popular dietary supplements in the U.S.
News Release
February 14, 2001
Problems found with multivitamins and multiminerals by
WHITE PLAINS, NY — February 14, 2001 — announced today that only 14 of 27 products evaluated in its Multivitamin and Multimineral Product Review achieved full "CL Approved Quality" status.
News Release
January 29, 2001
Some supplements for arthritis may exceed newly released safe intake levels for manganese
WHITE PLAINS, NY — January 29, 2001 — issued an alert today to its online readers that that some glucosamine and chondroitin products (popularly used for osteoarthritis), exceed newly established upper intake levels for manganese.
News Release
November 21, 2000 tests popular supplement for heart failure; CoQ10 test results released online today
WHITE PLAINS, NY — November 21, 2000 — today released results of its 10th Product Review, focusing on dietary supplements containing coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10).
News Release
September 06, 2000 finds new calcium products of higher quality than many traditional supplements; Test results released online today
WHITE PLAINS, NY, September 6, 2000 — today released results of its 9th Product Review, focusing on dietary supplements and products providing calcium. One of the most commonly purchased supplements in the U.S.
News Release
August 07, 2000 finds that not all creatine supplements meet label claims; Popular sports supplement test results released online
WHITE PLAINS, NY, August 7, 2000 — today released results of its 8th Product Review, focusing on creatine monohydrate dietary supplements.
News Release
July 11, 2000
Pesticide contamination found in many Ginseng supplements tested by
WHITE PLAINS, NY, July 11, 2000 — Out of 22 brands of ginseng dietary supplements evaluated by eight were found to contain high levels of specific pesticides, some of which also contained significant levels of lead.
News Release
April 24, 2000 announces first test-based buyer's guide to dietary supplements; Manufacturers encouraged to have products tested for potential inclusion.
WHITE PLAINS, NY, April 24, 2000 — announced today that it is developing the first consumer guide to dietary supplements to be based on comprehensive independent laboratory testing of popular supplements sold in the U.S. The ConsumerLab.
CL Answer
What are the signs of iron deficiency anemia?
Find out the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and others.

News Release
January 31, 2000
Quality of prostate supplements get mixed review in study; Saw palmetto product review published online today.
WHITE PLAINS, NY, January 31, 2000 — Out of 27 major brands of dietary supplements purporting to contain saw palmetto for treating symptoms of prostate enlargement, only 17 appeared to have ingredients similar to those found in published clinical studies.
News Release
January 24, 2000
Majority of dietary supplements sold in U.S. being tested by in 2000; newest results due January 31 for Saw Palmetto.
WHITE PLAINS, NY, January 24, 2000 — As part of its ongoing independent evaluation of health, wellness, and nutrition products sold in the U.S., announced that by year-end it is to have independently tested most of the popular brands of dietary supplements sold in the U.S.
CL Answer
How much cocoa or chocolate do I need to consume in order to get a benefit?
Learn more eating chocolate and cocoa including the benefits, amounts and info on studies.

Recalls & Warnings
April 04, 2017
Seller of B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Potassium & More Warned for Manufacturing Violations
On March 24, 2017 the FDA issued a warning letter to The Sanapac Company, Inc.
Recalls & Warnings
February 19, 2014
Seller of Sexual Enhancement Supplements Warned For Manufacturing Violations
On February 11, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Maximus Niterider International Group, Inc.
News Release
December 08, 1999 testing quality of Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and Saw Palmetto supplements; web site becoming popular reference for consumers
WHITE PLAINS, NY, December 8, 1999 — As part of its ongoing independent evaluation of health, wellness, and nutrition products sold in the U.S., announced that it is now testing Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and Saw Palmetto dietary supplements.
Recalls & Warnings
March 30, 2019
FDA Warns Seller of Reishi, Joint Supplements, Ginseng & More for Pesticides, Other Violations
On March 12, 2019, the FDA issued a warning letter to Yanqing "Michael" Li and Chang Su, owners of the website http://www.woohoonatural.
Recalls & Warnings
November 02, 2012
Manufacturer of Prostate, Inflammation and Cholesterol Supplements Warned For Drug Claims
On October 15, 2012, the FDA issued a warning letter to Ortho Molecular Products, Inc. for making drug claims about the following dietary supplements: Candicid Forte, Inflamma-bLOX, Lipitrol, Mucosagen, Prostatrol Forte, Resvoxitrol, Paracid Forte, VascuPak HTN and Lithium Orotate.
News Release
November 16, 1999
Only three quarters of Ginkgo Biloba supplements contain proper ingredients. posts first of its dietary supplement product tests.
WHITE PLAINS, NY, November 16, 1999 — Consumers have a one out of four chance of buying a Ginkgo Biloba product that may not deliver the ingredients they are seeking. This is the finding of an independent analysis of products conducted by ConsumerLab.
Clinical Update
B-12 and Folic Acid for Memory
Small but significant improvements in short and long-term memory were found to occur in older people (aged 60 to 74) given modest daily amounts of vitamin B-12 and folic acid. But don't expect immediate results. Improvements were seen only after 2 years of supplementation. See the update in the B Vitamins Review for the dosage used, as well as our ratings of supplements with vitamin B-12 and folic acid.
Clinical Update
Insulin Sensitivity and Magnesium
A recent study found that magnesium supplementation improved fasting glucose levels in insulin insensitive, obese people. While a similar effect has been seen in magnesium deficient people, the new study found benefit in people who had normal magnesium levels. The research suggests that magnesium may help prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes in some people. See the Magnesium Supplements Review for the type and dose of magnesium used and more >>
Clinical Update
Fish Oil Heart Claim
You'll start seeing a new heart health claim on fish oil supplements as well as foods that provide the omega-3's EPA and DHA. While legal, the claim is a bit fishy. Get the details in the Fish Oil Supplements Review as well as the Canned Tuna and Salmon Review. Also see our Top Picks for fish oil supplements and canned fish.
Clinical Update
Fish Oil May Prevent Cognitive Decline
A study of older individuals found that cognitive function and brain volume (size) were better preserved among those who reported using fish oil supplements than those who did not. The effect, however, was only seen in certain groups of people. For more about the study, and our tests and comparisons of fish oil supplements, see the updated Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements Review (Including Krill, Algae, Calamari, Green-lipped Mussel Oil) >>
Clinical Update
High-Dose Vitamin D & Cholesterol
Giving high-dose vitamin D to people who are not deficient in it may backfire and increase cholesterol levels, as seen in a recent study. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of the Vitamin D Supplements Review. (Also see our Top Picks among products).
Clinical Update
Dark Chocolate Improves Walking in Peripheral Artery Disease
A new, small study found that people with peripheral artery disease who consumed dark chocolate with a high cocoa content were able to walk further than they normally could. Consuming milk chocolate did not have this effect. The improvement was seen shortly after consuming just one dose. For more details, including dosage, as well as our tests and comparisons of cocoa supplements and chocolate, see the update to the Cocoa Powders, Extracts and Chocolate (Sources of Flavanols) Review >>
Clinical Update
Fish Oil and Alzheimer's Disease
The evidence is mixed on whether fish oil can help people with Alzheimer's disease. A benefit was seen in a study reported last year, but a recently reported study found no benefit with fish oil combined with antioxidants. More details are found in the "What It Does" section of the Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements Review >>
Clinical Update
Triglyceride-Lowering with a Probiotic
Studies with probiotics have demonstrated modest lowering of LDL ("bad") cholesterol, but the evidence has been mixed regarding triglycerides. A recent study in which a probiotic was added to a kefir drink showed a 17% reduction in triglycerides along with a modest reduction in LDL — effects not seen with the kefir alone. Details are found in the Probiotics and Kefirs Review >>
Clinical Update
Gallstones & Curcumin
Be aware that taking curcumin may increase the pain of passing a gallstone and, as seen in a recent case, increase the risk of gallbladder perforation. Get the details, and learn about other potential adverse effects of curcumin in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Turmeric and Curcumin Supplements Review.
Also see how coffee and supplements affect gallstones.
Clinical Update
Kratom Interactions
Be aware the kratom can interact with prescription medications, as was seen in a recent study. For details, see our article about kratom.
Clinical Update
Zinc Rash
Zinc supplementation can trigger an allergic skin rash in some people, as seen in a recent case report. Get the details in the Concerns and Cautions section of our Zinc Supplements Review.
Clinical Update
Supplements for Farsightedness?
Can a supplement improve vision in older people who develop trouble seeing up-close (i.e., presbyopia or age-related farsightedness)? See the study results for a supplement that included lutein, astaxanthin, bilberry and DHA in our Vision Supplements Review.
Clinical Update
Beetroot Juice Better for Some Than Others?
Beetroot juice may improve exercise capacity for some people, but the benefit appears to be different between women and men, as seen in a recent study. Find out more in our article about beetroot juice and supplements.
Clinical Update
Calories in Glycine?
A CL Member reported seeing the sweetener glycine promoted as containing no calories. They asked if this is true. It's not. Find out how manufacturers can get away with this in our article about sugar substitutes, which includes our Top Picks among sugar substitutes.
Recalls & Warnings
November 21, 2014
Seller of Diabetes, Prostate Supplements and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations, Drug Claims
On October 7, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to dietary supplement distributor Windmill Health Products, LLC, following a facility inspection which found the company's products, including Nutri-Betic caplets, Vita-betic caplets, ProstrinRx tablets, Polyflavanol capsules, and Glucoflex Joint ...
Recalls & Warnings
June 13, 2013
Seller of Cardio, Immune, Greens Supplements and More Warned For Drug Claims
On May 29, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to dietary supplement company Nature's Answer, following a review a the company's website, www.naturesanswer.
Clinical Update
Antioxidants: Too Much of a Good Thing?
Clinical Update
Vitamin D and Knee Arthritis?
Can taking vitamin D reduce the pain and progression of osteoarthritis of the knee? A new study found no benefit for people who already had sufficient levels of vitamin D. In fact, these people needed more anti-inflammatory medication during the study than those given placebo. However, as seen in many other studies of vitamin D, people who entered the study deficient in vitamin D appeared to benefit from being given vitamin D, experiencing reduced pain. For more details, see the update in the Vitamin D Supplements Review, which includes our tests of vitamin D supplements. If you suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee or other joints, also read about glucosamine and chondroitin, as supplements with these ingredients may help. We have tested many of these products.
Recalls & Warnings
September 16, 2015
Herbal Extracts Recalled
On September 15, 2015, Iowa Select Herbs, LLC issued a recall of numerous herbal exacts following a permanent injunction which required the company to stop selling supplements.
Recalls & Warnings
May 03, 2002
More Information on Recall of PC-SPES - Prostate Supplement
The FDA's May 1, 2002 Enforcement Report classified the recall of PC-SPES as a Class I recall. The recall was originally announced by its manufacturer in February with additional warnings from the FDA issued in March (see the 3/11/02 posting on ConsumerLab.
Recalls & Warnings
May 10, 2013
Seller Of Sexual Enhancement and Hormonal Balance Supplements Warned For Manufacturing Violations
On April 26, 2013, the FDA issued a warning letter to Pristine Bay, L.L.C.
Recalls & Warnings
May 07, 2013
FDA Warns Consumers Of Three More Sexual Enhancement Supplements Containing Undeclared Drugs
On May 7, 2013, the FDA issued a warning to consumers, urging them not to purchase or use three sexual enhancement products which were found to contain undeclared drugs.
Recalls & Warnings
January 06, 2015
FDA Warns of Weight Loss Supplement Dangers
On January 5, 2015, the FDA warned consumers that many weight loss products, including supplements, coffees and teas, may promise results they cannot deliver, or contain dangerous hidden drugs.
Recalls & Warnings
December 20, 2014
Weight Loss Supplement Recalled
On December 19, 2014, Bethel Nutritional Consulting, Inc. issued a recall of one lot of weight loss supplement SLIM-K Capsules because they were found to contain sibutramine.
Recalls & Warnings
December 20, 2014
Company Recalls Second Weight Loss Supplement
On December 19, 2014, Bethel Nutritional Consulting, Inc. issued a recall of one lot of weight loss supplement B-Lipo Capsules because they were found to contain Lorcaserin.
Recalls & Warnings
December 05, 2014
Maker of Ginseng, Zinc, Calcium and More Warned for Manufacturing Violations
On November 20, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Long Island Pharmaceuticals, LLC, following a facility inspection which found the company's products to be adulterated because they were prepared, packed, or held under conditions that violate Current Good Manufacturing Practices for dietary ...
Recalls & Warnings
March 19, 2015
Don't Rely on Homeopathic Asthma Products, FDA Warns
On March 19, 2015, the FDA warned consumers who have asthma, or who have a child with asthma, not to rely on homeopathic products that promise to treat asthma or asthma-related symptoms.
Recalls & Warnings
August 06, 2016
Some Supplements May Cause or Exacerbate Heart Failure (Includes vitamin E and many herbs)
Taking certain supplements may be dangerous for people with heart failure, according to a statement from the American Heart Association (AHA) which was published in the journal Circulation (August 2, 2016).
Recalls & Warnings
June 10, 2017
Seller of Prostate, Immune Supplements & More Warned for Manufacturing Violations
On May 25, 2017 the FDA issued a warning letter to The Herbalist, Inc.
Recalls & Warnings
November 06, 2014
Seller of Prostate, Heart Supplements and More Warned for Drug Claims
On October 9, 2014, the FDA issued a warning letter to Health Research Laboratories, LLC/New World Health, following a review of the company's websites, which found statements made about AtheChel Advanced, Betarol, BioTherapex, Omega-3 Cardio Plus, RejuvaLifeRx, and Ultimate Health Formula to be ...
Recalls & Warnings
April 04, 2013
Three More Sexual Enhancement Supplements Found To Contain Undeclared Drugs
On April 3, 2013, the FDA warned consumers that the sexual enhancement supplements AFFIRM XL, Love Rider and Ninja Mojo were found to contain undeclared erectile dysfunction drugs. Consumers are urged to stop using these supplements immediately.
Recalls & Warnings
November 10, 2015
"Natureal" Weight Supplement Recalled
On November 9, 2015 Inaffit, LLC issued a voluntary recall of all lots of weight loss supplement Natureal because it was found to contain undeclared sibutramine.